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Friday, August 7, 2015

Aadi Krithikai - an auspicious day to propitiate Lord Skanda - August 8, 2015

Dear all:

The auspicious Aadi Krithigai festival falls on August 8, 2015; it is to be observed on the same day throughout the world except by those living in American continents where this must be observed on August 7, 2015 itself.

Krithikai star is always auspicious for worship of Lord Skanda, BUT the Karthikai of Aadi month (Sun in sidereal Cancer) and Krithika star (Karthikai) of the month Karthika (sun in Sidereal Scorpio sign - Vrischika rashi) are the most important of those.  

This is observed with enthusiasm in all major temples following Tamil Culture, and propitiating Lord Skanda in whatever way you can on this day can help you to overcome lethargy, fear, ignorance, unnecessary discrimination, baseless anger, and meaningless confusions.

You may fast on this day per your capacity and recite the following mantra with Faith to add enthusiasm and energy into your life and banish negative energies around you!

Om Shakti Hastaaya Shanmukhaaya shad ripu naasanaaya namah. (This may be chanted 32 times, 64 times, 108 times, or more depending on your time availability and ability to focus with a devoted frame of mind).

Blessed be.

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