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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Paarshva ekaadasi (Parivartini ekaadasi) - Sep 1/ Sep 2, 2017

By - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Dear Members:

Parviartini ekaadashi also called Paarshva ekaadashi  is believed to be the day when Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Yoga Nidhra changes his position in sleep - from left side to right side.

Just as the Lord shifts in His Yoga Nidra from one side to another, may His Grace allow you to explore all aspects of your life and may His Grace allow you to expect a positive turn of Fate in your lives!

It is traditional to venerate Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Form of Vaamana on this day.


1) Sep 1, 2017 for those living in Iceland, USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continents.

2) Smaartha Ekaadasi for those living in West European countries , South European countries, and Scandinavian countries - Sep 1, 2017.

3) Vaishnava ekaadasi for those living in West European countries, South European countries,and Scandinavian countries - Sep 2, 2017.

4) Sarva Ekaadasi (common to both Vaishnava and Smaartha traditions) for rest of the world - including middle-East countries, India, and all countries to the east of India - Sep 2, 2017.

This Ekaadasi is considered to be the most Holy of the fasts that come during the Chaaturmaasya period.

May our members observe this fast and become recipients of Universal Grace.

Blessed be.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Aja Ekaadasi - August 17/ August 18, 2017

Dear Members:

Aja/ Annadaa ekaadasi is a powerful fasting day.

Schedule of observance of the ekaadasi in different parts of the world

Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continents (North and South America) must observe this on August 17, 2017.

Those living in European countries, countries of the African continent, and Middle-East (Gulf Countries, West Asian Countries) and observing Smaartha traditions must observe this fast on August 17, 2017.

Those living in European countries, countries of the African continent, and Middle-East and observing Vaishnava traditions must observe this on August 18, 2017.

For those living in India and all countries to the east of India must observe this on August 18, 2017.

Glory of this Aja Ekaadasi

The glory of this Aja Ekaadasi has been explained in Brahma- Vaivarta Puraanaa in a discussion between King Yudhishtra and Lord Krishna.

Lord Krishna narrates the legend of King Harischandra, who though a great king of the Surya dynasty, fell from fortune (due to a test of dharma kept by Sage Viswamitra), and lived a miserable existence as a keeper of crematorium - separated from his virtous wife and loving son who even died due to circumstances.

One day King Harischandra came across Sage Gautama and thought "Lord Brahma has created Brahmins just to help others" (i.e. they can suggest powerful remedies to help negotiate vagaries of Fate). He payed his obeisances to the great sage and narrated his tale of woe and requested a remedy to come out of his sorry state of affairs.

Sage Gautama recommended observance of this Aja Ekaadasi Fast which is reputed to absolve one of the karmic effects of sinful activities of the past. King Harischandra duly observed the fast and was reunited with his relatives and also got back his Kingship. After his demise from this Earth, he ascended to Higher Spiritual Regions with all his relatives by the power of this fast.
Lord Krishna says that even those who hear of the glory of this fast or read about this with devotion will get merit equivalent to that obtained by Aswamedha sacrifice!

My notes: This is a shuddha ekaadasi, i.e. it is preferable to fast completely if possible (even avoiding water and fruits/ milk), and keep awake throughout the night. Please note that a full fast is not to be followed by pregnant ladies observing this ritual, or by ailing patients. They should subsist on fruits and milk, and as per shastras they will enjoy the full merit of a full fast due to their special condition.

Observance of this fast rigorously even without other accompanying rituals like Vishu pooja is very powerful. Just chant the name "Om HrishikEshaaya namah" with devotion throughout the day whenever you have time between your regular activities. This has the potential to remove the troubles that we are facing in this existence due to the effect of our past sins, and help us to enjoy peaceful existence.

May our members observe this fast and become freed from the clutches of negative karma, and enjoy peaceful and prosperous lives in a spiritual way.

Blessed be.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Vishnupati Punya Kaalam - August 16/ August 17, 2017

Dear Members:

The auspicious Vishnupati Punya kaalam falls on August 17, 2017(this is one of the 4 vishnupati punya kaalams that fall in a year) for persons living in all parts of the world except American continents. Those living in U.S., Canada, Caribbean Isles, and other nations of American continents should observe the punya kaalam austerities on August 16, 2017 itself.

Dharma shaastra says that any meritorious deed done during periods like Vishnupati Punya kaalam will ensure Divine Protection for the next 7 years. Also, the results of the meritorious deeds (punya) get multiplied 1000 times!

The whole day is auspicious and you may perform special worships or charities at any time from dawn of the date mentioned (16th August 2017 or 17th August 2017, depending on your geographical location) till the sunrise of the next day. So, even those of you who may have busy schedules should make it a point to some how squeeze time to do special prayers/ meditation on this punya kaalam day and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Reciting sthothras like Shri Vishnu Sahasranaamam, Shrimad Bhaagavatam, Shrimad Raamaayanam, Shrimad Bhagavat Geetha, etc. will be very auspicious on this Vishnupati period. Also, it will be auspicious to offer oblations in Honour of Deities, Sages, and ancestors during this Punya kaalam.

The least you can do is to recite "Raama Raama" whenever you get time throughout the day.

Japa, Tapa, HOma, and Dhaana are the limbs of punya, and by performing any of these on Holy Days like these, we can erase the tough writings of Lord Brahma from our foreheads and have our Destiny rewritten favourably by the Golden nib of the Lord. May our members indulge in charitable/ religious deeds on this Holy Day and become recipients of Divine Grace. Divine Grace is the only Wealth that will never get eroded by "recession" or "macro economic factors." May we earn this Wealth of Divine Grace zealously on Holy Days like these and invest in our own bright future (it is punya that gets translated as good luck - sooner or later!).

Om Namah Shivaya

Om NamO Naaraayanaaya

Shri Raam Jaya Raam Jaya Jaya Raam.

Blessed be


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Rahu/ Ketu peyarchi - August 18, 2017

This is about the transit of mean nodes of the Moon (Rahu/ Ketu).  Rahu will transit through Kataka rashi and Ketu will transit through Makara rashi from August 18, 2017 to March 7, 2019  taking Lahiri Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa standard for the calculations.

Why different dates are shown for this peyarchi and which is correct?

You might find different dates for transit on the web - some because they follow vaakya panchanga without the relevant correction as recommended by siddhanta works in astrology and thus may give the Rahu-ketu peyarchi on a different date (some temples observed it last month!). But, for astrological purposes, it is more correct to consider the mean node for transit calculations - which is what we have done and which is what drig ganitha based almanacs will also suggest. Based on such reckoning, Rahu-ketu peyarchi (transit) is on August 18, 2017 and its impact will be till firs week of March 2019.  Due to minor ayanamsa differences, some Drig ganitha panchangs show the Rahu/ ketu peyarchi on slightly different dates near this August 18, 2017 date– but as per calculations using siddhanta principles and applying relevant corrections for ayanamsa, I am going to do the austerities only on August 18, 2017


For those born in Mesha rashi (vedic Moon sign in Aries)
Rahu transits the inauspicious inauspicious 4th house. Health of elderly relatives - especially mother or mother's father/ mother may cause concern. There could also be relocation related anxieties or wearisome journeys due to professional reasons.  Be very careful if you are planning on purchase/ disposal of property.  Students of this sign must put in extra effort to do well in their studies. Ketu's transiting the 10th house indicates possible good luck in some major projects after strenuous efforts.  Though it is not entirely positive, there is still hope for occasional good outcomes due to Ketu's transit influence. You should look at the long-term impact of job changes you contemplate now, rather than expect immediate positive results. On the whole, the effects can be said to be tough but not entirely unmanageable as Rahu and Ketu give different results based on this transit.

For those born in Rishabha Rashi (Moon sign in Taurus)Rahu transits the auspicious 3rd house from natal Moon which can give good results and long awaited breakthroughs in life. Auspicious events can materialize for those who have been waiting for wedding bells to ring for a long time.  You can enjoy very good progress if your work is related to communication sector or involves lot of writing/ networking with others. Your luck can be further ennhanced (regardless of your line of work) by taking adventurous decisions.  On the flip side, nebulous signals that you give may come to haunt you later, and unethical/ immoral communications with others (like irresponsible online flirtations) could cause danger to hard-gained reputations.

 Ketu's transit in the 9th house is slightly challenging for health of self, paternal relatives who are elderly, and overseas prospects - while it is also good for spiritual pursuits and visit to Holy Places.  Getting blessings of religious preceptors (Aachaaryas of the mutts to which your family owes alleigance traditionally), or blessings of ascetics could be powerful shield for your prospects.

Overall, the effects are mixed for you.

For those born in Mithuna rashi (vedic moon sign in Gemini), 
Rahu transits the inauspicious 2nd house while ketu transits the inauspicious 8th house from natal Moon sign. Health could be the main victim of such transits. Regularity in dietary and sleep routines, besides regulating the type of food consumed can go a long way in protecting your health. You must follow the rules of the road carefully while driving, and also be ready to take avoidance actions if the fools at the wheel of the other vehicles come your way impelled by fate – because there is accident-proneness due to this transit. Avoid self-medication at all cost as there is high risk of medicinal allergies.  Also if there are eye infections take immediate medical help and avoid procrastinating on that as eye-problems are strongly indicated during this phase. Watch what you say under all circumstances; there is real risk of spoiling relationships by careless words.  Avoid raising heavy loans for any purpose as far as feasible. The good transit influence of Jupiter can shield you to some extent between 12th Sep 2017 and October 11, 2018 and thus you can find things to be manageable during this phase.  You should exercise additional care/ caution between October 11, 2018 and March 7, 2019.

For those born in Kataka rashi (Vedic Moon sign in Cancer), 
Rahu transits natal Moon sign while ketu transits the 7th house from natal Moon sign; this transit is challenging for Kataka rashi natives. Rahu transiting the natal Moon sign will impel you to make mistakes due to miscalculations in life/ illusions. You should avoid taking impulsive decisions; domestic peace may be marred by unnecessary arguments/ anxieties due to influence of Ketu on the 7th house from your rashi. Health of self and elderly relatives may cause concern. The good transit of Jupiter will shield you and reduce the negative effects to some extent after October 11, 2018, in the last months of this transit influence.

Overall, you have a tough transit influence on the cards.

For those born in Simha Rashi (Vedic Moon sign in Leo), Rahu transits the 12th house from natal Moon sign while ketu transits the auspicious 6th house from natal Moon sign. Rahu's transit can cause finance related controversies, unforeseen expenditure, wearisome journeys and heavy workload at work, possible relocation, etc. Expenditure can mount uncontrollably. 

Ketu's transit influence helps in overcoming rival activity and can promote gains by overcoming tough challenges. So, the results are mixed for you. As the transit of Jupiter is also simultaneously tough for your rashi, you must be very careful in all activities and do nothing to tempt Fate.  Take things as they come and try to unlock the knots in your life by systematic action and patient efforts.

 For those born in Kanya rashi (vedic Moon sign in Virgo), Rahu transits the auspicious 11th house from natal Moon sign indicating removal of obstacles to auspicious events, success, good gains in business, etc. Ketu's transit over the 5th house can cause some anxiety regarding younger family members, trouble from secret rivals, occasional problems of liquidity for businessmen, and possible ill-health for self or other close family members. This is a good time for getting initiated into taaraka mantras (mantras to help you reach good spiritual planes or even emancipation!). Thus the results are mixed for you. The good transit of Jupiter from Sep 12, 2017 to October 11, 2018 will reduce the negative influences and give scope for positive outcomes till October 2018. You must be more careful in the period between October 2018 and March 2019.

For those born in Tula rashi (vedic Moon sign in Libra), Rahu transits the 10th house from natal Moon sign, while ketu transits the 4th house from natal Moon sign. You should guard your reputation zealously as there is possible risk of scandals arising out of undesirable association. Health of self and maternal relatives may also be below par. You should be extra-careful in all activities. Students should avoid unnecessary distractions to get good grades. Career luck will be mediocre and success is possible only with hard and conscientious efforts. As the transit of Jupiter will also be simultaneously tough from Sep 12, 2017, you should watch your steps and be realistic in your approach to all matters. There could be marginal relief after October 11, 2018 - when the transit of Jupiter becoms auspicious for you.

For those born in Vrischika rashi (vedic Moon sign in Scorpio), Rahu transits the auspicious 9th house giving you unexpected positive outcomes, and good luck arising out of punya karma, and Ketu transits the 3rd house from rashi - which is auspicious and can give you improved self-confidence; adventurous decisions can help you make good gains. So, those born in Vrischika rashi have a good influence based on the transit of nodes this time. You have a good spread of dinner on your tables per the transit of Nodes. However, as the transit of Jupiter is tough, and you continue to be under sade-sathi influences, the good effect of the transit of Nodes could be muted, and remedial prayers can be undertaken to enhance the good effect of this transit.

For those born in Dhanus rashi (vedic Moon sign in Sagittarius),  Rahu transits the inauspicious 8th house and ketu transits the inauspicious 2nd house from rashi. There could be obstacles to goals, strained relationship with relatives, fruitless journeys or travelling to distant lands, anxieties due to relocation, delay in getting funds released for auspicious purposes, etc. Be very careful while driving vehicles, and leave nothing to chance while handling sensitive assignments.  Try to err on the conservative/ cautious side during this period as things are tricky for you. The positive transit of Jupiter between Sep 12, 2017 and October 11, 2018, can moderate things a bit, but don't let down your guard even during that time.

For those born in Makara rashi (vedic Moon sign in Capricorn), 
Rahu transits the 7th house and ketu transits the rashi itself. Transit of both nodes is difficult and much caution is need in all activities. Be diplomatic and guarded in your interactions with members of opposite gender, and be careful while taking new medicines. Health may be below par for elderly natives of this sign - including possibility of allergy to medicines or sudden bouts of illness that are not easy diagnosable. Overall, it is a tough transit influence you have on your hands.

For those born in Kumbha rashi (vedic Moon sign of Aquarius), Rahu transits the auspicious 6th house from Moon sign giving success over rivals, and success in all activities. However, transit of ketu is not auspicious as it is in the 12th house from natal Moon sign. So, the results will be mediocre - the good and bad results balancing each other out. Due to auspicious transit of Jupiter between September 12, 2017 and October 11, 2018  there is scope for positive developments with hard efforts and by the punya phala accumulated by charitable and religious activities.

For those born in Meena rashi (vedic Moon sign in Pisces), Rahu transits the inauspicious 5th house from natal Moon sign. Women of this sign who are in the family way should undergo regular medical check-ups to rule out complications; relationship with close family members may come under strain. Single natives of this sign must avoid impulsive romantic choices.  Investors must be wary of taking wrong speculative decisions that could tilt the tables against them. However, the transit of Ketu - in the 11th house from Moon sign can give good gains and career progress. Thus both good and not-so-good results are indicated by this transit. Those appearing for competitive examinations, or have critical appraisals coming up must back themselves by taking extra hard efforts


Please note that the above results are general and this influence is just one of the many factors that impinge our life...These will be moderated by the effect of transit influences of other major planets and also the directional influences unique to your charts. To some extent I have touched upon the altered influences caused by transit of other major planets in this write-up, but to get the real impact of Rahu-ketu transit unique to your sign it is always best to consult an astrologer who has consistently caught the pulse of your chart correctly and guided you correctly (a family astrologer – like a family doctor is always best in guiding you as long as you have chosen the right person for that important role!; there are some influences that are unique to individuals which an astrologer who is constantly guiding an individual will be better aware of!)


Those who are under adverse Rahu-ketu peyarchi influences (especially those born under  Mesha, Mithuna, Kataka, Thula, Dhanus, and Makara rashis) should perform remedies to overcome the possible malefic influences (Remedies may be optionally done by those born in Rishabha, Simha, and Kumbha rashi born persons). Worshipping Goddess Durga on Tuesdays/ Fridays, and Lord Ganesha on Chaturthi days will be good remedies for such natives. Also, if you can manage, you may visit shrines like those at /Shri Kaalahasti, /Tirunaageshwaram, Thirupaamburam, Tiruchengode, etc. for remedial prayers (you can visit any of these). Sethu snaanam (Holy bath at Rameshwaram) will also give relief from trouble caused by nodes.

We are organizing special homams on the occasion of this Rahu-ketu peyarchi on August 18, 2017.  Mahaa Ganapathy homam, Chaamundi homam, Durga Sooktha homam, Prathiyangira homam, Vatuka Bhairava homam, Rahu beeja homam, ketu Beeja mantra homam will be done on that day. Recital of other sthothrams for preethi of Rahu/ Ketu (in Honour of Adi-Devatas of these Nodes) will also be done as part of the austerities.

The suggested offering for part-sponsorship to take part in that homam performance is Rs.1500(rupees one thousand five hundred only) or equivalent. Those who are interested in participating in these for remedial purposes may write to me at: with details of the name of the person for whom the remedial performance is desired, their nakshatra, and gothra. Please write "Rahu/ketu transit 2017" in the subject line for my easy tagging of such mails.  Regular clients/ disciples who have participated in austerities under our guidance in the past may make the remittance in favour of our bank account as usual and keep us informed about the same.

Please note that we won’t be sending homam prasadam or holy ash by post due to ritual purity reasons and those who wish to collect the prasadams must come in person to do so; for the others, the sankalpam taken in your name during the homams will be deemed “in-absentia” participation and the karmic effects of this performance will reach you any way.

Best regards,
Blessed be.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Gokulashtami 2017

Dear Members:

Sri Krishna Janmaashtami also known as Gokulaashtami is one of the most widely celebrated Avatar days in Sanaatanic vedic traditions. Smaarthas celebrate the Gokulashtami (here Ashtami of the Chaandramaana month - Sravana is the deciding factor for the celebration, and so, the 8th day after upaakarma would be Gokulashtami by smaartha traditions), while Sri Vaishnavaas (of Shri Raamaanujaachariyar lineage) celebrate it as Sri Jayanthi where the star Rohini is the deciding factor, and they observe it per Solar calendar (where Sun must be in Simha rashi).  The typical consideration is the operation of the deciding factors described above at the time of midnight - though some take the evening time for reckoning. So, there could be some differences in the dates on which Lord Krishna's birthday is celebrated by followers of different sects of Sanaatana Dharma - like Smaartas, Shri Vaishnavas (Pancharaatra and Vaikaanasa aagamic celebrations sometimes differ even among shri vaishnavas).

This year, Gokulashtami is to be observed by those in India (Smaartha traditions) on August 14, 2017.  Those observing Vaishnava traditions observe it on September 13, 2017.  Interestingly, even in Vaishnava traditions, Tirumala temple observes Shri Jayanthi this year on August 15, 2017, and Udupi vattaindi celebration (connected to Shri Krishna leelas celebration on His Jayanthi day) will be today only:)  So, people may follow their respective Aachaaryas/ traditional Mutt affiliations while observing Shri Krishna's Jayanthi celebrations.  For the Supreme Lord Who took Avatar as Krishna - all these will be acceptable (as long as the observance of the austerity is per any of the accepted criteria per one's lineage):)

Lord Krishna's avatar leelas are a live example of a karma yogic path - complete detachment from the results and perfect performance of one's duties as per one's station in life. Remembrance of how He playfully enacted various leelas and in the process decimated demonaic forces in various garbs is sure to inspire us to achieve great things in life. He taught us the efficacy of "effortless perfection". His Bhagavad Geeta is a magnum opus that can be a friend, philosopher, guide, counsellor, all rolled into one - it carries the essence of the whole Upanishadic Wisdom.


The following are some of the charities/ meritorious religious deeds that you can do on this day to get His Grace......

  • Those who follow religious traditions in the family will perform a sampradaayic pooja to Shri Krishna on the above days as per their traditions.

  • Recital of Gopika Geetam, Gopala Hrudayam, portions of Bhagavad Geeta, etc. will be auspicious on this day.

  • Those who are initiated into Gopala mantra may recite it number of times today praying for Universal Welfare (for propogation of Dharmic principles and for subjugation of evil forces in various forms).

  • Do what you can to promote the welfare of cows in your locality (by contributing what little you can to organizations that are involved in providing shelter to aged cows), as this is sure to bring His Grace to you.

  • Offer respects to children - if possible, try to bring happiness to at least one child in a destitute home.

  • Try to honour scholars who are involved in propogating the doctrine of Bhagavat Geeta or other vedic principles of living. If possible try to donate copies of the Holy Bhagavad Geeta to some children or aspirants thereby contributing to the spread of the Doctrine.

  • Try to contribute at least some amount to vedic scholars who are involved in performing various homams/ yagnas throughout the year for the welfare of the Universe (the donation can be to any scholar who in your opinion is performing such acts in your locality, or to any respectable Pandit anywhere in the world).

  • Try to select one slokha from Bhagavad Geeta and let that verse be your guiding principle in all activities throughout the year (This is putting philosophy in action and is sure to win you His Grace).

You need not worry if you are currently not in an economically sound position to grant liberally to charities or scholars. Lord Krishna was satisfied beyond words on the soulful offering of just "aval" (flattened puffed rice) from His poor friend KusElaa! What you offer does not matter to only matters whether you are offering it with Devotion. Recital of kusEla Charitra from Srimad Bhaagavatam is sure to bring prosperity to you.

Our paaraayanam group members may listen to audio recitals on Shri Krishna or Naaraayana from our group - listening to hymns is as efficacious as actual recital of the hymns. Especially, the hymn "Naaraayanam  Bhaje....." and "Guruvaayurappan Pancharatnam" are very powerful hymns that can be found in our files section.

Sri Krishna Paadaaravindam sadaa smaraamii

Krishnam VandE Jagat Gurum.

Blessed be.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

VaraMahaalakshmi vratam - August 4, 2017

Varalakshmi Vrattam or "Nonbu" as it is called is a powerful vrattam that can ensure prosperity and overall development in the family. It is observed on August 4, 2017  this year throughout the world.

As the name implies, this Varalakshmi vrattam bestows "boons" to the devotees.Generally this vrattam is taken only if it is celebrated in the family traditionally; but there is no harm in taking this vrattam voluntarily also after taking the consent of elders in the family - and under the guidance of suitable upaasakaas or vedic priests near your place. The only condition is that once you have taken it as a vrattam with proper "Lakshmi Face" and "Kalash", you have to celebrate it EVERY YEAR without fail. Even when there is a death in the family in that year, you are supposed to take the "amman face" to some family that celebrates it, place it in their pooja with their permission, offer something as "dakshina" for their conducting the function, and then bring the amman face back to your house. Such is the procedure;so think whether this is feasible before taking this vrattam. But even if you don't take it as a vrattam for life, all can chant Lakshmi mantras, beeja mantras, Lakshmi Sahasranaamam, Kanakadhaara Sthothram, Sri Stuthi, Sangraha Lakshmi Hrudayam or other slokhas/ mantras on Goddess Mahalakshmi and get Her Grace. Goddess is Waiting to bestow Her Grace and grant us boons on that day; we just need to ask Her!

Commenting on "Lakshmi" - we need not harbour unnecessary aversion to abundance/ riches.  In Vedic traditions money well-earned is deemed a blessing - BECAUSE - for every charitable and noble deed, the power of money can support you.  Money well-earned (by righteous means, by hard-work, and without exploiting anyone) and well-spent (to help suffering people, to support vedic austerities for the welfare of the Universe at large, and for supporting struggling relatives/ friends) can be good karma, and can gradually lead to a stage where you will ripe into spirituality gradually.  Hunger and deprivation can be corruptive for a person (where the lack of the resource may allow others to force you into things that you don't really feel like doing)....So, as long as you don't fall down in greed and unbridled obsession, money - by itself - is not an evil - and in fact, can be a blessing.  When we speak of "Lakshmi Kadaaksham", it means Abundance that is of a type that gives contentment and happiness to the individual, and helps in pursuit of dharmic means with artha.

If the right Artha (resources) is there, it will sustain Dharma (righteousness for both self and others), and help in satisfaction of Kaama (legitimate desires) - and when Dharma, Artha, and Kaama are suitably handled in life - it will allow the psyche to graduate into trying for Moksha - the Ultimate Liberation - the goal of every Soul incarnated on this realm!  This is the varam (boon) that we must request Maa Lakshmi (the Divine Mother - outwardly manifesting as Goddess of Wealth - in fact Lakshmi is just one Manifestation of the Infinite Divine Grace) - a gradual and healthy progression along the Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha paath!

Ladies who have taken this vrattam vow in earlier years but have monthly periods on this day and hence cannot offer the Varalakshmi pooja can offer the vrattam prayers on the subsequent Friday i.e. on August 11, 2017.

We intend to perform Beejaani sahitaa Lakshmi Homam on Vara Mahaalakshmi day along with recital of other powerful vedic and aagamic mantras on Her.  Like that most upaasakaas and temples would be organizing some austerity or other in Honour of Shree.....Try to involve yourself in such auspicious performances to the extent possible - in addition to your poojas at home - and invite Prosperity and Abundance in your lives.

Best regards,

Blessed be.


Astrological and Remedial consultant

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Pavithra Ekaadasi - (shravana Putradaa ekaadasi) - August 2017

Dear Members:

Pavitra Ekaadasi, or Pavitropana Ekaadasi (one of the Putradaa ekaadasis! - fast efficacious for improving progenic prospects) is the ekaadasi observed in the waxing phase of vedic month Sravana. 


a) Those living in USA and Canada in regions that follow MST, CST, PST (i.e. central and Western parts of the American continents) and follow Smaartha traditions must observe this austerity on August 2, 2017.

b) Those living in the above regions and observe Vaishnava traditions must observe this on August 3, 2017.

c) Those living in rest of the world - including India and all other countries to the east of American continents must observe this on August 3, 2017 (for both Vaishna and Smaartha traditions).


As the name of the fast implies, this fast is good for begetting a good son who will be a pride to the whole race. (There is another Putradaa Ekaadasi which falls in Pausha Shukla Ekaadasi which is also good for progenic blessings).

Those who wish to observe this fast as a "Kaamya vratam" (an austerity with the aim of achieving mundane end - that of begetting good progeny) may recite verses from Naaraayaneeyam, Vishnu Sahasranaamam, and Putra Kaameshti yagna chapter of Shrimad Vaalmiiki Raamaayanam on this day.

A full fast is recommended on this day; but those who cannot fast completely should at least refrain from consuming legumes and grains (all varieties of beans, and all grains - wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, etc.). You can consume fruits and milk. Honey should also be avoided on ekaadasi day.

The glory of this ekaadasi is explained in Bhavishya Puraanaa in the form of a conversation between Yudhishtra Maharaajaa and Lord Krishna. I am giving a gist of that below.....

At the end of the Dwaapara Yuga there was a king named Mahiijita ruling over the kingdom called Mahishmatipuri (It is not clear whether this is the same Mahishmati which was the kingdom of Shri Kaartaveeryaarjuna). Because he had no son after many years of marriage, his kingly pleasures and royal honours seemed utter waste to him and he felt very dejected.

(Personal note from Pandit  R DAKSHINAMOORTHI: You may be wondering what is the big deal that a king with all Royal Pleasures was "dejected" due to lack of progeny.....Recently I read about a trend where couples decide to avoid having children as a conscious choice - to enjoy more freedom as they considered children as a responsibility that might hinder their lifestyle choices/ career options; BUT, in shastraic communities, begetting a child is considered the only way in which pitru-runa - indebtedness to ancestors - can be repaid (the logic is that if our ancestors had decided not to have progeny we might not be here; and so it is our duty to carry the family line forward and we will be failing in our duty if we avoid that UNLESS there are medical contraindications that deny such a bliss), and begetting a good child and grooming a child in a dharmic way such that he/ she will be an adherent to dharmic principles is one of the best "services" that any human being can do to the Universe....just bearing a child is not the matter here....bearing the child with the right attitude with express intent that the child will adhere to dharmic values at all costs, and grooming the child in such a way that his/ her behaviour/ actions will benefit the society at large is what makes a person a "real and efficient parent" and shastras are unequivocal in that such children are a blessing to their whole clan....Shastraic people yearn for such children to be born to them and when they are denied progenic bliss it is a great matter of concern for them.....! Just writing this to explain the perspective of why begetting a child seems to be such an issue and a holy fast has been dedicated towards improving such prospects! Till today there are couples who yearn for progenic bliss earnestly and fasts like these can be facilitators to improve progenic luck and rewrite Fate Script in this matter in their favour).

One day he told an assembly of his advisers: ‘I have committed no sin in this life, and there is no ill-gotten wealth in my treasury. I have never usurped the offerings to the demigods or brahmanas. When I waged war and conquered kingdoms, I followed the rules and regulations of the military art, and I have protected my subjects as if they were my own children. I punished even my own relatives if they broke the law, and if my enemy was gentle and religious I welcomed him. Oh twice-born souls, although I am a religious and faithful follower of the Vedik standards, still my home is without a son. Kindly tell me the reason for this.’ (My note:See the hints about ethical conduct for a ruler; this is the main purpose of Puraanaas - to hint about ethical conduct in a gentle and interesting manner amidst legends. The puraana clearly implies that if these ethical codes are broken, there is justification for being childless or being miserable in other ways in subsequent incarnations. How we wish present day rulers read this and get influenced by these exalted codes of conduct! How much better all our lives will be then - without corruption, without mismanagement, without nepotisim, without undue favouritism, and without harassment from government or political parties to the gentler sections of the society!)

The King's advisers undertook rigorous austerities and travelled to various ashrams of sages for long periods. In the course of time, they came across Lomasha Maharishi - who had longevity extending to many kalpaas .

My note (Pandit Vidhya Bachaspati R DAKSHINA MOORTHI): One kalpa is 4, 320, 000,000 years; after each kalpa, one hair in his body will fall down; like that when all his hairs fall down, only then does his longevity expire! Just imagine the stupendous spiritual power that Great Sage must have to enjoy this longevity fully engaging himself in austerities and wishing Universal Welfare. Just thinking about such Maharishis is a merit in itself.

They made entreaties to the Maharishi requesting for remedies for the king's anxiety regarding childlessness. The Maharishi meditated for sometime and discovered the cause of the king's childlessness. In a previous incarnation as a wealthy merchant, once he had come across a beautiful pond in the outskirts of a village. As he was very thirsty, he wanted to quench his thirst. A cow with its calf had also come there to quench its thirst. He had chased the thirsty cows and calf just as they had begun to drink the water, and selfishly quenched his own thirst first. This offense against the cow and her calf has given rise to a malefic karma that is preventing him from getting a child in this birth. Due to the other charitable deeds he did, he has been born as a King; but due to that sin of chasing the cow and calf when they wanted to quench thirst, he has remained childless. (Special note: Beating a cow with a stick, chasing away thirsty cows from water bodies, torturing the animal in other ways, etc. are productive of a sin called "Gohati" - equivalent to the sin accrued by killing of a Cow. Gohatya is considered to be next only to Brahmahati dosha (i.e. killing of a pious religious person). Persons with Gohatya dosha will be cursed with childlessness. This is the karmic theory behind this legend).

The sage went on to say that if the King and all his subjects fast on Shravana Shukla edaadasi and maintain a night vigil as per scriptural guidelines, and if all his subjects gift the merit accrued out the observance to the king, the king's sin will get nullified, and he will be blessed with a child (It must be apparent from this legend how much effort is needed to nullify sins! The combined merit of possibly lakhs of pious and motivated persons is needed to nullify a simple sin that has arisen out of chasing a cow and a calf - that too just because the person himself was thirsty! Just imagine how much more effort it will take to nullify a sin committed willfully! The best way is not to sin at all - so that life is easier - at least in our future incarnations).

By the observance of this fast, and by receiving the gift of the punya of this fast from his citizens, the king was blessed with a good son who proved to be a worthy heir to him.

Lord Krishna says that whosoever observes this fast will enjoy happiness in both this world and the next (in Heaven). Even hearing about the glory of this ekaadasi is a merit in itself (some scriptures attribute the merit to be equivalent to that obtained by attending a VaajapEya yagna!).

Observance of this ekaadasi is reputed to give the effect of having performed an Aswamedha yagna!

May our members undertake this fast religiously and with constant remembrance of Lord Hari, and be blessed with all auspiciousness - both in this incarnation and also after this - by possibly merging with Lord Hari.

Blessed be.

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