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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Sani Jayanthi 2022

Dear All:

Sani Jayathi is to be observed on May 29, 2022 by those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of North and South American continents.

Those living in other parts of the world must observe this on May 30, 2022.

Saturn is the planet of Justice - and obviously with all our karmas that led to our being trapped in cycle of birth and death, most people dread Saturn's periods.  However, Saturn can be a very powerful facilitator for those who consciously choose ethical approach in life and are willing to take the bitter with the sweet and keep doing what must be done under each circumstance.

While it is true that Saturn's periods typically bring us face to face with who we really are - our real potential, our real capabilities, and our vulnerabilities, sometimes the "tests" that Saturn puts us through can become unbearable.  Persons who feel Saturn's periods a little more strong than what would be ideal for personal growth and actualization can benefit by doing simple remedies to appease Saturn. What better day can be there to appease Saturn than his Jayanthi day - the Amavasya of the lunar month of Jyeshta (Amavasya of solar month of Rishabha - Vaikaasi by Tamil and Malayalam calendars)?

Some remedies that can be tried on Sani Jayanthi day

a) Circumambulating Sami tree (Vanni maram) 9 times or in multiples of 9 times praying for relief from Saturnine Challenges in life.

b) ThailaabhishEkam to Sani idols in temples (in any Shani Mahaatmaa temple).

c) Recital of His Glorious 10 Names..."KOnastah  pingalO Babruh KrishnO Roudra AndhakO Yamah
Shourih sanaicharO Mandah" as suggested by the Great Sage Pippalaada...The scriptures assert that one who recites these will not be troubled by Sani Mahaatma.

d) Performing homams in Honour of Lord Shani and His AdiDevata Yama under the guidance of good vedic priests and those who are experts in Mantra shastra. 

e) Getting blessings from elderly relatives (taking care to fall at their feet with humble attitude), doing simple charitable activities for well-being of orphaned old persons or physically challenged persons. etc.

Special prayers will be done at our place as usual.

May all our readers be blessed by Sani Mahaatmaa and may His Grace give us the maturity to think of the obstacles that come during Sani's periods as "time for introspection and course-correction", to think of denials during this period as "essential cooling-down periods in life" and as "not a denial but only a delay - and where the delayed results will be grander and more positively life-changing", and to think of pains during this period as "essential karmic payback" so that we can be free off karmic blockage and hence enjoy smooth progress in life later on.

I can say from personal experience that the challenges endured during Saturn's periods often empower us to achieve even greater in life once His clutch over our life is over after His Sade-sathi/ Saturn dasa are over.  Patience, Perseverance, and responsible behaviour are just the right recipes to surf the tough tide of Saturn periods and to enjoy the smooth and energizing glide in life later on.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Apara Ekaadasi 2022

The Holy Apara Ekadasi for this year is to be observed on May 25/ May 26, 2022.


a) Those living in USA, Canada, and  all countries of North and South American continents must observe this on May 25, 2022..

b) Those living in rest of the world - including India must observe this on May 26, 2022.

Significance of this Apara Ekaadasi:

This Ekadasi is specifically recommended for those who are suffering from pangs of anxiety arising out of past short-comings in performing one's rightful duties (out of negligence or other pressing practical circumstances).

 If you have committed some major sins knowingly or unknowingly and are suffering from remorse for those sinful activities, and want to be freed from the psychological pangs now, observance of this Ekadasi will help. This Ekaadasi can free one from sins like Brahmahati (that can cause depressive tendencies and may even lead to more serious psychological disturbances as a consequence of one's sins), Gohatya and other major sins.

Apara Ekaadasi punya is equivalent to all the following meritorious religious activities taken together!....
1) Bathing in the Holy Pushkara thrice a day, everyday throughout the lunar month of Kaarthika;
2) Having Maagha snaana at Holy Prayaag.
3) Performing Seva to Lord Shiva at Vaaranaasi kshetra during shiva Raatri;
4) Gaya shraddam for one's ancestors;
5) Bathing in the Holy Gautami River during Jupiter's transit into Simha rashi.
6) Having Shri Kedaarnaath darshan.
7) Having Badrinaath darshan during the kumba maasa (sun in kumbha raashi)
8) Taking a bath in Kurukshetra during solar eclipse and donating cows, elephants, and gold in charity to worthy Brahmins.
9) Donating a pregnant cow, along with gold and fertile land.

Method of observing Ekaadasi vratham:
Try to limit intake of food slowly starting from the previous day (dasami) itself. Avoid consuming honey, onion, garlic, and such ritually impure items on dasami day (the day before ekaadasi fast) itself and also prepare yourself mentally too by meditating on Lord Hari.

On the day of Ekaadasi fast, you must get up early in the morning, take a bath, and with full intent maintain the fast. Ideally, the fast should be complete - avoiding even drinking water. However, if this is not possible, you may water-down the intensity of the fast like - a fruit-only fast, juice-only fast, milk-only fast, or whatever depending on your health condition. On Ekaadasi day, pulses and grains should be strictly avoided (especially Rice). This Ekaadasi is mandatory for all believers with good health between the ages 7 and 70. (Pregnant women, old aged persons, and ailing persons are exempt these; even women in their monthly periods can fast on ekaadasi and meditate on Lord Hari silently without chanting mantras!)

On the night of Ekaadasi fast, it is recommended to keep a whole night vigil - listening to Lord's wonderful leelaas from various scriptures, or reading Bhagavat Gitaa, or simply chanting Lord's names like Hari, Raam, Krishna, Hare Ramakrishna, etc.

On Dwaadasi - the day after the fast, the fast should be broken within 2 hours 24 mins. after sunrise at your place, at an auspicious time. Those who have maintained a full fast (without even water) can break the fast by just consuming Tulsi teertham (Tulsi-soaked water). Others can break fast by eating fruits.

On Dwaadasi thithi, tamarind and chillies should be avoided while cooking. Lemon can be used instead of Tamarind; pepper can be used instead of chillies to flavour the food-items.
It is good to consume Amla on dwaadasi thithi as this endears one to Lord Krishna.
One who maintains this fast of Apara Ekaadasi will win fame and reknown besides cutting off the roots of all negative karmaas.
May all our members undertake this Holy Fast and relieve themselves of all negative karmaas.
Blessed be.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Mohini Ekaadasi 2022

Dear Members:

The auspicious Mohini Ekaadasi is to be observed on .May 12, 2022.

This is a fast that is believed to give relief from sufferings arising out of our sins of previous births, and give merit that is more than what could be obtained by taking hundreds of theertha snaanams.

Worship of Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His MOhini Form is highly recommended on this day (since this fast is associated with Lord Vishnu taking Mohini Form and distributing Nectar to Devas, and ensuring that the evil demons had no share of the Immortality-bestowing Nectar).

Let us all focus on feeding only the Divine Aspects of our nature with our energies and restrict energy flow to the aasuric elements of our psyche.

May our members observe this fast as per their abilities and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Akshaya trithiyai 2022

Akshaya Trithiyai vrattam is to be observed on 3rd May 2022.

This is an auspicious day when Lord Brahma started Creation in the beginning of the Chatur Yugas. Today is Kruta Yugathi. Lord Parasuraama's Jayanthi is also observed in this connection as seen above. Venerating Lord Parasuraama who vanquished the rulers who had forgotten the ethical ways of conducting affairs is auspicious today. May His Grace ensure that leaders of the countries around the globe act in right manner to handle the extra-ordinary situation that has arisen all over the world due to the outbreak of the current pandemic.

This is a very important day for spiritual aspirants. This is a day when siddhis (yogic powers) seek out sincere aspirants! Arjuna obtained Pasupatha Astra, Lord Shiva got Biksha from Annapoorani to remove his  Brahmahathi dosha, and various devotees have also got siddhis on this auspicious day.

Kshaya means destruction; akshaya means - that which does not get destroyed or that which is ever increasing. So, any auspicious activity that we indulge in today will have manifold benefits. Those who are performing mantra japas should capitalize on this wonderful day and energize their mantras. Students can consider joining new courses (including summer courses on music, martial arts, swimming, painting, etc.).

This is a day when any activity can be done without regard to usual taboos of vaara, thithi, or nakshatra dosha. Any act of charity or donation done on this day will give manifold results. So, you may consider donating money to charities of your choice (it can be as little as Rs.1/- to a poor beggar on the street! The amount or to whom you donate is not important....but the attitude with which you offer the donations is most important). Now a days, there is an unnecessary business fad promoted by commercial establishments about "purchasing" gold/ silver/ other valuables (I think Platinum ads are also making headway recently in the tube!). Though it is true that purchasing auspicious articles on that day will prove good, it is definitely not correct to do such purchases with "borrowed" money or on debts, just on the belief that purchasing something on that day is good. You can purchase valuables with your own money if you have saved for them. Borrowing money just for purchasing on that day is definitely not recommended because, your "borrowing" might become akshaya is it not???? (Just my logic!!!!)Of course, if you have been planning to purchase some valuables with your savings for sometime now, you may consider purchasing the items on this day. But, mere purchasing valuables on the Akshaya trithiyai day is not going to magically alter your fortunes. I request our members not to fall into that superstitious trap that has gained currency now-a-days.This day is more about learning, acquiring wisom, performing acts of merit and such other Higher Purposes rather than mere acquisition of valuables. This day is too precious to be spent on standing in long-ques outside jewellery shops! Instead, consider visiting a nearby temple and doing some cleaning work on the premises, volunteering in a hospital, donating blood to a blood-bank, donating old clothes or sweets to Homes for the destitutes/ old persons, or taking blessings from elders in your family or community.

On this note, I also wish to emphasize....please don't fall prey to sensation-mongering of websites or "spiritual businessmen"....while it is true that performing austerities on Akshaya Trithiyai day is auspicious and can give manifold benefits, there is definitely NO OBLIGATION FOR ANYONE to do any ritual on this day (some websites/ magazines have this habit of "sensationalizing" spiritually potent days saying "this is the pooja you MUST do!"  There is no MUST DO vratams on akshaya Trithiyai day).  Vedic religion never insists on any austerity except the karmas that one must do as obligatory duties to one's parents/ children/ wife or siblings (the samskaaraas!).  These special occasions like Akshaya trithiyai fall under "naimittika karma" - where one CAN OPTIONALLY do special rituals if situations permit and one feels inclined to acquire merit.  Don't be threatened or psyched into doing anything by reading some magazine or website.  If you wish to do any austerity, or temple pooja - fine...let God within you inspire you to do it; don't think there is a specific format to the poojas and that is how it must be done and open your purse strings to be manipulated by someone else for their own base needs.

Austerities are being done at our place for Universal Welfare with the kind support of my close disciples and clients.  

May all our members derive immense spiritual and mundane benefits remembering God or doing simple charities/ austerities per each one's individual capacity and situation and  become recipients of Divine Grace.Blessed be.


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