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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Solar eclipse - December 26, 2019

Dear All:

There is a partial/ annular solar eclipse on December 26, 2019. The annular phase of this solar eclipse is visible from Saudi Arabia, Oman, southern India, and parts of Indonesia, weather permitting. In most of Asia, parts of North/East Africa, and North/West Australia, people can see a partial eclipse.

The duration of the eclipse as is visible in major cities of India:

The eclipse is visible between 8:06:24 a.m. (i.e. 24 seconds past 8:06 a.m.)  and 11:11:21 a.m. at Bangalore. 

At Chennai, it will be visible between 08:08:54 a.m. and 11:19:32 a.m.

At Mumbai, the eclipse will be between 8:04:01 a.m. and 10:55:03 a.m.

At Delhi, the eclipse will be between 8:17:01 a.m. and 10:57:07 a.m.

To check the exact duration of the eclipse in your region, kindly refer the following link:

You can input your location in the map search tab and get the info. related to the exact duration of visibility of the eclipse in your region.

STARS THAT ARE AFFLICTED: Those born under Moola, Ashwini, Magha, Jyeshta, and Poorvaashaada, and living in areas of visibility of the eclipse must ideally perform eclipse remedies to avoid malefic impact of this eclipse on their charts.  NO REMEDY IS NEEDED IF YOU ARE NOT LIVING IN AREAS OF VISIBILITY OF THE ECLIPSE. Those living in areas of visibility of the eclipse, and are born in one of the above mentioned afflicted stars,  may get in touch with vedic pandits in your area or approach trusted spiritual persons whomsoever you consult regularly for spiritual remedies in this regard.

REMEDY DONE AT OUR PLACE: For close clients of mine whose stars are afflicted by the eclipse, I do the eclipse-remedial chant personally and do the other austerties in this regard during the eclipse.  The recommended offering for the same is Rs.375 (rupees three hundred and seventy five only) PER person whose star is afflicted by the eclipse.


Those who don't have personal spiritual mentors or knowledgeable vedic pandits to help them in the performance may do this remedy:  Donate 1/10th of your body-weight of good quality wheat (like if you are 50kg. in weight, donate 5 kg. of good qualitiy rice) AND 1/100th of your body-weight ghee (like if you are 50kg in weight, donate half kg. of ghee) to any charitable organization or temple on December 26, 2019 - AFTER THE ECLIPSE ENDS AT YOUR PLACE (i.e. after taking bath at the end of the eclipse donate as mentioned here).

Even those stars are not directly impacted by the eclipse can gain by performing austerities during the duration of the eclipse; per mantra shastra principles, any mantra recited during the duration of the eclipse becomes "siddh" and gives intense positive results.  My personal experience is that I have mastered most of the rare works that are in my command in spiritual realm only during major eclipses, and can vouch for the fact that learning activities are very productive during eclipse periods.

This eclipse has good occult potency since there is a major conjunction of many planets in Sagittarius - the natural 9th house of the zodiac (good for mentoring activities and spiritual pursuits).  So, it is upto us to cultivate its positive potency by japas/ austerities - instead of letting the major planetary stellium wreck the rhythm of our lives by our own recklessness or impulsive actions around this period (this applies both to individuals AND nations....good decisions during this period will give good results...while unnecessary stubbornness, or narrow-minded/ bigotry would lead to further turmoils in addition to the already tough situations that abound we churn the ocean and get the Nectar, OR do we manage to just let the Halahala poison surface is up to us! I hope everyone will be responsible and extract the Nectarine influence of this eclipse).

PRECAUTIONS DURING THE ECLIPSE (not applicable to those living in regions where the eclipse is not visible).

a) Try to finish off your last meal before the eclipse about 6 hours prior to the onset of the partial phase; Ideally those living in India should not consume anything after dinner on 25th December 2019; If this is not possible, try to get up early in the morning and try to finish your minor breakfast (whatever you can eat so early in the morning) latest by 5:00 a.m., and after that do not consume anything till the end of the eclipse.

b) Those who wish to perform austerities or indulge in occult/ metaphysical/ spiritual experiments must take bath once during the onset of the partial-phase and again at the end of the eclipse.

c) Pregnant ladies must avoid venturing out during the duration of the eclipse (this is per traditions - the same traditions that have given us wisdom regarding many occult/ spiritual things that are left untouched and unexplainable by current levels of scientific knowledge - so there must be something in this!; I am not even getting into the argument of what will happen if they venture out! Each one to their own wisdom/ discretion - and my guideline is for those who wish to benefit by traditional views on this matter where it is said that avoiding exposure to the outer atmosphere or the eclipsed Moon's rays is recommended for the welfare of the child in the womb).

d) Avoid negative thoughts or unnecessary brooding during the eclipse.  You may indulge in healthy introspection even if you don't wish to chant mantras or perform intense austerities.....BUT, don't cultivate guilt feelings/ unnecessary a neutral observer and evaluator of events in your life to make the best of this period.  Of course, those who wish to chant mantras or strengthen protective shields in occult matters will benefit most during this period.  Countless are the persons who have got siddhi of their mantras during eclipses; so for spiritual persons or those inclined to occult experiments, this is a "must not miss" period.

e) Those who have lost parents may offer tarpanam in Honour of ancestors during this period.  Shastras say that the merits of offering tarpanam to parents during eclipse are infinite.

May our members derive the best benefits of this celestial phenomenon.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saphala Ekaadasi - December 21/ December 22, 2019

Dear Members:

The auspicious Saphala Ekaadashi falls on December 21/ December 22, 2019.

 The observance of this fast for different places on the globe is as follows:

Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continents (both North and South America) must observe this on December 21, 2019.

Those living in rest of the world - including India must observe this on December 22, 2019.

Glory of Saphala Ekaadashi
This is mentioned in Brahmaanda Purana. Fasting on Saphala Ekaadashi will help in cleansing all sins committed earlier, and also helps in attaining fame in this life.

Lumbaka - the son of a king was always questioning the authority of Lord Vishnu, and due to this irreverent attitude, he was exiled from the kingdom. He continued with his irreverential attitude, and added to that began plundering the wealth of poor villagers. He took his abode beneath a banyan tree, started killing animals, and began eating raw meat. (The legend purports to describe that the king's son had fallen into sinful ways that will add severely to karmic account).

Once, he fell ill on a particular day and hence could not partake his usual meals (of raw meat!); he also remained awake all night due to his sickness. As the day was Saphala Ekaadashi fast day, he had unknowingly followed the vrat! The next day he felt better and intuitively realized that this was all due to Grace of Lord Vishnu. He realized his mistake, returned to his father with a repentant attitude, and lived happily thereafter.

Such is the glory of the Saphala Ekaadashi - even a person who unknowingly kept that fast could gain Grace of Shri Vishnu. So, what to speak of the Holy and Pious persons who undertake this fast with full faith and with Divine Contemplation? Is it not obvious that Heavenly glory is open to those who undertake this auspicious Saphala Ekaadashi Fast?

Special austerities recommended in connection with this ekaadasi:
1) Offer Pomegranate, guava, variety of nuts, coconut, betel leaves, areca nuts, mangoes, and aromatic spices (like cloves, cardamom, etc.) in Honour of Lord Aadhi Naaraayana (The Original Viraat Roopa of Shriman Naaraayana - with His Consort Lakshmi on His Breast and mounted on Shri  Garuda, and carrying His Divine Conch and Disc with Full Glory) on this day. You can partake these items as prasad on dwaadasi day if you are keeping a full fast; those who are only observing partial fast (just abstaining from whole-grains and beans) may partake these in lieu of regular diet.

2) Light a ghee lamp in Honour of Lord Naraayana and Goddess Lakshmi in your pooja place and recite the Holy Ashtaakshari (Om NamO Naaraayanaaya) as many times as possible. Recital of Naaraayana Sooktham and Purushasooktham can also be done by those who are initiated into these vedic hymns.

A full-night vigil is also recommended. Those who cannot maintain a full-night vigil may at least recite Shriman Naaraayana naama as many times as possible and sleep with Divine Thought.

May our members undertake this fast and feel Blessed by Divine Grace.

Blessed be.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Dattatreya Jayanthi 2019

Dear Members:

Dattatreya Jayanthi is observed on December 11, 2019 this year.

Shri Guru DattaatrEya is an incarnation possessing the Divine attributes of the Trimurthis (Brahma, vishnu, and Shiva) with Sage Atri and the sage's Wife Anusuyaa Devi as His parents. He is an Aadi Guru of the avadhoota sampradaaya. He is a Divine Form who can be easily pleased by mere remembrance of Him ("smarana maatra santushtaaya!")

Anusuyaa Devi - the wife of Sage Atri was known for Her Piety and virtues. Sage Naarada was extolling Her virtues to Goddesses Saraswathy, Lakshmi, and Paarvathy. The Goddesses requested the Trimurthies to test her virtues. The trimurthis took the form of mendicants and went as athithis to the hermitage of Sage Atri when He was not there. Sagess Anusuya offered them the traditional respects due to athithis, and requested them to partake meals in the hermitage. The mendicants imposed the condition that they will partake meals only on one condition that Anusuyaa should serve them stark naked!

Anusuyaa Devi was in a moral fix....According to customs of those times in hermitages (even normal households for that matter!), an athithi was never to be turned away without feeding him. But, at the same time, as a pious and modest wife of a sage, she cannot even think of being nude in front of grown up strangers. She meditated on her husband, and sprinkled Holy Water from his kamandal (a sort of water container kept by sages) on the three mendicants. They got transformed into three infants by the power of her pious devotion to her husband. Obviously, there can be no reservation in being nude in front of infants! She fed them in that condition and thus satisfied the conditions of modesty as well as athithi bhojana (feeding guests). When Sage Atri returned to the hermitage, Anusuyaa Devi showed the three Divine Infants and explained the course of events. Sage Atri of course could Divine the events by His clairvoyance powers.

The three Devis visited the hermitage and beseeched the couple to return their husbands in their original Divine Forms. The couple agreed, but requested that they should have a Divine Child with the potency of the three murthis. Thus was born Shri DattatrEyaa - "Datta AatrEyaa - One who was given as Gift to Shri Atri maharishi and His wife."

Though Anusuyaa Devi wanted Dattatreya to live the life of a householder, He rejected those pleas and instead chose to live in the ways of a Avadhootaa (a complete renunciate - who transcends all sorts of differences and restrictions, and living in the High State of Spontaneous Living called "SwEchaachaaryaa"; saints who live that do what they feel like doing at that moment naturally...they do not follow any rigid rules or regulations in life - allowing Divinity to guide them each and every moment in the form of random thoughts that arise in their conscious!). Datta Gitaa is a philosophical work of wonderful metaphysical depth and beauty.

Many are the miracles of Shri DattatrEyaa right from His times to the current periods. The most famous devotees of Shri DattarEyaa are Sage Parasuraama (Shri DattatrEyaa helped Sage Parasuraamaa in performing the last rites of his father and ensured that the deceased sages attained PUnya Lokhaas), and Shri Kaartaveeryaarjunaa (The Mighty King with One thousand shoulders! who was an Incarnation of Sudarshana - the Holy Disc of Lord Vishnu). In fact, Shri Kaartaveeryaarjuna was born without limbs as an infant, and it was by the power of tapasya focussed on Shri DattatrEyaa that he got 1000 pairs of hands and a mighty physique. Additionally, Shri Datta blessed him with a treasury that will never become empty, and also a boon that whosoever remembers the King Kaartaveeryaarjunaa will be able to retrieve lost property and realise rightful properties snatched away from them by force. Kaartaveeryaarjuna also had a boon that he can be defeated and killed only by a disciple/ devotee of Shri DattatrEyaa. When King Kaartaveeryaarjuna started behaving in arrogant manner, and had a clash with Jamadagni rishi, he met his end in the hands of Sage Parasuraama - the Incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and a devotee of Shri DatttrEyaa as per the boon. The Most Highly Venerated Shridi Sai Baba is one example of a modern day avadhootaa of the Datta sampradaaya. There are other saints also of that tradition who have a wide following today.


Lord Dattatreya is often meditated upon with a Cow (KaamadhEnu) at His back, and 4 dogs at His feet. The Cow - KaamadhEnu represents the truth that whatever legitimate wish you have will be bestowed upon you when you pray to Him. The 4 dogs represent the 4 vedaas. Lord DattatrEyaa - the  Trimutrhi swaroopi has the characteristic Divine Weapons of the Trimurthis - in His hands and three heads representing the Trimurthis (also representing Satwaa, Rajas and Tamas gunaas!)

Yet another popular Divine Form that is usually venerated by followers of siddha/ Naath traditions is His Form with the 9 famous Nath saints.

Shri DattatrEya is easily pleased by mere Remembrance of Him. He may manifest in the form of an uninvited guest at noon, a mad beggar, a young child, or even ghostly forms (that is what His Moola mantra says ......." Baala Unmatta Pisaacha vEshaaya!"). Annadhaan (donation of food) to poor and needy is the charity that is closest to His Heart. Many devotees of Lord Datta have had Him visit their houses in the form of unknown guests at Noon. So, if possible, try to donate to charities specializing in feeding the poor on this day. As Dattatreya helped Sage Parasuraama in performance of rituals to ensure salvation of pitrus, He will help us also to get relieved from pitru doshas of all kinds. Also, yati saapaa (curse of saints/ sages/ mendicants) that might have arisen due to insult meted out to renunciates can be remedied by worship of Lord DattatrEyaa. Recital of DattatrEya Vajra Kavacham will help in nullifying even most terrible planetary afflictions. So, if you have people who are sick and whose conditions elude proper management by health professionals may benefit by recital of DattatrEya Vajra Kavacham recital.


 We are planning to conduct special chants and homams on Datta Jayanthi day this year also. Shri DattatrEya Moola mantra homam, Dattatreya vajra kavacham, sthothras, and Shri Kaartaveeryaarjuna homam will be conducted at my temporary residence at  Bangalore on December 11, 2019 (We Honour Kaartaveeryaarjuna also on that day because He is a proof to the fact that Faith on Datta can transform lives even overcoming Fate; the limbless child - who was considered inauspicious by his own parents - became the mighty 1000 armed warrior whose name and mantras have proved auspicious to countless generations - all due to Guru Datta's Grace) .

Worship of Karthaveeryaarjuna is a recommended procedure in mantra shastraic classics for overcoming the activities of rivals, to get back lost positions, to reunite with estranged relatives/ friends, to get Divine Assistance in tracing missing objects/ persons,  to counter black-magic done against us by enemies, to get success in all ventures and gain favour of those in authority, and for overcoming tough planetary aspects in general. It can be a highly auspicious worship for business persons who have begun new ventures,those who are tormented by powerful foes,  and for politicians  aspiring for powerful positions of authority especially.

Those sponsors who are in a position to attend the Japam/ austerities might do so on this date. For the  others, please note that the pooja parasadam will not be sent by post due to ritual purity concerns and logistic difficulties. Inclusion of your name, gothra, and star in the sankalpam will be deemed "in-absentia" participation. Those who are interested may avail the pooja service by mailing me at:

The offering options are as below (to give an idea about the cost of participation in the austerities):

a) Dattatreya and Karthaveerya homam part-sponsorship - Rs.2000 (rupees two thousand only).
b) Dattatreya Moola mantra japam and archana in the evening with chanting of sthothras in His Honour - Rs.350 (rupees three hundred and fifty only)

c) Kaarthveeryaarjuna archana and Japam- Rs.350 (rupees three hundred and fifty only).
d) DattatrEya Vajra Kavacham recital and special pooja in that connection - Rs.500 (rupees five hundred only).

Please note:  Part-sponsors of the main homam will be automatically included in Dattatreya Moola mantra japam, Vajra Kavacham and Karthaveerya Arjuna japam recitals.  So, those who are availing that sponsorship scheme - scheme a) above,  need not remit additionally for the other japams.

As paypal does not work for me any more, you have make the remittance only directly via my bank account, or send money via money2india site of icici bank. I will share the details of my account when you get in touch with me via email if you are interested in the participation.  Regular sponsors - who have made remittance to my bank account for earlier austerities may use the same account for this remittance too; once you make the remittance, please keep me informed via email about the remittance particulars for me to follow up with the bank regarding that.

Apart from prayers for the benefit of the sponsors, prayers will also be raised for Universal Welfare. You may also attend poojas/ homams conducted by other pious persons near your place on this holy day.

Those who are not in a position to attend special on Datta jayanthi may still become recipients of His Grace by just repeating the mantra "Om Jai Guru Dattaa" or "Om Jai Satguru Shri DattatrEyaaya namah" as many times as possible on His Jayanthi day - whenever time permits - even in between your normal activities in life. This is a siddha mantra and needs no initiation; anyone without any distinction of class, creed, religion, and gender can recite this at ANYTIME. He is easily pleased and His worship is without unnecessary frills and procedures such that even a child can perform the pooja (because you may do it in any way you wish to do!)
Try to feed at least one poor person or sponsor annadhaan at any holy place as per your capacity - because Guru Dattatreya might come in any form and accept annadhaan, and performing annadhaan to needy persons is one of the easiest ways to become recipients of His Grace.

May our members become recipients of Lord DattatrEyaa's Grace by observing simple austerities in His Honour on His Jayanthi day as per their convenience and enjoy blissful lives.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mokshadaa Ekaadasi 2019/ Kaisika ekaadasi

Dear members:

The auspicious Mokshadaa ekaadashi falls in the bright half of the month Margasira.

It is also known as Kaisika ekaadasi . This ekaadasi is observed in a grand manner in the Guruvaayur Shri Krishna temple and hence named as Guruvaayur ekaadasi day also:)

It is to be observed per the following schedule:

a) Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continent, and all countries of Europe and African continents should observe this on December 7, 2019

b) Those living in rest of the world - including India must observe this on December 8, 2019.

Glory of Mokshadaa ekaadashi

Mokshadaa ekaadashi - as the name implies has the potential to give Liberation from cycle of endless births and deaths for our soul. Its main goal is to help us in attaining Ever Lasting Bliss in the Lotus Feet of our Lord.

Lord Vishnu in His form of DAMODARA ( kindly refer shrimad Bhaagavatam to know more about these Divine Forms of Lord Vishnu, and how He manifests in His different Forms; generally you may  meditate on Four handed form of Lord Vishnu) should be venerated on this Holy Day. A ghee lamp, incense, and tulsi buds should be offered respectfully along with prayers to Lord DamOdharaa on this most auspicious of days.

Legend of Mokshadaa ekaadashi

There is a legend explained in the Brahma vaivarta Puranaa extolling the glory of Mokshadaa ekaadashi as narrated by Lord Krishna to Yudhishtra. Listening to this legend is said to confer the merit equivalent to that obtained by AswamEdha yagna (Horse Sacrifice!). Lord Krishna further adds that the glory of this ekaadasi can give heavenly bliss to the souls of all deceased relatives of the person who observes this fast religiously.

There was a saintly King of yore by name Vaikhaanasa (it is not clear whether it is the same person who gave genesis to the Hallowed Vaikhaanasa aagama - one of the major aagamaas for Vaishnavites) who ruled over a kingdom called Champakanagaram. His kingdom was glorious in every way blessed as it was with a saintly and able king who treated his subjects as his own children, and also with knowledgeable and pious priestly class who were well learnt in all vedic sacrifices and rituals. One night, the king had a terrible dream in which he saw his father suffering torments in hellish regions. When he enquired about this to the Brahmins of his court, they directed him to Parvata Maharishi - a great tapasvi. When the king approached Parvata Maharishi, after formal exchange of pleasantaries, the king broached the topic of a recent torment that he has experiened. The sage, by His Divine Vision, understood the reason for the king's anxiety and also the cause for the torment of his father's soul in hell - the king's father, in his earlier life, had enjoyed his wife forcibly against her wishes during her monthly periods. That grievous sin against a righteous woman had given him the present hellish sufferings.

The king wanted a remedy to absolve the sins of his father and to get him liberated to Higher Planes. The Sage Parvata recommended performance of this Mokshadaa ekaadasi and to donate the merit acquired by this performance to his father's soul upon which the soul will get liberated from Hell. The king did accordingly along with his wife and all relatives, and by the power of this performance, the king's father was liberated from Hell and was taken by messengers of demi-gods to Celestial Planes.

On a different note, it was on this day that Bhagavat Gitaa was initiated to Shri Arjuna by Lord Krishna at Kurukshetra. So, this day is also observed as Gitaa Jayanthi. It is auspicious to gift copy of Bhagavat Gitaa to aspirants of vedantaa or do what you can to propogate the Shrimad Bhagavat Gita on this day. Recite at least one chapter, or at least one slokha from Shrimad Bhagavat Gita today understanding its meaning and applicability even in today's life. Those who can, may even perform the Bhagavat Gitaa Homam if it is feasible for them. The merits of this performance cannot be elaborated by normal human beings like me since Bhagavat Gitaa is the Essence of all the Upanishads (Vedanta), initiated to Paarthaa - the Disciple-Supreme by none other than Lord Krishna - Godhead Supreme in the Punya Bhoomi of Kurukshetra where a Dharma Yuddha was scheduled!

May our readers observe this ekaadashi with devotion and be recipients of God's Grace that will liberate them from endless cycles of transmigration of soul.

Blessed be.
Astrological and Remedial consultant

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Utpanna Ekaadasi 2019

Dear Members:

The auspicious Utpanna Ekaadasi falls on November 22/ November 23, 2019.

The fast schedule for different places on the earth:

Utpanna ekaadashi must be observed in U.S.A, Canada, and other countries of North and south American continents,  and countries of Europe and Africa on November 22, 2019.

Those living in middle-east countries, India and its neighbouring countries and countries of South-east Asian region (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, etc.) and observing Smaartha traditions must observe this on November 22, 2019 .  Vaishnava Ekaadasi for those living in these places must be observed on November 23, 2019 (Note:  Gauna Ekaadasi - the recommended observance for sanyaasis, celibates/ widows/ widowers, and aged persons who lead a life of Karma Sanyaasa - being in households but living a semi-detached life with the view of obtaining Moksha - for Smaarthas also should be observed on November 23, 2019....)

Those living in extreme east regions of Asia - like North and South Korea, Eastern parts of China, Mongolia, and Japan, and those living in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji Islands must observe this on November 23, 2019 (it is Sarva Ekaadasi - common to both Vaishnava and Smaartha traditions in these places).

This Utpanna Ekaadasi is special because this was the day when Ekaadasi Devi - the Patron Deity of this Fast manifested from the Power of Lord Mahaa Vishnu.

Mura - a demon brought all the planes of existence under his control and forced the demi-gods like Indra away from their positions of authority. The devas approached Lord Mahaadeva for a solution to their predicament. Lord Shiva instructed them to claim protection by surrendering to Lord Maha Vishnu. The demi-gods accordingly approached the Holy Abode of Shriman Naaraayana, praised Him with devotional fervour extolling His virtues, His Divine Might, and His Glories, and requested His help in the matter of vanquishing the demon Mura.

Lord Vishnu instructed them to advance to the abode of the demon, and Himself went along with them. The demi-gods scattered away from the battle-field on meeting with relentless aggression from the demon army. The attacking demons met their nemesis in Shriman Naaraayana - who vanquished hosts and hosts of demons with His Divine Weaponry.

At last, the chief of the demons - Mura himself came to meet our Lord in the battle field. The Divine Weapons caused no harm to Mura due to his previous boons. At last, Lord Vishnu decided to engage the demon in arm-to-arm combat; this combat went on for one thousand celestial years! Lord Vishnu decided to retire from the battle and retired to a deep cave. (He feigned tiredness and fear! Though the Bhavishya Uttara Purana uses words such as "I went there (to a cave) out of fear and also to sleep,"we should take it as our Lord's Play only. Lord Maha Vishnu - the Ultimate Supreme Being need not be "afraid" of a demon, nor can he ever feel "tired". This was a Divine Play to vanquish the demon in a special way, and He must have feigned tiredness and fear....only this can be the right interpretation of this episode).

The demon Mura followed Lord Vishnu, and on seeing Him asleep, the demon decided to finish Him off. However, from the body of Our Lord, a young Divine Maiden manifested, and She fought tirelessly with the demon, and ultimately vanquished him, putting an end to the saga of his unrighteous domination over the Universe.

The Divine Maiden pleaded a boon from Lord Vishnu upon His Waking up (His sleep and Waking up again are all Divine Plays! It should not be taken too literally).

The maiden said, "O Lord, if You are pleased with me and wish to give me a boon, then give me the power to deliver that person who fasts of this day from even from the greatest of sins . I wish that half the pious credit obtained by one who fasts will accrue to one who eats only in the evening (abstaining from grains and beans), and that half of this pious credit will be earned by one who eats only at midday. Also, may one who strictly observes a complete fast on my appearance day, with controlled senses, go to the abode of Lord Vishnu for one billion kalpas after he has enjoyed all kinds of pleasures in this world. This is the boon I desire to attain by Your mercy, my Lord, O Lord Janardana, whether a person observes complete fasting, eats only in the evening, or eats only at midday, please grant him a religious attitude, wealth, and at last liberation."

"'The Supreme Lord said, "O most auspicious lady, what you have requested is granted. All My devotees in this world will surely fast on your day, and thus they will become famous throughout the three worlds and finally come and stay with me in My abode. As you, My transcendental potency, have appeared on the eleventh day of the waning moon, let your name be Ekaadasi. If a person fasts on Ekaadasi, I will burn up all his sins and bestow upon him My transcendental abode."

Ekaadasi fast is thus the greatest of all fasts as it was sanctioned by the Supreme Lord Himself. Fasting on ekaadasi properly helps a person to vanquish all the dangerous enemies who can threaten one's prospects (the greatest enemies are a person's own undesirable vaasanaas, and obsessions which are internalized in the person's psyche. That is the actual mystic import of this legend though it might have occurred in reality also in a distant kalpa!), and thus bless the person with material prosperity while alive, and Eternal Salvation after this incarnation on earth.

The day when Lord Vishnu's Yogic power manifested outwardly as Ekaadashi is Utpanna Ekaadashi. By tradition, a child who attains 7th year of age in this life is initiated into Ekaadashi fast gradually beginning from this Utpanna Ekaadashi of that year(the first fast of a tender child should not be too intense; the child should be taught the basics of ekaadashi fast like abstaining from certain foods - grains, beans, and outside food; chanting Divine Names of Lord Vishnu; the child should not be made to endure a full fast - rather, the child should be trained to survive on fruits/ juices, milk, etc., or just made to skip meals once. Then gradually, the child can graduate to a full fast if it agrees well with the child). This is an auspicious day to begin ekaadasi fast as a life-time discipline for anyone who has not fasted before, but wishes to do so in the future. [More guidelines about ekaadasi fast can be checked in previous write-ups in this blog].
The glory of a fast on this Holiest of Days need not be elaborated any further. May our members enjoy Divine Bliss by observing this Holy Ekaadasi fast to the extent of their abilities. My best wishes to the Faithful parents who are about to initiate their young children who have attained the eligible age for beginning Ekaadashi fast on this Holy Day. Believe me - initiating a child into Ekaadasi fast is one of the best gifts you can give to your child :) 

Blessed be.
Astrological and Remedial consultant

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Utthaana ekaadasi 2019

Dear Members:

Utthaana ekaadashi falls on November 7/ November 8, 2019 this year.

Schedule of observance of this fast for different regions of the world:

a) Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continents must observe this on November 7, 2019.

b) Those living in U.K., and Portugal and observing Smaartha traditions must observe this on November 7, 2019.

c) Those living in U.K., and Portugal and observing Vaishnava traditions must observe this on November 8, 2019.

d) Those living in rest of the world - including India - must observe this on November 8, 2019.

This ekaadashi is also known Devouthaani ekaadashi and Hari PrabhOdhini Ekaadashi (capital "O" indicates that this is to pronounced as long vowel sound as per standard transliteration schemes for sanskrit words).

The Kaartika dwaadashi - the day of ending this HariprabhOdhini fast is also the day when chaturmaasya austerities are to be terminated. It is to be noted that Lord Vishnu - who begins His Yoga Nidra on sayani Ekaadashi gets up on Utthaana Ekaadasi and hence this ekaadasi is very special to all devotees. (This is one of the few mandatory fasts that are to be observed at least minimally by EVERYONE).

The glory of HariprabhOdhini ekaadashi has been explained in detail in Skanda Puraana. To summarise those - "Offering yellow colour flowers to Lord Vishnu is very auspicious on that day. One who fasts the whole day extinguishes the sins accumulated over several past births. One who remains awake the whole night and sings/ listens to the glory of Lord Vishnu will enjoy the merit that can be accumulated by donating valuable things like Horses and elephants and performing an elaborate vedic yagna. One who recites at least a portion of a sacred scripture on this day will gain the merit of GOdhaana (gift of cows to a qualified Brahmin). It is said that all places of pilgrimmage come to reside in the house of a devotee who observes this HariprabhOdhini fast properly.

The ekaadashi fast on Hari PrabhOdhini ekaadasi removes sins even if they are in magnitude as the glorious Meru Mountain; all sins of the devotee who remains awake on the night of Hari PrabhOdhini ekaadasi are burnt just as a cart load of cotton gets reduced to ashes before a mighty fire!"

Please note that ekaadashi fast should be undertaken with permission from one's spiritual preceptor (in case of ladies, husband should be informed of the fast). If you don't have a spiritual preceptor, (in case of ladies - if husband is abroad or away from you, or in case of widows/ unmarried women) - you may stand before the Sun and declare you intent of the fast (assuming Lord Sun as your Guru). Similarly, the fast should be broken in front of the Sun (or after permission of Guru or husband as the case may be).

Tulsi Vivaah is associated with this fast and is celebrated as Brindaavana Dwaadashi; it is to be observed on November 8, 2019 itself by those living in USA, Canada, and other nations of the American continent.

Those living in U.K., and Portugal must observe this on November 8, 2019 (even those who observe Vaishnava Ekaadasi on November 8, 2019 in these countries must observe Tulasai vivaah austerity on November 8, 2019 itself).

Those living in rest of the world - INCLUDING INDIA - must observe this on November 9, 2019.

On Tulsi Vivaah day , one can celebrate the elaborate ritual of marriage of a Tulsi plant with a Salagram idol or any image of Lord Vishnu. This grants great merit to the devotee and gives upliftment to the devotee's whole dynasty (i.e. generations before and those to come after him also!).

Decorating Tulsi plant with turmeric paste, sandalwood paste, and sindhoor; lighting a ghee lamp under Tulsi plant; offering obeisance to it; offering water to it; showing lit camphor as Aarti to it, etc are simple means of worship that can be done by those who cannot afford to perform the elaborate Tulsi Vivaah as per established procedures.

A simple prayer to Tulsi

"Om Brindaa Brindaavanii viswapoojitaa viswapaavani

Pushpasaara Nandinii cha Tulasii Krishnajeevanii"

Recite this at least thrice before Tulsi plant and offer your salutations to Tulsi Maa. This can be done everyday also - but at least on Tulsi Vivaah day known as Brindaavana Dwaadashi.


Those who cannot maintain the full fast, may eat just once or twice on this day skipping the mid-day meal or eating only supper at night (i.e. even missing one meal time in honour of this PrabhOdhini fast is considered as fasting though the merits are somewhat less). As this is a mandatory fast, such relaxation has been extended. So, everyone should try to fast on this day - at least by skipping one meal on this day. The meal that is eaten on this day should be free of onions, garlic, non-veg items, chillies, whole grains, etc. You may consume chappatis without much salt, or such simple foods on this day if your physical condition requires you to avoid complete fasts.

Skanda Puraana says that mind should be diverted from money-making ventures and instead focused on charities on this Holy Day. So, you should donate what little you can to vedic experts (genuine experts whom you know to be following rituals and High Spiritual Precepts diligently, and are of noble disposition) on this day. Those who cannot donate anything due to dire financial circumstances should at least have a kind word to speak to an expert vedic practitioner and offer respects to them to get their blessings. Lord Hari Himself will manifest in those Blessings from qualified experts and remove all your sins (a note to spiritual guides who might be reading this: NEVER BLESS ANYONE WITH MATERIAL BOONS ON THIS DAY; JUST SAY "BHAGAVAAN HARI PREETHI SIDDHIRASTHU" - meaning "Let God Hari be satisfied by this!")

May our members enjoy spiritual bliss and removal from karmic burden due to the proper observance of this fast.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jupiter transit into sidereal Sagittarius (Dhanus rashi) on November 5, 2019


Dear All:

 Jupiter enters sidereal Sagittarius sign (Dhanus rashi) on  November 5, 2019(due to different in siddhanta calculations, vaakya panchangams have indicated the transit on earlier date – , which even some temples have observed as Guru peyarchi day; BUT, the transit on November 5, 2019 is more correct by using siddhanta calculations and per astronomical indications). I will comment on the Elemental status, and general auspiciousness/ challenging nature of Jupiter transit for various rashis so that those born in rashis that are under challenging Jupiter transit influences may perform appropriate remedies and brace themselves up, and these indications are applicable to everyone. 

As these results are moderated by other influences to some extent – like ashtakavarga bindus in Dhanus rashi in Jupiter’s ashtakavarga in your natal chart, and placement of other planets in your birth chart, it is best that you should consult your family astrologer or other expert astrologers to know how exactly the actual results may manifest for you specific to your birth chart.

For Mesha rashi natives (those born under Ashwini, Bharani, and Krittka 1st padam stars), Jupiter transits the auspicious 9th house from your rashi. This is an auspicious transit that favours positive relocation influences (like if you have been planning on relocating to a place for better prospects), initiation into new spiritual routines/ deekshas, long journeys, joining higher education courses, and you may enjoy increased self-confidence in all that you do. Natives of this sign who have been trying unsuccessfully for on-site assignments may get their lucky break this year. Relationship with father or other mentor figures will be smooth and their blessings/ words of wisdom will prove invaluable in boosting your prospects.

Jupiter during this transit attains copper elemental status (Thaamra Moorthi lakshana). This suggests patience and careful planning are needed to capitalize on the positive impact of this auspicious transit. If you just surf through life without major attempts this will turn out to be just a generally luck period without major breakthroughs – BUT if you invest in positive efforts and are willing to slog it out to get good outcomes, the karmic rewards are likely to be equally good.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020

Jupiter moves through the 10th house from your rashi during this period. You need to be extra-careful regarding all professional matters during this period. This is a time when great gains as well as sudden downfall are possible – the outcomes will be dependent on how careful and efficient you are in handling the challenges placed before you during this period. Play it strictly by the rules in all that you do during this period. Since Jupiter during this phase of transit has attained Rajata Moorthy lakshana (Silver elemental status), the results are likely to have a positive tinge on the whole.

One important thing.....Saturn during the initial period of the transit, and later on – Saturn and Ketu cause Vedha to the transit influences for your sign. So, there could be blockage of good effects to a marked extent. You need to clear off obstacles from your way, and handle challenges before you can taste the sweet flavour of success in life in spite of the general transit influences being good for you.


No specific remedy is needed since the overall transit impact is good for your sign. BUT, you can enhance the positivity of this transit by the following measures:

a) Connecting with spiritually advanced persons and draw-in positivity in your life....this includes meditating on Saints/ evolved Spiritual Masters, visiting jeeva samadhis, trying to schedule mantra-deekshas from evolved spiritual persons, visiting places of pilgrimmage, etc.

b) Taking part in homams or activities like sponsoring deepams for temples will further enhance the good luck aspects of this transit.

For Rishabha rashi natives (those born under Krittika 2, 3,4 padams, Rohini, Mrigasira 1, and 2 padams), Jupiter transits the sensitive 8th house from your rashi. This is productive of unnecessary issues in life that could threaten loss of peace, danger of ill-health to self or close relatives, and last-minute reversals that might take success away from you. Much care is needed while interacting with members of opposite gender as unnecessary issues may crop up due to that (some natives of this sign may experience unwelcome and unsolicited advances from others at work).

Those who lose hope, faith, or patience will expose themselves to the negative planetary influences. Take care of your health and health of close relatives, and avoid unnecessary litigation/ arguments. Exercise abundant caution while driving vehicles, trekking through treacherous terrain, and while travelling through unknown places. Do not take any mandatory compliance issue (like submission of IT returns, or whatever compliance document is applicable to you) for granted during this sensitive period.

The effects could be slightly mitigated by the fact that Jupiter in its 8th house from your rashi is triggering its own natal sign. So, there is possibility of gains through legacy settlements for some of you. Spiritually inclined natives of this sign may have some Divine Experiences involving exalted souls.
Jupiter during this transit attains Rajata Moorthy Lakshana (Silver Elemental status) in the period till March 30, 2020, and Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden Elemental status) between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020. This attainment of good elemental statuses mitigates much of the challenging impact of this transit influence for your sign.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between 30th March 2020 and 30th June 2020During this period, Jupiter moves into the 9th house from your rashi giving temporary relief from the tough influences. Jupiter during this temporary positive phase attains Golden elemental status which augurs the positive impact. For hard-working natives of this sign, it is possible to enjoy unexpected positive outcomes like sudden gain in business activities, recognition, or good fortune to undertake spiritual journeys and get blessings of spiritually advanced persons. These are transient effects, and so you should still continue to be cautious in all activities, and avoid building up unqualified optimism/ stretching your luck too far.


Recite the 36th chapter of Sundara Kaandam of Shrimad Valmiki Ramayanam on Thursdays.

Light ghee lamp to Lord Shiva on Pradosham days, or donate incense or homam articles to temples on days of spiritual importance, praying for Divine Assistance and Protection.

Whenever possible, try to take part in collective homams - especially those in Honour of Lord Dakshinamoorthi, Lord DattatrEya, Lord Hayagreeva, Lord Narasimha, or Lord Sudarshanaa. This can be a powerful shield to your well-being.

For Mithuna rashi natives (those born in Mrigasira 3 and 4 padams, Arudra, Punarvasu 1, 2, and 3 padams), Jupiter transits the auspicious 7th house from your rashi. Wedding bells ring for eligible single natives of this sign, and those already in a wedded life will find that dynamics with spouse improves significantly. Minor differences that possibly created an unnecessary psychological wedge that reduced mental intimacy with spouse can be sorted out amicably if you approach the issues with objectivity. Others will warm up to you now and there is scope for improving your societal standing.

Since Jupiter rules the 7th house with respect to your rashi and is in the 7th house in transit, there is potential for gaining much by indulging in joint prayers/ spiritual exercises with your spouse – if they are also similarly inclined. Activities like going on pilgrimage, involving in couples’ meditation, mutual healing exercises (like sending positive vibes to each other telepathically to empower each other), are some of the occult experiments you can try in the company of your spouse and get good results during this period.

Overall, this is an auspicious transit for you, and reduces the impact of Ashtama sani influence for your rashi to a great extent.

Jupiter attains Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status) in the transit phase between 5th November 2019 and 30th March 2020. During this phase, the positive results indicated could be below average.

In the period between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020, Jupiter attains Rajatha Moorthy Lakshana (Silver elemental status) when the good effects could be more pronounced. So, do not lose heart if positive things do not seem to manifest immediately after the transit in November 2019.....Do what must be done in each situation and wait for the results to come in the second half of 2020.

At the very least, this positive Jupiter transit influences will mute the tough transit impact of Saturn for your rashi.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into the 8th house from your rashi. This could be a period of temporary set-backs or challenges. Be cautious in all your activities during this period. On the positive side, this is a good period for trying to sort out pending ancestral property issues, or reviving prayers to family deities that have been discontinued in the recent years due to ignorance or practical limitations. Since Jupiter attains Loha Moorthy lakshana (Iron elemental status) during this phase, and also ashtama sani influence will be in operation simultaneously, take no unnecessary chances regarding any matter during this period.

Remedies:  During the sensitive Jupiter’s atichaaram period (March 30, 2020 to June 30, 2020 period), regular prayers to Lord Hanumaaan on Saturdays and Thursdays can help reduce the challenging planetary impact for your rashi.

Offering a small log of pure sandalwood to a temple (any temple of your choice), or offering sandalwood log to be used in homams done by advanced upaasakas can be a powerful remedy to ensure that the auspicious events indicated by Jupiter’s 7th house transit can happen without unnecessary delays/ confusions.

For Kataka rashi natives (those born in Punarvasu 4th padam, Pushya, Aslesha),, Jupiter transits the sensitive 6th house from your rashi. Health needs to be tended to carefully, and you must avoid unnecessary arguments with anyone. Legal issues must be preferably handled by negotiations rather than with a "gladiatorial fight to the end" attitude. Avoid lending/ borrowing huge sums based on over-optimistic projections and play it safe in money matters. However, since the transit happens over Jupiter’s own sign, there could be trace positive effects – like resolving vexatious issues with kinsmen, and certain ailments that you have been ignoring carelessly may rear their head, and the subsequent treatments will fortify your health for years to come in the future....thus the seemingly tough situation may become a blessing in disguise. Of course, this requires you to attend to the situation responsibly and with alacrity.

In the period between November 5, 2019 and March 30, 2020,  Jupiter attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper Elemental status), and in the phase between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020, it attains Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status). These influences  make the already tough transit of Jupiter over the 6th house from your rashi somewhat tougher. Patience and methodical approach are needed while handling all sensitive assignments, and mistakes may prove to be costly. Watch your words and measure your steps carefully to stay out of trouble’s way.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into the 7th house from your rashi. This could be a time when sudden positive developments can be there in personal life matters. Also, those whose spouses are under favourable directional/ transit influences may bring in their quota of goodluck, and the collective influence could lead to auspicious occasions in the family for some of you. The positive effects could be particularly pronounced since Jupiter during this transit attains Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden elemental status).
Remedies: 1) Visualize Lord Hanumaan burning Lanka with the fire on His Tail and pray that the traps that your enemies might try to set for you must prove to be their own nemesis by God’s Grace.

2) Pray before a picture depicting Lord Hanumaan holding Sanjeevani mountain if you or someone in the family becomes sick.  Alternatively, you may contemplate performance of Dhanvantari homam for relief if the situation is very critical.

3) Worshipping Lord Skanda on Shashti thithis/ Krittika days, and offering ghee lamp to any temple of your choice on Thursdays could be potent remedies to turn your obstacles into opportunities.

For Simha rashi natives (those born in Magha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1st padam), Jupiter transits the auspicious 5th house from your rashi. Those of you who have been waiting desperately for conception may find that Heavens open their Benevolent Grace on you this year. This is a great year for planning your long-term investments, for getting initiation into mantra deekshas, for visiting ascetics, Holy Men and gaining their Grace, and for embarking on ambitious ventures.

Since Jupiter attains Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden Elemental status) in the period between November 5, 2019 and March 30, 2020, it markedly enhances the good impact of this Jupiter transit.

In the period between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020, Jupiter in its transit through the 5th house from your natal Moon sign attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper elemental status). This marks a period when the transit is good, BUT, the intensity of the positive results could be markedly reduced. You may be able to enjoy manifest good outcomes only if you take concentrated efforts along right channels and are patient and thorough in your efforts.  Impatience or carelessness could lead to less than optimum realization of good luck.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into the 6th house from your rashi and attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper elemental status). This is a time when there could be sudden onset of some challenging circumstances in your life. Health should be carefully tended to during this phase. Do not raise major loans, or lend large sums without surety during this phase. Keep your temper under control. Remember that this is only a temporary phase of challenging patterns; instead of over-reacting to situations, wait for these tough influences to pass-over.


As Jupiter’s transit is generally good for you, no specific remedy is required; BUT, you can enhance the good effects by regular prayers and by practicing meditation/ yogic exercises or by undertaking intense austerities that will help you to tap your inner powers and manifest positive outcomes in your life.  Visit to kshetras (spiritually potent places), getting initiated into new mantras by competent spiritual persons, and signing up for advanced training courses pertaining to your field of activity all could enhance your good luck further.

During the tough atichaaram periods (when the transit is temporarily tough as indicated above), you can tone down the challenging influences by offering physical services in temples/ charitable institutions (including sweeping the premises clean, repairing roads leading to temples, helping with landscaping activities in temple gardens, repairing footpaths leading to hill-temples, organizing for lighting facility to places of spiritual trekking interest, etc.).

For kaarya siddhi (accomplishment of tasks) during the tough March 30, 2020 to June 30, 2020 period, you may consider performing santhana kaappu to your kula Devata or any deity of your choice, or offering sandalwood paste to Bhagavatas or devotees in temples.

For Kanya rashi natives (those born in Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, and 4 paadams, Hasta, and Chitra 1, 2), Jupiter transits the 4th house from natal Moon sign. This is not an auspicious transit. Since 4th house indicates homeland/ residence basically, the inauspicious effects may manifest as unsettled situations at home, possible relocation or confusion regarding one's prospects (like dilemma regarding one's roles at work place), or simply lack of domestic peace at home.

Luckily since Jupiter attains Silver elemental status during this transit, and also because Jupiter is transiting its own sign, the challenges will be markedly reduced. Natives of Kanya rashi who are running favourable dasa-bhukti effects may even enjoy marginal positive developments like sale of a property that they have been struggling to encash for quite some time in the recent past, some clarity regarding coming back to homeland if that has been in their mind for some time, etc. However, as a general rule, avoid major risks, and unnecessarily over-ambitious activities of all kinds.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into the 5th house from your rashi. This could be a temporary period of relief for you. This is a good time to schedule prayer activities, or to plan your moves to salvage tough situations. Those who have interview/ competitive situations during this phase have better chance of success. Since Jupiter in transit attains Rajata Moorthy Lakshana (Silver Elemental status), this period does offer a ray of hope for many of you.

Remedies: a) If relationship with mother/ maternal relatives is strained, OR, if health of mother/ maternal relatives seems to be impacted, recite the mantra "Om Baalachandraaya hum maatru vatsalaaya GanapathayE namah" 32 times till situations improve.

b) Light ghee lamp with a wick made of banana fibres or lotus fibres on Thursday evenings at home and pray for family welfare.

c) Offering 6 ghee lamps to Lord Skanda temples on Thursdays or Shasti thithis can help you to enjoy good academic prospects (applicable for students of this sign appearing for major exams this year).

d) Those who suffer from disputes pertaining to landed property, or are troubled by domestic disputes that spoil peace of mind, can get relief by offering sathanakaappu to Bhoo Varaaha swaamy temples (especially to Aadi Varaaha Swamy at Tirupathi, or to Shrimushnam temple).

For Thula rashi natives (those born in Chitra 3, 4 padams, Swathi, Visakham 1, 2, and 3), Jupiter transits the 3rd house from natal Moon sign. This is an inauspicious transit - but where danger lurks ONLY if you take wrong decisions or make unethical moves. You must remember that Universe will give you chance to redeem yourself and correct your errors, but if you stick on to egoistic ways and continue with wrong choices, you may manifest your own doom. Those who are patient, and ethical by nature have nothing to fear from this transit influence except that there could be varying degrees of anxiety due to situational factors.

In the phase between November 5, 2019 and March 30, 2020, Jupiter attains Loha moorthy lakshana (Iron Elemental status) for your sign. Avoid sticking your neck out on matters not directly connected to you. Be straight-forward and unambiguous in your communications with others to avoid misunderstanding.

Since Jupiter attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper elemental status) in the phase between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020, patience and good planning are needed to side-step avoidable issues. Anxiety element could be high - so take conscious efforts to induce calmness in your psyche (by meditation, venting out with stable-minded well-wishers, getting suggestions from spiritually evolved persons, etc.). To put matters in perspective, this phase of Jupiter transit is better for you than the transit period between November 5, 2019 and March 30, 2020 due to slightly improved elemental status of Jupiter in its transit!

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into the 4th house from your rashi. There is no significant relief accruing due to this transit – especially since Jupiter attains Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status) during this transit through the 4th house from your rashi. Health of elderly relatives – especially mother or mother-like relatives (including mother-in-law, mother’s sisters, or paternal aunts) may cause concern to some of you. Be extra-careful in land dealings during this period.

Offering Punugu (civet) to Bhairava sannidhis on Ashtamis can help reduced anxiety-element and also bless you with financial resources to manage challenging situations.

Recite the mantra “Hreem Sudarshanaaya sarva klEsha naasanaaya namah” 18 times daily as a protective talisman, and help you to handle anxieties in your life with equanimity.

If there are minor issues of misunderstanding with siblings/ cousins, recite the mantra “Om Bhraatru vatsalaaya Lakshmanaagrajaaya Raamaaya namah” 36 times to maintain family unity.

Sponsoring oil for akhanda deepam (continuously lit deepam) in a Shiva temple on Shiva Raathri night or Vaikunda Ekaadasi night in a Vishnu temple, or to keep the akhandaa deepam burning during Divya naama bhajans (where devotees keep singing Divine Names/ Bhajans all through the night dancing around the lit prayer lamp – as is done during Raadha Kalyaanam/ Seetha Kalyaanam, etc.) could be a very potent remedy to light up your path this year (if you are not able to provide for the continuous burning of the deepams, you may offer 1 litre of ghee/ sesame oil – per your financial feasibility for such purposes).

For Vrischika rashi natives (those born in Visakham 4, Anuradha, and Jyeshta),Jupiter transits the 2nd house from natal Moon sign. This is considered a good transit which is auspicious for new acquisitions, resolving family issues, enjoying respect for one's words, benefits arising out of recital of auspicious mantras, and generally a positive trend in life.  Jupiter attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper Elemental Status) - which is 50% auspicious.  So, careful planning and patient moves on your part are needed to enjoy the positive impact of this transit.  Auspicious events in the family that have been inexplicably delayed may finally happen this year IF the young people concerned are counselled to reduce their unrealistic expectations and cultivate healthy expectancies about life.

Remember that this transit makes it auspicious for you to gain through your words, control of mouth (implying regulation in speech and diet), by learning new slokhas/ mantras, and by spending money on auspicious charitable activities to earn karmic reward points too:)

When you perform austerities, or perform dhaan (charitable offerings) do it with a sense of detachment and with the understanding that you are just paying back some karmic debt with all these, and don’t expect immediate results.  Such matured approach and spiritual attitude will attract the blessings of noble souls that will help you to enjoy the potential good effects of this transit.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 to June 30, 2020During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into the
3rd house from your rashi. This could be a slightly anxiety-inducing phase especially for those who are awaiting important info or planning on expanding their activities and waiting for official clearances. Health of siblings may cause concern to some natives, while less-than-ideal relationship dynamics with siblings can cause emotional pain for some natives of this sign during this phase. Thankfully, this is only a short-duration of challenging influences amidst an otherwise positive period of Jupiter transit influence for you.

REMEDIES:  Recite the mantra “Om Achyutaaya namah Anantaaya namah GOvindaaya namah” 36 times daily and light small ghee wicks (cotton wicks dipped in ghee and allowed to burn for a short time) in Honour of Lord Vishnu.

Recite the mantra “Om Raama Dhootaaya kaarya saadhakaaya asakaaya sooraaya HanumatE namah” when you face challenges to your progress – especially during the tricky atichaaram period mentioned above, or you feel that some mediation is needed to resolve conflict with powerful personages.

Try to use the postive impact of this transit by “blessing” everyone you love – let the power of your words energize them and bring them goodluck when they battle against the odds of life.

Try to make intelligent investments, OR – redirect your finances from risky investment avenues to safer channels.

For Dhanus rashi natives (those born in Moola, Poorvaashaada, Uttaraashaada 1st padam), Jupiter transits the rashi itself which goes by the technical name of "Janma Guru." This is reputed to give stressful situations in life, and situations where you need to take objective decisions to march ahead in life. Often allusion is made to "Janma Guru caused exile of Shri Raama" - and it is observed that many people do relocate to distant lands or experience some sort of adverse transfers or challenging situations under this transit influence. However, the positive slant of this transit is that we are forced to negotiate karmic patterns that we need to experience in life, and in some cases, circumstances force us to veer towards paths that will lead us to our Destiny (like how Shri Raamaa’s exile led to His Life Mission – of destroying Ravana).

Jupiter attains Rajata Moorthy Lakshanaa (Silver elemental status) in its transit phase between November 5, 2019 and March 30, 2020 for your sign.  This is a positive elemental influence and hence tones down the challenging impact of Janma Guru transit for your rashi.

In the phase between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020, Jupiter attains Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden Elemental status) which suggests that things that threaten to destabilize you will actually turn turtle and end to your advantage if you handle them well. So, while challenges will remain the same due to Janma Guru transit, you may be able to extract positive outcomes. Those looking forward to getting onsite opportunities or those planning to emigrate to greener pastures may enjoy good luck during this phase of Jupiter transit.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020:  During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into 2nd house from your rashi. This is a time when you may be able to extract significant advantage from others by intelligent speech. Financial luck will also be good during this short period of temporary positive influence of transit for your sign. Since Jupiter attains Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden Elemental status) during this phase, the good effects could be of appreciable positive intensity.

Remedies: Visit places where siddhas/ saints have attained Jeeva Samadhi and light prayer lamp praying that they should show you the right way which will be auspicious for you.
If you are in public life, try indulging in works of public utility like installing street-lights, CCTVs in important junctions to enhance the security of neighbourhood, etc. These meritorious deeds will shield your prospects- especially where there is threat to existing positions (like falling out of favour of influential leaders resulting in danger of losing one’s position).

Don’t jump into conclusions in any matter. Be patient with everyone, accept things as they come, and then form your strategies as “reaction” to situations. Don’t exacerbate issues by speaking out of turn, or trying to aggressively push matters as such moves may fire back on you this year.

For Makara rashi natives (people born in Uttarashada 2, 3, and 4, Sravana, and Dhanishta 1, 2 padams), Jupiter transits the 12th house from rashi (Viraya Guru - Jupiter transit productive of expenses/ wastage/ losses, and possible loss of position). However, such setbacks will manifest only if you insist on egoistic persistence with your plans. Otherwise, this will just be a period when expenses might mount - but on auspicious matters. You may not be able to avoid certain wasteful journeys or frustration in efforts, but that won’t affect your prospects too much except being an inconvenience for the smooth flow of life. Do not resign from a current position in haste or on egoistic compulsions voluntarily - because such a move can lead to prolonged anxiety regarding finding an alternative placement under this tough transit influence. You must spend on essentials but avoid luxurious expenditure, and be ready with reserve cash to face exigencies in life. Health could be somewhat below par.

In the phase between November 5, 2019 and March 30, 2020, Jupiter attains Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden Elemental status) which reduces the impact of the negative transit influence to a great extent, and many natives of this sign could have auspicious spendings -like wedding of children, or purchase of assets where free money gets locked as valuable assets!).

In the phase between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020, Jupiter attains Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status) which is a time when you must be careful in all activities, and avoid wasteful expenditure.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020: During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into your Janma rashi. Some of you may get transferred to distant places all of a sudden. Protect your professional prospects by being methodical and above-board in all professional dealings during this sensitive period. Since Jupiter during this phase of transit attains Rajata Moorthy Lakshana (Silver elemental status), things will be manageable by-and-large.


Organizing lighting of multiple lamps in the jeeva samaadhi of a saint (like 12 lamps or 108 lamps or even 1008 lamps – if that is feasible for you) on your birth star day, and arranging a saadhu/ Braahmana Bhojana in a Saint's samaadhi or a vedic paatasaala (Braahmana here means someone who lives by vedic/ religious precepts; a person who is Brahmin by birth alone can't be considered Brahamana for this purpose!) can help reduce potential for losses and unnecessary expenditure (when money is spent on worthy charities, that will be an alibi, and help avoid losses/ wastage).

If such elaborate arrangements are not feasible for you, you may offer what you can in the form of camphor, sandalwood pieces, ghee, grains, or herbs to temples or upaasakas who organize grand homams on special occasions.

For Kumbha rashi natives (people born in Dhanishta 3, 4, Satabisha, Poorvaphadra 1, 2, 3), Jupiter transits the auspicious 11th house from rashi. This is a very positive transit indicative of gains from various quarters, support of companions/ society for your good activities, ability to relate on a friendly basis with everyone, gains through elder siblings and business activities, and your good luck will shield your children and ensure positive developments in their lives. Those who have been searching for suitable houses/ apartments to purchase but could not get positive outcome in the past will find things moving in their favour. This is a good period for those trying to cash on ancestral property matters too.

In the phase between November 5, 2019 and March 30, 2020, Jupiter attains Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status). So, things could be slightly delayed before positive outcomes manifest. There could be some “near-misses” - where opportunities seem to shape up but just before the final outcomes things may give you the slip. Don’t give up in haste thinking your efforts are not yielding outcomes during this period; just keep at it till results come in your favour.

In the phase between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020, Jupiter attains Rajatha Moorthy Lakshana (Silver Elemental status). So, there is a good possibility of enjoying a high intensity of positive results due to this transit, and opportunities that came your way but could not materialize as solid positive outcomes during the period before March 30, 2020 will finally come within your grasp and yield good outcomes.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020:  During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into the 12th house from your Janma rashi, and attains Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status). Expenses may sudden mount up during this period. Elderly relatives may need to be hospitalized due to sudden developments. Keep your wits about you, and handle things as they come. This is only a temporary phase of short duration – so don’t panic or lose heart!

Remedies: Recital of Vishnu Sahasranaamam on Saturdays, worship of Lord Hanumaan on Thursdays, and special prayers to Lord Ganesha on Chaturthi days will help you to enjoy the full benefit of the auspicious Jupiter transit for your sign, and also help you to manage the somewhat tough influences in the phase between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020.

Lighting prayer lamps during regular temple visits, and offering special prayers invoking the Souls of ancient Saints in a prayer lamp at your pooja place (at home) on Pournami nights (Full Moon nights) will help you to make the best out of the positive impact of this Jupiter transit.

For Meena rashi (People born in Poorvabhadra – 4, Uttarabhadrapada, and Revati)

Jupiter transits the sensitive 10th house from rashi. There could be uncertainties in professional matters, possible loss of professional dignity in some way (either loss of face in some way in controversial situations, or adverse transfers from prestigious roles to insignificant operational duties), and karma will catch up with you (some setbacks/ difficult situations arising out of your own activities/ choices; positively, if you have been working hard and if the previous 9th house transit of Jupiter failed to reward you, karmic reward can come now and you may be in for pleasant surprises!). 

Jupiter attains Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Gold Elemental Status) in the period between November 5, 2019 and March 30, 2020 - which markedly reduces the negative impact of the transit and gives potential for positive developments for those who have been working hard and conscientiously. This is a positive phase for natives of this sign who have been struggling to settle in a foreign land, but could not find good luck in the recent past.

In the period between June 30, 2020 and November 20, 2020 Jupiter attains Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status) which indicates that you may find things uphill in most matters. Take things one step at a time, and remember that even a journey of many miles is completed by taking one step at a time. Don’t look for fast moves and “get rich in a single day” ideas. Planetary influences force you to take the ladder rather than the elevator now... So, go with them and gain by that experience! Don’t try to rush things or over-play matters due to ego, as the danger of tripping and having a might fall will be high by such impulsive approaches.

Effects of atichaaram (accelerated advance transit) of Jupiter between March 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020: During this phase, Jupiter shifts temporarily into your 11th house providing scope for sudden gains and also for enjoying satisfactory social interactions (including addition of new friends to your inner circle of confidants). Jupiter during this phase attains Copper elemental status suggesting that the good effects are only 50% and you need to exercise patience and plan meticulously to get decent outcomes.

Remedies: Recite the mantra “OM Krishnam vandE Jagat Gurum, maargam darshaya darshaya swaaha” whenever you feel uncertain about career decisions (i.e. if career matters look confusing and you are asked to make a choice – where every option has its share of pros and cons and your decision could make or mar your future, use this mantra to get clarity and right intuition regarding the best decision under the circumstances).

Recite the mantra “Om Ganaadipaaya namah sarvakaarya saadhakaaya Baalachandraaya hum” 36 times daily, and light a ghee-wick (a cotton wick dipped in ghee and allowed to burn for a short time) to side-step the tough impact of Jupiter’s transit, and turn challenges into opportunities.

If possible try to have a recital of Bhagavat Geetha organized at your place (recital of the Moola grandha in original Sanskrit form along with elucidation of the meanings by a good scholar). At the end of such a performance, show aarati to the grantha (Holy Book), and the scholar who elucidated the Holy Work, and pray for clarity and guidance in your life. If this is not possible, you may meditate on any Saint of your choice on Thursdays and light a ghee lamp in your pooja place (at home) praying for Divine Guidance to handle tricky situations in your life.


Special homams connected with the transit are planned at our residence in Bangalore on November 5, 2019. Those born in  Rishabha, Kataka, Kanya, Tulam, Makaram, and Meenam rashis have tough transit influences due to this Jupiter transit and may benefit by a remedial prayer on the transit day. So, natives born in these signs may try to avail the remedial homam (either with me or with any other suitable priest whose expertise and mantraic powers you can rely upon based on your intuition), or at least do simple prayers at your own place as suggested in the remedial indications for your sign in this write-up to protect yourselves against the malefic indications of the transit.

Will be offering oblations with mantras in Honour of Lord Dakshinamoorthi, Lord Hayagreeva, Lord Narasimha, Lord Dhanvantari, Lord Dattatreya, Lord Hanuman, Sapta Rishis, and end the havan with specific mantras in Honour of Lord Devaguru Brihaspati during these homams.

At the end of the homam, I intend to do Brihaspati sthothra and Brihaspati kavacham (Shield of Jupiter) recitals.

The suggested offering for part-sponsorship to take part in that homam performance is Rs.1500(rupees one thousand five hundred only) or equivalent per person whose rashi is afflicted by this Jupiter transit (per the rashi list given above)Of course, even those whose rashis don’t fall under the tough-transit influence category MAY OPTIONALLY be part-sponsors of the transit homam, and pray that the good effects indicated for the transit must be felt with good intensity (especially those rashis for whom the elemental status of Jupiter during this transit is not good though the general transit influences are indicated as positive). Those who are interested in participating in these for remedial purposes may write to me at: with details of the name of the person for whom the remedial performance is desired, their nakshatra, and gothra. Please write "Jupiter transit 2019" in the subject line for my easy tagging of such mails.  Regular clients/ disciples who have participated in austerities under our guidance in the past may make the remittance in favour of our bank account as usual and keep us informed about the same. I will try to include all those who approach me with the prayer request till night of November 3, 2019 (India time) - but please try to confirm your participation as early as possible, as it makes it easier for me to update the sankalpam sheet appropriately and plan the logistics.

Please note that I won't be sending prasad/ holy ash by post due to ritual purity considerations of the holy articles.  My sankalpam on your behalf during the homam is deemed "in-absentia" participation, and the karmic benefits of the performance will accrue to you.  Sign up for participation as a part-sponsor in the homams only if the above condition is acceptable to you.

May Divine Grace bless us all.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

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