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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Varamahaalakshmi vratam - August 24, 2018

Varalakshmi Vrattam or "Nonbu" as it is called is a powerful vrattam that can ensure prosperity and overall development in the family. It is observed on August 24, 2018  this year throughout the world.

As the name implies, this Varalakshmi vrattam bestows "boons" to the devotees.Generally this vrattam is taken only if it is celebrated in the family traditionally; but there is no harm in taking this vrattam voluntarily also after taking the consent of elders in the family - and under the guidance of suitable upaasakaas or vedic priests near your place. The only condition is that once you have taken it as a vrattam with proper "Lakshmi Face" and "Kalash", you have to celebrate it EVERY YEAR without fail. Even when there is a death in the family in that year, you are supposed to take the "amman face" to some family that celebrates it, place it in their pooja with their permission, offer something as "dakshina" for their conducting the function, and then bring the amman face back to your house. Such is the procedure;so think whether this is feasible before taking this vrattam. But even if you don't take it as a vrattam for life, all can chant Lakshmi mantras, beeja mantras, Lakshmi Sahasranaamam, Kanakadhaara Sthothram, Sri Stuthi, Sangraha Lakshmi Hrudayam or other slokhas/ mantras on Goddess Mahalakshmi and get Her Grace. Goddess is Waiting to bestow Her Grace and grant us boons on that day; we just need to ask Her!

Commenting on "Lakshmi" - we need not harbour unnecessary aversion to abundance/ riches.  In Vedic traditions money well-earned is deemed a blessing - BECAUSE - for every charitable and noble deed, the power of money can support you.  Money well-earned (by righteous means, by hard-work, and without exploiting anyone) and well-spent (to help suffering people, to support vedic austerities for the welfare of the Universe at large, and for supporting struggling relatives/ friends) can be good karma, and can gradually lead to a stage where you will ripe into spirituality gradually.  Hunger and deprivation can be corruptive for a person (where the lack of the resource may allow others to force you into things that you don't really feel like doing)....So, as long as you don't fall down in greed and unbridled obsession, money - by itself - is not an evil - and in fact, can be a blessing.  When we speak of "Lakshmi Kadaaksham", it means Abundance that is of a type that gives contentment and happiness to the individual, and helps in pursuit of dharmic means with artha.

If the right Artha (resources) is there, it will sustain Dharma (righteousness for both self and others), and help in satisfaction of Kaama (legitimate desires) - and when Dharma, Artha, and Kaama are suitably handled in life - it will allow the psyche to graduate into trying for Moksha - the Ultimate Liberation - the goal of every Soul incarnated on this realm!  This is the varam (boon) that we must request Maa Lakshmi (the Divine Mother - outwardly manifesting as Goddess of Wealth - in fact Lakshmi is just one Manifestation of the Infinite Divine Grace) - a gradual and healthy progression along the Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha paath!

Ladies who have taken this vrattam vow in earlier years but have monthly periods on this day and hence cannot offer the Varalakshmi pooja can offer the vrattam prayers on the subsequent Friday i.e. on August 31, 2018.

We intend to perform Beejaani sahitaa Lakshmi Homam on Vara Mahaalakshmi day along with recital of other powerful vedic and aagamic mantras on Her.   Like that most upaasakaas and temples would be organizing some austerity or other in Honour of Shree.....Try to involve yourself in such auspicious performances to the extent possible - in addition to your poojas at home - and invite Prosperity and Abundance in your lives.

Best regards,

Blessed be.


Astrological and Remedial consultant

Monday, August 20, 2018

Parivartini ekaadasi - August 21/ August 22, 2018

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Dear Members:

Parviartini ekaadashi also called Paarshva ekaadashi  is believed to be the day when Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Yoga Nidhra changes his position in sleep - from left side to right side.

Just as the Lord shifts in His Yoga Nidra from one side to another, may His Grace allow you to explore all aspects of your life and may His Grace allow you to expect a positive turn of Fate in your lives!

It is traditional to venerate Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Form of Vaamana on this day.


1) Sarva Ekaadasi (common for both Smaartha and Vaishnava traditions) is to be observed on August 21, 2018 for those living in Iceland, USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continents, and Western European countries.

2) Smaartha Ekaadasi for those living in East European countries , South European countries, and Scandinavian countries - August 21, 2018

3) Vaishnava ekaadasi for those living in East  European countries, South European countries,and Scandinavian countries - August 22, 2018.

4) Sarva Ekaadasi (common to both Vaishnava and Smaartha traditions) for rest of the world - including middle-East countries, India, and all countries to the east of India - August 22, 2018.

This Ekaadasi is considered to be the most Holy of the fasts that come during the Chaaturmaasya period. One more significance of this fast is - this is one of the Putradaa ekaadasis of the year (fast that can help reduce putra-dosha influences in a person's chart and boost progenic prospects).

May our members observe this fast and become recipients of Universal Grace.

Blessed be.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Kaamika Ekaadasi 2018

Dear Members:

The auspicious Kaamika ekaadasi is to be observed on August 7/ August 8, 2018 this year.

Schedule of observance of Ekaadasi in different regions of the world:

a) USA, Canada, and all countries in North and South America, Countries in Europe, and all countries of African continent - August 7, 2018 - Sarva Ekaadasi (common to both Smaartha and Vaishnava traditions).

b) Smaartha Ekaadasi for those living in middle-East countries, India, Bangaladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Brunei, etc.  (Centra Asia, South West Asia, Indian sub-continent, and South-East Asian countries) - on August 7, 2018.

c) Vaishnava Ekaadasi for those living in middle-East countries, India, Bangaladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Brunei, etc.(Centra Asia, South West Asia, Indian sub-continent, and South-East Asian countries) - on August 8, 2018.

d) Sarva Ekaadasi for those living in Japan, Australia, New Zeland, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, etc. - on August 8, 2018.

Merits of this ekaadasi (from Brahmavaivarta puraanam)....

Observing the kaamikaa ekaadasi gives one the merit that accrues out of bathing in sacred rivers. Offering Tulsi to Lord Mahaavishnu on this day pleases our Lord more than offerings of even the Nine Gemstones of rarest quality! A devotee who does proper worship of Lord Vishnu with Tulsi leaves on this ekaadashi day reaches Vaikuntam directly after the end of this life. Proper observanace of this ekaadasi will please Yama Dharmaraaj also. It is customary to donate a ghee lamp/ sesame oil lamp to a Krishna temple on this ekaadashi day. Such a devotee will be blessed by all celestials. The merit accruing out of this ekaadashi is equivalent to that accruing out of recital of all Holy Scriptures.

Elsewhere, it has been mentioned by Lord Brahma to Sage Narada that the merit of observing this ekaadasi is equivalent to that obtained by donating a healthy cow along with her calf and one year's feed to a worthy vedic scholar. So, those who have vamsa Kshaya doshas in chart (yogas indicative of end of lineage due to past sins) might benefit by this ekaadasi which gives go-dhaana punya.

May our members observe this holy fast and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Blessed be.


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