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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Padmini Ekadasi 2020

Dear Members:

The auspicious Padmini Ekaadasi is to be observed on September 27, 2020 throughout the world. Padmini Ekaadasi is the ekaadasi that falls in the shukla paksha of the adhika maasa (lunar leap month - the additional lunar month in a year - that happens roughly once in 2.5 to 3 years; the previous Padmini Ekadasi was observed in May 2018). Observance of this fast properly is believed to give merit equivalent to performance of Raajasuya yaaga (besides others yagnyas if one maintains a full night prayer vigil per norms of the shastras), and ensures attainment of Abode of Lord Vishnu after one's term on this plane of existence.

Method of observing the fast:

If possible, devotees should refrain from eating right from the previous night (on dasami night itself) and in the morning, purificatory bath should be taken with a small amount of clay (or sand from holy rivers or just plain clean sand/ clay/ mud - smearing mud/ clay/ sand on face and limbs and wathing them off; you may even use multani mitti or gopi chandan in lieu of fresh mud/ clay/ river-sand), and with aamla powder (aamla seeds dried and powdered and used as bathing powder- this can be obtained from Indian medicine shops).

The day should be spent in as much of Divine Contemplation as if feasible, and we should avoid criticizing anyone for any reason, talking ill of pious persons/ religious heads for any reason, and unnecessary gossip against anyone.

A whole-night vigil would be beneficial...

During the first quarter of the Ekadasi night the devotee should offer some coconut to his / her favourite Deity (Isthadeva), during the second part bel fruit should be offered (aamla pieces acceptable in lieu if you can't procure bel fruit), during the third part an orange, and as the night draws to a close some betel nut. Remaining awake during the first part of the Ekadasi night bestows on the devotee/sadhaka the same merit as that gained by performing the Agnistoma-yajna. Staying awake during the second part of the night bestows the same merit as that gained by performing a Vajapeya-yajna. Stay awake during the third part gives one the same merit as that attained by performing an Ashvamedha-yajna. And one who remains awake throughout the night receives all of the above mentioned merit, as well as the grand merit of having performed a Rajasooya-yajna. Thus there is no better fasting day in the year than Padmini Ekadasi.( This rare opportunity comes to us once in two-three years - BUT human life is ephemeral - no one knows when Time will come calling upon us - so, we should take up austerities for our soul on special auspicious days as if this day is our very last day and our very last chance to redeem our souls).

After remaining awake throughout the night, the devotee should bathe at sunrise (on the day after the fast - on Dwaadasi day) and then worship Lord Vishnu nicely. He should then feed a qualified brahmin (or a pious devotee or spiritual person) and respectfully give him the Deity of Lord Keshava and the pot filled with pure scented water. This gift will guarantee the devotee success in this life and liberation in the hereafter.


If the entire procedure is not feasible to follow due to normal life circumstances, I would recommend each and every spiritual person to follow the Ekaadasi fast to the extent feasible for them in their lives (if not a full fast, try to subsist on fruits/ milk or skip at least one meal in Honour of our Lord, or whatever is possible for you in light of your health conditions and prior training regarding fasting) in Honour of Lord Vishnu and reap the spiritual benefits of this wonderful day. Try to indulge in some sort of pious activity in whatever small way you can - right from chanting simple Raama naama whenever possible during the day for those who can't set apart time for an elaborate pooja extending to reading whole work of Naaraaneeyam, or Sundara Kaandam, or many repetitions of Shri Vishnu Sahasranaamam or Shrimad Bhagavat Gita for those who can afford to allot time like that for such intense and long austerities.

May Lord Vishnu's Grace pervade the Universe and bring peace, prosperity, and progress to all living beings.

Blessed be.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Rahu-Ketu transit homam images - 23-sep 2020

Pandit R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI Astrological and Remedial consultant

Friday, September 18, 2020

Rahu- Ketu peyarchi 2020

This is about the transit of mean nodes of the Moon (Rahu/ Ketu). Rahu will transit through Rishabha rashi and Ketu will transit through Vrischika rashi from September 23, 2020 till April 2022 taking Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa for calculations.

Why different dates are shown for this peyarchi and which is correct?

You might find different dates for transit on the web - some because they follow vaakya panchanga without the relevant correction as recommended by siddhanta works in astrology and thus may give the Rahu-ketu peyarchi on a different date (some temples observed it last month!). But, for astrological purposes, it is more correct to consider the mean node for transit calculations - which is what we have done and which is what drig ganitha based almanacs will also suggest. Based on such reckoning, Rahu-ketu peyarchi (transit) is on September 23, 2020. Due to minor ayanamsa differences, some Drig ganitha panchangs show the Rahu/ ketu peyarchi on slightly different dates near this September 23, 2020  date (including a group of astrologers who observed the early weeks of September 2020) – but as per calculations using siddhanta principles and applying relevant corrections for ayanamsa, I am going to do the austerities only on September 23, 2020.


For those born in Mesha rashi (vedic Moon sign in Aries)
Rahu transits the inauspicious 2nd house while ketu transits the inauspicious 8th house from natal Moon sign.  Regularity in dietary and sleep routines, besides regulating the type of food consumed can go a long way in protecting your health. You must follow the rules of the road carefully while driving, and also be ready to take avoidance actions if the fools at the wheel of the other vehicles come your way impelled by fate – because there is accident-proneness due to this transit (especially with Ketu in the 8th house from your natal Moon sign). Avoid self-medication at all cost as there is high risk of medicinal allergies.  Also if there are eye infections take immediate medical help and avoid procrastinating on that as eye-problems are strongly indicated during this phase. Watch what you say under all circumstances; there is real risk of spoiling relationships by careless words.  Avoid raising heavy loans for any purpose as far as feasible. Businessmen of this sign must avoid risky ventures and handle the compliance norms related to their activities with alacrity.  Those in service my be troubled by increase in work-load and unrealistic demands from their superiors; these situations must be handled with diplomacy.  Natives of this sign who are in their middle-ages or ages past this stage must exercise responsibility regarding food intake to avoid unnecessary complications arising out of unbridled eating habits. The good transit influence of Jupiter can shield you to some extent in the period between April 6, 2021 and September 2021, and in the period beyond November 2021.

Remedies suggested: Offer musk/ civet to Bhairava Sannidhi on Ashtami days.  Worship of Goddess Chamundeshwari/ Chandi/ Durga on New Moon days and Tuesdays will help in keeping you safe in all circumstances.  

Whenever possible participate in community prayers in Honour of Goddess Chandi or in Honour of Guardian Deities of your town (like in collective Chandi homams in temples, or in local temple festivals in Honour of Mariyamman, Yellamma, Osiya Maa, or such other Guardian Deities).

For those born in Rishabha Rashi (Moon sign in Taurus),  Rahu transits natal Moon sign while ketu transits the 7th house from natal Moon sign. Rahu transiting the natal Moon sign will impel you to make mistakes due to miscalculations in life/ illusions. You should avoid taking impulsive decisions; domestic peace may be marred by unnecessary arguments/ anxieties due to influence of Ketu on the 7th house from your rashi. Health of self and elderly relatives may cause concern. Avoid chasing illusory goals and spoiling your current situation totally. Be patient, and if you wish to advance your prospects, do so with patience and not merely with blind optimism/ rash false-beliefs interned by looking at the lives of others. Be prepared to handle unexpected developments that may threaten to affect the rhythm of your work now and then.   The good transit of Jupiter will shield you and reduce the negative effects to some extent during the period between November 20, 2020 and 5th April 2021, and in the period between September 2021 and November 2021.

Remedies suggested: Worship of Lord Vatuka Bhairava (Lord Bhairava as a lad) on Fridays, Amavasyas, and Ashtami thithis will help reduce impact of Rahu. Cultivating a matured mental detachment and having an ego-less approach to family situations will help to keep domestic disagreements at bay. Performance of Ucchishta Ganapathy homam can help if there are troubles in marital life, or if there are delays/ inexplicable last-minute drop in alliances for single natives of this sign.  If there are legal issues that threaten to upset your well-being, organizing Chandi Path or performance of Durga Sooktha homam can be powerful remedies.

For those born in Mithuna rashi (vedic moon sign in Gemini), Rahu transits the 12th house from natal Moon sign while ketu transits the auspicious 6th house from natal Moon sign.

Rahu's transit can cause finance related controversies, unforeseen expenditure, wearisome journeys and heavy workload at work, possible relocation, etc.  Those living abroad and are waiting for crucial work-permits may encounter  few anxieties on that count. Expenditure can mount uncontrollably. Do not latch on to “get-rich-by-night” sort of schemes and prefer stable/ safe investments instead. Try to cultivate healthy aspirations and thoughts; Rahu in the 12th house can trigger deep-seated complexes/ negativities of the subconscious mind. So, try to surround yourself with positive influences, good thoughts, and healthy life-style concepts so that negativity of the mind is not triggered by external prompts/ associations. Do not let your fears restrict your range of activities; be intelligent and cautious – but not paranoid since Rahu in the 12th house can sometimes limit your productivity/ achievements by promoting unnecessary reserved tendencies/ uncalled for avoidance of situations.

Ketu's transit influence helps in overcoming rival activity and can promote gains by overcoming tough challenges. This positive influence of Ketu's auspicious transit influence can be felt markedly in the current period till November 20, 2020, in the period between 6th April 2021 and 14th Sep 2021, and in the period beyond November 2021.
REMEDIES SUGGESTED: Offering civet for use in Bhairava sannidhi or donating horse grams to temples, or offering horse-gram delicacies as naivedya after offering pooja to Goddess Kaali at home can help in reducing unnecessary expenditure pattern and in enhancing your courage/ confidence levels.

If you experience bad dreams or inexplicable anxiety, offering sandalwood (whatever amount you can afford) to your kula Devata temple can help you to feel more grounded and confident - and help to reduce patterns of unexplained and persistent heavy expenditure pattern in your life.

For those born in Kataka rashi (Vedic Moon sign in Cancer), Rahu transits the auspicious 11th house from natal Moon sign indicating removal of obstacles to auspicious events, success, good gains in business, etc. Ketu's transit over the 5th house can cause some anxiety regarding younger family members, trouble from secret rivals, occasional problems of liquidity for businessmen, and possible ill-health for self or other close family members. If you are a trader in the stock markets, hedge your bets carefully and avoid risking your capital too much in choppy markets.  Sketch your moves, mark clear stop-loss triggers and avoid excess greed in trading activities. Adolescents/ young adults, and those in the 42 to 48 years of age should avoid irresponsible socialization activities that may lead to unnecessary relationship complications. Even if we are good, association with unscrupulous persons may dent our reputation too. Care should be taken in this. This is a good time for getting initiated into taaraka mantras (mantras to help you reach good spiritual planes or even emancipation!). Thus the results are mixed for you. The good transit of Jupiter in the period between 20th November 2020 and 6th April 2021, and again between 14th Sep 2021 and 20th November 2021, will reduce the negative influences and give scope for positive outcomes.

REMEDIES SUGGESTED: Feeding fishes in temple ponds, and offering prayer lamps in flowing streams on auspicious days will help you to reduce the malefic impact of Ketu’s transit.

Offering jaggery water (paanakam) or buttermilk on Chitra Pournami day, Karthika Deepam day, or other special occasions in the temple of your Kula Devata or Guardian Deity of the place where you reside can help you overcoming obstacles to success, and also help in resolving vexatious relationship issues.

For those born in Simha Rashi (Vedic Moon sign in Leo), Rahu transits the 10th house from natal Moon sign, while ketu transits the 4th house from natal Moon sign.  Do not be slack in performance of your duties in any way. Even if others seem to be thankless when you do your work properly, just keep going; at the very least, even if you can’t win praise, you can avoid blame when you do your work perfectly. You should guard your reputation zealously as there is possible risk of scandals arising out of undesirable association at work.  Health of self and maternal relatives may also be below par. You should be extra-careful in all activities. Students should avoid unnecessary distractions to get good grades. Career luck will be mediocre and success is possible only with hard and conscientious efforts. If you have not been giving good results and yet your superiors don't pull you up, don't lull yourself into thinking that this can go on for is possible that silently negative appraisals are being marked and it will be in your best interests to pull your act together so that you don't face adverse down turn in career situations. As the transit of Saturn is good, you can side-step negative indications of this transit influence by investing hard work in all that you do.  

REMEDIES SUGGESTED: Recital of Naaraayani sthuthi – the 11th chapter of Devi Mahatmyam, or the 12th chapter from Shrimad Sundara Kaandam of Vaalmiiki Raamayanam version will be helpful to tone down the tough impact of Rahu/ ketu transit for your sign.  Offering silver ornaments or small replicas of Trident or tiny silver utensils or pure silve coins (per your capacity and in tune with the intensity of your issues) to temples or vedic priests can be a good remedy if you encounter tough domestic situations OR legal issues.

 For those born in Kanya rashi (vedic Moon sign in Virgo)Rahu transits the auspicious 9th house giving you unexpected positive outcomes, and good luck arising out of punya karma, and Ketu transits the 3rd house from rashi - which is auspicious and can give you improved self-confidence; adventurous decisions can help you make good gains. So, those born in Kanya  rashi have a good influence based on the transit of nodes this time. You have a good spread of dinner on your tables per the transit of Nodes. The transit of Jupiter is also good between November 20, 2020 and 5th April 2021, and in the period between 14th September 2021 and November 20, 2021.
These are the time-windows you must choose for major ventures in your life.

No major remedies needed since the transit influence is basically good for your sign. If – Heavens Forbid, there are obstacles/ challenges, remedies appropriate to the dasa-bhukti per your individual charts and remedies for the tough transit of Saturn (Saturn is triggering the 5th house from your natal Moon sign which is not exactly auspicious) may be tried. No specific remedy needed for the transit of Rahu/ Ketu.

For those born in Tula rashi (vedic Moon sign in Libra), Rahu transits the inauspicious 8th house and ketu transits the inauspicious 2nd house from rashi. There could be obstacles to goals, strained relationship with relatives, fruitless journeys or travelling to distant lands, anxieties due to relocation, delay in getting funds released for auspicious purposes, etc. Be very careful while driving vehicles, and leave nothing to chance while handling sensitive assignments.  Try to err on the conservative/ cautious side during this period as things are tricky for you. Those trying for foreign settlement/ career may be saddled with issues arising out of unnecessary Red-tape. So, build up your visa/ GC cases carefully with supporting documentation, and avoid unnecessary/ hasty shift in jobs from one employer to another – especially if your current employer is a reputed organization. Trying to shift jobs and your visa sponsor may sometimes backfire. Look for stability rather than big pay packet - especially if your work-permit situation is shaky.  This is not a time to hit out wildly with blind hope that everything will be alright. The positive transit of Jupiter in the period between 6th April 2021 and 14th September 2021, and in the period after November 20, 2021 can give slight relief....but don't let down your guard even during these time-windows. 

REMEDIES: Handle mandatory compliance submissions/ tax-filings carefully.

Avoid taking unnecessary occult risks (like careless stepping over materials that have been discarded after drishti-removal on the road, unnecessary careless/ disrespectful debate on subtle spiritual matters, taking up mantras without proper deeksha, unnecessary experimentation regarding spirit communications,  etc.).
Do not raise major loans without proper calculation of your repayment capabilities.

Recite Durga Sapta Slokhi 7 times and offer 7 prostrations on Thursday/ Friday evenings praying for Divine Assistance in all your endeavours.  

Pray to Lord Hanumaan before taking out vehicles for daily drive and ensure proper maintenance of your vehicle to stay safe.

Offering sandalwood paste to the Tail of Lord Hanumaan's Photo and reciting Hanumaan Chaalisa or other Hanumaan stothras can be good remedies if you encounter particularly tough situations regarding career matters.

For those born in Vrischika rashi (vedic Moon sign in Scorpio) Rahu transits the 7th house and ketu transits the rashi itself. Transit of both nodes is difficult and much caution is need in all activities. This is further complicated by tough transit of Jupiter on and off during this transit tenure. The auspicious transit influence of Saturn will help you to keep your head above the turbulent influences.   Be diplomatic and guarded in your interactions with members of opposite gender, and be careful while taking new medicines. Health may be below par for elderly natives of this sign - including possibility of allergy to medicines or sudden bouts of illness that are not easy diagnosable. Overall, it is a tough transit influence you have on your hands. For single natives these positive windows can give hopes regarding finalizing a suitable match if dasa-bhukti influences per the individual chart are supportive.


Be broad-minded in your dealings with close relatives but do not let anyone walk all over you. Maintaining the golden mean and healthy moderation in all matters will help you to stay out of trouble.

Offering sandalwood paste to vedic scholars/ priests chanting scriptures in the samadhis of saints and meditating on ascetics of known exalted spiritual stature (like His Holiness Chandrasekara Saraswathy, His Holiness Ugra Narasimha Bharathi, His Holiness Raghavendra Swamy, H.H. Sadasiva Brahmendral, etc.) can help you to be anchored even as life’s challenges threaten to unsettle you. 

Natives of this sign who are troubled by relationship misunderstandings (like spouse misunderstanding self, or self troubled by anxieties regarding stability of relationship) may benefit by worship of Goddess Maatangi or recital of Chapter 36 of Shrimad Sundarakaandam (Vaalmiiki Raamayan version) on Fridays.

To resolve health issues for self or close family members that are not resolved by conventional treatments, try parikrama seva in the Jeeva Samadhi of saints, OR offer physical seva (like cutting vegetables for the temple kitchen, cleaning temple premises, or whatever volunteering work can be done in a Holy Place), OR donate for annadhaanam at temples or charitable institutions that feed destitute or aged people.

For those born in Dhanus rashi (vedic Moon sign in Sagittarius),   Rahu transits the auspicious 6th house from Moon sign giving success over rivals, and success in all activities. Those who try to trap you with their cunning moves may find themselves caught in their own web. Divergent thinking, innovative moves, and creative pursuits will give you success and satisfaction. However, transit of ketu is not auspicious as it is in the 12th house from natal Moon sign. Avoid raising big-ticket loans unless your financial situation is well-hedged.  Those living abroad and working on temporary work-visas may encounter mild complications in renewal of the same.  So, the results will be mediocre - the good and bad results balancing each other out. Transit of Ketu is further complicated by tough transit of Saturn throughout the period, and by tough transit of Jupiter in the period till November 20, 2020, in the period between 6th April 2021 and 14th Sep 2021, and in the period beyond November 20, 2021. In the period between November 20, 2021 and 5th April 2021, and in the period between 14th Sep 2021, and November 20, 2021,    there is scope for positive developments with hard efforts and by the punya phala accumulated by charitable and religious activities.

REMEDIES SUGGESTED: Feeding fishes in holy ponds/ flowing rivers, and offering lamps to flowing rivers on auspicious occasions will bring you good luck.

Offering coconuts to temples/ religious persons for performing homams can help reduce unnecessary expenditure and inexplicable worries/ generalized anxiety that you may experience at times.

If possible, you can sponsor for providing water/ buttermilk to thirsty people in kshetras (or even in the place you life) to enjoy karmic protection against unnecessary wastage in life, and for ensuring better luck related to foreign work situation.

For those born in Makara rashi (vedic Moon sign in Capricorn), Rahu transits the inauspicious 5th house from natal Moon sign. Women of this sign who are in the family way should undergo regular medical check-ups to rule out complications; relationship with close family members may come under strain. Single natives of this sign must avoid impulsive romantic choices.  Investors must be wary of taking wrong speculative decisions that could tilt the tables against them. However, the transit of Ketu - in the 11th house from Moon sign can give good gains and career progress. Thus both good and not-so-good results are indicated by this transit. Those appearing for competitive examinations, or have critical appraisals coming up must back themselves by taking extra hard efforts. The time-window between 6th April 2021 and 14th Sep 2021, and the period beyond November 20, 2021 will be relatively better for you due to auspicious Jupiter transit.

Students of this sign can insure against the tricky transit by offering prayers to Goddess Maatangi on Fridays or by reciting Hanumaan chaalisa thrice on Saturdays.

Worship of Goddess Kaali or Durga will help in protecting the well-being of children (and also will be a good safety for pregnant women).

Worship of Lord Adi Varaaha swaamy on Fridays can help in removing obstacles pertaining to property transactions.

Offering sandalwood for pooja/ homam in a Perumaal (Shri Vishnu) temple, or volunteering to grind sandalwood paste for poojas/ major homams can help in improving your general good luck.

Visiting samadhi shrines of saints can help to ensure mental peace and spiritual progress.

For those born in Kumbha rashi (vedic Moon sign of Aquarius), Rahu transits the inauspicious inauspicious 4th house. Health of elderly relatives - especially mother or mother's father/ mother may cause concern. There could also be relocation related anxieties or wearisome journeys due to professional reasons.  Be very careful if you are planning on purchase/ disposal of property.  Students of this sign must put in extra effort to do well in their studies.

Ketu transiting the 10th house indicates possible good luck in some major projects after strenuous efforts. Though it is not entirely positive, there is still hope for occasional good outcomes due to Ketu's transit influence.  You should look at the long-term impact of job changes you contemplate now, rather than expect immediate positive results. Avoid impulsive career decisions after November 20, 2020. On the whole, the effects can be said to be tough but not entirely unmanageable as Rahu and Ketu give different results based on this transit.

REMEDIES SUGGESTED: Offering special prayers to Goddess Durga on Ashtami days and Amavasya/ Pournami days will help in reducing the malefic impact of Rahu’s transit.

Worship of Lord Varaaha swamy can help in improving luck pertaining to property dealings.

Worship of Goddess Maatangi on Tuesdays and Fridays or Lord Hayagreeva/ Lord Dakshinamoorthi on Thursdays will help students and those appearing in competitive exams or have to face interview situations (promotion appraisals/ new job offers, etc.). 

For those born in Meena Rashi (Vedic Moon sign in Pisces) Rahu transits the auspicious 3rd house from natal Moon which can give good results and long awaited breakthroughs in life. Auspicious events can materialize for those who have been waiting for wedding bells to ring for a long time. You can enjoy very good progress if your work is related to communication sector or involves lot of writing/ networking with others. Your luck can be further enhanced (regardless of your line of work) by taking adventurous decisions. On the flip side, nebulous signals that you give may come to haunt you later, and unethical/ immoral communications with others (like irresponsible online flirtations) could cause danger to hard-gained reputations. Generally those in business or roles that require assertiveness and multi-tasking will do better than those who are employed in stable roles with fixed responsibilities that have no room for negotiation.

Ketu's transit in the 9th house is slightly challenging. This can be tough for health of self, paternal relatives who are elderly, and overseas prospects - while it is also good for spiritual pursuits and visit to Holy Places.  Natives of this sign who have been doing intense austerities for the past many years may be blessed with Divine Manifestations or Experiences that can be life-transforming.

Overall, the effects are mixed for you.

REMEDIES SUGGESTED:  Getting blessings of religious preceptors (Aachaaryas of the mutts to which your family owes allegiance traditionally), or blessings of ascetics could be powerful shield for your prospects.  

Whenever situations permit travel to kshetras (pilgrim spots), taking bath in Holy Rivers and offering special prayers at temples situated on the banks of Holy rivers will augment your good luck.


Please note that the above results are general and this influence is just one of the many factors that impinge our life...These will be moderated by the effect of transit influences of other major planets and also the directional influences unique to your charts. To some extent I have touched upon the altered influences caused by transit of other major planets in this write-up, but to get the real impact of Rahu-ketu transit unique to your sign it is always best to consult an astrologer who has consistently caught the pulse of your chart correctly and guided you correctly (a family astrologer – like a family doctor is always best in guiding you as long as you have chosen the right person for that important role!; there are some influences that are unique to individuals which an astrologer who is constantly guiding an individual will be better aware of!)


Those who are under adverse Rahu-ketu peyarchi influences ( those born under Mesha, Rishabha, Mithuna, Kataka,Tula, Vrischika, Dhanus, and Makara  rashis) should perform remedies to overcome the possible malefic influences of the transit since very sensitive sectors of their lives are triggered by this transit.. Those born under Simha and Kumbhar rashis may perform the transit related homam remedy OPTIONALLY (since the influences are mixed for them).  No need of any remedy for those born under Kanya rashi and Meena rashis. 

We are organizing special homams on the occasion of this Rahu-ketu peyarchi on September 23, 2020 at our residence at Bangalore.  Mahaa Ganapathy homam, Chaamundi homam, Durga Sooktha homam, Prathiyangira homam, Vatuka Bhairava homam, Rahu beeja homam, ketu Beeja mantra homam will be done on that day. Recital of other sthothrams for preethi of Rahu/ Ketu (in Honour of Adi-Devatas of these Nodes) will also be done as part of the austerities.

The suggested offering for part-sponsorship to take part in that homam performance is Rs.1500(rupees one thousand five hundred only) or equivalent for inclusion of one person whose rashi is impacted by the transit. Those who are interested in participating in these for remedial purposes may write to me at: with details of the name of the person for whom the remedial performance is desired, their nakshatra, and gothra. Please write "Rahu/ketu transit 2020" in the subject line for my easy tagging of such mails.  Regular clients/ disciples who have participated in austerities under our guidance in the past may make the remittance in favour of our bank account as usual and keep us informed about the same.

Please note that we won’t be sending homam prasadam or holy ash by post due to ritual purity reasons and due to current Covid situation restricting gatherings, we are doing this strictly in an in-absentia mode (i.e. without physical participation of anyone in this austerity). The sankalpam taken in your name during the homams will be deemed “in-absentia” participation and the karmic effects of this performance will reach you any way.

So, take part in these austerities ONLY IF this condition (of in-absentia participation) is acceptable to you.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Indra Ekaadasi 2020 - Fast to relieve souls of ancestors off remorse for their karmas they invoked when they lived on this plane

Dear Members:

Indira Ekaadasi is the Ekaadasi that occurs during the Mahalaya paksha / pitru paksha.

Schedule of observance of the fast for people living in different parts of the world:

a) For all those living in countries to the West of India (all nations of North and South American continents,  Africa, and Europe, and West and South West Asian countries) - the fast must be observed on Sep 13, 2020.

b) It is to be observed on September 13, 2020 in major parts of India EXCEPT - places in extreme East and Northeast of India (Eastern parts of Orissa, West Bengal, and all states of NE India).

c) Those living in extreme East states/ NE states of India and observing Smaartha traditions may observe this on September 13, 2020 (like those living in rest of India).

d) Those living in extreme East states/ NE states of India and observing Vaishna traditions (and also Sanyaasis of Smaartha order observing Gauna Ekaadasi) must observe this on September 14, 2020.  Saints/ Moksha-maarga spiritual aspirants - MAY - if their health permits - observe the fast on both September 13th and September 14th.  

e) Similarly those living in all countries to the East of India (All south-east Asian countries, far East Asian countries like Japan, those living in China, Myanmar, etc., and those living in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania countries) must observe Smaartha Ekaadasi on September 13, 2020 and Vaishna/ Gauna Ekaadasi on September 14, 2020.


The importance of Indira Ekaadasi is explained in the Brahma vaivarta Puraana in a discussion between Lord Krishna and king Yudhishtra. Observance of this Ekaadasi will help in removing the sinful effects of actions done by oneself and also relieve deceased ancestors' souls from the remorse caused by their sinful actions when they lived on this earth. According to legends, King IndrasEnaa performed this fast on the advice of Devarishi Narada and saved his father from the remorse caused by his sins during his earthly life.

On the day before the observance of this ekaadasi fast, i.e. on dasami thithi, just one meal is eaten praying for ancestors' souls; on the Ekaadasi day a full fast is to be undertaken, and in the afternoon rituals for the satisfaction of pitrus are to be done; the fast is broken on dwaadasi day. If such an elaborate scheme is not feasible, you may just fast as usual on Ekaadasi day, and pray for peace of your pitrus' souls after the Ekaadasi pooja to Vishnu. What else can you do for you ancestors than undertaking this fast that can relive their souls of the burden/ remorse caused by sinful activities committed knowingly or unknowingly during their tenure on this earth?

Please note that this fast is not mandatory for those below 7 years/ above 70 years as is the common rule for Ekaadasi fasts. Similarly those who are sick and ladies who are pregnant are also exempt from this observance. Others should preferably undertake a full fast (abstaining even from water, if possible). Those who can't undertake such rigorous fasts due to practical circumstances should at least avoid all full-grains, onion/ garlic items, eating food outside, etc. and try to subsist on milk and fruits. The bottom line is - observe the fast to the best of your abilities and as best as your circumstances will permit the observance.  Remember that this is the best homage you can pay to your deceased ancestors.

May our members observe this wonderful fast and gain liberty from sinful karma not only for themselves but also for their ancestors!

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

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