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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Somavaara Pradakshina Amaavasya - August 25, 2014

Dear Members:

Pradakshina Amavasya happens when Amavasya begins on Sunday evening and the remaining portion of Amavasya operates for major part of the next day - Monday. 

Generally shastras prohibit "touching" of an Ashwatta tree (peepal tree) except on certain special days, and pradakshina amaavasya day is one such day when we can touch the Holy Peepal tree and seek boons.

This is a wonderful day for prayers for progenic bliss.  Women seeking progenic bliss must visit a nearby temple where an Ashwatta tree (Arasa Maram in Tamil) is maintained, and do 108 circumambulations praying for progenic bliss.

This is also a wonderful day for taking mantra deeksha under a peepal tree.

Even those who don't have specific child-birth related boons or deeksha aspirations may simply offer prayers to the King of Trees - Ashwatta remembering Ashwatta Naaraayana (Lord who is subtly resident in the Holiness of Ashwatta tree).

May our members observe this austerity and improve Divinity Quotient in their lives:)

Blessed be.

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