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Friday, August 1, 2014

Naaga Panchami, August 1, 2014

Dear Members:

Naaga Panchami is observed on August 1, 2014 this year.

It is considered to be an auspicious day to offer respects to snake deities and invoke their Blessings on your clan.  This is especially an auspicious day for propitiating Snake Deities to get relief from Rahu/ ketu doshas in chart.

Astrologically, there is risk of poisonous bites/ allergic reactions during the sub period of Rahu/ ketu in the major periods of malefic planets.  This can be overcome by worship of Snake Deities (there are other ways also to neutralize poisons including worship of Garuda or recital of Neelakanta mantra; but our ancients have given us various paths, and so one may choose whatever appeals to one and whatever is consistent with one's family lineage/ traditions......)
You may consider reciting the following slokha containing the Names of 9 Mahaa Naagas to appease snake deities on this occasion:

"Anantam Vaasukim SEsham Padmanaabham cha kambalam
Shankapaalam Dhritaraashtram Takshakam Kaaliyam tataa
Etaani nava naamaai Naagaanaam cha mahaamanaam
Namasyaam Naagaanaam aayur keertim cha dEhi mE"

(pronunciation guide: capital E as in day; double vowels indicate long sounds).

Blessed be.

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