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Friday, December 16, 2011

Dhanur month poojas begin on December 16/December 17, 2011

Dear Members:

Dhanur month pooja period begins from December 16, 11 for those in the United States, and other countries of American continents. For rest of the world, Dhanur month pooja period begins from December 17, 2011; Dhanur month ends on Jan 14, 2011.

It is auspicious to do early morning poojas daily during this Dhanur month. Especially powerful recitals are those of Tiruppaavai, Thiruvempaavai (Tamil Hymns), Vishnu Sahasranaamam, and Raamaayana/ Mahaabhaaratam. It is also traditional for those belonging to Bhajana sampradaayas to recite Divine Names in a musical tone during this month and walk around residential localities spreading Divine Vibes in the process.

Dhanur month is the dawn period by DEvamaana (1 human year is equivalent to 1 day for celestials; the Uttaraayana period is day for them and the six Dakshinaayana month period is night for them; this Dhanur month is the Brahma Muhurtha for Celestials and hence worships during this period are considered very auspicious).

This Dhanur month pooja beginning period is Shadsheethi punya kaalam - a spiritually potent period when all punya karmas give manifold positive returns. Shadsheethi punya kaalam is to be observed on December 16, 2011 throughout the world.

May our readers enjoy the best spiritual benefits of this auspicious period.

Blessed be.


teenqueen said...


I am writing a question not related to this post. Today I read that Russia is banning Bhagavad-geeta. I also see many activities against Hinduism even in India. These things make me worry about future of our religion and culture. How do you see future of Hindusim/vedik religion in coming century? Can you please share your thought sometime on this?

Pandit R. DAKSHINA MOORTHI said...

Vedic religion has inherent resilience. If we look back through the ages, vedic religion has been under immense stress at various points even in the earlier yugas.

Take for instance the time period when the demon Hiryanyakasipu demanded that only he should be honoured in all rituals and the other demi-gods should not be given their dues in homams, and even Lord Hari should not be worshipped! What happened ultimately....God - with His Inscrutable Ways - gave that atheist a son who was immersed in Divine Thoughts and Perception! Like that, regardless of how many forces try to destroy vedic religion, it will always stand tall and proud, and it will renew itself time and again lighting up the path for all of us for many more yugas to come in the future.

I have had the pleasure of having seen youngsters from known atheist families return back to vedic fold (those atheists are very powerful people politically, and have tried to insult vedic religion and ethos; imagine the irony when descendants of those families seek spiritual people with all humility; such is the greatness of spirituality and vedic way of life).

If someone bans anything vedic, it is their loss; vedic religion will thrive regardless of anything....because it is not based on mere dogmas or hearsays, but it is a living Faith - and the miracles in the lives of countless Faithfuls stand testimony to its efficacy.

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