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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Gokulashtami/ Krishna Jayanthi 2023

Dear Members:

Gokulashtami is observed on September 6/ September 7, 2023.

Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of  North and South American continents must observe this on September 6, 2023 (both Gokulashtami of Smaarthas and Sri Jayanthi of Vaishnavas).

Those living in rest of the world (including India) must observe Gokulashtami (Smaartha traditions)/ Vaikhaanasa Sri Jayanthi (Vaishnavas of the Vaikhaanasa Aagamic traditions) must observe this on September 6, 2023.

Those living in countries other than those in North and South American continents and observing Paancharaatra traditions (including Vaishnavas living in India and observing Paancharaatra traditions) must observe this on September 7, 2023.

Lord Krishna's avatar leelas are a live example of a karma yogic path - complete detachment from the results and perfect performance of one's duties as per one's station in life. Remembrance of how He playfully enacted various leelas and in the process decimated demonaic forces in various garbs is sure to inspire us to achieve great things in life. He taught us the efficacy of "effortless perfection". His Bhagavad Geeta is a magnum opus that can be a friend, philosopher, guide, counsellor, all rolled into one - it carries the essence of the whole Upanishadic Wisdom.


The following are some of the charities/ meritorious religious deeds that you can do on this day to get His Grace......

  • Those who follow religious traditions in the family will perform a sampradaayic pooja to Shri Krishna on the above days as per their traditions.

  • Recital of Gopika Geetam, Gopala Hrudayam, portions of Bhagavad Geeta, etc. will be auspicious on this day.

  • Those who are initiated into Gopala mantra may recite it number of times today praying for Universal Welfare (for propagation of Dharmic principles and for subjugation of evil forces in various forms).

  • Do what you can to promote the welfare of cows in your locality (by contributing what little you can to organizations that are involved in providing shelter to aged cows), as this is sure to bring His Grace to you.

  • Offer respects to children - if possible, try to bring happiness to at least one child in a destitute home.

  • Try to honour scholars who are involved in propagating the doctrine of Bhagavat Geeta or other vedic principles of living. If possible try to donate copies of the Holy Bhagavad Geeta to some children or aspirants thereby contributing to the spread of the Doctrine.

  • Try to contribute at least some amount to vedic scholars who are involved in performing various homams/ yagnas throughout the year for the welfare of the Universe (the donation can be to any scholar who in your opinion is performing such acts in your locality, or to any respectable Pandit anywhere in the world).

  • Try to select one slokha from Bhagavad Geeta and let that verse be your guiding principle in all activities throughout the year (This is putting philosophy in action and is sure to win you His Grace).

You need not worry if you are currently not in an economically sound position to grant liberally to charities or scholars. Lord Krishna was satisfied beyond words on the soulful offering of just "aval" (flattened puffed rice) from His poor friend KusElaa! What you offer does not matter to only matters whether you are offering it with Devotion. Recital of kusEla Charitra from Srimad Bhaagavatam is sure to bring prosperity to you.

Special austerities are done today at our residence praying for Universal Welfare.  May God bless us all.

Sri Krishna Paadaaravindam sadaa smaraamii

Krishnam VandE Jagat Gurum.

Blessed be.


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