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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Jupiter's transit into Sidereal Aries sign (Guru peyarchi into Mesha rashi) on April 22, 2023

Jupiter’s transit into Sidereal Aries sign (Mesha Rashi) on April 22, 2023

Dear All:

 Jupiter enters sidereal Aries sign (Mesha rashi) on April 22, 2023 and stays in Mesha rashi till May 1, 2024.

I will comment on the Elemental status, and general auspiciousness/ challenging nature of Jupiter transit for various rashis so that those born in rashis that are under challenging Jupiter transit influences may perform appropriate remedies and brace themselves up, and these indications are applicable to everyone. 

As these results are moderated by other influences to some extent – like ashtakavarga bindus in Mesha rashi in Jupiter’s ashtakavarga in your natal chart, and placement of other planets in your birth chart, it is best that you should consult your family astrologer or other expert astrologers to know how exactly the actual results may manifest for you specific to your birth chart. The results given below will still form a sort of background theme for events in your life, and can be used for strategizing your moves over the next year (Till April 2024 when the next Jupiter transit – into Taurus sign happens).

For Mesha rashi natives (those born under Ashwini, Bharani, and Krittka 1st padam stars), Jupiter transits the rashi itself which goes by the technical name of "Janma Guru." This is reputed to give stressful situations in life, and situations where you need to take objective decisions to march ahead in life. Often allusion is made to "Janma Guru caused exile of Shri Raama" - and it is observed that many people do relocate to distant lands or experience some sort of adverse transfers or challenging situations under this transit influence. However, the positive slant of this transit is that we are forced to negotiate karmic patterns that we need to experience in life, and in some cases, circumstances force us to veer towards paths that will lead us to our Destiny (like how Shri Raamaa’s exile led to His Life Mission – of destroying Ravana).

You must use words wisely and carefully while communicating with others since getting into unnecessary arguments/ controversies can undermine your prospects.

For those in spiritual line, this transit influence can help you to introspect and identify inner potential about which you might have been oblivious till now. Do not be carried away by external appearances and superficial gestures when moving with anyone; while choosing partners (for life or for business), focus more on the real nature and the inner qualities of the person.

Jupiter attains Swarna Moorthy Lakshana  (Golden Elemental status) during this transit which suggests that things could be manageable to some extent since the Moorthy lakshana is auspicious in spite of the general trend of the transit being challenging. If you avoid impulsive decisions regarding career (like giving up a current position in a hurry), and just keep doing what must be done per the situation, you will be able to surf this period reasonably well.

Remedies: Visit places where siddhas/ saints have attained Jeeva Samadhi and try connecting with the Grace interred in such places telepathically to get the right guidance for your life and to recharge your spiritual batteries to tackle challenges of life positively. Since the 9th house from your natal Moon sign is aspected by Jupiter in your Janma rashi, getting the Blessings/ Grace of exalted spiritual masters is a sure way to insure your prospects during this Jupiter transit.

Since Jupiter’s Janma Guru transit influence is affecting you from a Fire sign, lighting ghee lamps in temples/ Jeeva Samadhis of Saints, meditating on the prayer lamp at home, offering charity in the form of cooking ovens/ stoves to temples/ shelters for homeless persons, etc., will be apt remedies for you.

If you are in public life, try indulging in works of public utility like installing lights in charitable institutions/ places of worship, etc., sponsoring treatment for eye-ailments of poor people, and donating computers/ TV screens for use in public halls (like Panchayat recreation rooms, railway stations/ bus terminuses, etc. These meritorious deeds will shield your prospects- especially where there is threat to existing positions (like falling out of favour of influential leaders resulting in danger of losing one’s position).

For Rishabha rashi natives (those born under Krittika 2, 3,4 padams, Rohini, Mrigasira 1, and 2 padams), Jupiter transits the 12th house from rashi (Viraya Guru - Jupiter transit productive of expenses/ wastage/ losses, and possible loss of position). However, such setbacks will manifest only if you insist on egoistic persistence with your plans. Otherwise, this will just be a period when expenses might mount, but, on auspicious matters. You may not be able to avoid certain wasteful journeys or frustration in efforts, but that won’t affect your prospects too much except being an inconvenience for the smooth flow of life.

Do not resign from a current position in haste or on egoistic compulsions voluntarily - because such a move can lead to prolonged anxiety regarding finding an alternative placement under this tough transit influence. Similarly, those who are in two-minds as to whether to continue an existing business/ activity or leave it since results have not been up to one’s expectation must possess their souls in patience and avoid selling off franchies/ businesses in frustration.

You must spend on essentials but avoid luxurious expenditure, and be ready with reserve cash to face exigencies in life. Health could be somewhat below par, and subconscious anxieties/ uncertainties may affect your peace of mind.

Since Jupiter during this transit aspects the 4th and 8th houses from your natal Moon sign, support from mother or close maternal relatives, or intense spiritual remedies can help you to tone down the challenges experienced in life situations markedly.

Similarly, since Jupiter – the auspicious planet is triggering the 12th house, spending voluntarily on auspicious events/ poojas/ homams can help in avoiding wasteful and inauspicious expenses.

On a related note, since 12th house rules foreign lands, this transit influence can be auspicious for those trying to relocate abroad, for those involved in import-export businesses, and for those whose work involves liaising with people of other cultures/ nations/ distant lands.

Since Jupiter has attained Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron Elemental status) the challenging impact of this transit could be slightly more and certain trends like increased expenditure or possible hospitalization for self or close relatives may not be entirely avoidable. You should avoid provoking Fate by taking reckless decisions or not paying close attention to things happening in your life.


Don’t jump into conclusions in any matter. Be patient with everyone, accept things as they come, and then form your strategies as “reaction” to situations. Don’t exacerbate issues by speaking out of turn, or trying to aggressively push matters as such moves may fire back on you this year.

Organizing a saadhu/ Braahmana Bhojana in a Saint's samaadhi or a vedic paatasaala (Braahmana here means someone who lives by vedic/ religious precepts; a person who is Brahmin by birth alone can't be considered Brahamana for this purpose!), sponsoring lobhan/ incense sticks/ samidh (sacrificial twigs), or herbs to be offered in homams can help reduce potential for losses and unnecessary expenditure (when money is spent on worthy charities, that will be an alibi, and help avoid losses/ wastage).

Meditating on Lord Hanumaan, Lord Krishna, or Lord Dakshinamoorthi for a few minutes before going to sleep every night can help you to enjoy peace of mind (and can give Divine Guidance to resolve vexatious/ anxious situations in life through dreams).

For Mithuna rashi natives (those born in Mrigasira 3 and 4 padams, Arudra, Punarvasu 1, 2, and 3 padams), Jupiter transits the auspicious 11th house from rashi. This is a very positive transit indicative of gains from various quarters, support of companions/ society for your good activities, ability to relate on a friendly basis with everyone, gains through elder siblings and business activities, and your good luck will shield your children and ensure positive developments in their lives.

Those who have been searching for suitable match without much success in the recent years may find their luck improving noticeably in the matter, and with suitable toning down of expectations they may expect wedding bells to ring. Those who are already married will be able to establish positive relationship dynamics with spouse and in-laws.

Those who have been trying to conceive a baby without much luck may find luck opening up on this count, while those with children born already will find that their good luck influences will power the achievements/ recognition potential for their kids. The next one year period is also good for making investment plans for your future security.

Jupiter as the 7th and 10th lord of your Moon sign gives you good gains through timely assistance from spouse or business partners, and potential for promotions/ pay-raise/ better work-place atmosphere for many of you. Similarly, many of you will prove to be pillars of support to your spouses, and your good luck will help them sail through challenges of life.

Since Jupiter attains the auspicious Swarna Moorthi Lakshana (Golden Elemental Status) during this transit, the good effects of the transit can be experienced with full positive intensity. Make the best use of this positive influence and sow the seeds for your happy life and prosperity this year.

Remedies: No major remedies needed since transit of Jupiter is auspicious for your sign. However, the already positive transit influence can be made even more positive if you try to help individuals who are trying to get a breakthrough in their career (including offering assistance/ guidance to those who ask for small favours when they are about to begin their small-case businesses, or juniors at work looking up to you for guidance on professional matters), and by playing a positive role in resolving differences between spouses if someone in your close circle is going through a tough domestic situation.

For Kataka rashi natives (those born in Punarvasu 4th padam, Pushya, Aslesha), Jupiter transits the sensitive 10th house from rashi. There could be uncertainties in professional matters, possible loss of professional dignity in some way (either loss of face in some way in controversial situations, or adverse transfers from prestigious roles to insignificant operational duties), and karma will catch up with you (some setbacks/ difficult situations arising out of your own activities/ choices; positively, if you have been working hard and if the previous 9th house transit of Jupiter failed to reward you, karmic reward can come now and you may be in for pleasant surprises!).

You should avoid raising major loans or lending to others without proper documentation as far as possible during this transit influence. Do not resign an existing position in haste or due to egoistic impulses/ irritations at the work-place. If changes are forced on you, take those up with mental equanimity without feeling upset by the changes. Take things one step at a time, and remember that even a journey of many miles is completed by taking one step at a time.

Focusing on what must be done and developing the fortitude to take things as they come without losing one’s motivation can help you to keep your flag flying high with no major dips in your progress chart in life. Don’t look for fast moves and “get rich in a single day” ideas. Planetary influences force you to take the ladder rather than the elevator now... So, go with them and gain by that experience!

Since Jupiter attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Golden elemental status) during this transit, you will be able to manage the challenges of this somewhat tricky transit reasonably well if you keep doing the right things and avoid wrong moves in life, and MOST IMPORTANTLY – remain patient and persistent while handling life situations.

Remedies: Recite the mantra “OM Bhavadhaarini DurgE maargam darshaya darshaya swaaha” –meditating on Durga Devi or Kaali Devi whenever you feel uncertain about career decisions (i.e. if career matters look confusing and you are asked to make a choice – where every option has its share of pros and cons and your decision could make or mar your future, use this mantra to get clarity and right intuition regarding the best decision under the circumstances).

Recite the mantra “Om Ganaadipaaya namah sarvakaarya saadhakaaya Vinaayakaaya hum” 36 times and light a prayer lamp in your house daily to side-step the tough impact of Jupiter’s transit, and turn challenges into opportunities.

Offering lobhan, camphor, or incense sticks to temples or adhishtaanams (samaadhi mandirs) of revered Saints/ Gurus of your choice can be a very good remedy to ensure that you are not subject to destabilizing influences of Jupiter triggering the 10th house from your natal Moon sign.

For Simha rashi natives (those born in Magha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1st padam), Jupiter moves into the auspicious 9th house from your rashi. This is an auspicious transit that favours positive relocation influences (like if you have been planning on relocating to a place for better prospects), initiation into new spiritual routines/ deekshas, long journeys, joining higher education courses, and you may enjoy increased self-confidence in all that you do. Natives of this sign who have been trying unsuccessfully for on-site assignments or who have been struggling with formalization of their stay abroad (like those trying for GC clearance, work-visas, etc.) may get their lucky break this year. Relationship with father or other mentor figures will be smooth and their blessings/ words of wisdom will prove invaluable in boosting your prospects.

Since Jupiter rules the 5th house (children, investments, etc.), and 8th house (occult, spiritual activities, ancestral property matters, etc.), and is placed in the 9th house (indicative of recognition/ progress), good influence from your chart can help support the aspiration of your children/ mentees who are willing to listen to you, and there can be gains through smooth settlement of vexatious ancestral property matters.

Since Jupiter in its transit aspects your Moon sign, the 3rd from your Moon sign, and 5th from your Moon sign, you can gain by taking a few adventurous decisions boldly. Natives of this sign who have not been successful in attempts to start a family may find better luck this year if their individual chart cycles also support child birth possibilities.

Many of you will have chance to excel in creative fields (or if you have any special talent in any of the performing arts like music, dance, etc.), and investors of this sign can walk their way to their bank smiling with big profits if they make well-timed moves in the markets.

Since Jupiter attains auspicious Rajatha Moorthy Lakshana (Silver elemental status) during this transit, the good effects will be experienced at 75% positive intensity.


No specific remedy is needed since the overall transit impact is good for your sign. BUT, you can enhance the positivity of this transit by the following measures:

a) Offering sandalwood oil/ paste to homams/ temples/ adhishtaanam of Saints, and fumigating your house with smoke of auspicious healing herbs/ pure lobhan on Thursdays will further enhance the good luck aspects of this transit.

b) Involving yourself in disseminating philosophical/ spiritual perspectives in some way to spiritual aspirants, and being respectful to mentor figures in your life (parents, teachers, superiors who have showered you with goodwill, etc.) can add to your corpus of punya and help you to surf the ups and downs of life with consummate ease.

For Kanya rashi natives (those born in Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, and 4 paadams, Hasta, and Chitra 1, 2), Jupiter transits the sensitive 8th house from your rashi. This is productive of unnecessary issues in life that could threaten loss of peace, danger of ill-health to self or close relatives, and last-minute reversals that might take success/ recognition away from you. Much care is needed while interacting with members of opposite gender as unnecessary issues may crop up due to that (some natives of this sign may experience unwelcome and unsolicited advances from others at work). Remember that while we have no control over how events shape around us or what others do, we always have the ability to make the right choices from our side and be responsible.

Those who lose hope, faith, or patience will expose themselves to the negative planetary influences. Take care of your health and health of close relatives, and avoid unnecessary litigation/ arguments. Exercise abundant caution while driving vehicles, trekking through treacherous terrain, and while travelling through unknown places. Do not take any mandatory compliance issue (like submission of IT returns, or whatever compliance document is applicable to you) for granted during this sensitive period.

One positive aspect of this transit of Jupiter through the 8th house from your rashi is that spiritually inclined natives of this sign may benefit by advanced spiritual sadhanas that are usually beyond the radar of normal believers (like siddhi practices, and advanced spiritual practices that involve transcending normal societal norms and self-imposed restrictions). Others of this sign need to be very careful in all their activities as the transit influences are decidedly tough.

Jupiter during this transit has attained Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status); so situations have to be managed by timely performance of intense remedies under guidance of good mantraic experts, by listening to sane advice of senior well-wishers, by exercising due-diligence in all compliance matters, and by invoking your own Inner Strength to get the better of any challenging circumstance.


Recite the 36th chapter of Sundara Kaandam of Shrimad Valmiki Ramayanam on Thursdays and offer ghee lamp in prayers at your pooja place praying for Divine Assistance to handle all challenges.

Offer samidhs (twigs of holy trees) and herbs to the extent you can for major homam performances (done by upaasakaas around you, or to temples).

Meditating in an atmosphere where Holy Smoke from homams (havans) engulfs you can augment your aura and protect you against planetary ills arising due to tough transit.

For Thula rashi natives (those born in Chitra 3, 4 padams, Swathi, Visakham 1, 2, and 3) Jupiter transits the auspicious 7th house from your rashi. Wedding bells ring for eligible single natives of this sign, and those already in a wedded life will find that dynamics with spouse improves significantly. Minor differences that possibly created an unnecessary psychological wedge and caused reduced mental intimacy with spouse can be sorted out amicably if you approach the issues with objectivity. Others will warm up to you now and there is scope for improving your societal standing.

Natives of this sign who have been caught up in toxic relationships will find the strength to resolve the issues by adopting assertive stance, or by walking out of the stale relationship paving the way for positive developments later on in life.

Since Jupiter rules the 3rd house and 6th house with respect to your rashi and is in the 7th house in transit, there is potential for gaining much by taking part in charitable deeds (service to noble causes or worthy charitable activiteis) in the company of your spouse. If you have been looking to improve your general feeling of well-being, this is a good period to begin exercise routines towards that end. Also, this is a good time to resolve vexatious issues in the family – especially if there have been issues with siblings.

Overall, this is an auspicious transit for you.

Since Jupiter attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper elemental status) during this transit, the positive intensity of this transit will be 50%. Patience and careful strategies will help you to improve the positive possibilities of this transit.

Remedies:  Fumigating your living spaces with smoke of healing herbs, pure lobhan, or with vapours of suitable essential oils can help you to improve your general good luck.

Doing simple service activities like breaking wood pieces for homams in temples, helping temple authorities with cleaning of lamps/ lighting lamps before major poojas, serving food to devotees in temples/ to inmates of orphanages, etc., will help in further augmenting the auspicious impact of the current Jupiter transit for your sign.

For Vrischika rashi natives (those born in Visakham 4, Anuradha, and Jyeshta), Jupiter transits the sensitive 6th house from your rashi. Health needs to be tended to carefully, and you must avoid unnecessary arguments with anyone. Legal issues must be preferably handled by negotiations rather than with a "gladiatorial fight to the end" attitude. Avoid lending/ borrowing huge sums based on over-optimistic projections and play it safe in money matters. Be extra-careful regarding investment matters and avoid investing in dubious schemes. Matters related to welfare of children will need your careful attention. Pregnant women of this sign must take all precautions to ensure safe delivery.

On the positive side, those working as healers, analysts, and those in service industry may enjoy good luck pertaining to their career matters since Jupiter in transit aspects the 10th house from their natal Moon sign. Similarly, those looking for settling abroad or dealing with work-permits/ visa issues can enjoy reasonable good luck – especially since Jupiter during this transit attains Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden Elemental status).

In fact due to the auspicious elemental status of Jupiter during this 6th from Rashi transit for your sign, many of you may actually excel in competitive situations or situations that require application of analytical skills, and some of you may even get sudden pay-raises/ promotions, or manage some significant professional achievement if your dasa-bhukti influences are good per your chart cycles.. Just avoid pushing your luck too far and keep reacting suitably and appropriately to situations as they develop, and you may find that your prospects and well-being are reasonably safe in spite of the tough transit of Jupiter.

Remedies: 1) Visualize Lord Hanumaan remaining unaffected by the fire that the demons set upon His Tail, and His using the same fire to set Lanka on flames, and pray that you should also be given the Blessing to overcome all challenges thrown your way by your enemies, and be able use the things that others do to undermine you to your advantage.

2) You may contemplate performance of Dhanvantari homam or Neelakanta Agorastra homam for relief if health of self or close relatives is affected adversely.

3) Pregnant women can benefit by suitable intake of ayurvedic palliatives under expert medical guidance in addition to their allopathic medications/ supplements.

4) Listening to soothing music (ideally flute or veena recitals) set to the raagas of Bilahari, Sahaana, and Deva Gaandhaaram for some daily can help you to excel in competitive exams and also help insure your system against stress-induced ailments. This can be particularly beneficial for aged persons and pregnant ladies of this sign for augmenting their general sense of well-being.

5) Offering 27 ghee lamps in your Kula Devata temple on auspicious occasions (like Sankranthi days, birthstar days of important family members, etc.) can be a general all-purpose remedy for you this year.

For Dhanus rashi natives (those born in Moola, Poorvaashaada, Uttaraashaada 1st padam), Jupiter transits the auspicious 5th house from your rashi. Those of you who have been waiting desperately for conception may find that Heavens open their Benevolent Grace on you this year. Middle-aged natives of this sign with grown-up children may enjoy positive developments in lives of their children – like success in their endeavours, auspicious events in lives of their children, etc. This is a great year for planning your long-term investments, for getting initiation into mantra deekshas, for visiting ascetics, Holy Men and gaining their Grace, and for embarking on ambitious ventures.

Land-related transactions will prove to be gainful, and construction activities that might have been delayed in the past will gain momentum going forward. Students of this sign can shine in their academics if they put in the required effort.

This is a great period for you to streamline your budget and make intelligent investments for your future. If you have been denied increments/ promotions for long and feel you deserve those, this is the right time to represent your case to superiors at work. Businessmen will find things fairly manageable with potential for good gains if they make the right moves in tune with trends of the time.

Since Jupiter attains Rajatha Moorthy Lakshana (Silver elemental status), the positive intensity of this auspicious transit will be 75% and productive of auspicious outcomes


As Jupiter’s transit is generally good for you, no specific remedy is required; BUT, you can enhance the good effects by being part of fire-worships (homams/ Deepa poojas) from time to time on important occasions.

Doing traataka (intense gazing with concentration) on the jyothi (flame) of the prayer lamp every day for about 5 minutes will help you to tap into your inner psychic energies and help manifest good outcomes per your desires.

Avoid unnecessary arguments with anyone as that could sap your positive energies without your realizing it!

For Makara rashi natives (people born in Uttarashada 2, 3, and 4, Sravana, and Dhanishta 1, 2 padams), Jupiter transits the 4th house from natal Moon sign. This is not an auspicious transit. Since 4th house indicates homeland/ residence basically, the inauspicious effects may manifest as unsettled situations at home, possible relocation or confusion regarding one's prospects (like dilemma regarding one's roles at work place), or simply lack of domestic peace at home. Health of mother or close family relatives needs careful attention. Students of this sign should focus harder at their lessons and avoid distractions to get good results. Unless practical situations force you, it is better to avoid purchase of new vehicles till April 2024. Similarly, best to avoid unnecessary speculative investment in real-estate sector. If you happen to be dealing with property transactions, ensure due-diligence regarding the formalities of the transactions and double-check documents before finalizing your deals.

Jupiter in its transit through your 4th from Moon sign attains Loha Moorty lakshana (Iron elemental status) which makes the transit influence even more challenging. Unless your dasa-bhukti influences per individual chart are supportive, it is advisable to avoid major risks, and unnecessarily over-ambitious activities of all kinds. Politicians of this sign may run the risk of alienating their support base or suffering a dent in image by some wrong gestures/ impulsive public speech/ hyperbolic claims about their achievements.

Remedies: a) If relationship with mother/ maternal relatives is strained, OR, if health of mother/ maternal relatives seems to be impacted, recite the mantra "Om Vakrathundaaya hum Durgaa Putraaya maatru vatsalaaya Mahaa GanapathayE namah" 32 times till situations improve.

b) Offering incense/ lobhan to temples/ meditation centres on Thursdays can help you to enjoy good luck pertaining to maintenance of good image in society/ enjoying the goodwill of your supporters.

c) Helping with arranging lighting in places of worship/ religious festivities, providing blankets or warming heaters to devotees undertaking spiritual treks through cold heights (like Kshetras in the Himalayan belt) can help politicians of this sign to enjoy reasonable good luck in their activities.

d) Those who suffer from disputes pertaining to landed property, or are troubled by domestic disputes that spoil peace of mind, can get relief by offering scented dhoobhs, lobhan to Lord Varaaha Swaamy temples, or Lord Bhairava shrines.

For Kumbha rashi natives (people born in Dhanishta 3, 4, Satabisha, Poorvaphadra 1, 2, 3), Jupiter transits the 3rd house from natal Moon sign. This is an inauspicious transit - but where danger lurks ONLY if you take wrong decisions or make unethical moves. Otherwise, it will just be a generally anxious period – and if we manage the situations well, good results CAN happen after the initial anxieties/ uncertainties. You must remember that Universe will give you chance to redeem yourself and correct your errors, but if you stick on to egoistic ways and continue with wrong choices, you may manifest your own doom. Those who are patient, and ethical by nature have nothing to fear from this transit influence except that there could be varying degrees of anxiety due to situational factors.

Anxiety element could be high - so take conscious efforts to induce calmness in your psyche (by meditation, venting out with stable-minded well-wishers, getting suggestions from spiritually evolved persons, etc.). Avoid sticking your neck out on matters not directly connected to you. Be straight-forward and unambiguous in your communications with others to avoid misunderstanding. Avoid taking unfair criticism of close relatives to heart; if you have done your best and could not have done any better in your life situation, don’t let others’ words break you down or make you feel guilty.

Students of this sign should avoid unnecessary distractions or conversely feeling disappointed by unfair/ harsh feedbacks from their mentors. Tarry a moment and see if anyone’s harsh feedback is justified....if the criticism/ negative feedback is justified, do what you can to make things right; if the feedback is unfair, learn to let those uncharitable words/ views slide off your shoulders without letting those impact your confidence.

Health of mother or elderly maternal relatives may cause concern to many natives of this sign. So tend to the health of elderly relatives carefully and do not ignore early symptoms with wishful thinking that things will be alright automatically.

Since Jupiter during this transit attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper Elemental status), the challenging impact of this transit can be toned down if you are methodical, patient, and practical in your approach to all situations.

Offering Punugu (civet) to Bhairava sannidhis on Ashtamis, or sponsoring fumigation of the sanctum sanctorum with lobhan smoke in any Devi temple on Fridays or Full Moon nights (Pournami) can help reduced anxiety-element and also bless you with financial resources to manage challenging situations.

Recite the mantra “Hreem Sudarshanaaya sarva klEsha naasanaaya namah” 18 times daily as a protective talisman, and help you to handle anxieties in your life with equanimity. This can also be a protective influence for you and your family when you take your vehicles for a drive.

If there are minor issues of misunderstanding with siblings/ cousins, recite the mantra “Om Bhraatru vatsalaaya Lakshmanaagrajaaya Raamaaya namah” 36 times and light ghee or sesame oil lamp in your pooja place to maintain family unity. Whenever possible (whenever siblings come visiting), try sharing some sweet dish with them – if health conditions of everyone permits such sharing. Otherwise, the elder sibling can offer tulsi water kept for a short amount of time inside a conch shell (shankh used for abhishekams) to the younger sibling with affection to cement the bonds of natural affection and goodwill.

For Meena rashi (People born in Poorvabhadra – 4, Uttarabhadrapada, and Revati), Jupiter transits the 2nd house from natal Moon sign. This is considered a good transit which is auspicious for new acquisitions, resolving family issues, enjoying respect for one's words, benefits arising out of recital of auspicious mantras, and generally a positive trend in life.

Auspicious events in the family that have been inexplicably delayed may finally happen this year IF the young people concerned are counselled to reduce their unrealistic expectations and cultivate healthy expectancies about life.

Remember that this transit makes it auspicious for you to gain through your words, control of mouth (implying regulation in speech and diet), by learning new slokhas/ mantras, and by spending money on auspicious charitable activities to earn karmic reward points too:)

When you perform austerities, or perform dhaan (charitable offerings) do it with a sense of detachment and with the understanding that you are just paying back some karmic debt with all these, and don’t expect immediate results.  Such matured approach and spiritual attitude will attract the blessings of noble souls that will help you to enjoy the potential good effects of this transit.

Since Jupiter attains Rajata Moorthy Lakshana (Silver Elemental Status) during this transit, the intensity of the auspicious influences indicated above will be 75% which is quite good. Since Jupiter aspects the 8th house from your natal Moon sign, this is a good period to benefit by occult practices, advanced spiritual remedies, and by contra-intuitive approaches to resolve vexatious issues in life.

REMEDIES:  The transit influences are generally auspicious for you...but you may benefit by the following remedies...

Recite the mantra “Om Achyutaaya namah Anantaaya namah GOvindaaya namah” 36 times daily, offer Tulasi leaves or 7 pieces of pepper and consume these (or give it to family members whose health may be slightly below par) to maintain good health.

Recite the mantra “Om Raama Dhootaaya kaarya saadhakaaya asakaaya sooraaya HanumatE namah” if you feel that some mediation is needed to resolve conflict with powerful personages (Your planetary transits suggest that you can convince anyone and win your way forward in life by the power of your speech! To utilize the full benefit of this, AND ALSO to avoid the negative impact of Rahu in the 2nd house, this mantra will help you).

Don’t be afraid to speak out your mind and to make your rightful claim if powerful people (like bosses or superbosses at work) try to side-line you after extracting good work from you.

Try to use the postive impact of this transit by “blessing” everyone you love – let the power of your words energize them and bring them goodluck when they battle against the odds of life.

Try to make intelligent investments, OR – redirect your finances from risky investment avenues to safer channels. This is a good period for reappraisal of strategies, reorientation towards life, and for redirection of energies along more productive channels.


Special homams connected with the transit are planned at our place on April 22, 2023. Those born in Mesha, Rishabha, Kataka, Kanya, Vrischika, Makara, and, Kumbha rashis have tough transit influences due to this Jupiter transit and may benefit by a remedial prayer on the transit day. So, natives born in these signs may try to avail the remedial homam (either through me or through any other suitable priest whose expertise and mantraic powers you can rely upon based on your intuition), or at least do simple prayers at your own place as suggested in the remedial indications for your sign in this write-up to protect yourselves against the malefic indications of the transit.

Will be offering oblations with mantras in Honour of Lord Dakshinamoorthi, Lord Hayagreeva, Lord Narasimha, Lord Dhanvantari, Lord Dattatreya, Lord Hanuman, Sapta Rishis, and end the havan with specific mantras in Honour of Lord Devaguru Brihaspati during these homams.

At the end of the homam, I intend to do Brihaspati sthothra and Brihaspati kavacham (Shield of Jupiter) recitals.

The suggested offering for part-sponsorship to take part in that homam performance is Rs.2000(rupees two thousand only) or equivalent. Those who are interested in participating in these for remedial purposes may write to me at: with details of the name of the person for whom the remedial performance is desired, their nakshatra, and gothra. Please write "Jupiter transit 2021" in the subject line for my easy tagging of such mails.  Regular clients/ disciples who have participated in austerities under our guidance in the past may make the remittance in favour of our bank account as usual and keep us informed about the same. I will try to include all those who approach me with the prayer request till night of April 21, 2023 - but please try to confirm your participation as early as possible, as it makes it easier for me to update the sankalpam sheet appropriately and plan the logistics.

Please note that I won't be sending prasad/ holy ash by post due to ritual purity considerations of the holy articles.  My sankalpam on your behalf during the homam is deemed "in-absentia" participation, and the karmic benefits of the performance will accrue to you.  Sign up for participation as a part-sponsor in the homams only if the above condition is acceptable to you.

Please note that the offering has to be done for each family member whose rashi is in the list of rashis that are under tough Jupiter transit and whom you wish to be included in the parihaara sankalpam separately (i.e. for example if you have 2 members of the family with rashis afflicted by the transit, please offer 2*2000 as offering).

Those members of your family whose rashis are NOT AFFLICTED can be included in the general sankalpam, and for this you need not offer separately.

Like for example if you have members of family born as under: 1 person Meena rashi, 1 Kumbha rashi, 1 Makara rashi, and 1 Dhanus rashi, the offering will be (2*2000 =4000) since Kumbha, and Makara rashis have tough Jupiter transit indications. The Meena and Dhanush rashi members can be included in the sarva sankalpam at the end of the homam at no additional cost. Hope this helps you understand about the part-sponsorship scheme clearly and will enable you to calculate the offerings to be done correctly.

May Divine Grace bless us all.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

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