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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Paapamochani ekaadasi 2022

Dear members:

The auspicious Paapa mOchini ekaadashi falls on March27/ March 28, 2022.

Schedule of Paapamochani ekaadasi 2022

a) Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of North and South American continent, and observing Smaartha traditions, the Ekaadasi must be observed on March 27th.

Those observing strict austerities after demise of spouse (widows/ widowers observing strict celibacy and living almost like ascetics), and ascetics (renunciates) of smaartha tradition living in these places (USA, Canada, etc. mentioned here in this para) must observe this on March 28th.  Sanyaasis (ascetics) of Smaartha tradition may observe the Ekaadasi fast on both days - March 27th AND March 28th.

b) Those living in the above places and observing Vaishnava traditions must observe this on March 28, 2022.  

c) Those living in rest of the world - including India must observe this on March 28, 2022.

This ekaadashi - as the name implies helps in removing all sins and the sinful vaasanaas (subtle karmic traces that can impel us to behave in the same way again!).

The importnace of this Paapa MOchini ekaadashi was explained to King Yudhistra by Lord Krishna, and this is found in the Bhavishyottara Purana (Lord Krishna actually refers the legend that was originally.conveyed to the King Maandaata by the sage Romasha).

According to this legend, the apsara (apsaras are Divine Damsels) by name Manju Gosha lured a great tapasvi by name Medhaavi (the son of the Great Sage Chyavana) into conjugal life thereby breaking his tapasvic life. After many years of sensual life with him, she wanted to return back to her celestial plane. The sage prevented her from going requesting her to wait at least for one more night, she playfully said just think of the time you have spent with me already. When the sage thought of it he was astonished that he had already spent 57 years 09 months and 3 days with her. He got annoyed that he had been lured into spending such a long period as if in a trance in the company of a seductive demi-goddess, and that he had lost a lot of his yogic power as a result of this life. So, he cursed her to turn into a goblin. When the apsara requested for relief from the curse, the sage suggested observance of Paapa MOchini Ekaadasi.

When the Sage Medhaavi tried to enter into the hermitage of his father Chyavana Maharishi, his father said "Oh Son! By acting unethically due to lust, you have lost your wealth of austerities and penance." When the son requested his father about the remedy for this, Maharishi Chyavana also suggested the Paapa MOchini ekaadashi observance. Thus by observing this, the apsara Manju KOsha got freed from the curse of becoming a goblin, and sage Medhavi regained his lost yogic merit.

Lomasha Maharishi said to the great king Maandhaata that whosoever observes this will get freed from all sins.

Lord Krishna Himself further adds that the power of this ekaadashi has the potency to remove such sins as sin caused by killing of a pious vedic person, that incurred in voluntary abortion (voluntary abortion due to non-medical reasons is a great sin as per shastras; birth-control is okay - but abortion is not!), sin incurred by pious people when they consume intoxicants, and that incurred by immoral activity with respectable ladies.

If this ekaadasi is performed with Full Faith, it will give the merit that can be obtained by donating one thousand cows!

May our members observe this holy Fast and get freed from all negative karma and the guilt associated with such sins.
Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

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