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Monday, December 20, 2021

Arudra Darshanam today - December 20, 2021

Aurdra Darshanam is observed today in India - December 20, 2021.

This Arudra Darshanam is the festivity associated with Lord Shiva's Cosmic Dance. The Blissful Lord Shiva - who has neither Birth nor Death - appeared out of His Immense Grace in His Cosmic Dance Form of Nataraja, in response to the intense tapasya of the Holy Saints Vyagrapaadar (the Saint with Tiger claws) and Patanjali (of the Yoga Sutra fame! - the Avatar of Lord Adisesha!) on Arudra nakshatra day of the solar month of Dhanus. It is to commemorate that Holy Event that we observe this Holy day....Worship of Lord Shiva in His Form of Nataraja is auspicious on this day.

This is an occasion that is to be observed with happiness - rather than as an intense vratam. Feast comprising of a special sweet called "Kalli" and a vegetable preparation consisting of 7 different kinds of vegetables (called "Ezhu kari kootu" in tamil) is the speciality of the day - consistent with the commemoration of the Blissful event of Lord Shiva's enthusiastic cosmic dance on this day.

So, instead of restrictive austerities, treat yourselves to a happy feast (of course avoiding ritually impure articles (onion/ garlic) and non-veg - but indulging in any sort of sweet or savourite and vegetable soups/ preparations as per your taste), and remember that Blissful Dancing Shiva.....which reiterates the fact that responsibilities need not always sit as a heavy burden on our shoulders always...if He - who maintains the whole Universe can dance in merriment and ecstastic joy, why can't we take our responsibilities more sportively!

Best regards,

Blessed be.

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