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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Paarshva Ekaadasi/ Parivartani ekaadasi 2021

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Dear Members:

Parviartini ekaadashi also called Paarshva ekaadashi  is believed to be the day when Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Yoga Nidhra changes his position in sleep - from left side to right side.

Just as the Lord shifts in His Yoga Nidra from one side to another, may His Grace allow you to explore all aspects of your life and may His Grace allow you to expect a positive turn of Fate in your lives!

It is traditional to venerate Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Form of Vaamana on this day.


This is to be observed on September 16, 2021  by those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the North and South American continents and by those living in  all countries of the African continent and Europe.

Those living in Middle-east countries of Asian continent (all Gulf countries) and observing Smaartha traditions must observe this on Sep 16, 2021

Those living in .Middle-east countries of Asian continent (all Gulf countries) and observing Sri Vaishnava traditions must observe this on Sep 17, 2021.

Those living in rest of the world - INCLUDING INDIA - must observe this on September 17, 2021.

This Ekaadasi is considered to be the most Holy of the fasts that come during the Chaaturmaasya period.  Apart from relief from material conditioning of the soul  and giving liberation to the soul, this fast can also give merit equivalent to that obtained by Ashwamedha yagna!  

Ideally, this fast should be observed in a nishkaamya bhaava (without desires and seeking only Divine Grace); HOWEVER, those who have strong karmic afflictions that pain them and wish to have relief from such influences or pains caused by denial of dharmic desires of life may observe it in a sakaama manner too (for realization of their goals).  Such persons who seek the boon of relief from karmic denial/ frustrations to genuine/ dharmic desires must venerate Lord Vaamana and Lord Trivikrama, do special pooja in this regard, and offer a small silver vessel filled with curd to learned pious devotees or temples on this day, and observe this fast.

May our members observe this fast and become recipients of Universal Grace.

Blessed be.

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