Dear Members:
The auspicious Padmini Ekaadasi is to be observed on September 27, 2020 throughout the world. Padmini Ekaadasi is the ekaadasi that falls in the shukla paksha of the adhika maasa (lunar leap month - the additional lunar month in a year - that happens roughly once in 2.5 to 3 years; the previous Padmini Ekadasi was observed in May 2018). Observance of this fast properly is believed to give merit equivalent to performance of Raajasuya yaaga (besides others yagnyas if one maintains a full night prayer vigil per norms of the shastras), and ensures attainment of Abode of Lord Vishnu after one's term on this plane of existence.
Method of observing the fast:
If possible, devotees should refrain from eating right from the previous night (on dasami night itself) and in the morning, purificatory bath should be taken with a small amount of clay (or sand from holy rivers or just plain clean sand/ clay/ mud - smearing mud/ clay/ sand on face and limbs and wathing them off; you may even use multani mitti or gopi chandan in lieu of fresh mud/ clay/ river-sand), and with aamla powder (aamla seeds dried and powdered and used as bathing powder- this can be obtained from Indian medicine shops).
The day should be spent in as much of Divine Contemplation as if feasible, and we should avoid criticizing anyone for any reason, talking ill of pious persons/ religious heads for any reason, and unnecessary gossip against anyone.
A whole-night vigil would be beneficial...
During the first quarter of the Ekadasi night the devotee should offer some coconut to his / her favourite Deity (Isthadeva), during the second part bel fruit should be offered (aamla pieces acceptable in lieu if you can't procure bel fruit), during the third part an orange, and as the night draws to a close some betel nut. Remaining awake during the first part of the Ekadasi night bestows on the devotee/sadhaka the same merit as that gained by performing the Agnistoma-yajna. Staying awake during the second part of the night bestows the same merit as that gained by performing a Vajapeya-yajna. Stay awake during the third part gives one the same merit as that attained by performing an Ashvamedha-yajna. And one who remains awake throughout the night receives all of the above mentioned merit, as well as the grand merit of having performed a Rajasooya-yajna. Thus there is no better fasting day in the year than Padmini Ekadasi.( This rare opportunity comes to us once in two-three years - BUT human life is ephemeral - no one knows when Time will come calling upon us - so, we should take up austerities for our soul on special auspicious days as if this day is our very last day and our very last chance to redeem our souls).
After remaining awake throughout the night, the devotee should bathe at sunrise (on the day after the fast - on Dwaadasi day) and then worship Lord Vishnu nicely. He should then feed a qualified brahmin (or a pious devotee or spiritual person) and respectfully give him the Deity of Lord Keshava and the pot filled with pure scented water. This gift will guarantee the devotee success in this life and liberation in the hereafter.
If the entire procedure is not feasible to follow due to normal life circumstances, I would recommend each and every spiritual person to follow the Ekaadasi fast to the extent feasible for them in their lives (if not a full fast, try to subsist on fruits/ milk or skip at least one meal in Honour of our Lord, or whatever is possible for you in light of your health conditions and prior training regarding fasting) in Honour of Lord Vishnu and reap the spiritual benefits of this wonderful day. Try to indulge in some sort of pious activity in whatever small way you can - right from chanting simple Raama naama whenever possible during the day for those who can't set apart time for an elaborate pooja extending to reading whole work of Naaraaneeyam, or Sundara Kaandam, or many repetitions of Shri Vishnu Sahasranaamam or Shrimad Bhagavat Gita for those who can afford to allot time like that for such intense and long austerities.
May Lord Vishnu's Grace pervade the Universe and bring peace, prosperity, and progress to all living beings.
Blessed be.
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