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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Inauspicious muhurtha for Shri Rama temple

I am writing this more for my peace of mind as an astrologer and as an academic input for young learners of astrology (when I say young - I mean people who are new to this subject or are semi-experts who need to tweak their skills to more perfection) - than for any other purpose.

It is so strange that the government has chosen the 12:30 p.m. on August 5, 2020 to lay the foundation stone for the event.

Curiously they insist that they have chosen this date and time with "expert guidance" including "Head of astrological department"..If this is the level of expertise their "astrological head of department" has - Heavens help the subject!

It is like what expert traditional astrologers have always suspected....that astrology being introduced as a "course" is going to erode the efficiency of its practice since half-baked people are going to pass out of the "Universities" and claim to be "qualified" astrologers and do more disservice to the reputation of the field than help it!

The foundation laying stone timing is inauspicious on various counts:

a) Generally no foundation stone laying ceremony will be done during "Rahu Kaalam" UNLESS it also coincides with Vaastu purusha day (the time when Vaastu purusha is awake). That is the ONLY exception for laying foundation stones during Rahu Kaalam.  But, such considerations are not there on 5th of August.

b) The lagna will be Libra (Tula) which is a chara lagna - that is not auspicious for foundation stone laying.

c) The nakshatra Satabisha that will operate at this time will be middling - not exactly auspicoius.

d) Generally foundation stone for temples/ important public buildings SHOULD NOT BE done when Sun is in Cancer (Solar month of Kataka). Per Aagamas, foundation stone for temples MUST NOT BE DONE when there is a natural disaster, pandemic, etc. UNLESS the temple consecration is with the "express intention" of controlling the pandemic (like consecrating a Maari/ Durga temple to control the pestilence per Divine Indications).  This temple construction does not fall under those categories.

e) The muhurtha has been fixed during the waning phase (krishna paksha) - for which the exception that till Panchami it is okay (middling) in the waning phase too. So, this is slightly okay, IF other factors are overwhelmingly positive and do not fall under any of the prohibited muhurtha categories..not so in this case!

f) The muhurtha lagna receives aspects of Saturn and Mars, and has no aspect of Jupiter; this indicates that the activity is more out of "egos" and "vanity" than "spiritual intent as such" - though people are led to believe as if this is done to restore Hindu Pride.  Even good acts done out of wrong intentions will be productive of unnecessary troubles only.  Possibly the muhurtha lagna choice reflects the real-intention of the people involved in this. To be honest, financial irregularities, or unnecessary differences between people who are entrusted with the project are all possible under such muhurtha, and there is possible danger to the main architects (Shilpi who presides over the design, and also frequent calamities to workers involved in the project). [Update on 11th Sep 2020...The financial irregularity possibility indicated in this point of this write-up - published on 5th August 2020  seems to have come true already...see this link:News of fake cheque to cheat Ram Mandir Trust)].  

g) Saturn retrograde in the 4th house of the muhurtha chart is suggestive of troubles to the populace (pestilence, generalized depressive influences, etc.).  With the current pandemic already exacting a toll in the lives of common people, the government should have been more careful in the choice of muhurtha.

h) Moon is surely in a fixed sign as some astrologers who support this muhurtha point out (these astrologers who write in support of this muhurtha also were not the ones who suggested the muhurtha, but they are trying to "find" positives in the muhurtha because anyway the dispensation has chosen this muhurtha and so their support to the muhurtha is only an extension of their support to the current ruler; such views are not tenable per shastras; IF WE REALLY WANT THE RULER AND THE COUNTRY TO BE GOOD, WE NEED TO POINT OUT THE ERRORS SO THAT CORRECTIVE COURSES ARE UNDERTAKEN).  But, the argument that Moon is in fixed sign does not hold water, BECAUSE, the rules dictate that the "lagna" should be fixed not merely the Moon...Also, Moon is weak - in the waning phase, and at the time of the muhurtha, it is subject to Paapa kartari yoga.  Saturn retrograde in the 12th house from Moon and Mars in the 2nd house from Moon subjecting it to powerful Paapakartari yoga, and there is no redemption to that in the form of any benefic aspect on Moon.  So, there is real danger of continued general suffering and even danger of war-like or even major war situation....OR, was the muhurtha chosen "consciously" - to take the country to a major war (possibly the rulers want to demonstrate that they are "powerful" by leading the nation to a war?)...only God knows! But, even then, this was a wrong choice - BECAUSE, just a muhurtha indicating possibility of war does not mean we will win.  If going to war was the motive and the temple foundation was for making it possible, the muhurtha should have been MORE CAREFULLY CHOSEN! Not with Paapa kartari yoga and the star ruling the day being inauspicious to the PM of the country!  Not sure what was going on in the minds of the mandarins when they chose this muhurtha!

It is also noteworthy that the bhoomi pooja is done at a time when Moon is transiting the Chandra Ashtama rashi to Lord Rama's Moon sign! So, how did they think this was auspicious?

It is unfortunate that "politics" is given more importance than shastraic wisdom in these matters (I heard that someone highly placed in the party is arguing that they got the "best astrological advice" - when people pointed out about the inauspiciousness of the muhurtha...who decided who is the best...?  Why not consult seers and asthaana vidwaans of reputed mutts like Sringeri Peetam or Ahobila mutt jeeyars on a matter like this?  The false ego that a course has been introduced in astrology in Universities and its "head" is the best has led to this wrong choice which they won't accept in their blind ego that whatever they do is right.

The pity is, I also see some astrologers arguing as if this is a good choice (analyzing the foundation laying time chart as if it is a birth chart and "finding" some positives).  Real astrological wisdom is - that muhurtha rules over-rule other considerations - and what is true for yogas in a birthchart are NOT ALWAYS applicable to muhurtha charts  which have their own strong considerations based on shastra.

Some argue that the main events will be done during Abhijit muhurth time that day...BUT, that is only an exception given when no other suitable muhurtha is feasible and practical considerations dictate choice of an inauspicious date/ time.  It does not totally  neutralize the negative indications.

As an astrologer who has been practising this field for more than 25 years, and as a prashna-kartha who had the honour of having been associated with major temples (in their Deva prashnams), I am of the firm opinion that the choice of this muhurtha is totally wrong.  I am given to understand that reservation regarding this muhurtha has been expressed by some senior astrologers to this dispensation but were just ignored (as I said, the arrogant argument that "we took the best advice" was forwarded and their suggestions totally ignored).

I do not know if even this write-up of mine will be painted with "anti-Indian" paints by the blind supporters of this regime...BUT as a scholar of the subject who has had the privilege of being where he is only due to the Vidhya Devata of astrology and mantra shastra, I felt I will be okay only if I record it at least in my blog for posterity.  I love my country and I respect my shastra very much, and I can't but record my reservations - at least for academic reasons (so that other young astrologers who are learning this subject can note this, and in the future - when and if their suggestions are asked, they will give correct guidance to their clients - including VVIP clients who may be asking on matters like laying foundation stone for Secretariats/ temples - which will impact general welfare).

I have always felt that "Western type certification" style of learning WON'T SUIT traditional subjects like occult, mantra-shastra, astrology, Vaastu, etc., and that is one reason I kept myself away from the University faculty when a chance was offered to me to anchor some courses through some Universities (in the early days when they began M.A. astrology as a course).  The current episode proves my reservation was not misplaced where the regime claims "Head of the department" of astrology (not sure which University they consulted) suggested this!  If they had asked reputed astrologers like Shri C V B Subramaniam garu of Potti Sreeramulu University (who incidentally is a good friend of mine though now we don't have much time to speak with each other - each busy with our own lecture tours and other spiritual pursuits), they might have suggested alternatives.  Now, at this stage, just for argument-sake if they are asked their opinion, I am not sure whether they will tell the truth (not all astrologers will be bold and forthright in expressing their views if their views clash with the preferences of powerful people - but I am one who will speak my mind no matter who the client in front of me is!).  BUT, I am SURE, IF people like him were asked BEFORE the muhurtha, they won't have suggested this particular date and time.

Looks like the current dispensation - for all their high talk of "giving importance to Indian sciences" has been inspired by "numerology" more than astrology (like they possibly wanted to lay the foundation stone on 5th August - coinciding with same date when article 370 was abrogated!)

I am pained that what must have been a most auspicious event (building of the temple for Maryaada Purusha Shri Raama) has been marred by inappropriate choice of muhurtha.

Possibly Kali purusha is dancing merrily now!

Inauspicious foundation laying stone for cities, and temples can cause trouble to the people - that is what I am more worried about; remember that the Mighty Vijayanagara empire fell because of a slight mistake in "following" the suggestions of the great Saint Vidyaranya! The saint had marked the best time for the empire's foundation, BUT, due to some misunderstanding the muhurtha was wrongly followed - just by a few vinadikas, and the saint was said to have exclaimed that the empire will do do well for some centuries and then be annihilated due to this slight error!

In this case, it is not even a minor error - but a major blunder - when I view it as an astrologer who is aware of these things.  If I were the PM, or an important committee member of this temple organization, I WOULD seek the advice of reputed traditional acharyas and their asthaana vidwaans for remedies for this...BUT, I am almost sure that this is NOT GOING TO happen with the current set of people since they believe they are always correct and no one around them has the courage to point out their errors to them (real well-wishers should be like that - point out shortcomings/ errors boldly so that course-correction can be effected; obviously our PM is not an astrologer and has no knowledge of all these; so I don't blame him when he possibly was carried away by the 5th August significance - anniversary of revoking 370...which other date would resonate better with Hindu Pride !  His spiritual/ astrological advisors should have been more sharp!

I can only chant Raam Raam - praying that my country must be spared the pains indicated by this wrong choice.  I am sure His Grace can overcome all negativities...BUT His Grace is possible only if we are humble and we do things with the right attitude.  If - By Divine Grace - things go well it will be "inspite" of this Muhurtha - not because of this muhurtha.  If - Heavens Forbid - the dangerous indications of the muhurtha pan out, we will all suffer more.  May His Grace dilute the sufferings that the harried populace is already enduring!  I hope that at least in the future proper experts will be consulted before major things are undertaken.  If a secular or non-religious government takes a decision without astrological considerations, it is fine; BUT, when a government swears by Sanatana Dharma, BUT then takes wrong choices which are patently wrong per shastras, it is a greater pity (because the mistake is not even apparent and there is no justification for this).

Shri RaamO VijayatE

Shri Raama mama Raashtram raksha raksha.


1 comment:

Shailendra Bhatnagar said...

Guruji pranam,
I was googling for the precise time on the internet but cannot say for sure how accurate the information is. I also read somewhere that bhoomi poojan will start at 11:40am but that also yields Tula lagna.


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