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Friday, June 19, 2020

Solar eclipse on 21st June 2020

Dear All:

There is a partial/ annular solar eclipse on June 21, 2020.  The eclipse will be visible in much of Asia and Africa, South and East parts of Europe, North of Australia, and Pacific and Indian ocean regions.

The duration of the eclipse as is visible in major cities of India:

The eclipse is visible between 10:12:55 a.m. and 1:31:43 p.m. IST. at Bangalore. (i.e. 55 seconds past 10:12 a.m. is begining, and 43 seconds past 1:31 p.m is eclipse end).

At Chennai, it will be visible between 10:22 a.m. and 1:41 p.m. IST.

At Mumbai, the eclipse will be between 10 a.m. and 1:27 p.m. IST.

At Delhi, the eclipse will be between 10:19 a.m. and 1:38 p.m. IST.

To check the exact duration of the eclipse in your region, kindly refer the following link:

You can input your location in the map search tab and get the info. related to the exact duration of visibility of the eclipse in your region.

STARS THAT ARE AFFLICTED: Those born under Mrigasira, Chithira, Dhanishta, Rohini, Arudra, Sathayam, Swathi, and Puarvasu and living in areas of visibility of the eclipse must ideally perform eclipse remedies to avoid malefic impact of this eclipse on their charts.  NO REMEDY IS NEEDED IF YOU ARE NOT LIVING IN AREAS OF VISIBILITY OF THE ECLIPSE. Those living in areas of visibility of the eclipse, and are born in one of the above mentioned afflicted stars,  may get in touch with vedic pandits in your area or approach trusted spiritual persons whomsoever you consult regularly for spiritual remedies in this regard.

The eclipse is most intense at Uttarkhand, and the geo-political climate is also tense in the India, Nepal, China border.  So, spiritually inclined persons living in Uttarkhand region may do austerities like Chandi Path for general welfare and to pre-empt natural/ man-made disasters. (There is possibility of intense seismic activity in North India - including Delhi).

REMEDY DONE AT OUR PLACE: For close clients of mine whose stars are afflicted by the eclipse, I do the eclipse-remedial chant personally and do the other austerties in this regard during the eclipse.  The recommended offering for the same is Rs.375 (rupees three hundred and seventy five only) PER person whose star is afflicted by the eclipse.


Those who don't have personal spiritual mentors or knowledgeable vedic pandits to help them in the performance may do this remedy:  Donate 1/10th of your body-weight of good quality wheat (like if you are 50kg. in weight, donate 5 kg. of good qualitiy wheat) AND 1/100th of your body-weight ghee (like if you are 50kg in weight, donate half kg. of ghee) to any charitable organization or temple on June 21, 2020(i.e. after taking bath at the end of the eclipse donate as mentioned here).

Even those stars are not directly impacted by the eclipse can gain by performing austerities during the duration of the eclipse; per mantra shastra principles, any mantra recited during the duration of the eclipse becomes "siddh" and gives intense positive results.  My personal experience is that I have mastered most of the rare works that are in my command in spiritual realm only during major eclipses, and can vouch for the fact that learning activities are very productive during eclipse periods.

This eclipse has good occult potency since it begins in one star (Mrigasira) and the moksha of the eclipse is in another star (Arudra).  So, it is almost a rehash of Samudra Mathaana episode to get nectar.  Mrigasira nakshatra is ruled by Nectar (soma) which is eclipsed and the relief from the eclipse happens under Arudra ruled by Lord Shiva!  This is a great time for inner transformations, and working at the Inner Universe so that positive developments can manifest in the Outer Universe (like intense work of scientists that may help in finding cure for the current scourge, or statesmen making the right moves to pre-empt perilous and mutually destructive wars, or spiritualists/ occultists doing intense sadhana to heal the discordant notes that are prevalent this time in the Universe and are affecting millions).  The question is - are we going to do that positively by Lord Shiva's Grace, or are we going to let the Nectar (Mrigasira) go untouched due to our anxieties, fears, ego, and suspicions?

PRECAUTIONS DURING THE ECLIPSE (not applicable to those living in regions where the eclipse is not visible).

a) Try to finish off your last meal before the eclipse about 6 hours prior to the onset of the partial phase; Ideally those living in India should not consume anything after 5 a.m. on June 21, 2020, and after that do not consume anything till the end of the eclipse.

b) Those who wish to perform austerities or indulge in occult/ metaphysical/ spiritual experiments must take bath once during the onset of the eclipse and again at the end of the eclipse.

c) Pregnant ladies must avoid venturing out during the duration of the eclipse (this is per traditions - the same traditions that have given us wisdom regarding many occult/ spiritual things that are left untouched and unexplainable by current levels of scientific knowledge - so there must be something in this!; I am not even getting into the argument of what will happen if they venture out! Each one to their own wisdom/ discretion - and my guideline is for those who wish to benefit by traditional views on this matter where it is said that avoiding exposure to the outer atmosphere or the eclipsed Moon's rays is recommended for the welfare of the child in the womb).

d) Avoid negative thoughts or unnecessary brooding during the eclipse.  You may indulge in healthy introspection even if you don't wish to chant mantras or perform intense austerities.....BUT, don't cultivate guilt feelings/ unnecessary a neutral observer and evaluator of events in your life to make the best of this period.  Of course, those who wish to chant mantras or strengthen protective shields in occult matters will benefit most during this period.  Countless are the persons who have got siddhi of their mantras during eclipses; so for spiritual persons or those inclined to occult experiments, this is a "must not miss" period.

e) Those who have lost parents may offer tarpanam in Honour of ancestors during this period.  Shastras say that the merits of offering tarpanam to parents during eclipse are infinite.

May our members derive the best benefits of this celestial phenomenon.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

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