Dear Members:
The auspicious Varuthini Ekaadashi (Chaitra Krishna ekaadashi) falls on May 11, 2018 this year; it is to be observed on the same day throughout the world.
Glory of the Varuthini ekaadashi
The glory of the Varuthini Ekaadashi has been explained in the Bhavishya uttara puraaana in the form of a discourse between Yudhishtira Maharaaj and Lord Krishna.
On a specific request from Shri Yudhisthira, Lord Krishna explains that whosoever observes a complete fast on this sacred day has his sins completely removed, obtains happiness, and achieves all good fortune. Fasting on Varuthini Ekaadasi makes even an unfortunate woman fortunate (There are some horoscopic combinations in a female chart - like Visha Kanya yoga, vaidavya yoga, vandhya dosha, etc. that can spoil family happiness and bring much ill luck; Lord Krishna's saying that this fast will make even an unfortunate woman fortunate refers to such horoscopes. So, this ekaadasi fast on Varuthini ekaadashi can be suggested as remedy for such horoscopes). Lord Krishna further says that this ekaadashi has the potential of freeing a soul from the miseries of repeated rebirth.
Various kings like King Maandaatta, Dhundhumaaraa, etc. have been benefitted by this. King Mandaattaa obtained liberation; King Dhundhumaara - who suffered from leprosy as a result of curse from Lord Shiva was freed from it.
Whatever merit one obtains by performing austerities and penances for ten thousand years is achieved by a person who observes this Varuthini ekaadashi properly.
The method of observing this ekaadashi
The following things should be given up on the Dashami thithi (the day before the fast) - eating on bell-metal plates, eating any kind of urad-dhal, eating red-lentils, consuming honey, eating in other's houses, conjugal relationships.
On the day of ekaadashi, one should observe fast (complete fast is recommended), and listen to Shri Hari's stories from the mouth of spiritual persons, or engage oneself in Divine Contemplation quietly. One should avoid speaking ill of others (even sinners should not be spoken about badly on this day), keep oneself ritually clean, and spend the day in Divine Worship and contemplation. [My notes: Those who cannot fast completely should at least avoid eating beans and rice/ whole grains on this day, and should just consume fruit juices/ milk without honey].
On the Dwaadashi thithi, again one should avoid eating in bell-metal plates, eating urud-dhal (black-gram), hard exercises, eating more than once, having oil bath, shaving body, face, or head, and eating in other's home. [Eating in other's home refers to eating outside; home of parents, in-laws, daughter/ son, disciple's house/ Guru's house, close friend who is alike oneself in observance of spiritual duties are not considered other's houses as per shastras; so, one can consume food in these places as long as the food has been prepared as per ritual conditions of purity].
One who remains awake on this ekaadashi night and meditates upon/ worships Lord Janaardhana will nullify all sins of previous birth and will attain Supreme Abode of Lord Vishnu.
Lord Krishna says that listening to/ reading the glory of this Varuthini Ekaadashi with devotion is equivalent to the merit obtained by gifting 1000 cows!
May our members observe this holy fast and become more lucky, and also become blessed enough to attain Ultimate Salvation by the Grace of Shri Hari Vishnu.
Subham Bhavantu!
Blessed be.
Astrological and Remedial consultant
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