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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bheeshmaashtami 2018

Dear Members:

Bheeshmaashtami - in Honour of the Grandsire of the Kuru dynasty falls on January 24, 2018 for those in U.S. and other nations of the American continent, and for those living in U.K., France, and other nations of European continent. For other parts of the world - including India and all countries to the east of India, the observance is on January 25, 2018.

Bheeshmaachaarya was known for his steadfastness to dharma, his devotion to his kingdom, and his willing sublimation of his desires to satisfy the wish of his father. He took a vow of Nithya Brahmachaaryathvam (never even considering carnal pleasures of any sort) as that was demanded by the Fisherman-chieftain whose daughter his father desired in marriage. This vow of got him the name "Bheeshma" (Meaning - The terrible; maintaining strict celibacy is really difficult for a person with great valour, strength, and heroic qualities - especially when he is engaged in the activities of a kingdom as a Prince).

This steadfastness of him earned him the boon of "Iccha Mriyu" (ability to shed life as desired). He waited for long period till Uttaraayana set in and left his mortal coils on the thithi of ashtami after Ratha Saptami. [I have just given a condensed version of the original event; you may read about that in detail in Mahabharatam - of course most of you must be already aware of this legend!].
In fact, the popular Vishnu Sahasranaamam that is a Wish fulfilling Tree for all us in this Kali age first came from his mouth (as he was lying in the bed of arrows in pain!).

As he was a strict celibate and without any family tree, and in honour of his great qualities and attachment to dharma, it has been ordained that every eligible male (even those who have parent alive!) are required to offer oblations with water in Honour of that Great Soul - who combined the rare qualities of valour and discipline, obedience and courage, affection and celibacy......rare opposites to be found in the same person.

You may recite the following slokha and meditate on Bheeshma - remembering His rare qualities....

Vayyagrapadya gotraya saankruthya pravarayacha
Ganga putraya Bhishmaya aajanma bramhacharine 
Aputraya dadamyetatudakam bhishma Varma ne
Vasunamavataraya shantano ratmajayacha
Arghyam dhadhami bhishmaya aabalya brahmacharine

Then, you can chant the simple mantra: "Om Bheeshmaaya Dharma vrataaya nitya BrahmachaarinE Gangaa Putraaya idam arghyam idam arghaym idam arghyam - Om Bheeshmam tarpayaamii"
(offer it thrice).

Please note that this is one of the mandatory observances for all males subscribing to sanataana dharmaa.

May we all inherit his great qualities and become living examples of virtue and self-control just as he was.

Blessed be.
Astrological and Remedial consultant

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