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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Makara Sankranthi - 2015

Dear Members:

The auspicious Makara Sankranthi (celebrated as Pongal festival in Tamil Nadu) falls on January 15, 2015 this year for those in India and other eastern countries. Those living in U.S. Canada, and other American continent countries, those living in European countries, etc. should observe this on January 14, 2015 itself.

We extend our best wishes to all readers of our blog on this occasion.

This is an auspicious day to propitiate Lord Surya (Sun God) - expressing our thanks for His Benevolence upon us in the previous year. Recital of Aditya Hrudayam, Surya Atharvaseersha upanishad, Suryaashtakam, etc. will help you to gain the Grace of the Supreme Almighty whose Radiance shines through Sun and various other stars in our galaxy(Though there are even brighter stars than Sun - it is the Sun whose rays benefit us on earth; and hence we offer our respects to Sun God). Worshipping Sun can ensure good health - shastras say "Aroghyam pradaatu Dinakarah:" Besides health, recital of Aaditya Hrudayam helps in improving professional prospects and winning over obstacles in life. Anyone who is facing seemingly daunting tasks in life can benefit by reciting Aaditya Hrudayam 9 times at a stretch as an emergency prayer. Similarly those suffering from skin ailments can benefit by reciting Surya Ashtakam (which benefitted Saambha - the Son of Lord Krishna).

Special prayers will be done as usual at our place for Universal Welfare on this occasion.

May our members enjoy good health and dazzling tejas by the Grace of the Sun God.

Blessed be.

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