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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Parivartini ekaadasi 2014

Dear Members:

Parviartini ekaadashi also called Paarshva ekaadashi falls on September 5, 2014 this year.

This is to be observed on the same day throughout the world except in places in the U.S. where Hawaii Standard time is observed.

This day is believed to be the day when Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Yoga Nidhra changes his position in sleep - from left side to right side.

Just as the Lord shifts in His Yoga Nidra from one side to another, may His Grace allow you to explore all aspects of your life and may His Grace allow you to expect a positive turn of Fate in your lives!

It is traditional to venerate Lord Mahaa Vishnu in His Form of Vaamana on this day.

May our members observe this fast and become recipients of Universal Grace.

Other auspicious days/ festival days around Parivartini ekaadasi.....

Vaamana Jayanthi is to be observed on September 5th in U.S., Canada, and other countries of the American continents, and Western Europe - including U.K..  Vaamana Jayanthi is to be observed on September 6th in rest of the world, including India.

Onam festival in India and other countries to the east of India is on September 7th. It should be observed on September 6th in the countries to the west of India.

Blessed be.

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