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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Vaikasi visakam today - June 11, 2014

Dear Members:

The auspicious Vaikaasi Visakham festival is celebrated on June 11, 2014. This is the birthday of Shri Subramanya (also known as Skanda, Kaartikeya, Muruga, etc.). He had His Genesis from the Third Eye of Lord Shivaa (as many of you might be aware, the Third Eye is the symbol of Wisdom and Divine Knowledge/ Powers). Thus Skanda is the perfect Gnaana Moorthi - as He had His Genesis from the flames of the Third Eye of Lord Shiva Himself. He manifested to destroy the evil forces headed by Soorapadman and his brothers who had a boon that he can be destroyed only by a son of Lord Shiva. Worshipping Lord Skanda on this auspicious day will help us to destroy the demons of our mind and personality - like anger, lust, and delusion (In fact mystic experts opine that the demons Soorapadman and his brothers signify Aanavam, Kanmam, and Maayai - and Lord Skanda signifies Absolute Knowledge and Wisdom which can vanquish those evils).

Reciting Skanda Sahasranaamam, Subramanya Bhujangam (By Shri Aadi Shankarar), Kandar Anubhooti (By Shri Arunagirinaathar), Tirumurugaarrupadai (by Nakeerar), Tirupugazh (By Arunagirinaathar), Kanda Shashti kavacham (Shri Baala Devaraayar swaamigal), and such other devotional works on Lord Skandaa today will be auspicious.

Those who can't recite the elaborate scriptures mentioned above may benefit by chanting simple names such as
1) Om Skandaaya namah (to improve physical strength).
2) Om Kumaaraya namah (for progenic happiness)
3) Om Valliimanavaalaaya namah (for success in romantic matters and good luck in marital life)
4) Om DevasEnaapatayE namah (for overcoming the evil designs of enemies).
5) Om SkandaGuravE namah (for getting Divine Guidance).
6) Om Shakti hastaaya namah (for getting Divine Protection).
7) Om Shiva Gnaana Desikaaya namah/ Om Gnaana Panditaaya namah (mastery over esoteric knowledge)

This is an auspicious day to get deeksha into beeja mantras related to Shri Kartikeya from suitable Gurus(there are shadakshari mantra, Panchadasaakshari mantra, etc. on Lord Skandaa that should be chanted after initiation).

Worship of Lord Skandaa can be a good remedy for Sarpa Dosha and Mars dosha in horoscopes, and can bless a person with peace and prosperous life materialistically, and Divine Wisdom - spiritually.

Special poojas and havans are being conducted on this occasion at our current residence at Tiruvannamalai.

Members of paaraayanam group and Pradosham abhishekam group please note that you will be automatically included as honorary beneficiaries in the poojas done on Vaikaasi visakham day and so you need not offer me anything for this pooja. It will be a pleasure and Honour for me to pray for you all with the resources that are already there thanks to your offerings in the recent past.


Astrological and Remedial consultant

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