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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Kaamika Ekaadasi - August 2, 2013

Dear Members:

The auspicious Kaamika ekaadasi is to be observed throughout the world on August 2, 2013 this year

Exceptions to the above:

1)Those living in Australia who adhere to vaishnava traditional rules regarding the ekaadasi observance who must observe this on August 3, 2013. Those living in Australia and observe Smaartha traditions must still observe this on August 2, 2013 only.
2) Those living in Hawaii region and observing Smaarthaic traditions regarding ekaadasi must observe this fast on August 1, 2013 itself; those living in Hawaii region and observing vaishnavite traditions regarding ekaadasi fast must observe the fast on August 2, 2013.

Merits of this ekaadasi (from Brahmavaivarta puraanam)....

Observing the kaamikaa ekaadasi gives one the merit that accrues out of bathing in sacred rivers. Offering Tulsi to Lord Mahaavishnu on this day pleases our Lord more than offerings of even the Nine Gemstones of rarest quality! A devotee who does proper worship of Lord Vishnu with Tulsi leaves on this ekaadashi day reaches Vaikuntam directly after the end of this life. Proper observanace of this ekaadasi will please Yama Dharmaraaj also. It is customary to donate a ghee lamp/ sesame oil lamp to a Krishna temple on this ekaadashi day. Such a devotee will be blessed by all celestials. The merit accruing out of this ekaadashi is equivalent to that accruing out of recital of all Holy Scriptures.

Elsewhere, it has been mentioned by Lord Brahma to Sage Narada that the merit of observing this ekaadasi is equivalent to that obtained by donating a healthy cow along with her calf and one year's feed to a worthy vedic scholar.

May our members observe this holy fast and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Blessed be.


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