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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pradakshina Amaavasya - July 8, 2013

Dear Members:

Pradakshina Amaavasya falls on July 8, 2013 (Monday) this year. This is an auspicious day for performing Aswatta pooja (prayers to the Holy Peepal Tree). You may circumambulate the peepal tree 3 times, 18 times, 32, 54, 108, or even 1008 times as per your convenience and ability praying for family prosperity. Pradakshina Amaavasya falling on Mondays is deemed to be very auspicious (somavaara Pradakshina).

Elderly ladies who are past the menstrual ages (i.e. after menopause) can get deeksha into japams on this day under the peepal tree (usually Siva mantra or Raama mantra are initiated; this japam is to be continued till the end of one's life every day).

Those who are desirous of getting progenic bliss should offer special prayers to Aswatta tree and the naaga deities installed beneath the tree. Everyone regardless of class, caste, or gender can do simple poojas in honour of aswatta tree and pray for family prosperity. Paaraayanam group members might listen to the aswatta sthothram that has been uploaded in the files section of the group. Others who have no access to that sthothram may simply recite "Om Aswattaaya Vriksharaajaaya namah."

In Mahabharata, the glory of this worship of Ashwatta tree (which is believed to have subtle energies of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) on Somavaraa Amavasya has been elaborated by Shri Bhishma to Yudhishtra.  In short- the performance of this helps in removing putra doshas, and ensuring that progeny of good nature, luck, and longevity will manifest in the dynasty. So, even those who have children can do this worship praying for the welfare of their kids and dynasty.

Taking holy bath in rivers/ temple ponds (theerthas), offering special worship to pitrus (manes), etc. are auspicious austerities on this day - besides ashwatta worship.

May our members be observe this to the best of their abilities and invoke Divine Grace on themselves and their offsprings.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

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