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Monday, September 10, 2012

Parama Ekaadaasi - a fast to make you wealthy - 2012

Dear Members:

The ekaadasi that falls on the krishna paksha of the athika maasa is called Parama Ekaadasi.  It is to be observed on September 11, 2012 by those living in the U.S., Canada, and other countries of the American continents.

It is to be observed on September 12, 2012 by those living in rest of the world (except those living in the American continents).

Observing this fast is believed to enable one to overcome the karmic effects that might cause poverty, and such a person becomes rich (even if their charts show Daridrya dosha), and after their time on this plane is over, they will pass over to Shri Vishnu's Abode at Vaikuntha.


Once in a city called Kampilya there lived a Brahmin called Sumedha with his chaste wife.  Though they were poor, the couple did their best to entertain guests at their house (serving Athithis!).  They would feed the guest first and if required they would starve later - after the guests had partaken food (i.e. if the food was enough only for the guests, they would forego their share of the food and entertain the guests!). Once Sumedha told his wife that they must possibly go to another city in search of better means of living as the poverty here was unbearable.

But his wife told him that getting riches in this birth depends on the karma of previous birth, and possibly they must have done some sin in the past to endure this poverty; So, it might be best to remain in the same city and do as many good deeds as possible within their means.  Sumedha agreed and they stayed on, doing their best as before.

Once Sage Koundinya visited the city and arrived as athithi (unannounced guest) to Sumedhas' house.  He and his wife treated the sage well and the sage was pleased with the hospitality; He instructed the couple to wish for a boon from him.  Both husband and wife prayed to him to show the way to become wealthy so that they can do better service.

Sage Koundinya was pleased and he instructed them about observing Parama Ekaadashi vrata which has the potency to remove poverty from the lives of the persons who observe it, and also remove the taints of sins of previous lives completely.

The couple - Sumedha and his wife observed the vrat, and became wealthy; they continued their good service and enjoyed life, and at the end of their lives attained Vaikuntha.


Among the beneficiaries who have attained grandeur by the power of this vrata is Kubera - the Yaksha King who became so rich that He could lend money even to Lord Venkateshwara!

May our members observe this wonderful fast and remove taints of poverty from their lives and also get relief from past life sins completely.

Blessed be.

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