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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Guru Poornima - 2012

Dear All:

The Guru Poornima austerities went on well today by Divine Grace.  This Guru Poornima is an auspicious day when we offer our respects to the Guru Paramparaa - the unbroken line of Gurus beginning from Lord Sadashivaa Himself to our individual Gurus.

Sanyaasis of aamnaaya mutts offer Vyaasa pooja today and take Chaturmaasya sankalpa.  Remembering our mentors whoever guided our lives in ever-so-small ways, or did poojas on our behalf for our welfare with gratitude is the recommended activity today.

Those who are initiated into Moola mantras of Shri Veda Vyaasa, Gorakhnaath, Sage Agasthya, Shri Medha Dakshinamoorthi, Shri Hayagreeva, Dattatreya, Hanumaan, Skanda, etc. can meditate on those Gurus with those mantra recitals.  Others may simply remember whomever they consider as their Gurus with devotion and gratitude today.

May Guru's Grace show us the light with which we can trace our way forward in our lives.

PS: Many thanks to our members who voluntarily participated in the Guru Poornima austerities though I did not post about this in advance; as I was on a pilgrimage last week and as soon as I returned I had to go on my usual trek to Parvathamalai on Pradosham day, I could not post this in advance....but some of our vigilant members had taken the initiative themselves and emailed me about this and participated in the austerities today; my heartfelt appreciation to those members, and my apologies to others for having posted this only on the day of Guru Poornima.  Please be assured that you were all in my prayers today when I did the havan and Vyaasa pooja.

Blessed be.

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