Akshaya Trithiyai vrattam falls on April 24, 2012 this year for the entire world.
This is an auspicious day when Lord Brahma started Creation in the beginning of the Chatur Yugas. Today is Kruta Yugathi. Lord Parasuraama's Jayanthi is also today only. Venerating Lord Parasuraama who vanquished the rulers who had forgotten the ethical ways of conducting affairs is auspicious today. May His Grace destroy the influence of the vested interests and corrupted-beyond-redemptions politicians of our land, and subtly pave the way for fresh blood with fire of idealism to enter the public sphere. (I know practically the situation does look grim for such hopes - but then, we are asking for a Miracle - and why not? when He is willing to always to listen to us!!!!)
This is a very important day for spiritual aspirants. This is a day when siddhis (yogic powers) seek out sincere aspirants! Arjuna obtained Pasupatha Astra, Lord Shiva got Biksha from Annapoorani to remove his Brahmahathi dosha, and various devotees have also got siddhis on this auspicious day.
Kshaya means destruction; akshaya means - that which does not get destroyed or that which is ever increasing. So, any auspicious activity that we indulge in today will have manifold benefits. Those who are performing mantra japas should capitalize on this wonderful day and energize their mantras. Students can consider joining new courses (including summer courses on music, martial arts, swimming, painting, etc.).
This is a day when any activity can be done without regard to usual taboos of vaara, thithi, or nakshatra dosha. Any act of charity or donation done on this day will give manifold results. So, you may consider donating money to charities of your choice (it can be as little as Rs.1/- to a poor beggar on the street! The amount or to whom you donate is not important....but the attitude with which you offer the donations is most important). Now a days, there is an unnecessary business fad promoted by commercial establishments about "purchasing" gold/ silver/ other valuables (I think Platinum ads are also making headway recently in the tube!). Though it is true that purchasing auspicious articles on that day will prove good, it is definitely not correct to do such purchases with "borrowed" money or on debts, just on the belief that purchasing something on that day is good. You can purchase valuables with your own money if you have saved for them. Borrowing money just for purchasing on that day is definitely not recommended because, your "borrowing" might become akshaya is it not???? (Just my logic!!!!)Of course, if you have been planning to purchase some valuables with your savings for sometime now, you may consider purchasing the items on this day. But, mere purchasing valuables on the Akshaya trithiyai day is not going to magically alter your fortunes. I request our members not to fall into that superstitious trap that has gained currency now-a-days.This day is more about learning, acquiring wisom, performing acts of merit and such other Higher Purposes rather than mere acquisition of valuables. This day is too precious to be spent on standing in long-ques outside jewellery shops! Instead, consider visiting a nearby temple and doing some cleaning work on the premises, volunteering in a hospital, donating blood to a blood-bank, donating old clothes or sweets to Homes for the destitutes/ old persons, or taking blessings from elders in your family or community.
May all our members derive immense spiritual and mundane benefits by this austerity, and above all, become recipients of Divine Grace.
Blessed be.
Astrological and Remedial consultant
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