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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Maasi magam on March 7, 2012

Dear Members:

The auspicious Maasi Magam falls on March 7, 2012 this year. It is auspicious to take Theertha snaana (Ritual bath in sacred rivers) on this day.

Holika Dahana is also observed on the same day (bonfire to symbolize death of Holikaa); this symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Holikaa - a sister of Hiraynakasipu had a boon that she won't be burnt by fire. Hiraynakasipu in one of his attempts to punish his son Prahlada, asked Holika to take Prahlada in her lap and enter the fire in the belief that the fire won't touch Holika while the child devotee would be chastised. However, it turned out that by the Grace of Shriman Narayana, the fire was cool to Prahlada who was uttering Naaraayana mantra and burnt Holika instead.

For those who take refuge in the Lord even troubles can turn into triumphs.

If we enter the Fire of Austerities and Divine Worship, Holikaa in us - symbolized by lust, greed, confusion, and cunningness will get burnt while the Prahlaada in us - symbolized by our good persona would remain unscathed and emerge with dazzling brightness.

May we all make a bonfire of all our evil tendencies and negative impulses on Holikaa dahana day.

The festival of Holi is to be observed on March 8, 2012 (holika dahan is on March 7, 2012 night while festival of Holi is to be observed on March 8, 2012).

Pournami pooja is to be observed on the night of March 7, 2012.

Blessed be.

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