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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A query regarding crow flying over head

The query: Dear Panditji,

If the Crow is flying over the head then is it showing any dosha / inauspicious?
Is any remedy required?

My response:

If the crow just flew over the head in its course of flying without any intent to strike at your head, it is not a dosha. But, if it made aggressive passes near the head or actually nicked the head with its peaks or beat the head with its beaks/ claws, then parihaaram should be done - as this is considered inauspicious.

Offer a Til lamp (lamp with wick made of sesame seeds and oil of sesame) in Navagraha sannidhi on Saturdays and perform Navagraha archana as remedy if crow made aggressive attempts to beat the head.

Those who are initiated into mantra shastra can just recite Indrakshi sthothra once and smear the forehead with holy ashes instead of the above remedy.

Blessed be.

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