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Friday, March 18, 2011

Panguni Uttiram on March 19, 2011

(The photo depicting Goddess Meenaakshi's marriage with Lord Shiva in His form as Kalyaana SundarEshwara; see Lord Vishnu gifting His Sister Meenakshi in marriage to Lord Shiva as per traditional shastraic injunctions).

Panguni Uttiram Festival is to be observed on March 19, 2011 all over the world. It is the day of Divine Wedding between Goddess Meenakshi and
Lord Sundareshwara (Lord Shiva in His wedding form). This is also the wedding day of Lord Skanda with Deivanai (the daughter of Celestial King Indra). So, it is auspicious to offer special prayers to Lord shiva or Lord Skanda on this day praying for our welfare. This is an auspicious day for praying for harmony in the family, goodwill and affection between couples, and for marriage of unmarried natives.

For those in to advanced yogic practices, this is good for Kundalini
Jaagran. This is an excellent day for initiation into Bhoota Shuddhi
under expert guidance for removal of karmic blockages.

May we offer our special prayers on this day so that Dharmaic Union as in
the case of Shiva-Paarvati marriage materializes in our lives while at
the same time, the undesirable elements of unqualified lust/ passion,
and Ego (where we start taking credit for the good things that
materialize due to Divine Grace with little effort from our side) are
exorcised from our lives.

Holi festival is also to be celebrated on the same day.

On this Holy Pournami day, remember to light a lamp/ candle in memory of those who perished in the recent catastrophe in Japan and some weeks earlier in New Zealand. Also pray for protection from further calamities for all regions around the world.

Blessed be.



Saurabh said...

Thank you for the article.

You have mentioned:

"This is an excellent day for initiation into Bhoota Shuddhi
under expert guidance for removal of karmic blockages."

What is the meaning of bhoot shuddhi and karmik blockage? How bhoot shuddhi helps to remove karmik blockage?

Pandit R. DAKSHINA MOORTHI said...

Dear Anonymous:

Please read it in its entirety!....I have said "under expert guidance" - which clearly indicates it is not a matter that can be discussed just off hand out of empty curiousity!

That portion is meant for guidance of those who are pursuing meditation under good shastraic teachers, regarding a powerful activity that they can undertake on this day.

Kindly get in touch with experts in Srividhya or Gayathri sampradaya in person to know about these.

Blessed be.

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