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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Guru Poornima 2013

Image courtesy: en.wikipedia.orgDear Members:

This is about Guru Poornima observance for the year 2013. It should be observed on July 22, 2013 throughout the world.

This Guru Poornima is an auspicious day to Honour one's Gurus (either Deeksha Gurus or vidhyaa Gurus) or Guru Paramparaa in general. Honouring scholars of religious knowledge to the extent of one's capacity, donating copies of Puraanas to pious persons, donating for the cause of vedic education, honouring pious individuals who are adhering to dharmic way of life (like wearing tuft, reciting holy works regularly, and adhering to restrictions to diet so that their tapasya for the welfare of the Universe is not deficient in any way) etc. are some of the meritorious deeds you can do on that day.

Generally Guru Paramparaa is meditated from Lord Naaraayana Himself, Sage Vyaasa, down to one's respective Gurus. In mantra traditions, the Guru Paramparaa is from Lord Medha Dakshinamoorthi, Lord Hayagreeva, Sage Agasthya, Sage Vyaasa, Aadi Shankara, 18 Mahaa Siddhas, down to one's own Guru lineage.

Vyaasa Pooja is done on this day even by ascetics (in fact for ascertaining the seniority of sanyaasis, the no. of vyaasa Poojas done by the sage is the factor; this does not apply to Aamnaaya Gurus/ Peetaadhipathis who are considered JagatGurus and hence considered senior to others by Accepted Protocols). Students of astrology and other vedic subjects should meditate on Sage Veda Vyaasa who compiled vast compedium of vedic knowledge into various branches for the ease of learning of we-people of the kali yuga. As our memory and intelligence are traditionally considered to be less when compared to those of persons who lived in the earlier yugas, Sage Vyaasa in accordance with Divine Will classified the vedas into 4 so that we can master at least one veda each, and the vast compendium of knowledge of oral traditions of the past were codified into Puraanaas for our easy understanding! If you have a copy of any Puraana or Mahabharata with you, kindly recite at least some verses from them on that day in Honour of the Great Maharishi Vyaasa.

Those who cannot do elaborate poojas for Shri Vyaasaa as per tradition can recite this (which is in the Prelude portion to Shri Vishnu Sahasranaamam)...

vyaasam vasishtha naptaaram shakteh pautramakalmasham
paraasharaatmajam vande shukataatam taponidhim

(Meaning: We Salute Shri Vyaasa who is the Great Grandson of Sage Vasishta, the Grandson of Sage Shakti, the Son of Sage Paraasharaa, and the Father of Sage Sukhaa!)

or more simply "Om Vyaasaaya Puraana kartrE namah."

Blessed be.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

sarva sayani ekaadasi / Padma ekaadashi 2013

This is about Sarva Sayana Ekaadasi (also known as Padma Ekaadasi) which is to be observed on  July 18/ July 19, 2013.

Schedule of observance of this fast for those living in various parts of the world:

a) Sarva ekaadasi - common to both vaishnava and Shaiva sampradaayas throughout the world - except those living in U.S., Canada, and other countries of the American continents is on July 19, 2013.

b) Smaartha ekaadasi - to be observed by those in U.S./ Canada, and other countries of the American continents is on July 18, 2013.

c) Vaishnavai ekaadasi for those living in U.S., Canada, and other countries of the American continents is on July 19, 2013.

Sarva Sayana Ekaadasi falls on the bright fortnight of the month Aashaada. It is also known as Vishnu sayani ekaadasiIt is believed that after this Ekaadasi, Lord Vishnu goes to sleep along with the demi-gods (Yoga Nidra - not merely the senseless sleep of us mortals; the Lord's sleep is Yoga Nidra - a yogic trance where His Will is still active!) till He wakes up on Prabhodini Ekaadasi after 4 months.

Observance of this ekaadasi should be mainly for getting the Grace of Lord Vishnu. We should not fast on this day with any material gains in mind . Material gains like abundance and happiness of mind will follow automatically; but we are not supposed to make a sankalpa to this effect according to established traditions. We have seen that the other ekaadasis can also be observed with material gains like birth of child, or gain of fame or other material ends as sankalpa - but not this sayana ekaadasi. This ekaadasi automatically removes residual sins committed unknowingly.

To illustrate this effect, there is the legend of a great famine during the rein of the Great Surya Vamsha king Maandaata who was known for his righteousness. There was a minor sin in the kingdom due to transgression of a natural law of dharma which had resulted in famine in the kingdom. On the advice of Sage Aangirasa, the King instructed all his subjects (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyaas, and Sudras - i.e. all castes) to observe this ekaadasi fast on Sayana Ekaadasi for obtaining the Grace of Lord Vishnu. Due to the observance, the kingdom was relieved from the grips of pestilence.

Those who cannot afford to observe a full fast may fast by just avoiding rice and grains, and by consuming uncooked fruits/ vegetables or by drinking fruit juices or milk. But, please observe this important fast in some form and meditate on Lord Hari on this day with the pure intent of becoming recipients of His Grace.

Important note:  Readers of this blog might have noticed the occurrence of flash floods in various parts of the world recently.....(our own deluge in Uttarkand, the difficult floods in North East of our country recently, and the floods in China); just like famine occurring due to absence of rains, torrential rains are also causes of mass suffering.  So, pious ones all over the world can observe this sarva sayani fast and pray that this deluge should be harmlessly absorbed in the Mighty Ocean where Shri Vishnu has His Ananda Sayana (Happy Reclining Pose in Yoga Nidra).  This might help alleviate the sufferings that masses around the globe are subject to recently........May the souls of those who perished in Nature's Fury rest in Peace.  Fasts by pious individuals can give such peace! Let Mother Earth who is suffering due to burden of sins of Her children (we people!) be relieved of at least a portion of that burden due to the power of the merit of fasts undertaken by Her pious children (again those of us - Believers!)

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pradakshina Amaavasya - July 8, 2013

Dear Members:

Pradakshina Amaavasya falls on July 8, 2013 (Monday) this year. This is an auspicious day for performing Aswatta pooja (prayers to the Holy Peepal Tree). You may circumambulate the peepal tree 3 times, 18 times, 32, 54, 108, or even 1008 times as per your convenience and ability praying for family prosperity. Pradakshina Amaavasya falling on Mondays is deemed to be very auspicious (somavaara Pradakshina).

Elderly ladies who are past the menstrual ages (i.e. after menopause) can get deeksha into japams on this day under the peepal tree (usually Siva mantra or Raama mantra are initiated; this japam is to be continued till the end of one's life every day).

Those who are desirous of getting progenic bliss should offer special prayers to Aswatta tree and the naaga deities installed beneath the tree. Everyone regardless of class, caste, or gender can do simple poojas in honour of aswatta tree and pray for family prosperity. Paaraayanam group members might listen to the aswatta sthothram that has been uploaded in the files section of the group. Others who have no access to that sthothram may simply recite "Om Aswattaaya Vriksharaajaaya namah."

In Mahabharata, the glory of this worship of Ashwatta tree (which is believed to have subtle energies of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) on Somavaraa Amavasya has been elaborated by Shri Bhishma to Yudhishtra.  In short- the performance of this helps in removing putra doshas, and ensuring that progeny of good nature, luck, and longevity will manifest in the dynasty. So, even those who have children can do this worship praying for the welfare of their kids and dynasty.

Taking holy bath in rivers/ temple ponds (theerthas), offering special worship to pitrus (manes), etc. are auspicious austerities on this day - besides ashwatta worship.

May our members be observe this to the best of their abilities and invoke Divine Grace on themselves and their offsprings.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Yogini ekaadasi-2013

Dear members:

Yogini ekaadasi is to be observed on June 23, 2014 throughout the world except those living in U.S., Canada, and other countries of North and South American continents.
Note: Yogini Ekaadasi is the krishna paksha ekaadashi falling in the lunar month of Aashaada (Pournimaadhi lunar month and not the amaavasyaadhi month pattern) . I am using the term Aashaada krishna ekaadashi based on the Pournimaadhi month reckoning because that is the system that has been used in the Brahma Vaivarta Puraana legend that I am going to give to explain the significance of this ekaadashi.

Significance of the Yogini Ekaadashi

Yogini Ekaadashi has the potential to nullify the effects of sinful karmas of the previous incarnations that might be manifesting as diseases or curses in our present incarnation.

In Brahma Vaivarta Puraana, there is the legend of a yaksha Hemamaali that was narrated by Lord Krishna to the King Yudhishtra to explain the glory of Yogini Ekaadashi. (I am giving a liberal translation of the original legend from the purana just to bring out the significance of the yoginii ekaadashi; those who are interested may refer the original text in Brahma Vaivarta Puraana).

Hemamaali was an attendant of the Yaksha-Raaja Kubera who failed to bring flowers to Shiva Pooja of the king at the right moment and instead was frolicking with his beautiful wife. Due to the curse of the Yaksha King Kuberaa for this sin, Hemamaali took birth as a human being and was afflicted with leprosy and suffered innumerable difficulties. But, he was constantly meditating or chanting Lord Shiva's names and due to that effect, he got memories of his previous birth and the sin he had committed then.

Once, he came across the ashram of Sage Maarkandeya in the course of his wanderings. On seeing the radiant and Meritorious sage, Hemamaali prostrated to him from a distance. The sage enquired kindly about his condition; Hemamaali explained the reason for his disease without hiding anything. Sage Maarkandeya appreciated the frankness of Hemamaali and suggested this wonderful fast. Hemamaali observed this fast with all devotion and got relief from his leprosy and also was reinstated back in to the Yaksha world. He went on to live happily as before with his beautiful wife again!

Apart from the above benefit,strict observance of Yogini Ekaadasi (I think strict observance must mean that the fast should be in the nirjalaa form - without drinking even water) will give merit that is equivalent to that accruing out of feeding eighty-eight thousand pious Brahmins!!!! -( end of the version from Brahma vaivarta puraanaa).

It must be noted that Ekaadashi can be even observed as Kaamya vrattam (fast with the aim of getting some punya or achievement) though it is a mandatory vrattam. So, those who wish to have the punya equivalent of feeding 88,000 brahmins can fast fully in the Nirjalaa form. Those who are observing it only as a pure religious duty in Honour of Our Lord have the option of fasting in a relaxed manner (it is another matter that most devotees observe all ekaadashis in the nirjalaa form). Those opting for the relaxed form of the fast can take milk, and fruits. Avoid grains and beans alone apart from the other prohibited food like onions, garlic, etc.

Observance of the Yogini Ekaadasi(even in its relaxed forms) can be a powerful remedy for overcoming all karmic ailments (if astrologers had suggested that your ailments are karmic in nature and if physicians have been unable to cure your ailments, observance of this ekaadasi fast religiously can help).

As always, please let me reiterate that this fast is not mandatory for those who are ailing and cannot fast due to medical complications, lactating mothers, pregnant women, and those in the ages below 7 or above 70 years.

Blessed be.

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