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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yogini Ekaadashi on June 18/ June 19, 2009

Dear members:
Yogini Ekaadasi falls on June 19, 2009 this year for those living in regions to the East of Atlantic ocean (This covers Countries in Europe, Africa, Asia - including India, Gulf Countries, etc., and Australian continent).
Those living in the United States, Canada, Caribbean Isles, and other nations of American continents (both North and South America), should observe it on June 18, 2009 itself.
Note: Yogini Ekaadasi is the krishna paksha ekaadashi falling in the lunar month of Aashaada (Pournimaadhi lunar month and not the amaavasyaadhi month pattern) . I am using the term Aashaada krishna ekaadashi based on the Pournimaadhi month reckoning because that is the system that has been used in the Brahma Vaivarta Puraana legend that I am going to give to explain the significance of this ekaadashi. In the Amaavasyaadhi month pattern, we are still in the Jyeshta month!

Significance of the Yogini Ekaadashi

Yogini Ekaadashi has the potential to nullify the effects of sinful karmas of the previous incarnations that might be manifesting as diseases or curses in our present incarnation.

In Brahma Vaivarta Puraana, there is the legend of a yaksha Hemamaali that was narrated by Lord Krishna to the King Yudhishtra to explain the glory of Yogini Ekaadashi. (I am giving a liberal translation of the original legend from the purana just to bring out the significance of the yoginii ekaadashi; those who are interested may refer the original text in Brahma Vaivarta Puraana).

Hemamaali was an attendant of the Yaksha-Raaja Kubera who failed to bring flowers to Shiva Pooja of the king at the right moment and instead was frolicking with his beautiful wife. Due to the curse of the Yaksha King Kuberaa for this sin, Hemamaali took birth as a human being and was afflicted with leprosy and suffered innumerable difficulties. But, he was constantly meditating or chanting Lord Shiva's names and due to that effect, he got memories of his previous birth and the sin he had committed then.
Once, he came across the ashram of Sage Maarkandeya in the course of his wanderings. On seeing the radiant and Meritorious sage, Hemamaali prostrated to him from a distance. The sage enquired kindly about his condition; Hemamaali explained the reason for his disease without hiding anything. Sage Maarkandeya appreciated the frankness of Hemamaali and suggested this wonderful fast. Hemamaali observed this fast with all devotion and got relief from his leprosy and also was reinstated back in to the Yaksha world. He went on to live happily as before with his beautiful wife again!

Apart from the above benefit,strict observance of Yogini Ekaadasi (I think strict observance must mean that the fast should be in the nirjalaa form - without drinking even water) will give merit that is equivalent to that accruing out of feeding eighty-eight thousand pious Brahmins!!!! -( end of the version from Brahma vaivarta puraanaa).

It must be noted that Ekaadashi can be even observed as Kaamya vrattam (fast with the aim of getting some punya or achievement) though it is a mandatory vrattam. So, those who wish to have the punya equivalent of feeding 88,000 brahmins can fast fully in the Nirjalaa form. Those who are observing it only as a pure religious duty in Honour of Our Lord have the option of fasting in a relaxed manner (it is another matter that most devotees observe all ekaadashis in the nirjalaa form). Those opting for the relaxed form of the fast can take milk, and fruits. Avoid grains and beans alone apart from the other prohibited food like onions, garlic, etc.

Observance of the Yogini Ekaadasi(even in its relaxed forms) can be a powerful remedy for overcoming all karmic ailments (if astrologers had suggested that your ailments are karmic in nature and if physicians have been unable to cure your ailments, observance of this ekaadasi fast religiously can help).

As always, please let me reiterate that this fast is not mandatory for those who are ailing and cannot fast due to medical complications, lactating mothers, pregnant women, and those in the ages below 7 or above 70 years.

Those who have already observed the Paandava Nirjalaa Ekaadashi fast for this year may optionally ignore this ekaadashi if they find it difficult to observe this vrattam due to practical reasons. There won't be any sin associated with not observing the ekaadashi vrattam if you have already observed the Paandava Nirjalaa Ekaadashi (of course fasting on this ekaadashi also is recommended; why should we avoid a good karmic chance to accrue more punya after having taken birth as human beings who have the best chance among all creations to attain moksha?)

Blessed be.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shadsheethi punya kaalam on June 15, 2009

Shadsheeti punya kaalam is a very auspicious period for initiation into new occult routines, for performing charities, and for all meritorious activities (The full day - from Brahma Muhurtha of 15th June 2009 till sunrise on 16th June 2009 is considered to be auspicious- you need not check muhurtha guidelines if you are planning to do special poojas, charities, tarpans, or other meritorious activities tommorrow).
Shadsheethi punyakaalam observation for different parts of the world:
For those in the United States, Canada, Carribean Isles, and other nations in the American continents (both North and South America), Shadsheeti punya kaalam is to be observed on June 14, 2009 itself. For rest of the world (including India), it is to be observed on June 15, 2009.
Donating to charitable causes (like donating to poojas, homams, vedic experts who are conducting regular worships based on dharma shastraic guidelines, donating to temples, donations to orphanages/ charitable institutions/ choultries, etc.) during this period will be highly auspicious. Annadhaanam (donation of food to pious persons or needy poor), and Vastra dhaanam (donation of clothes to needy poor or to vedic experts)are especially recommended during this period. (i.e. for those who can afford them!).
Shastraas say that any meritorious deed done during this period will get multiplied 86,000 times! So, this is an ideal day for chanting mantras to acquire siddhi over them and for performing remedial poojas/ prayers. May our members make the best use of this Holy Day to improve their karmic balance sheets!

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Friday, June 5, 2009

Vaikaasi visakham today (5th June 2009)

Dear Members:

The auspicious Vaikaasi Visakham festival is celebrated today. This is the birthday of Shri Subramanya (also known as Skanda, Kaartikeya, Muruga, etc.). He had His Genesis from the Third Eye of Lord Shivaa (as many of you might be aware, the Third Eye is the symbol of Wisdom and Divine Knowledge/ Powers). Thus Skanda is the perfect Gnaana Moorthi - as He had His Genesis from the flames of the Third Eye of Lord Shiva Himself. He manifested to destroy the evil forces headed by Soorapadman and his brothers who had a boon that he can be destroyed only by a son of Lord Shiva. Worshipping Lord Skanda on this auspicious day will help us to destroy the demons of our mind and personality - like anger, lust, and delusion (In fact mystic experts opine that the demons Soorapadman and his brothers signify Aanavam, Kanmam, and Maayai - and Lord Skanda signifies Absolute Knowledge and Wisdom which can vanquish those evils).

Reciting Skanda Sahasranaamam, Subramanya Bhujangam (By Shri Aadi Shankarar), Kandar Anubhooti (By Shri Arunagirinaathar), Tirumurugaarrupadai (by Nakeerar), Tirupugazh (By Arunagirinaathar), Kanda Shashti kavacham (Shri Baala Devaraayar swaamigal), and such other devotional works on Lord Skandaa today will be auspicious.

Those who can't recite the elaborate scriptures mentioned above may benefit by chanting simple names such as
1) Om Skandaaya namah (to improve physical strength).
2) Om Kumaaraya namah (for progenic happiness)
3) Om Valliimanavaalaaya namah (for success in romantic matters and good luck in marital life)
4) Om DevasEnaapatayE namah (for overcoming the evil designs of enemies).
5) Om SkandaGuravE namah (for getting Divine Guidance).
6) Om Shakti hastaaya namah (for getting Divine Protection).
7) Om Shiva Gnaana Desikaaya namah/ Om Gnaana Panditaaya namah (mastery over esoteric knowledge)

This is an auspicious day to get deeksha into beeja mantras related to Shri Kartikeya from suitable Gurus(there are shadakshari mantra, Panchadasaakshari mantra, etc. on Lord Skandaa that should be chanted after initiation).

Worship of Lord Skandaa can be a good remedy for Sarpa Dosha and Mars dosha in horoscopes, and can bless a person with peace and prosperous life materialistically, and Divine Wisdom - spiritually.

Special poojas are being conducted on this occasion at our residence at chennai for Universal Welfare.

Members of paaraayanam group please note that you will be automatically included as honorary beneficiaries in the poojas done today.


Astrological and Remedial consultant

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sarva Nirjala Ekaadasi on June 3, 2009

Dear Members:

This is regarding the Nirjala Ekaadasi on June 3, 2009. It is to be observed on the same date throughout the world except in Hawai (residents of Hawai region should observe the Nirjala Ekaadasi on June 2, 2009 itself!).

Significance of the Nirjala Ekaadasi:
Nirjala Ekaadasi is also known as Paandava Nirjalaa Ekaadasi. Sage Vyaasa was extolling the virtues of the Ekaadasi fast and also the sins associated with not keeping the ekaadasi fast. The other Paandava brothers and Draupadi who were observing Ekaadasi vrattam scrupulously were very happy to listen to the exposition on the glories of Ekaadasi; however, the Great Warrior Bheema who was known for his gluttony and who could not fast on Ekaadasis (fasting twice a month was almost unthinkable for him!!!) was worried on hearing the sins associated with not keeping ekaadasi vrattam. So, he requested Sage Vyaasa to tell an alternative instead of fasting on all ekaadasis.

Sage Vyaasa clarified that if the Nirjalaa Ekaadasi fast is observed scrupulously, it will give the result of having observed ekaadasi fast throughout the year, and so Bheema can observe that ekaadasi alone to get the results of all other ekaadasis thus escaping the sins associated with not observing other ekaadasis. This was at least tolerable to Bheemasena (he just needed to fast once a year which was at least okay rather than at least 24 days per year on each ekaadasi the very thought of which was intimidating to him!). Thus, this Nirjala Ekaadasi is also known as "Bheema Ekaadasi" or "Paandava Ekaadasi"

Procedure for observing Nirjalaa Ekaadasi

One should take bath early in the morning and declare that he/ she is undertaking the Ekaadasi fast for escaping all sins - known and unknown and for the Grace of Lord Hari. Meditation should be done upon Lord Naaraayana reclining on His Bed of Seshaa in the midst of the Milk Ocean (Jala Saayi Perumaal). We should also remember Sage Vyaasa's words that observing this single Ekaadasi will give the merits associated with the other ekaadasis of the year also.

Usually ekaadasi fast can be done as per one's wishes and convenience, like - fruit only fast, milk only fast, water-only fast, abstaining from grains but eating other ritual pure items/ vegetables, etc. However, Nirjala ekaadasi - as the name implies - should be a complete fast where the observer of the fast should abstain from even plain water!

Many scrupulous observers of Ekaadasi fast usually keep a complete fast (including abstaining from water) on all ekaadasis. Even those who are not so strict about abstaining from water on normal ekaadasis should abstain from water during the nirjala ekaadasi. Of course, there is exemption applicable for old-aged, the physically infirm, those who are in sick bed, pregnant women, lactating women with very young infants, etc. Others who are physically fit but fail to observe this ekaadasi are missing a very good karmic opportunity because, just observing this one ekaadasi can exempt you from all other ekaadasis (and also gives you the merit that could accrue from observing all other ekaadasis!!!!).

On dwaadasi day (the next day) while breaking the fast, it is auspicious to make some charitable donation to any deserving cause to get the full results of the observance. It is customary to offer umbrellas, sandals, or water pot to pious brahmins on this day. If you are not able to find suitable pious persons who deserve such dhaanaas, you may just contribute what little you can to any charitable cause of your choice or to any temple.

Merits associated with observing nirjala Ekaadasi:

1) The merit accruing out of performing shraadha during solar eclipse.
2) The merit accruing out of observing all other ekaadasis of the year (it does not mean that we should not maintain the other ekaadasi fasts if we observe this; just think....if you observe this in addition to all other ekaadasis, you will be getting twice the benefit is it not? For those who cannot fast on all ekaadasis due to practical considerations, this ekaadasi is a boon; they can observe just this ekaadasi with full devotion and perfection - without water!)

May our members observe this Holy Fast and gain the Grace of Lord Hari.

Hari Om.
Blessed be.


Astrological and Remedial consultant.

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