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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Vijaya Ekaadasi 2025

The auspicious Vijaya Ekaadashi is to be observed on February 23, 2025  by those living in US, Canada, and other countries of North and South American continents.

Those living in other parts of the world - including India - must observe the Ekaadasi fast on February 24, 2025.

This ekaadashi - as the name implies - gives success in all ventures. Puranas say that Lord Ramachandra observed this ekaadashi on the instructions of the sage Bagadalbhya, and gained the power to cross the ocean with his army of vanaras, and to defeat the mighty demon Raavana.

(My noteIt is not as if Lord Vishnu manifest as Shri Raama did not possess the Divine Powers to cross the ocean or to defeat Ravana; it is only that He was acting as a normal human being in that Incarnation and hence avoided manifesting His Divine Maaya and Yogic powers; moreover, He - The Maryaada Purusha - Ideal Being, observed the vrattam just as an example to all of us!)

The skanda purana details the manner in which Shri Ramachandra Murthi observed the Vijaya Ekaadashi fast along with His commanders on the specific instructions of Sage Bakadalbhya.....

A kalasha is to be made ready for worship on the day before the ekaadashi. A pot of clay, copper, silver, or gold is to be filled with water; the opening of the pot covered with mango leaves, and above that, in the concave portion, pomogrenate, barley crop, and coconut are to be placed; the kalash is to be placed on a mound of seven grains and decorated with sandalwood paste and garlands. Above this, a golden image of Lord Narayana is to be placed, and duly worshipped all night (on the night before ekaadashi fast). The next day morning, again special prayers are to be offered; night vigil is to be maintained near the kalash on the ekaadashi night also. At dawn-break on Dwaadashi day, the kalash is to be taken to a sea-shore or river bank, and it is to be donated to a vedic expert.

Now-a-days many of those rituals might be difficult for us to observe in modern life (especially maintaining two continuous nights without sleep, and finding a suitable vedic expert in river bank to donate the kalash with the golden idol!). But, nevertheless, observance of this fast with devotion in a manner that is convenient to us will definitely help us to gain victory life.

Lord Krishna says that observance of this ekaadashi can give merit that is equivalent to merit obtained by performance of Aswamedha sacrifice!

A suggested austerity on this day:  Since Lord Ramachandra observed this vratam per Skanda Puranam and gained the means/ strategy to cross the ocean, it would be auspicious to recite Sundara Kaandam or other chapters of Shrimad Ramayana or do a Raama Parivaara homam - if possible on this day if you are surrounded by obstacles and are seeking Divine Intervention to solve your issues that seem insurmountable by human effort.

If by God's Grace your life situation is smooth enough, still recital of Sundara Kaandam or Samkshepa Raamaayanam or Raama Pattabhishekam can help in crossing the Samsaara Saagara (Ocean of mundane existence) and attain Salvation.  Afterall our worldly life here is only in preparation for our Grand Union with the Universal Being, and for that crossing the ocean of Maaya that is keeping us away from our real Inner Potential is to be transcended, and worship of Shri Raama by reciting Raamayana chapters is one of the recommended ways for that process!

May our members observe this to the best of their abilities and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Friday, February 7, 2025

Jaya Ekaadasi - Feb 8, 2025

Dear Members:
The ekaadasi that falls in the bright half of the lunar month Maagha is called Jaya ekaadashi; it is also called as Bheeshma Ekaadasi.

It is to be observed on Feb 8, 2025 by everyone throughout the world.

Glory of this ekaadasi:

Once in the celestial kingdom of Lord Indra, Maalyavaan the son of Lord Indra's Chief Musician - was enarmoured by the beauty of another celestial damsel Pushpavati, and in their infatuation for each other, they could not give their best while performing in His court. Lord Indra divined the reason and cursed both of them to wander as Pisachas for a long time in the Himalayan snows. They lost all their celestial powers and even basic discrimination of sense, touch, smell, and taste that is applicable to beings like us, and wandered without sleep, and food, in those fierce altitudes suffering indescribably from cold and fatigue. As luck would have it, they happened to pass a night in a cave sleeplessly on the Holy day of Jaya Ekaadashi. In their misery, they had ignored consuming even the little fruits/ vegetation available in those snowy heights and had thus inadvertently observed the Jaya Ekaadashi. When dawn broke, they were restored back to the Kingdom of Amaravati (of Lord Indra) who was astonished that they had overcome the effect of his powerful curse so soon! They explained that it was the power of Jaya Ekaadashi which they had observed inadvertently by the Grace of Lord Kesava in His Mercy that has restored them their former glory and celestial status.

Such is the glory of this Jaya Ekaadashi. This Jaya Ekaadashi helps us to overcome all "Paapa vaasanaas " (latent psychological complexes in our sub conscious which have taken root deep inside us due to the karma of evils we have done previously in our lives). These vaasanaas / psychological complexes are responsible for tempting us and leading us to further sins; those who can win over these paapa vaasanaas will be redeemed from the clutch of those complexes. Those complexes are at the root of all our sufferings, anxiety, and restlessness (we see evidence of much anxiety in the society now-a-days mainly because collectively we have more of persons with negative complexes, or paapa vaasanaas in the world today; there is much negative reinforcement - the negative complexes leading us to sin which further creates more "advanced" negative complexes. The Grace of Our Merciful Lord is the ONLY succour for our troubled souls suffering from the effects of kali. If we are free from the influence of our negative complexes (ghostly they are!), we are sure to lead happy and contented lives - no matter what events actually transpire in our mundane lives. This Jaya Ekaadasi observance is the first step in overcoming those paapa vaasanaas!

Observance of this ekaadashi is believed to give merits equivalent to performance of Agnishtoma yagna, and a bath in all Holy Teerthas! [There are times when prashna charts indicate that performance of Agnishtoma will be good for a person's life; not all can perform AgnishtOma these days; but if such a person observes this Holy Jaya Ekaadashi fast with full faith in Lord Krishna's words as expounded to Yudhishtra where He has declared this merit, they will gain the punya equivalent to performance of AgnishtOmaa! Please remember that it is the mind that is the processor of punya and paapa; Faith creates miracles that are hard to prove! Those who have Faith are Blessed! Those who observe this Ekaadashi, please note....if someone asks you whether you have done AgnishtOmaa, say boldly "YES WE HAVE DONE IT!" You have the Blessed Lord Himself as your guarantor for this!]

This ekaadashi is also known as Bheeshma Ekaadasi in Honour of the Grand Sire of the Kuru Dynasty - Shri Bhiishmaachaarya who shed his mortal coil on Bheeshmaashtami day, and as this ekaadasi falls in the same paksha (fortnight) of His shedding the Mortal Coil by Iccha Mrityu (voluntary shedding of human body with full intent - a rare feat that is possible for Mahaa Yogis), this ekaadasi has been named on Him after the Mahaabharata period. There are some who erraneously think that the Grand Sire actually died on this day - which is wrong. Mahabharata clearly mentions that He voluntary gave up His physical body on Bheeshmaashtami day - i.e. 3 lunar phases earlier!  

Another interesting observance in this connection is Varaaha Dwaadasi - observed on the day after this Ekaadasi - the day of appearance of Our Lord in His Form of Wild Boar (Varaaha) to rescue the Earth from the clutches of the demon Hiranyaaksha who had Earth submerged in the Cosmic Ocean. It is for this reason that this ekaadasi is also known as Bhoumi ekaadasi. (Please note that Varaaha Jayanthi - the Genesis of Varaha Form was earlier, but Varaaha Dwaadasi is the day when He rescued Earth).  So, it will be a good idea to meditate on Lord Varaaha when we fast on this ekaadasi day. Worship of Lord Varaaha gives good luck in land transactions - and also for unmarried persons, it can remove the obstacles to settlement of marriage. Visit to Nithya Kalyaana Perumaal at Tiruvidanthai - near Mahabalipuram on East Coast Road could be a good austerity that can be done either on this Ekaadasi or the next day of Varaaha Dwaadasi, for those who wish to offer special prayers to ensure speedy settlement of marriage with a suitable spouse.

May our members observe this fast to the best of their abilities and become recipients of Divine Grace.
Blessed be.


Astrological and Remedial consultant

Monday, February 3, 2025

Rathasaptami 4th Feb 2025

(Image courtesy:

Dear Members:

Ratha Saptami - the auspicious day to worship Sun God falls on February 4, 2025.

This is believed to be the day when Sun God incarnated as son of Sage Kashyapa and his wife Adithi (hence his name Aadityaa!). According to puraanaas, it is believed that is on this day of Ratha Saptami that Lord Surya's chariot turns its actual northward movement towards North-east bringing much auspiciousness to all living beings. The chariot is said to have just one wheel (personification of the Wheel of Time!) drawn by 7 horses (indicating 7 days of the week; 7 rays of the Sun that stand for each colour of the spectrum, etc.). Thus this worship is in essence the worship of the Principle of Time that is controlled with perfection by Paramaatman (signified by Sun).

Worshipping Lord Sun on this day is very auspicious. As you might be aware, worship of Sun blesses one with health ("AarOgyam pra daatu Dinakarah" is the verse related to that). Sun God is a "Namaskaara Priyaha" , so offering Surya namaskaar in His Honour reciting His 12 names will be auspicious today.

The 12 names are "Mitra, Ravi, Soorya, Bhaanu, Kagha, Pooshna, Hiranyagarbha, Mariichi, Aaditya, savitaa, Arka, Bhaaskaraa".

Those who are initiated into Surya Ashtaakshari (8-syllable mantra) can recite that 108 times and offer arghya (oblation with pure water).

A special ritual unique to this day...

It is traditional to take bath with 7 Arka leaves (called Erukku in tamil, JillEdu in Telugu, Ekka in Kannada, and Bowstring hemp in English) on the body. The placement is 1 leaf on the head, two on the shoulders (one on each shoulder), two on the knees, and two on the feet, and then pouring water on oneself. You should keep some akshada (raw rice grains mixed with turmeric) on the leaves while placing them on your body and then take the bath.

The mantra to be recited is this:

"Om Yadyadjanma krutham paapam mayaa saptaasu janmasu

ThanmE RhOgancha SOkancha maakari hantu Saptamii"

YEtatjanmakrutham paapam yathaa janmaantaraarjitam

ManO Vaak kaayajam yaccha gnaathaaghnaathancha yath punah"

Iti saptavidham paapam snaanam ME saptha SapthakE

Saptavyaadhi samaayuktham hara maakari Sapthami"

(This is basically a prayer that declares how sins accrue to us and follow us over births, and request the Saptami thithi Deity (Sun God and the thithi Nithya Devi who is subtly invoked in this mantra) to absolve us of all the sins, and hence the karmic effects of those like diseases and sorrow in life). Those who are unable to follow the transliteration of this mantra may just pray for removal of sins asking for pardon for all sins committed knowingly/ unknowingly, and hence relief from all troubles in life.

At the end of this ritual bath, we should offer "Arghyam" to Sun God and Saptami DEvi with the following mantra:

"Saptha Sapthi vaha preetha Saptha LOkha pradeepana

Sapthamii sahitO Deva gruhaanaarghyam Diwaakara"

(offer pure water three times facing the Sun in the morning saying this mantra).

Those who can - might recite mantras like Surya Sahasranaamam, Surya Atharva seersha upanishad, Aaditya Hrudayam, Suryaashtakam, etc. and get additional benefits.

Note that even if you are unable to get arka leaves at your place, you can STILL take the holy bath chanting the mantras above praying for good health.

Charities that can be done on this day

1) Donating to hospitals catering to sick patients.

2) Gupta Kooshmanda daanaa is a powerful dhaana that can be done today (gemstones - especially Ruby, gold, and silver are concealed inside a pumpkin and donated to a vedic Brahmin.....You should not reveal what/ how much is concealed inside the pumpkin to them. That is why it is called Gupta Dhaana! It is difficult to get a good Brahmin to accept this dhaanaa because this is a powerful remedy that involves "transfer of karma from the giver to the receiver"; no amount of money in the world will impel a vedic brahmin to accept this! On the other hand, gifting it to a person who is just a brahmin by birth but without vedic knowledge or ritual purity, is useless; so, if you are suffering from great troubles, request an elderly or mature vedantic brahmin to accept the charity to alleviate your pains...they may consent to this out of piety, and then use that amount for charitable purposes like yagnas, temple renovation, feeding poor, etc.). There are other dhaanas like saaligraama dhaana, vastra dhaana (gifting traditional Panchakaccha dhoti), etc. that can be done today which will be easily accepted by any priest. You can offer these at vedic patashalas near your place or to a respected Pandit who is explaining Puranic truths/ spiritual precepts to a lot of people from an altruistic point of view.

Even if you can't offer the special dhaanas as mentioned above, make it a point to donate at least a small amount of money in charity (may be just a dime to a beggar outside a temple; or purchasing a piece of sweet to a poor child in your neighbourhood or offering a token dakshina to some vedic or puranic priest or temple poojari). No man is so poor that they can't donate anything, and there is always someone poorer than you! Please remember is not how much you donate but with what attitude you donate that is important in absolving you of your karmic liabilities. Once your karma is reduced even by small amounts, you will be amazed at how things begin to take a positive turn in life.

May our members worship Sun God who is the Manifest Form of Absolute Divine and absolve themselves of all sins and the resultant problems in life.

Blessed be

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Shat-tila Ekaadasi - January 25, 2025

Dear Members:

Shat-Tila ekaadashi falls on January 25, 2025 this year.  It is to be observed on the same day by everyone throughout the world.

Significance of Shat-tila ekaadasi...

Shat-Tila literally means "six sesame seeds." The fast is understaken on this day after consuming a glass of water in which six sesame seeds have been soaked. You have to mix six sesame seeds in water and then take a bath with it first. Then drink a glass of water in which 6 sesame seeds have been soaked, offer oblations to pitrus (deceased ancestors/ rishis of the past) with water mixed with sesame, and then fast on this day. Observing this will help you in winning the six major internal enemies for the soul (Raagha, DwEsha, LObham, Moham, Madam, Maacharyam), and thus ensure your spiritual progress.

Observance of this fast will ensure removal of all sins and help to keep your karmic balance sheet healthy, allowing you to progress through spiritual levels with least of obstacles.

May our members observe this holy fast and enjoy Divine Grace. [Please note that those who are forbidden to fast due to medical indications may observe this fast on a token-basis instead of undertaking a full fast; like - you may consume only fruits, or avoid only rice items, etc. But, please try to observe the fast in some form consistent with your physical condition and environmental conveniences as this is one of the more strongly recommended ekaadashi fasts].

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Makara Sankranthi January 14, 2025

Dear Members:

The auspicious Makara Sankranthi (celebrated as Pongal festival in Tamil Nadu) falls on January 14, 2025 this year. We extend our best wishes to all readers of our blog on this occasion.

This is an auspicious day to propitiate Lord Surya (Sun God) - expressing our thanks for His Benevolence upon us in the previous year. Recital of Aditya Hrudayam, Surya Atharvaseersha upanishad, Suryaashtakam, etc. will help you to gain the Grace of the Supreme Almighty whose Radiance shines through Sun and various other stars in our galaxy(Though there are even brighter stars than Sun - it is the Sun whose rays benefit us on earth; and hence we offer our respects to Sun God; remember that we are offering our respects not merely to the visible Sun, BUT, to the sarvaantaryaami Paramaatma whose Infinite Radiance and Life-Sustaining/ Nurturing qualities are represented better by Sun's brilliance than any other thing that is immediately observable to human eyes on a daily basis). Worshipping Sun can ensure good health - shastras say "Aroghyam pradaatu Dinakarah:" Besides health, recital of Aaditya Hrudayam helps in improving professional prospects and winning over obstacles in life. Anyone who is facing seemingly daunting tasks in life can benefit by reciting Aaditya Hrudayam 9 times at a stretch as an emergency prayer. Similarly those suffering from skin ailments can benefit by reciting Surya Ashtakam (which benefitted Saambha - the Son of Lord Krishna).

Special prayers were done as usual at our place for Universal Welfare on this occasion this morning (Jan 14, 2025).

May our members enjoy good health and dazzling tejas by the Grace of the Sun God.

Blessed be.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Vaikunta Ekaadasi - January 9/ January 10, 2025

(Image courtesy:
Dear Members:

The most glorious and important of all Ekaadaasis - the Vaikunta Ekaadasi falls on January 9/ January 10, 2025.  It is also observed as Putradaa ekaadasi of the vedic Pausha maasa this year (so auspicious day for fasting for couples who wish to conceive a child with noble qualities).

Schedule of observance of the fast for people living in various parts of the world:

a) Those living in U.S.A., Canada, and other countries of North and South American continents must observe this on January 9, 2025 itself (Pausha Putradaa ekaadasi vratam also to be observed on same day in these regions by couples praying for good progeny).

b) Those living in all countries of Europe and African continent, and those living in middle-East Asian countries (Gulf countries) and observing smaartha traditions must observe Pausha putradaa ekaadasi vratam on January 9, 2025.  People living in these regions and observing Vaishnava traditions must observe the Putradaa ekaadasi vratam on January 10, 2025.

BUT, both smaartha and Vaishnava tradition adherents of these regions must observe Vaikunta ekaadasi related austerities only on January 10, 2025.

c) Those living in other parts of the world - including India - must observe both Vaikunta Ekaadasi and Putradaa ekaadasi related austerities on January 10, 2025.

This is one of the most highly recommended fasts for a devout spiritual aspirant because it has the potential of opening the "Gates of Divine Abode of Lord Vishnu" for you if this is observed correctly. Even those who have medical conditions which prevent them from observing a full fast should abstain from rice-items and sustain themselves with alternative ritually pure foods (avoiding garlic, onions, beverages like coffee, tea, etc.). Those who are desirous of cutting off the endless cycle of births and deaths for the soul must contemplate on upanishads like Gopaala Taapini Upanishad, recite Holy Bhagavat Gita, Bhaagavatam, etc.

In Vaishnava temples "swarga Dwaar" - a sort of archway leading around the Inner Sanctum Sanctorum is erected, and crossing that is symbolic of crossing the threshold of Vaikunta and getting glimpse of our Lord. Spending time in meditation/ japam while waiting in the serpentine ques, and ultimately having the glimpse of Our Lord after crossing the threshold will definitely be gainful for your souls. Please note that you should not get angry with other devotees in the que or pick up fights, you should not "jump" ques trying to overtake the other waiting devotees with your "street smartness, pushing abilities", etc. in the que. Such activities definitely invoke bad karma, and it is not for that, that you go to a temple on a Holy Day (I am commenting on this because such activities are too common in long ques; a person who jumps ques thinking he is outsmarting others is actually fooling himself/ herself, and damning himself/ herself with that karma; on the other hand, those who wait patiently, and do what they can to help other devotees who might be finding it uncomfortable - like ladies with infants, elderly, etc. while standing in ques are invoking good karma and actually helping their own souls to progress. Selfishness and self-comfort should take a back-seat at least during these occasions - and that too for your own good! If you are entitled to temple honours in some way, and hence receive special darshan - that is different; you need not feel guilty about that; probably, you deserve such Honours and maybe, that was Divine Gift to you! But even such people - if you can, it will be real good merit to stand patiently in a que, do japams till your turn at darshan comes, and then have a darshan of the Lord along with the other common devotees because, God Himself may be in disguise among the masses during these occasions. I have felt it many times - and I request my fellow aspirants to feel such miracles of brushing shoulders with Divine in crowded temples for themselves!).

Generally, chanting of Raama naama, and recital of Shri Vishnu Sahasranaamam can be done by everyone today for obtaining religious merit, and for perfection/ progress of our Soul.

It is also recommended that you should remain awake at night and spend it in Divine Contemplation, bhajans (Divine Songs), discussing Theological matters, etc. It is traditional to play a dice game called "Paramapadham" on this night. You should not merely play it as a the traditional Indian version of this game (the western version is Snake and Ladders!, and I am not referring to that when I write this article....), you will find "ladders" corresponding to various virtues, and "snakes" corresponding to certain shortcomings of attitude/ can see where each ladder leads you, and where each snake drops you....look at the character/ attitude depicted in the box, see how progress/ downfall happens based on the ladder/ snake you encounter. This is verily a spiritual lesson of how a soul can progress or regress into various states of existence. It is analogous to the journey of your souls through the Cycle of Existence till the soul attains Liberation or Merging with Divine experience. You will also see how difficult it is to progress at the end of the game, and that is how difficult it is for a soul to reach ultimate liberation. If you play it consciously, reading all the attributes described in the chart carefully, this game can be a meditative exercise in itself, and can be a valuable tool for imparting spiritual values for children.

Of course, playing the paramapadam is not just helps you to keep awake and at the same time induce philosophical musings if played properly. Those of you who feel sufficiently spiritually awakened already may just spend the night in quiet Divine Contemplation which is best.

May our members observe this Holy day Fast diligently as per their circumstances and practical limitations to the best of their abilities and win salvation for their souls.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

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