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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Vasantha Navarathri 2020

There are 6 Navarathris in Honour of Divine Mother each year - one for each Rithu, and the Saaradha Navaraathri falling in sharad Rithu (October - November) is the most important as this is the festival recommended for householders. The next in importance among the 6 Navarathris is the one falling in Vasantha Rithu (March - April) called Vasantha Navarathri.

This Vasantha Navarathri occupies the pride of place in the schedule of Devi upaasakaas, and rituals done during this period are for awakening Wisdom and Spiritual Perfection. Thus, as the saaradha Navarathri is for the "Bhogis" (householders and family), the Vasantha Navarathri is for Yogis (those aspiring Spiritual perfection), sadhus, and spiritual minded upaasakaas (who may still be in family but live life as an offering to Divine Mother - balancing mundane and spiritual lives harmoniously). It is traditional to venerate Divine Mother in Her Gnaana Shakti Form during this period. We don't keep kolus or socialize much in this celebration (whereas the saaradha navarathri is as much a social occasion as it is spiritual!). The emphasis is more on spiritual sadhanas and meditation during this period.

This vasantha Navarathri marks the beginning of the lunar calendar based New year (followed by those following Telugu/ Kannada traditions in South India), and it is also associated with Shri Raama Navami which falls during this period. So, during this vasantha navarathri you can also organize Sundara Kaandam recitals at your places praying for family welfare.

Vasantha Navaraathri begins on March 24/ March 25, 2020  this year (March 24, 2020 for those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of North and South American continents.  For those living in rest of the world - including India, it will be from March 25, 2020. Beginning of the Vasantha Navarathri is the same day as Ugaadhi.

Gauri Trithiya is to be observed on March 27, 2020 throughout the world.

Ashokashtami (also observed as Annapoorna Ashtami) is to be observed on April 1, 2020.

Shri Raama Navami is to be observed on April 2, 2020 throughout the world.

Mahaa chandi homam will be done on April 3, 2020 on Dharmaraaja dasami day.

I request all our members to do simple prayers that are possible for them in Honour of Divine Mother during the Vasantha Navaraathri and receive Her Grace. Those who are initiated may recite Lalitha Sahasranaamam and Soundarya Lahiri on these days to become recipients of Divine Grace. Others may simply recite names like "Om Shree MaatrE namah" (Salutations to Thee who Art the Mother), "Om Durgaayai namah", "Om Sadaakshyai namah" (Salutations to Thee with 1000 Eyes = this is for prosperity), "Om siddhi dhaatryai namah" (Salutations to Thee who gives accomplishment), etc.

Those who have Tulsi plant in house may light a lamp in that sannidhi and offer 12 prostrations praying for peace and prosperity in the family and for the whole world. You may consider getting initiated into mantras like "Brindaavani Dasaakshari" (the beeja mantra for Tulsi worship that is very powerful), "Surabhi mantra" (for GOmaataa), etc. during this auspicious period.
You may also read Divine legends related to Mother Goddess which have been identified as powerful ones for prosperity based on authentic classical sources and based on teachings of Sri Vidhya Upaasaka traditions. Many such legends abound in the classic Devi Bhaagavatam. One such legend can be read by clicking the following link:

This legend is particularly beneficial to overcome pestilence and natural calamities. Those of you who happen to recite this legend, please dedicate this for the peace of the souls who perished recently in natural calamities and other disasters.

You can also listen to wonderful Devi sthothras that are available for download from various sites in .mp3 format. There are some wonderful Devi sthothrams available in text format in the site You may visit these sites and use the text of sthothras for recital.

Worship of 9 Forms of Durga Devi on 9 days

There are 9 forms of Durga Devi - "Shaila Putri, Brahmachaarinii, Chandrakantaa, Kooshmaandaa, Skanda Maata, Kaatyaayinii, Kaala Raatrii, Mahaa Gourii, Siddhidaa." You may meditate on each of these names in order from day 1 till day 9 (like on the first day - keep chanting "Om Hreem Shaila Putryai namah" or simply "Hreem Shaila putri namo namah", etc.).
These 9 names by themselves are powerful words with immense Divinity in them. Details about these 9 forms may be available elsewhere in the net; so I am not going too much into details about these. Those who are interested may do a web search on this and get further information, if desired.

Important thing to note when doing navaraathri worship even in simplified forms in Honour of Mother Goddess

Treat all women with dignity and respect during these 9 days (actually women should be treated with respect at all times - but it is more important during these 9 days). Offer auspicious items like sindhoor, kumkum, turmeric paste/ powder/ tubers, small mirrors, bangles, blouse-bits (avoid black colour), small toys for young children, etc. as per your convenience and economic viability. Even unknown women (irrespective of caste, creed, or religion) who visit your houses accidentally during these periods must be treated with respect and courtesy - Mother may visit you in any form!

Special worship at my place during Vasantha Navaraathri

As usual, special worships will be done at my place (currently at Bangalore) during Navarathri. I will pray for the welfare of all our members (and in fact for Universal wellbeing and Harmony). But those who wish to sponsor the poojas are welcome to do so. Especially whoever suspects evil-eye as afflicting their families, or fear black-magic done on their person/ businesses by rivals may benefit by Chandi homams; just as Shri Rudram is celebrated as King of Hymns, Chandi Homam is the Queen of all Fire Worships in removing all doshas. So, those who wish to take part in this are welcome to do so.

The recommended offerings for part-sponsorships during the Vasantha Navarathri days are as follows:

a) Participation in one day's austerities (on any one day of the vasantha Navarathri) - Rs.5000 (rupees five thousand only).  This covers the entire day's austerities beginning from morning Ganapathy homam, Chandi paraayanam, sakala devataa homam, and Laghu chandi homam in the morning, and recital of Devi mantras/ sthothras, and Raamaayana chapters in the evening.

b) Participation as part-sponsor in the Mahaa chandi homam on April 14, 2019- On Dharma Raaja Dasami day - Rs.30000 (rupees thirty thousand only).

c) Part sponsorship of paaraayanams done in the evenings and Devi archana - Rs.360 (rupees three hundred only) per day's sponsorship of archana and paaraayanam.

If you wish to sponsor the archana/ paaraayana on all evenings of this period, the recommended offering is Rs.3240 (rupees three thousand two hundred and forty only).

d) Taking part as a sponsor of the austerities for the entire period (9 day's havans, chants, japams, +  Shri Raama Navami austerities + Mahaa chandi homam) - Rs.70000 (rupees Seventy thousand only).

e) Part-sponsorship of Shri Raama Navami day austerities including special homam on Shri Raama Navami day, Raamaayana paaraayanam for the day, etc.  - Rs.5000 (rupees five thousand only).

As Paypal has is not working for me any more, you won't be able to remit your payments via paypal as in the previous years.  You may have to do direct money transfer to my ICICI bank account - the details of which I will furnish for those members who wish to sponsor the austerities (members of paarayanam group and pradosham worship groups - those who are aware of the account details may directly make the remittance to the account and keep me informed).

After making the remittance, kindly send an email to giving details of the remittance (the amount remitted, purpose of remittance, remittance reference no. given by bank to you), your name, birth star, rashi, and gothra (if gothra is not known indicate preference of either Shiva/ Vishnu gothra) - for inclusion in the prayers and also specify the date on which you would love to offer the homams/ archana.

 Of course, I will pray for Universal Welfare, peace of the souls who perished in various disasters (both man-made and natural) in the previous year, and for the welfare of our group members at the end of the prayers. So, those who are unable to afford the sponsorship fees or are otherwise unable to sponsor the homams need not feel let down. Please note that those who sponsor the homams/ poojas need to come in person to get the prasad or holy ash of the homam.

 In case you are unable to attend the homam on the specified days, the inclusion of your name, birth star, rashi, and gothra details during the homam/ pooja sankalpam is deemed as "in=absentia" participation from your side. The homam prasad/ Holy Ash will not be sent by post due to ritual purity reasons. May Divine Mother bless us all.

Blessed be. 


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Paapa Mochani ekaadasi - March 19/ March 20, 2020

Dear members:

The auspicious Paapa mOchini ekaadashi falls on March 19/ March 20, 2020 this year.

Schedule of observance of the fast for different regions of the world:

a) Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of North and American continents must observe this on March 19, 2020

b) Those living in countries of Africa and Europe continents must observe this on March 19, 2020

c) Those living in middle-east (UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, etc.), India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangaladesh, Sri Lanka, and Maldives and observing Smaartha traditions must observe this on March 19, 2020

d) Those living in the places mentioned above (c - above) and observing Vaishnava traditions must observe this on March 20, 2020.

e) Those living in other countries like South East Asian countries (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, etc.), Myanmar, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Australia, and New Zealand must observe this on March 20, 2020

This ekaadashi - as the name implies helps in removing all sins and the sinful vaasanaas (subtle karmic traces that can impel us to behave in the same way again!).

The importnace of this Paapa MOchini ekaadashi was explained to King Yudhistra by Lord Krishna, and this is found in the Bhavishyottara Purana (Lord Krishna actually refers the legend that was originally.conveyed to the King Maandaata by the sage Romasha).

According to this legend, the apsara (apsaras are Divine Damsels) by name Manju Gosha lured a great tapasvi by name Medhaavi (the son of the Great Sage Chyavana) into conjugal life thereby breaking his tapasvic life. After many years of sensual life with him, she wanted to return back to her celestial plane. The sage prevented her from going requesting her to wait at least for one more night, she playfully said just think of the time you have spent with me already. When the sage thought of it he was astonished that he had already spent 57 years 09 months and 3 days with her. He got annoyed that he had been lured into spending such a long period as if in a trance in the company of a seductive demi-goddess, and that he had lost a lot of his yogic power as a result of this life. So, he cursed her to turn into a goblin. When the apsara requested for relief from the curse, the sage suggested observance of Paapa MOchini Ekaadasi.

When the Sage Medhaavi tried to enter into the hermitage of his father Chyavana Maharishi, his father said "Oh Son! By acting unethically due to lust, you have lost your wealth of austerities and penance." When the son requested his father about the remedy for this, Maharishi Chyavana also suggested the Paapa MOchini ekaadashi observance. Thus by observing this, the apsara Manju KOsha got freed from the curse of becoming a goblin, and sage Medhavi regained his lost yogic merit.

Lomasha Maharishi said to the great king Maandhaata that whosoever observes this will get freed from all sins.

Lord Krishna Himself further adds that the power of this ekaadashi has the potency to remove such sins as sin caused by killing of a pious vedic person, that incurred in voluntary abortion (voluntary abortion due to non-medical reasons is a great sin as per shastras; birth-control is okay - but abortion is not!), sin incurred by pious people when they consume intoxicants, and that incurred by immoral activity with respectable ladies.

If this ekaadasi is performed with Full Faith, it will give the merit that can be obtained by donating one thousand cows!

May our members observe this holy Fast and get freed from all negative karma and the guilt associated with such sins.
Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Friday, March 13, 2020


Dear All:

There is much panic among the public regarding corona virus spread, and governments are doing their best to contain it.

Subsequent to a request from a client/ seeker who requested astro-spiritual guidance regarding this, thought of writing on the same.

As an astrological note, I wish to say that this has astrological signatures similar to the SARS episode of 2002-2003 period (Though the planetary aspects are not exactly same, identical sensitive points of the Universal Zodiac have been triggered by Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars - as in the previous SARS episode). March 22 to March 30, 2020 will be a make or break period for managing this.

Situation is likely to taper in its intensity from middle of April 2020, and by end of June 2020 the worst might be over.

When Jupiter shifts into Makara Rashi in accelerated motion from March 30, 2020 it will help in containing this to a great extent, and by end of June 2020, better strategies would be in place to manage the situation satisfactorily.


a) Collective recitals of Vishnu Sahasranaamam and Durga Sahasranaamam will help as a societal remedy to keep the spread of the scourge under control.

b) Special worships may be organized at Thirukadayur Kaalanthaga moorthy shrine, Aghora Moorthy Shrine in Tirvenkaadu, and Vaidyanaatha swaamy temple.  I would recommend special worships at Aghora Moorthy Shrine by spiritual aspirants to invoke His Grace to keep this scourge under control. This may be done on a collective basis - responsible spiritual aspirants organizing for grand worship at Aghora Moorthy shrine of Tiruvenkaadu. Another powerful place where prayers can be raised is at the Durgamba temple at Sringeri (in the South of Sringeri - also called Vana Durga temple).

It may seem superstitious to chant mantras to heal a scourge like this from society..BUT, all advanced spiritualists know that any ailment/ pandemic has a boudhika element (scientific element manifest as a viral strain or environmental trigger) and a aadhi-Daiveeka element (spirit of the ailment/ vibration of the ailment)....those who can address energies/ manage vibrations with their spiritual force CAN help in containing episodes like these... There have been documented instances of Saints having controlled epidemics using their spiritual power...

Those who have been initiated into Aghora astra mantra, Pasupatastra maala mantra, and Neelakanta-Aghorastra sthotram may recite these for many repetitions praying for general safety of society at large.  I (Pandit Dakshinamoorthi) am doing it already personally and request other advanced spiritual sadhakas also to do their bit along these lines to protect the masses from being troubled further by this pandemic.

IMPORTANT:  Common people are strictly advised against reciting these powerful mantras indicated in point C above; this suggestion about Aghora Astra mantra, etc. are for advanced spiritualists/ occult healers to follow for societal welfare; am doing it personally - and recommend other initiates in sadhana maarga also to do this to fight against this scourge spiritually. The clue is - Jupiter is in Dhanus in the 12th sign from Saturn in Jupiter is about to enter Makara from end of the month to join, from the sign of the Archer, Jupiter is going to join Saturn...let the Arrows of Lord Shiva go forth to meet Saturn and end the misery of the masses ruled by Saturn....

Vaishnvite scholars may make use of Vishnu Apaamarjana sthothram, Garuda mantras and Sudarshana astra mantras for the same purpose- using powerful Astra mantra vibrations to heal society at large.

d) Common people can recite the three Names "Achyuta, Ananda, Govinda" 108 times and drink water flavoured with Tulsi leaves...OR, the three Names "BaalambikEsha, VaidyEsha, Bhava RhOga Hara" of Lord Shiva 108 times and drink water flavoured with Vilva leaves.   These will help boost your immunity and give you the karmic protection against dangers of this pandemic.

Everyone - including common persons, CAN recite the following mantra:

दुर्गे स्मृता हरसि भीतिमशेषजन्तोः स्वस्थैः स्मृत मतिमतीवशुभां ददासि ।
दारिद्र्यदुःख भयहारिणि का त्वदन्या सर्वोपकारकरणायसदार्द्रचित्ता ॥

At least 9 times or more repetitions - if possible praying for safety of everyone.  When Her Children collectively call upon Her, She will come to our rescue.

e) To improve general immunity, a mixture of black pepper, cumin seeds, dried ginger, cinnamon powder, and arisi thippili (Indian long pepper) may be boiled in water and that decoction might be consumed twice a day to boost general immunity.

f) Herbal capsules of Vasaka can be consumed as insurance against respiratory distress/ pulmonary infections...

Please follow the instructions given by authorities from time to time and cooperate with them to contain the spread of this scourge.

From time to time, pandemics/ endemics do trouble society.....and we have survived those...we will do so again.

Don't panic - just take precautions (I saw mad scrambling for face masks recently, BUT, people seem to be unaware of the necessity to change the masks regularly without which it is pointless!...And no need to rush and create a scarcity of masks to the extent genuine health-care providers who need them have to struggle to lay their hands on them...follow health-department directives on this and don't panic unnecessarily or do things - namesake....).

one important may be good to shut down and sanitize places where people tend to gather in large numbers...and those of malls/ theatres which are open must AT LEAST NOW - provide for clean water facilities to wash hands with..While people are advised to wash hands and sanitize them regularly, many food courts in reputed malls have no provision of free-flowing water to wash hands with....wiping with mere tissue papers after having a meal is a dangerous thing to do now with this pandemic breathing down on us!).

Please remain positive, apply common-sense, practice basic hygiene strictly, and have the confidence "This too will pass."

May Divine Grace help us all.

Blessed be.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Kaaradayaan nonbu - 2020

Kaamaakshi amman
(image courtesy:
This is regarding an important austerity - Kaaradayaan nOnbu on March 14, 2020. This is to be observed between 10:30 A.M. AND 11:30 A.M. on March 14, 2020 by those living in India. Others living around the world must observe the vratam at the time corresponding to the above given time (i.e. at 10:30 a.m. IST on March 14, 2020 what would be your local time at your place; observe the vrata at that time). This is because, this is one vrata that is to be observed at the time when Sun is about to leave sidereal Aquarius and enters sidereal Pisces (the vrata should begin at the time when Sun is still in sidereal Aquarius). So, it is to be observed at the same moment throughout the world (so the times will be different based on the local time zone - still it is at the same instant everywhere unlike other festivals that will be celebrated on different times based on local astronomical variables).

It is an auspicious day for women to pray for the welfare and longevity of their husbands. It is by the power of this observance that the legendary Saavitri got the spiritual power to win back the life of Satyavaan - her husband who was cursed with a short life. Saavitri. May our women members observe the austerity as per their family traditions for the welfare of their husbands.

It is customary for ladies to offer Mangala Gowri pooja and then tie the Holy Pooja thread on self praying for husband's longevity, and for happy marital life. The offering is "kaara adai" (a special flour delicacy made with rice flour, jaggery, and kaaraamani - a red colour dried bean), and fresh butter; women pray saying "I am offering this kaara adai and unmelted butter to Thee; please ensure that my husband never separates from me," and then tie the Holy thread on their selves.

Unmarried women can also observe this vrata praying for the boon of good marital life and speedy settlement of marriage with a good spouse.

Fast must be observed from sunrise till the time the austerity is completed.  Those who are unable to fast due to medical reasons or other unavoidable circumstances must at least maintain this as a fruit-only or juice only fast till the vrata-string is tied after completion of the prayers.

Blessed be.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Aamalaki Ekaadasi - March 5/ March 6, 2020

Dear Members:

The auspicious Aamalaki Ekaadasi is to be observed on March 5/ March 6, 2020 this year.


a) Those living in all countries of North and South America should observe this on March 5, 2020.

b) Those living in European countries and following Smartha traditions must observe this on March 5, 2020.

c) Those living in European countries and following Vaishnava traditions must observe this on March 6, 2020.

d) Those living in rest of the world - including all countries of African continent, middle-East Asian countries (Gulf countries), India, and all countries to the east of India must observe this on March 6, 2020.

(Note:  Some Vaakya panchangams say that smaartha Ekaadasi must be observed on March 5th, and Vaishnava Ekaadasi on March 6th in India.....BUT, since Ekaadasi begins only after 1:18 p.m. on March 5th based on astronomical calculations (including per Arya Bhatta siddhanta corrections applied to Vaakya panchangs as opposed to the panchangs that have not used the astronomical correction factors per recommendations of classical Indian astronomical works) and extends well beyond mid-day of March 6th, it is proper to observe the ekaadasi for both smaarthas and Vaishnavas only on March 6th in our opinion...However, those who feel sentimentally bound by recommendations of their panchangs may observe this per what they feel is right...God will accept your vrata since your observance is based on what you feel is right and the intent to fast in Honour of Shri Hari is more important than all other controversies/ differences of approach. )

This fast is known to eradicate all great sins and bestow great destiny, and hence it is also observed as Paapanaasini Ekaadasi. Puranaas speak of how a hunter who witnessed the performance of this fast and night-long prayers under the Amla tree (Indian gooseberry tree) by a king and his retinue in the forest, was blessed to be born as a king named VasUratha in his next life. Such is the glory of this vrata - the mere witnessing of which confers great merit!

Once that person (the hunter born as King VasUratha in next birth) lost his way in the forest and being exhausted fell asleep under a tree. Tribesmen who were his enemies tried to kill him in that unconscious state; but none of their weapons could harm the sleeping king. Then, a beautiful maiden with Divine Powers manifested from the sleeping king's body and slayed all the tribesmen. On waking up, the King was wondering how this could have happened and who could have saved him thus from his sworn enemies. Then a voice from the sky said 'You ask who helped you. Well, who is that person who alone can help anyone is distress? He is none other than Sri Keshava, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He who saves all who take shelter of Him without any selfish motive.'

Such is the greatness of the Aamalaki Ekaadasi. This was narrated by Sage Vasishta to the Surya vamsa king Maandaatha.

On this day it is customary to worship the avatar Lord Parasuraama and Aamla tree (those who have such trees may perform the worship under the tree; others can just meditate on that tree and Lord Parasuraamaa).

picture of Lord Parasuraama courtesy:
(I - Pt. Dakshinamoorthi - the writer of this article - am not aware of any copyright restrictions with regard to use of this image, but I guess using this for informative purposes and illustrative purposes must be alright with attribution of the image to the original source from which the image has been taken).

Prayers to Lord Parashuraama:

'Oh Lord ParashurAma, Oh son of RenukA, Oh all-pleasing one, Oh liberator of the worlds, kindly come beneath this holy Amalakii tree and accept our humble obeisances.'

Prayer to Aamalakii tree: (Aamalakii tree is Indian Goosberry tree)

'Oh Amalakii, Oh offspring of Lord BrahmA, you can destroy all kinds of sinful reactions. Please accept our respectful obeisances and these humble gifts. O Amalakii, you are actually the form of Brahman, and you were once worshiped by Lord RAmachandra Himself. Whoever circumambulates you is therefore immediately freed of all his sins.'

May our members observe this fast and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

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