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Friday, January 31, 2020

Ratha Saptami 2020

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Dear Members:

Ratha Saptami - the auspicious day to worship Sun God falls on February 1, 2020. It is to be observed on same day throughout the world except those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the North American continent must observe this on January 31, 2020 itself.  Those living in countries like Argentina, Brazil, etc. (South America) will also observe Ratha Saptami on February 1, 2020 only.

This is believed to be the day when Sun God incarnated as son of Sage Kashyapa and his wife Adithi (hence his name Aadityaa!). According to puraanaas, it is believed that is on this day of Ratha Saptami that Lord Surya's chariot turns its actual northward movement towards North-east bringing much auspiciousness to all living beings. The chariot is said to have just one wheel (personification of the Wheel of Time!) drawn by 7 horses (indicating 7 days of the week; 7 rays of the Sun that stand for each colour of the spectrum, etc.). Thus this worship is in essence the worship of the Principle of Time that is controlled with perfection by Paramaatman (signified by Sun).

Worshipping Lord Sun on this day is very auspicious. As you might be aware, worship of Sun blesses one with health ("AarOgyam pra daatu Dinakarah" is the verse related to that). Sun God is a "Namaskaara Priyaha" , so offering Surya namaskaar in His Honour reciting His 12 names will be auspicious today.

The 12 names are "Mitra, Ravi, Soorya, Bhaanu, Kagha, Pooshna, Hiranyagarbha, Mariichi, Aaditya, savitaa, Arka, Bhaaskaraa".

Those who are initiated into Surya Ashtaakshari (8-syllable mantra) can recite that 108 times and offer arghya (oblation with pure water).

A special ritual unique to this day...

It is traditional to take bath with 7 Arka leaves (called Erukku in tamil, JillEdu in Telugu, Ekka in Kannada, and Bowstring hemp in English) on the body. The placement is 1 leaf on the head, two on the shoulders (one on each shoulder), two on the knees, and two on the feet, and then pouring water on oneself. You should keep some akshada (raw rice grains mixed with turmeric) on the leaves while placing them on your body and then take the bath.

The mantra to be recited is this:

"Om Yadyadjanma krutham paapam mayaa saptaasu janmasu

ThanmE RhOgancha SOkancha maakari hantu Saptamii"

YEtatjanmakrutham paapam yathaa janmaantaraarjitam

ManO Vaak kaayajam yaccha gnaathaaghnaathancha yath punah"

Iti saptavidham paapam snaanam ME saptha SapthakE

Saptavyaadhi samaayuktham hara maakari Sapthami"
(This is basically a prayer that declares how sins accrue to us and follow us over births, and request the Saptami thithi Deity (Sun God and the thithi Nithya Devi who is subtly invoked in this mantra) to absolve us of all the sins, and hence the karmic effects of those like diseases and sorrow in life). Those who are unable to follow the transliteration of this mantra may just pray for removal of sins asking for pardon for all sins committed knowingly/ unknowingly, and hence relief from all troubles in life.

At the end of this ritual bath, we should offer "Arghyam" to Sun God and Saptami DEvi with the following mantra:

"Saptha Sapthi vaha preetha Saptha LOkha pradeepana

Sapthamii sahitO Deva gruhaanaarghyam Diwaakara"
 (offer pure water three times facing the Sun in the morning saying this mantra).

Those who can - might recite mantras like Surya Sahasranaamam, Surya Atharva seersha upanishad, Aaditya Hrudayam, Suryaashtakam, etc. and get additional benefits.

Note that even if you are unable to get arka leaves at your place, you can STILL take the holy bath chanting the mantras above praying for good health.

Charities that can be done on this day

1) Donating to hospitals catering to sick patients.

2) Gupta Kooshmanda daanaa is a powerful dhaana that can be done today (gemstones - especially Ruby, gold, and silver are concealed inside a pumpkin and donated to a vedic Brahmin.....You should not reveal what/ how much is concealed inside the pumpkin to them. That is why it is called Gupta Dhaana! It is difficult to get a good Brahmin to accept this dhaanaa because this is a powerful remedy that involves "transfer of karma from the giver to the receiver"; no amount of money in the world will impel a vedic brahmin to accept this! On the other hand, gifting it to a person who is just a brahmin by birth but without vedic knowledge or ritual purity, is useless; so, if you are suffering from great troubles, request an elderly or mature vedantic brahmin to accept the charity to alleviate your pains...they may consent to this out of piety, and then use that amount for charitable purposes like yagnas, temple renovation, feeding poor, etc.). There are other dhaanas like saaligraama dhaana, vastra dhaana (gifting traditional Panchakaccha dhoti), etc. that can be done today which will be easily accepted by any priest. You can offer these at vedic patashalas near your place or to a respected Pandit who is explaining Puranic truths/ spiritual precepts to a lot of people from an altruistic point of view.

Even if you can't offer the special dhaanas as mentioned above, make it a point to donate at least a small amount of money in charity (may be just a dime to a beggar outside a temple; or purchasing a piece of sweet to a poor child in your neighbourhood). No man is so poor that they can't donate anything, and there is always someone poorer than you! Please remember is not how much you donate but with what attitude you donate that is important in absolving you of your karmic liabilities. Once your karma is reduced even by small amounts, you will be amazed at how things begin to take a positive turn in life.

May our members worship Sun God who is the Manifest Form of Absolute Divine and absolve themselves of all sins and the resultant problems in life.

Blessed be

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Sani Peyarchi - Saturn transit into Sidereal Capricorn - January 24, 2020

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Saturn – the planet of karma and life lessons shifts into Makara Rashi (sidereal Capricorn) on January 20, 2020, and remains there till April 22, 2022.

It is in retrograde motion in Makara rashi between May 11, 2020 and September 29, 2020, and during the other periods of its sojourn in Makara rashi it is in progressive (direct motion).

Let us see the basic impact of the Saturn transit for various signs below.  Please note that these transit influences can be moderated to some extent by the placement of planets in your natal chart, the ashtaka varga consideratons unique to each chart, dasa-bhukti cycles, etc – these should be judged on an individual basis by an expert astrologer whose advice you regularly seek for guidance. The indications given below will still be valid to a great extent and given for remedial guidance (since Moon influences the mind, these transit influences from Moon sign will show the impact of the transit on your psyche and what you can or should do to make the best out of the influences). Hope our readers will make a judicial and intelligent use of this write-up and get benefited.

Mesha rashi – (MOON SIGN – Aries) – Vedic stars of Ashwini, Bharani, and Krittika – 1st quarter

Saturn shifts into the 10th house from your natal Moon sign on January 20, 2020.  This is a somewhat sensitive transit – where more than normal hard efforts will be needed to maintain good tempo of progress at work.  Some of you may even be faced with stalemates at work – due to difficult attitude of superiors or associates.  Handle such situations patiently; if someone is purposely irritating you, the best way to handle them is to act as if you are not irritated and going about doing your allocated duties with a smile!  This can be a spiritually beneficial exercise for you too – converting a potentially difficult situation into a penance; Universe does not leave penances unanswered. Good results will come later to you if you keep doing your duties patiently and without losing temper.  Health of elderly relatives may cause concern to many of you.  Expenses may mount uncontrollably – so prioritize your resources intelligently.  Those in family life must pace their activities wisely so that time can be allotted for spending quality moments with loved ones.  Work hard for your progress and for family’s welfare, but do not ignore the emotional needs of close family members in the process!  Success will be lonely and emotionally unfulfilling if you don’t have your loved ones around you to share your joy.  So, treat family commitments as something as important as your social and professional commitments. On the positive side, those looking for emigration to lucrative places abroad, or have been working hard without good results and expect to consolidate themselves in their current position will find planetary energies supporting them in the venture.

Since Saturn has attained Rajata Moorthy status (Silver Elemental status), there is potential for watering down the challenging impact of the transit and turning the obstacles on your way into opportunities if you work smartly and plan intelligently for your future. The few jerks you may suffer now and then cannot be avoided....but treat it as the karmic cost paid for holistic progress in life and keep moving forward with positivity to get the best outcomes under this transit influence.


If elders (especially parents) fall sick and pass through a difficult time from a health-point of view, consider donating iron/ stainless steel utensils to charitable institutions praying for their welfare.

Challenges at work can be reduced by offering a small portion of your earnings to charities catering to physically challenged or aged persons. Those of you who can afford, may even sponsor wheel-chairs to physically challenged persons or sponsor construction of ramps in public places that have been inaccessible to wheel-chair bound persons.

Try to walk at least for half an hour daily in open spaces with a meditative frame of mind to keep your cool and gain energy from the Universe to tackle all your challenges.
Recite the mantra “DattaatrEyam Mahaa Yogin mama chitham sthirii kuru” (meaning “Lord DattaatrEya – the Great Yogi – please help me in having a stable and firm mindset) 12 times daily and 108 times on Saturdays after lighting a prayer lamp at home; this will help you to approach any challenge with the right attitude and determination which can help in successful negotiation of matters.

Rishabha rashi (Taurus – Moon sign) Vedic stars of Krittika (2, 3, 4), Rohini, Mrigasira (1, 2)

Saturn’s tough ashtama-sani period ends by this transit of Saturn in to Makara rashi.  While this – by itself – can be a great relief, the transit of Saturn through 9th house cannot be said to be a great transit influence either.  There could still be tension/ uncertainty at work that could trouble you. You may encounter minor obstacles/ delays when trying for foreign assignments or while trying to get visa clearance/ work-permits abroad. Health of father or elderly relatives could cause concern for many of you.    You must remember that patience and maturity are needed in your domestic interactions and interaction with neighbours/ associates to avoid unnecessary controversies. Some natives of this sign may face hard-to-please superiors or become victims of abuse of official power on the part of some enforcement authorities. Ensure that your slate is clean and no one can put you in a tight spot in any way. Don’t get tempted by the example of those who seem to breach minor rules and get away with it – since your Saturn transit influence sets you up for being the one who gets caught for transgressions. Those pursuing higher studies/ research work must avoid losing focus even shortly during their course-work. Don’t grudge the long hours you need to spend or the repeated work that your mentors make you go through while finalizing the will all be a karmic investment and come as good luck later on. For the present, grind your teeth and bear the tedium without losing patience in any way.

Though you are clear off the tougher Ashtama Sani influence, since Saturn has attained Iron Elemental status (Loha Moorthy Lakshana) during this transit, you may still encounter certain challenges/ obstacles/ delays in your path – just that, it will all end well if you are methodical in your approach and remain patient through thick and thin.


Meditating on Lord Hanuman carrying the Sanjeevini Mountain and chanting sthothras in His Honour on Saturdays will help you in turning all obstacles into opportunities besides helping in reducing the impact of this transit on health of self and elders in family.

Offering sandalwood paste to Lord Hanumaaan or Lord Venkateshwara on Saturdays, OR, offering punugu paste to Lord Bhairava on Ashtami thithis will help in maintaining good relationship with superiors, mentors, supervisors, or authority figures (this remedy can be used if you are involved in legal issues or have to face any sort of enquiry in the course of your work).

Youngsters of this sign can benefit by prostrating before elders in the family regularly and by trying to be of service to aged persons in the family (like massaging feet of elders, helping them with their errands, etc.).

Mithuna rashi – (Vedic Moon sign – Gemini) Vedic stars – Mrigasira (3, 4), Arudra, Punarvasu (1, 2, 3).

Saturn shifts to the 8th house from your Moon sign on January 24, 2020 heralding the notoriously tough “ashtama sani” period.  You need to keep a check on your words, your spending habits, and on your family interaction dynamics.  Any carelessness or rudeness on your part could sour relationship with others.  There is the risk that others may misunderstand your motives baselessly too…so, exercise extra-care in the tone of your speech with others – even if you mean well, inappropriate/ harsh tones may give the wrong impression that you are trying to undermine others and may invoke their enmity.  Do not brush off any warning signs of ill-health under the carpet as there is the risk of letting the ailments develop into chronic ones if you are careless in health management during this period.

Some of you may encounter unforeseen jerks in the rhythm of things –like being forcefully displaced at work, or encountering unforeseen challenges.  Patience and systematic approach will help reduce the negative outcomes to a great extent.

Steer clear off controversial persons and practices (including trusting heterodox charlatans who masquerade as Gurus and suggest unethical or dubious approaches). Ancestral property issues may leave a bad taste in relationships if you don’t handle disagreements in that regard diplomatically.

Saturn has attained Copper Elemental status (Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana) during this transit for you. This suggests that phenomenal levels of patience and impeccable thoroughness while performing duties will be needed to stay out of trouble.

Remedy: Offer paadukaa pooja to the sandals of reputed Saints (or family Gurus) with Faith. Offer physical service in temples/ jeeva Samadhis or during religious festivals by way of keeping the premises clean, gathering firewood or breaking big logs to offer in havans, helping in crowd management, or in distribution of prasadam to devotees.

Offer sandalwood paste alankaaram (anointing a consecrated idol with sandalwood paste) to Lord Ganesha whenever possible to reduce the impact of ashtama sani for your chart. 

If there are ailments afflicting self or paternal relatives, offer vennai-kaappu (anointing butter) and Tulasi garland to Lord Hanumaan on Saturdays praying for relief. Pray to Lord Bhairava, Kaali, Hanumaan, or Lord Garuda (whoever is your Favourite Deity) before taking out vehicles for a drive, and be a defensive driver so that you can avoid accidents that sometimes happen due to the error of the other driver on the road.

Avoid raising major loans with blind optimism; be ultra-conservative in your approach to financial matters.

Kataka rashi (Vedic Moon sign in Cancer) Vedic stars – Punarvasu (4), Pushya, Aslesha

Planet Saturn transits the 7th house from your natal Moon sign from January 24, 2020 which is a mixed influence – in your case, it is a tougher transit compared to the influence you enjoyed when Saturn activated the 6th house from your rashi.  Interaction with spouse should be diplomatic, and if there are legal issues that you face, those must be handled with alacrity.  Many of you could endure some sort of relocation influence or reorientation requirements due to force of circumstances. 

Be patient while handling life-issues, and avoid explosive/ egoistic arguments with spouse or relatives from spouse’s family during this Saturn transit period.  Health of spouse should also be carefully monitored to nip any potential problem in the bud.  Try to handle irritable situations with a calm mind, and you will do okay.

Be very careful while forging new partnerships, and vet your partner’s background carefully before taking them on board your business operations. Don’t be suspicious but have a healthy work-protocol of cross-checking the version of partners or associates diplomatically so that you can remain in control of the business and can take timely course-correction if that becomes necessary.

Since Saturn has attained Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden Elemental Status) during this transit, the challenging influences indicated can be diluted or neutralized to a great extent with the combination of right attitude and suitable remedies as situations warrant.

Remedies: Try to organize a recital of Vishnu Apaamaarjana sthothram or Naaraayaneeyam if there are any health issues to close family members due to the influence of the transit.

Donate small amounts to temple musicians, or for repair of musical instruments used in temples, or offer prayer bells to temples with the mental affirmation “I am offering this service to the Divine; just like music during the poojas adds to the positive vibes of the temple, may harmony and happiness be my lot in my own life too.”

If there are any vexatious issues with partners/ spouses, recital of Sundara Kaandam or organizing such a recital will help.

Simha rashi – (Vedic Moon sign – Leo) – Magha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni (1)

Saturn moves into the 6th house from your Moon sign on January 24, 2020.  This is considered to be a good transit influence.  Things that have been holding you back and not allowing you to enjoy the full extent of success as deserved by you will get resolved positively.  You will be able to brush off opposition and obstacles with ease if you keep working on your goals with a positive mindset.  This transit influence will give you opportunity to resolve pending issues, legal matters, and health issues in the family positively.

This Saturn transit gives you scope to establish more close and equitable dynamic with siblings, for resolving disputes, for amicable settlement of ancestral property matters, and spiritually – for getting initiated into new spiritual routines and benefiting out of such practices.  Make the best use of this influence.

Saturn during this transit attains Rajata Moorthy Lakshana (Silver Elemental status) for your sign which helps you to enjoy at least 75% positive intensity for the good results expected out of this transit.
Remedy:  Since Saturn’s transit is generally auspicious for you, there won’t be need for intense remedies for your sign.  However, you may try the following remedy for task-fulfillment if you are required to handle sensitive assignments or face any make-or-break situation at work.....

Recite the mantra “Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Kaalikaayai sarva kaarya siddhidhaatryai namah” 32 times before initiating major projects or attending legal cases.

Performing Sumangali Praarthana (Venerating women ancestors of the family) before major ventures will help in smoother completion of your task.

Kanya rashi – (Vedic Moon sign -  Virgo) – Vedic stars Uttaraphalguni (2, 3, 4), Hasta, Chitra (1, 2)

Saturn shifts into the 5th house from your natal Moon sign on January 24, 2020. Some of you may be shifted to unfavourable locations at work causing disruption in family life (like staying away from spouse in a different location).  Those in love may find that things are not as smooth as they may expect them to be when it comes to formalization of the relationship.  Hurdles to union with loved ones must be handled with diplomacy and without losing temper as impulsive decisions could complicate matters further.  Those having adolescent children in the family must handle them with maturity and patience – acknowledging that the child is turning into an adult gradually and granting the freedom to go with it while at the same time maintaining a healthy vigil over the child’s activities to ensure that the child does not indulge in wasteful or harmful distractions. Those who are invested in share markets must keep a close watch on their portfolio and take remedial steps with alacrity in consultation with competent advisors.  Risky speculative activities are a strict no.

Since Saturn during this transit has attained Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron Elemental status), the challenging impact of this transit could be higher, and so you should not push your luck in any matter unnecessarily.

Remedies:  Taking part in volunteer work to clean old temples will help in augmenting the good luck factor that will be necessary to handle certain sensitive situations that you may encounter dur to this Saturn transit.

Offering punugu (civet) coating to Bhairava on Ashtamis, or Sandawood paste or oil for thirumanjanam for Anjaneya temples/ Balaji temples on Saturdays will ensure family welfare and help in reducing financial uncertainties.

Try visiting your family deity’s temple AT LEAST once a year, and try to be in touch with the land of your ancestors in some way to derive the subtle subconscious inspiration needed to tackle life challenges.

If your family has been holding on to properties that have been given away to charities or have dues to deities/ temples, you must take efforts to set matters right and pay back your dues to avoid bad-luck in the lives of your children under this transit (this includes situations where your ancestors may have wrongfully held on to a property without giving the due share to other must try to set the balance right by giving such relatives/ kinsmen their rightful dues to avoid bad luck in your life).

Tula rashi – (vedic Moon sign – Libra) – Vedic stars Chitra (3, 4), Swaathi, Vishakam (1, 2, 3)

Saturn moves into the 4th house from your Moon sign – known as Ardha Ashtama sani influence – a somewhat challenging aspect.  Some of you may consider relocation from your current place, or maybe shifted to far off places at work.  It may be difficult to keep in close touch with your family members to the extent desired.  Peace of mind could be hampered due to situations beyond your conscious control.  Avoid complicating things by losing your temper or by getting involved in issues which could have been side-stepped.  Health of mother or maternal relatives could cause concern for some of you.  Students of this sign must work harder to get good results.  Stick to the straight-forward path in all matters – even if you see others around you bending rules or taking liberties with regulations since your time is sensitive. Analyze house-related documents carefully, and if you have been lax in securing the documentation pertaining to your residence, do so without further procrastination to avoid unnecessary complications later. 

Since Saturn attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper Elemental status) during this transit, you should be careful and methodical in your approach to all situations during Saturn’s stay in Makara rashi (till April 2022).

Remedies suggested:  If you find yourself being implicated in any unnecessary issue (without any justification on the part of others to do so), offer vadamaalai (garland of vadas/ sweets) to Lord Hanumaan idol in a temple and recite Hanumaan Langoola Astram mantra 3 times on a Saturday.

Arrange for vennai kaappu (anointment with butter) to Lord Hanumaan’s Idol and recite the mantra “Vaidya Veera AnjanEyaaya namah” 108 times in the temple praying for good health (if there are health issues in the family). 

Recite the mantra “Shreem Raamam Kousalyaa Aananda vardhanam Sitha priya naayakam saranam mama” whenever time permits for peace of mind and family welfare.

Vrischika rashi – (vedic Moon sign – Scorpio) Vedic stars – Visakha (4), Anuradha , Jyeshta

Saturn shifts into the 3rd house from your Moon sign on January 24, 2020.  This gives you relief from the tough sade-sathi influences you have been enduring so long in the past.  You will find that the restrictive patterns and hopeless situations that have been tormenting you will gradually recede to the background allowing you to plan with optimism for the future.  Relationship with associates at work and siblings at home can improve.  Minor obstacles could be experienced by siblings in their lives which you can help with (and this would strengthen the familial bonds and also give you merit that can translate in to good luck in your own life).  Your self-confidence would improve and clarity would emerge in situations that were nebulous prior to this period.  Those who have endured obstacles to their higher education would find things improving gradually.  Journeys would be profitable and if you had been having issues regarding smooth settlement abroad, there is hope of resolution in your favour in the near future.

The transit influences are by and large good for you.

Saturn attains Rajatamoorthy Lakshana (Silver Elemental status) during this transit; this ensures that the intensity of the positive results of this transit will be at least 75%.

Remedies: The transit influence of Saturn is generally positive for you – and no intense remedy is needed.  However, if health of father or paternal relatives causes concern, or you have some minor issues of understanding with father or mentor figures, or experience some challenges or inexplicable delays regarding visa or such other formalities pertaining to foreign stay/ travel, recital of 36th Chapter of Sundara Kaandam (or organizing such recital through priests) would offer relief in that regard.

If there are problems pertaining to promotion at work or improving turn over in business activities, donating a prayer bell to a Hanumaan temple, and offering laddoos to monkeys would help.

Dhanus rashi – (Vedic Moon sign – Sagittarius) Vedic stars – Moolam, Poorvaashaada, Uttaraashaada (1)

You continue to be under the grip of Sade-sathi even after this transit.  You are entering the last phase of sade-sathi from January 24, 2020.  Arguments with close relatives could spoil peace of mind.  Do not let any misunderstanding linger on – but rather try to discuss peacefully and reconcile with close people so that the bitterness does not engulf your life unnecessarily.  You should be careful about your diet and sedentary habits; don’t ignore these due to other preoccupations because unless your health is secured, you cannot stand up to the challenges that life throws at you, and above all – we work to sustain life and add value to life – and not the other way round!

Be extra-careful regarding financial matters and documentation pertaining to your assets.  Do not ignore any notice from government authorities – even if you are not in the wrong in any way.  Respond promptly and in a timely manner establishing your position firmly to safeguard your interest and to prevent unnecessary harassment that may happen if you let things take their own drift without positive intervention from your side.

Avoid egoistic approaches when discussing things with others – especially regarding controversial subjects and where people have grievances against you. If you have been wrong, accept it gracefully instead of trying to indulge in diversionary tactics since that will make the other person hold serious grudge against you, and worse, the karmic backlash from the Universe for such an approach will be severe under this transit influence.

Avoid risky financial dealings and trusting anyone on face value.  Be conservative in your decisions as far as feasible.

Saturn during this transit has attained Swarna Moorthy Lakshana (Golden Elemental status); so, much of the tough impact of this transit can be watered down by following the Golden Rule of ethics – being kind to others, accepting your mistakes gracefully and doing what you can to set right errors of the past, and by being ethical in all dealings.


If there has been an instance of you or your immediate ancestors having adverse possession of a property (like being a tenant and refusing to pay rent per agreement to the owner, or refusing to vacate the premises though the owner lawfully requires you to do so, or if kinsmen have been cheated off their rightful share of property by your ancestors and you hold possession of the entire holdings in a way that is detrimental to the rights of others), give up such possessions to the rightful owners.

Regular performance of pradosham worship will help you handle the challenges of Sade-sathis positively.

Meditate on Lord Hanumaan and offer dhaanam of prayer lamp/ temple bell/ sandalwood log to any temple or learned vedic priest before long journeys (if you are travelling abroad for long-term settlement or on major assignments).

Makara rashi – (Vedic Moon sign – Capricorn) Vedic Moon stars – Uttaraashaada (2, 3, 4), Sravana, Dhanishta (1, 2)

You are entering the second phase of Sade-sathi from January 24, 2020.  Here Saturn in sade-sathi triggers your natal Moon sign.  This is known to be a very tricky period causing lot of challenges.  Peace of mind could be the primary victim of the influences.  Do not treat any health symptom lightly as lax attitude to health can cause deterioration that would take longer to heal.  Try to understand the real motives of those around you – as there is the danger that you may misinterpret the motives of those who actually try to help you while you may trust those who are actually exploitative.  Try to look at things from a larger perspective instead of having a limited vision.  Hard work is needed to get good results during this period.  Avoid deputing important tasks to others unless such deputation of assignments is a part of the work protocol (i.e. never avoid responsibilities due to laziness).  Stick to laid down procedures and rules, and you will do fine.  In family relationships as well as work-place interactions, try to have a karma yogic perspective – of doing duty as per one’s role perfectly and not being attached to the outcomes.  Surprisingly, if you develop such an attitude, you will find that results comes smoothly! This – in essence – could be your most powerful remedy – that of doing your best and leaving the rest to Divine Providence.

Avoid judging others harshly without proper justification because that would increase the risk of your being misjudged or treated harshly in turn! Sade-sathi is about karmic balance; this is a time when you are paying your karmic balance of the past; if you add to the past bad karma by present-time indiscretions, the troubles would increase manifold.  So be patient, calm, and objective in your approach to life.

Since Saturn attains Loha Moorthy Lakshana (Iron elemental status) during this transit, the challenging impact of this could be high; so, be straight-forward and ethical in all your dealings to avoid complicating the already challenging impact.


Offer seva (physical service in some form) to any place of worship.

Serve elders in the family with affection and respect (treating them as if they are God-Incarnate and are the channels through which you can serve God). 

If situations in the family seem too tough, and you are unable to take decisions regarding some crucial issue (where every choice seems to have its share of challenges), arrange for turmeric paste offering to any Devi temple.

Visiting Jeeva Samadhi of Saints regularly can help you to secure their Blessings and indirectly help you to cultivate the fortitude necessary to handle tricky issues in life.

Kumbha rashi – (Vedic Moon sign – Aquarius) Vedic stars (Dhanishta 3, 4, Satabisha, Poorvabhadra 1, 2, 3)

Saturn – which was transiting the auspicious 11th house from your Moon sign, shifts into your 12th house on January 24, 2020 – heralding the beginning of sade-sathi influence for you.  There could be increase in expenses, disturbance to sleep pattern in some way, and subconscious anxiety due to this influence. Hospitalization of self or close relatives is a possibility for many of you. So don’t be lax in health matters in any way. Single natives of this sign must avoid unnecessary mental hang-ups or over-expectations from potential partners as this could unnecessarily delay settling in domestic life.  On the positive side, if you have been planning for a trip abroad and have not been able to do so, this period would give you such opportunities.  Avoid spending money on unnecessary channels as that could eat into the contingency funds you maintain for emergencies, and then you would be left defenceless when tackling sensitive financial situations.  Those involved in service professions will do better than others.  Since Saturn is the ruler of your Moon sign, and also is transiting over a sign ruled by itself, Sade-sathi is likely to be relatively mild for you, and if you develop the right attitude. Since Saturn rules the 12th house of your rashi, and is transiting its own sign in this phase, this transit of Saturn can even bring you life-changing insights and positive karmic resolutions, and unexpected grand victories in life (due to subtle Vipareetha Raaja yoga by name Vimala Yoga arising out of 12th lord triggering the 12th house).

The things to guard against during this transit are –
a)     over-spending (especially ego-spending or emotional-spending – where you spend to feel good – but without any actual practical purpose being served)….instead divert your spending along altruistic channels as an alibi.

b)     Unhealthy sleep patterns. To prevent this, try to pace your work activities intelligently so that you don’t end up staying late handling sensitive subjects that will keep your brain triggered and won’t let you rest in peace.  Try to finishing tackling of crucial issues at least 2 hours prior to the time you intend to go to sleep, and avoid taking issues with you to the bed!

c)     Behind-the-screen or unethical moves – these could backfire big way!

Remedies: If there are health issues that trouble you, or a close relative without being resolved by conventional medical treatments, recite Hanumaan chaalisaa 11 times on a Thursday and offer 11 unhusked coconuts to any Hanumaan temple.

Meditate on Lord Krishna in Reclining Pose and recite “Ksheeraabhdhi saayii Bhagawaan Yoganidra Paraaya namah” within the mind 12 times before going to sleep to ensure peaceful sleep.

Offer sandalwood paste to tail of Lord Hanumaan (in a picture at home in your pooja place, or in a temple where they may permit touching of idols) praying “Apaara Karunaa MoorthayE, Mahaa Veeraaya, Raama Dhootaaya sarva graha dOshaani nivaaraya” 108t times on Saturdays.

Avoid over-expectations in job and domestic front – we all think we deserve more than we get, BUT, we don’t know!  So, take opportunities as they come instead of letting them slip by in the hope that something better will turn up if we wait!  As long as what you are offered is in the ball-park of what one can expect per one’s caliber/ professional situation (considering the macro factors and trends also into account), we must go with what life offers us – and should wait only if there is a huge and irrational mismatch between what is offered and what is deserved.

Meena rashi – (Vedic Moon sign – Pisces) – Poorvabhadra 2, 3, 4, Uttarabhadra, Revati

Saturn shifts into the 11th house from your Moon sign. This is a very positive transit influence suggesting better progress, comforts, and recognition in life.  Friends/ relatives who have been out of touch for a while may come back with increased affection and bonding towards you.  You will manage to identify new ways of boosting your financial situation, and if you are engaged in business activities, you will enjoy better visibility and enjoy greater profits.  Dreams that you have been nurturing for a long time in the past will come closer to realization. Ailments that might have been troubling you for a long time in the past will get healed.  Romance-related luck will be great for single natives of this sign.  For those in established relationships, there will be chance to rekindle the joys of love, and to develop harmonious dynamic with loved ones.  Those involved in yogic/ spiritual practices will have better chance of attaining perfection and siddhis if they persist hard enough along those lines.

Saturn attains Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana (Copper elemental status) during this transit; so, the intensity of good effects will only be 50% or so. To enjoy maximum positive impact, careful planning and cautious approach from your side are needed to convert half chances into sure successes.

 Remedies: No intense remedies needed for your sign.  However, you can enjoy the benefits of this positive transit even better if you indulge in service or charitable activities of your choice.  There will be chance to mix service with pleasure (like deriving joy by visiting spiritually potent places, serving genuine spiritual persons and enjoying the Nectar of spiritual suggestions from them, and enjoying the company of high-minded persons whom you may meet while involving yourself in volunteering activities for welfare of society).

Special austerities planned on Sani-Peyarchi day at my residence:

Special austerities are planned in connection with Saturn transit on January 24, 2020.

We plan to perform Mahaa Mrityunjaya homam, Rudra Trisathi homam, Pasupatha Astra homam, Raama Parivaara homam, Venkateshwara Homam, and Sani Gayathri and Moola mantra homam.
Those born in Rishabha, Mithuna, Kataka, Kanni, Tula, Dhanus, Makara, and Kumbha rashis  are under challenging Saturn transit influences as may be seen above, and can benefit by remedial homams done on that day. Those who wish to take part in these as part-sponsors may please write to my email-id: with the subject line “Sani peyarchi remedial request”.  Will suggest the modalities of participation as reply mail.  Regular clients/ disciples who have been participating in various austerities in the past can directly remit  Rs.1500 (rupees one thousand five hundred only) or equivalent in US Dollars in favour of my icici bank account the details of which you may have with you, and send me the intended the beneficiary’s name, gothra, star and rashi details to my email-id.

Please offer at the rate of one part-sponsorship for EACH person for whom you want the remedial sankalpam to be done (i.e. if you have family members born in the rashis mentioned as requiring remedy, offer one sponsorship for each...@1500 for each person whose rashi is afflicted).  For the family members born under rashis which are not impacted by the transit, parihaaram is not needed, and so they can be included in the general sankalpam of the homam for no extra-cost....

IMPORTANT: Please note that we won’t be shipping Prasad or Holy Ash through mail and taking sankalpa in your name during the performance will be deemed to be in-absentia participation and the karmic benefits would accrue to you due to vedic procedures involved in the austerity.

Those who wish to participate in person to our residence in India may send mail and come in person after prior intimation (so that we can organize distribution of Prasad to your suitably).

Best regards,
Blessed be.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Shat-tila Ekaadasi 2020

Dear Members:

Shat-Tila ekaadashi falls on January 20, 2020 this year.  It is to be observed on the same date throughout the world.

Shat-Tila literally means "six sesame seeds." The fast is understaken on this day after consuming a glass of water in which six sesame seeds have been soaked. You have to mix six sesame seeds in water and then take a bath with it first. Then drink a glass of water in which 6 sesame seeds have been soaked, offer oblations to pitrus (deceased ancestors/ rishis of the past) with water mixed with sesame, and then fast on this day. Observing this will help you in winning the six major internal enemies for the soul (Raagha, DwEsha, LObham, Moham, Madam, Maacharyam), and thus ensure your spiritual progress.

Observance of this fast will ensure removal of all sins and help to keep your karmic balance sheet healthy, allowing you to progress through spiritual levels with least of obstacles.

May our members observe this holy fast and enjoy Divine Grace. [Please note that those who are forbidden to fast due to medical indications may observe this fast on a token-basis instead of undertaking a full fast; like - you may consume only fruits, or avoid only rice items, etc. But, please try to observe the fast in some form consistent with your physical condition and environmental conveniences as this is one of the more strongly recommended ekaadashi fasts].

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Vaikunta Ekaadasi - 2020

(Image courtesy:
Dear Members:

The most glorious and important of all Ekaadaasis - the Vaikunta Ekaadasi falls on January 6/ January 7, 2020.

Those living in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Papua New Guinea, and Fiji must observe this on January 7, 2020.

Those living in rest of the world - including India must observe this on January 6, 2020.

This is one of the Putradaa ekaadasis of the year (fast that is beneficial to improve progenic yogas for those aspiring to start a family).

This is one of the most highly recommended fasts for a devout spiritual aspirant because it has the potential of opening the "Gates of Divine Abode of Lord Vishnu" for you if this is observed correctly. Even those who have medical conditions which prevent them from observing a full fast should abstain from rice-items and sustain themselves with alternative ritually pure foods (avoiding garlic, onions, beverages like coffee, tea, etc.). Those who are desirous of cutting off the endless cycle of births and deaths for the soul must contemplate on upanishads like Gopaala Taapini Upanishad, recite Holy Bhagavat Gita, Bhaagavatam, etc.

In Vaishnava temples "swarga Dwaar" - a sort of archway leading around the Inner Sanctum Sanctorum is erected, and crossing that is symbolic of crossing the threshold of Vaikunta and getting glimpse of our Lord. Spending time in meditation/ japam while waiting in the serpentine ques, and ultimately having the glimpse of Our Lord after crossing the threshold will definitely be gainful for your souls. Please note that you should not get angry with other devotees in the que or pick up fights, you should not "jump" ques trying to overtake the other waiting devotees with your "street smartness, pushing abilities", etc. in the que. Such activities definitely invoke bad karma, and it is not for that, that you go to a temple on a Holy Day (I am commenting on this because such activities are too common in long ques; a person who jumps ques thinking he is outsmarting others is actually fooling himself/ herself, and damning himself/ herself with that karma; on the other hand, those who wait patiently, and do what they can to help other devotees who might be finding it uncomfortable - like ladies with infants, elderly, etc. while standing in ques are invoking good karma and actually helping their own souls to progress. Selfishness and self-comfort should take a back-seat at least during these occasions - and that too for your own good! If you are entitled to temple honours in some way, and hence receive special darshan - that is different; you need not feel guilty about that; probably, you deserve such Honours and maybe, that was Divine Gift to you! But even such people - if you can, it will be real good merit to stand patiently in a que, do japams till your turn at darshan comes, and then have a darshan of the Lord along with the other common devotees because, God Himself may be in disguise among the masses during these occasions. I have felt it many times - and I request my fellow aspirants to feel such miracles of brushing shoulders with Divine in crowded temples for themselves!).

Generally, chanting of Raama naama, and recital of Shri Vishnu Sahasranaamam can be done by everyone today for obtaining religious merit, and for perfection/ progress of our Soul.

It is also recommended that you should remain awake at night and spend it in Divine Contemplation, bhajans (Divine Songs), discussing Theological matters, etc. It is traditional to play a dice game called "Paramapadham" on this night. You should not merely play it as a the traditional Indian version of this game (the western version is Snake and Ladders!, and I am not referring to that when I write this article....), you will find "ladders" corresponding to various virtues, and "snakes" corresponding to certain shortcomings of attitude/ can see where each ladder leads you, and where each snake drops you....look at the character/ attitude depicted in the box, see how progress/ downfall happens based on the ladder/ snake you encounter. This is verily a spiritual lesson of how a soul can progress or regress into various states of existence. It is analogous to the journey of your souls through the Cycle of Existence till the soul attains Liberation or Merging with Divine experience. You will also see how difficult it is to progress at the end of the game, and that is how difficult it is for a soul to reach ultimate liberation. If you play it consciously, reading all the attributes described in the chart carefully, this game can be a meditative exercise in itself, and can be a valuable tool for imparting spiritual values for children.

Of course, playing the paramapadam is not just helps you to keep awake and at the same time induce philosophical musings if played properly. Those of you who feel sufficiently spiritually awakened already may just spend the night in quiet Divine Contemplation which is best.

May our members observe this Holy day Fast diligently as per their circumstances and practical limitations to the best of their abilities and win salvation for their souls.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

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