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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Solar eclipse - December 26, 2019

Dear All:

There is a partial/ annular solar eclipse on December 26, 2019. The annular phase of this solar eclipse is visible from Saudi Arabia, Oman, southern India, and parts of Indonesia, weather permitting. In most of Asia, parts of North/East Africa, and North/West Australia, people can see a partial eclipse.

The duration of the eclipse as is visible in major cities of India:

The eclipse is visible between 8:06:24 a.m. (i.e. 24 seconds past 8:06 a.m.)  and 11:11:21 a.m. at Bangalore. 

At Chennai, it will be visible between 08:08:54 a.m. and 11:19:32 a.m.

At Mumbai, the eclipse will be between 8:04:01 a.m. and 10:55:03 a.m.

At Delhi, the eclipse will be between 8:17:01 a.m. and 10:57:07 a.m.

To check the exact duration of the eclipse in your region, kindly refer the following link:

You can input your location in the map search tab and get the info. related to the exact duration of visibility of the eclipse in your region.

STARS THAT ARE AFFLICTED: Those born under Moola, Ashwini, Magha, Jyeshta, and Poorvaashaada, and living in areas of visibility of the eclipse must ideally perform eclipse remedies to avoid malefic impact of this eclipse on their charts.  NO REMEDY IS NEEDED IF YOU ARE NOT LIVING IN AREAS OF VISIBILITY OF THE ECLIPSE. Those living in areas of visibility of the eclipse, and are born in one of the above mentioned afflicted stars,  may get in touch with vedic pandits in your area or approach trusted spiritual persons whomsoever you consult regularly for spiritual remedies in this regard.

REMEDY DONE AT OUR PLACE: For close clients of mine whose stars are afflicted by the eclipse, I do the eclipse-remedial chant personally and do the other austerties in this regard during the eclipse.  The recommended offering for the same is Rs.375 (rupees three hundred and seventy five only) PER person whose star is afflicted by the eclipse.


Those who don't have personal spiritual mentors or knowledgeable vedic pandits to help them in the performance may do this remedy:  Donate 1/10th of your body-weight of good quality wheat (like if you are 50kg. in weight, donate 5 kg. of good qualitiy rice) AND 1/100th of your body-weight ghee (like if you are 50kg in weight, donate half kg. of ghee) to any charitable organization or temple on December 26, 2019 - AFTER THE ECLIPSE ENDS AT YOUR PLACE (i.e. after taking bath at the end of the eclipse donate as mentioned here).

Even those stars are not directly impacted by the eclipse can gain by performing austerities during the duration of the eclipse; per mantra shastra principles, any mantra recited during the duration of the eclipse becomes "siddh" and gives intense positive results.  My personal experience is that I have mastered most of the rare works that are in my command in spiritual realm only during major eclipses, and can vouch for the fact that learning activities are very productive during eclipse periods.

This eclipse has good occult potency since there is a major conjunction of many planets in Sagittarius - the natural 9th house of the zodiac (good for mentoring activities and spiritual pursuits).  So, it is upto us to cultivate its positive potency by japas/ austerities - instead of letting the major planetary stellium wreck the rhythm of our lives by our own recklessness or impulsive actions around this period (this applies both to individuals AND nations....good decisions during this period will give good results...while unnecessary stubbornness, or narrow-minded/ bigotry would lead to further turmoils in addition to the already tough situations that abound we churn the ocean and get the Nectar, OR do we manage to just let the Halahala poison surface is up to us! I hope everyone will be responsible and extract the Nectarine influence of this eclipse).

PRECAUTIONS DURING THE ECLIPSE (not applicable to those living in regions where the eclipse is not visible).

a) Try to finish off your last meal before the eclipse about 6 hours prior to the onset of the partial phase; Ideally those living in India should not consume anything after dinner on 25th December 2019; If this is not possible, try to get up early in the morning and try to finish your minor breakfast (whatever you can eat so early in the morning) latest by 5:00 a.m., and after that do not consume anything till the end of the eclipse.

b) Those who wish to perform austerities or indulge in occult/ metaphysical/ spiritual experiments must take bath once during the onset of the partial-phase and again at the end of the eclipse.

c) Pregnant ladies must avoid venturing out during the duration of the eclipse (this is per traditions - the same traditions that have given us wisdom regarding many occult/ spiritual things that are left untouched and unexplainable by current levels of scientific knowledge - so there must be something in this!; I am not even getting into the argument of what will happen if they venture out! Each one to their own wisdom/ discretion - and my guideline is for those who wish to benefit by traditional views on this matter where it is said that avoiding exposure to the outer atmosphere or the eclipsed Moon's rays is recommended for the welfare of the child in the womb).

d) Avoid negative thoughts or unnecessary brooding during the eclipse.  You may indulge in healthy introspection even if you don't wish to chant mantras or perform intense austerities.....BUT, don't cultivate guilt feelings/ unnecessary a neutral observer and evaluator of events in your life to make the best of this period.  Of course, those who wish to chant mantras or strengthen protective shields in occult matters will benefit most during this period.  Countless are the persons who have got siddhi of their mantras during eclipses; so for spiritual persons or those inclined to occult experiments, this is a "must not miss" period.

e) Those who have lost parents may offer tarpanam in Honour of ancestors during this period.  Shastras say that the merits of offering tarpanam to parents during eclipse are infinite.

May our members derive the best benefits of this celestial phenomenon.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saphala Ekaadasi - December 21/ December 22, 2019

Dear Members:

The auspicious Saphala Ekaadashi falls on December 21/ December 22, 2019.

 The observance of this fast for different places on the globe is as follows:

Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continents (both North and South America) must observe this on December 21, 2019.

Those living in rest of the world - including India must observe this on December 22, 2019.

Glory of Saphala Ekaadashi
This is mentioned in Brahmaanda Purana. Fasting on Saphala Ekaadashi will help in cleansing all sins committed earlier, and also helps in attaining fame in this life.

Lumbaka - the son of a king was always questioning the authority of Lord Vishnu, and due to this irreverent attitude, he was exiled from the kingdom. He continued with his irreverential attitude, and added to that began plundering the wealth of poor villagers. He took his abode beneath a banyan tree, started killing animals, and began eating raw meat. (The legend purports to describe that the king's son had fallen into sinful ways that will add severely to karmic account).

Once, he fell ill on a particular day and hence could not partake his usual meals (of raw meat!); he also remained awake all night due to his sickness. As the day was Saphala Ekaadashi fast day, he had unknowingly followed the vrat! The next day he felt better and intuitively realized that this was all due to Grace of Lord Vishnu. He realized his mistake, returned to his father with a repentant attitude, and lived happily thereafter.

Such is the glory of the Saphala Ekaadashi - even a person who unknowingly kept that fast could gain Grace of Shri Vishnu. So, what to speak of the Holy and Pious persons who undertake this fast with full faith and with Divine Contemplation? Is it not obvious that Heavenly glory is open to those who undertake this auspicious Saphala Ekaadashi Fast?

Special austerities recommended in connection with this ekaadasi:
1) Offer Pomegranate, guava, variety of nuts, coconut, betel leaves, areca nuts, mangoes, and aromatic spices (like cloves, cardamom, etc.) in Honour of Lord Aadhi Naaraayana (The Original Viraat Roopa of Shriman Naaraayana - with His Consort Lakshmi on His Breast and mounted on Shri  Garuda, and carrying His Divine Conch and Disc with Full Glory) on this day. You can partake these items as prasad on dwaadasi day if you are keeping a full fast; those who are only observing partial fast (just abstaining from whole-grains and beans) may partake these in lieu of regular diet.

2) Light a ghee lamp in Honour of Lord Naraayana and Goddess Lakshmi in your pooja place and recite the Holy Ashtaakshari (Om NamO Naaraayanaaya) as many times as possible. Recital of Naaraayana Sooktham and Purushasooktham can also be done by those who are initiated into these vedic hymns.

A full-night vigil is also recommended. Those who cannot maintain a full-night vigil may at least recite Shriman Naaraayana naama as many times as possible and sleep with Divine Thought.

May our members undertake this fast and feel Blessed by Divine Grace.

Blessed be.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Dattatreya Jayanthi 2019

Dear Members:

Dattatreya Jayanthi is observed on December 11, 2019 this year.

Shri Guru DattaatrEya is an incarnation possessing the Divine attributes of the Trimurthis (Brahma, vishnu, and Shiva) with Sage Atri and the sage's Wife Anusuyaa Devi as His parents. He is an Aadi Guru of the avadhoota sampradaaya. He is a Divine Form who can be easily pleased by mere remembrance of Him ("smarana maatra santushtaaya!")

Anusuyaa Devi - the wife of Sage Atri was known for Her Piety and virtues. Sage Naarada was extolling Her virtues to Goddesses Saraswathy, Lakshmi, and Paarvathy. The Goddesses requested the Trimurthies to test her virtues. The trimurthis took the form of mendicants and went as athithis to the hermitage of Sage Atri when He was not there. Sagess Anusuya offered them the traditional respects due to athithis, and requested them to partake meals in the hermitage. The mendicants imposed the condition that they will partake meals only on one condition that Anusuyaa should serve them stark naked!

Anusuyaa Devi was in a moral fix....According to customs of those times in hermitages (even normal households for that matter!), an athithi was never to be turned away without feeding him. But, at the same time, as a pious and modest wife of a sage, she cannot even think of being nude in front of grown up strangers. She meditated on her husband, and sprinkled Holy Water from his kamandal (a sort of water container kept by sages) on the three mendicants. They got transformed into three infants by the power of her pious devotion to her husband. Obviously, there can be no reservation in being nude in front of infants! She fed them in that condition and thus satisfied the conditions of modesty as well as athithi bhojana (feeding guests). When Sage Atri returned to the hermitage, Anusuyaa Devi showed the three Divine Infants and explained the course of events. Sage Atri of course could Divine the events by His clairvoyance powers.

The three Devis visited the hermitage and beseeched the couple to return their husbands in their original Divine Forms. The couple agreed, but requested that they should have a Divine Child with the potency of the three murthis. Thus was born Shri DattatrEyaa - "Datta AatrEyaa - One who was given as Gift to Shri Atri maharishi and His wife."

Though Anusuyaa Devi wanted Dattatreya to live the life of a householder, He rejected those pleas and instead chose to live in the ways of a Avadhootaa (a complete renunciate - who transcends all sorts of differences and restrictions, and living in the High State of Spontaneous Living called "SwEchaachaaryaa"; saints who live that do what they feel like doing at that moment naturally...they do not follow any rigid rules or regulations in life - allowing Divinity to guide them each and every moment in the form of random thoughts that arise in their conscious!). Datta Gitaa is a philosophical work of wonderful metaphysical depth and beauty.

Many are the miracles of Shri DattatrEyaa right from His times to the current periods. The most famous devotees of Shri DattarEyaa are Sage Parasuraama (Shri DattatrEyaa helped Sage Parasuraamaa in performing the last rites of his father and ensured that the deceased sages attained PUnya Lokhaas), and Shri Kaartaveeryaarjunaa (The Mighty King with One thousand shoulders! who was an Incarnation of Sudarshana - the Holy Disc of Lord Vishnu). In fact, Shri Kaartaveeryaarjuna was born without limbs as an infant, and it was by the power of tapasya focussed on Shri DattatrEyaa that he got 1000 pairs of hands and a mighty physique. Additionally, Shri Datta blessed him with a treasury that will never become empty, and also a boon that whosoever remembers the King Kaartaveeryaarjunaa will be able to retrieve lost property and realise rightful properties snatched away from them by force. Kaartaveeryaarjuna also had a boon that he can be defeated and killed only by a disciple/ devotee of Shri DattatrEyaa. When King Kaartaveeryaarjuna started behaving in arrogant manner, and had a clash with Jamadagni rishi, he met his end in the hands of Sage Parasuraama - the Incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and a devotee of Shri DatttrEyaa as per the boon. The Most Highly Venerated Shridi Sai Baba is one example of a modern day avadhootaa of the Datta sampradaaya. There are other saints also of that tradition who have a wide following today.


Lord Dattatreya is often meditated upon with a Cow (KaamadhEnu) at His back, and 4 dogs at His feet. The Cow - KaamadhEnu represents the truth that whatever legitimate wish you have will be bestowed upon you when you pray to Him. The 4 dogs represent the 4 vedaas. Lord DattatrEyaa - the  Trimutrhi swaroopi has the characteristic Divine Weapons of the Trimurthis - in His hands and three heads representing the Trimurthis (also representing Satwaa, Rajas and Tamas gunaas!)

Yet another popular Divine Form that is usually venerated by followers of siddha/ Naath traditions is His Form with the 9 famous Nath saints.

Shri DattatrEya is easily pleased by mere Remembrance of Him. He may manifest in the form of an uninvited guest at noon, a mad beggar, a young child, or even ghostly forms (that is what His Moola mantra says ......." Baala Unmatta Pisaacha vEshaaya!"). Annadhaan (donation of food) to poor and needy is the charity that is closest to His Heart. Many devotees of Lord Datta have had Him visit their houses in the form of unknown guests at Noon. So, if possible, try to donate to charities specializing in feeding the poor on this day. As Dattatreya helped Sage Parasuraama in performance of rituals to ensure salvation of pitrus, He will help us also to get relieved from pitru doshas of all kinds. Also, yati saapaa (curse of saints/ sages/ mendicants) that might have arisen due to insult meted out to renunciates can be remedied by worship of Lord DattatrEyaa. Recital of DattatrEya Vajra Kavacham will help in nullifying even most terrible planetary afflictions. So, if you have people who are sick and whose conditions elude proper management by health professionals may benefit by recital of DattatrEya Vajra Kavacham recital.


 We are planning to conduct special chants and homams on Datta Jayanthi day this year also. Shri DattatrEya Moola mantra homam, Dattatreya vajra kavacham, sthothras, and Shri Kaartaveeryaarjuna homam will be conducted at my temporary residence at  Bangalore on December 11, 2019 (We Honour Kaartaveeryaarjuna also on that day because He is a proof to the fact that Faith on Datta can transform lives even overcoming Fate; the limbless child - who was considered inauspicious by his own parents - became the mighty 1000 armed warrior whose name and mantras have proved auspicious to countless generations - all due to Guru Datta's Grace) .

Worship of Karthaveeryaarjuna is a recommended procedure in mantra shastraic classics for overcoming the activities of rivals, to get back lost positions, to reunite with estranged relatives/ friends, to get Divine Assistance in tracing missing objects/ persons,  to counter black-magic done against us by enemies, to get success in all ventures and gain favour of those in authority, and for overcoming tough planetary aspects in general. It can be a highly auspicious worship for business persons who have begun new ventures,those who are tormented by powerful foes,  and for politicians  aspiring for powerful positions of authority especially.

Those sponsors who are in a position to attend the Japam/ austerities might do so on this date. For the  others, please note that the pooja parasadam will not be sent by post due to ritual purity concerns and logistic difficulties. Inclusion of your name, gothra, and star in the sankalpam will be deemed "in-absentia" participation. Those who are interested may avail the pooja service by mailing me at:

The offering options are as below (to give an idea about the cost of participation in the austerities):

a) Dattatreya and Karthaveerya homam part-sponsorship - Rs.2000 (rupees two thousand only).
b) Dattatreya Moola mantra japam and archana in the evening with chanting of sthothras in His Honour - Rs.350 (rupees three hundred and fifty only)

c) Kaarthveeryaarjuna archana and Japam- Rs.350 (rupees three hundred and fifty only).
d) DattatrEya Vajra Kavacham recital and special pooja in that connection - Rs.500 (rupees five hundred only).

Please note:  Part-sponsors of the main homam will be automatically included in Dattatreya Moola mantra japam, Vajra Kavacham and Karthaveerya Arjuna japam recitals.  So, those who are availing that sponsorship scheme - scheme a) above,  need not remit additionally for the other japams.

As paypal does not work for me any more, you have make the remittance only directly via my bank account, or send money via money2india site of icici bank. I will share the details of my account when you get in touch with me via email if you are interested in the participation.  Regular sponsors - who have made remittance to my bank account for earlier austerities may use the same account for this remittance too; once you make the remittance, please keep me informed via email about the remittance particulars for me to follow up with the bank regarding that.

Apart from prayers for the benefit of the sponsors, prayers will also be raised for Universal Welfare. You may also attend poojas/ homams conducted by other pious persons near your place on this holy day.

Those who are not in a position to attend special on Datta jayanthi may still become recipients of His Grace by just repeating the mantra "Om Jai Guru Dattaa" or "Om Jai Satguru Shri DattatrEyaaya namah" as many times as possible on His Jayanthi day - whenever time permits - even in between your normal activities in life. This is a siddha mantra and needs no initiation; anyone without any distinction of class, creed, religion, and gender can recite this at ANYTIME. He is easily pleased and His worship is without unnecessary frills and procedures such that even a child can perform the pooja (because you may do it in any way you wish to do!)
Try to feed at least one poor person or sponsor annadhaan at any holy place as per your capacity - because Guru Dattatreya might come in any form and accept annadhaan, and performing annadhaan to needy persons is one of the easiest ways to become recipients of His Grace.

May our members become recipients of Lord DattatrEyaa's Grace by observing simple austerities in His Honour on His Jayanthi day as per their convenience and enjoy blissful lives.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mokshadaa Ekaadasi 2019/ Kaisika ekaadasi

Dear members:

The auspicious Mokshadaa ekaadashi falls in the bright half of the month Margasira.

It is also known as Kaisika ekaadasi . This ekaadasi is observed in a grand manner in the Guruvaayur Shri Krishna temple and hence named as Guruvaayur ekaadasi day also:)

It is to be observed per the following schedule:

a) Those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continent, and all countries of Europe and African continents should observe this on December 7, 2019

b) Those living in rest of the world - including India must observe this on December 8, 2019.

Glory of Mokshadaa ekaadashi

Mokshadaa ekaadashi - as the name implies has the potential to give Liberation from cycle of endless births and deaths for our soul. Its main goal is to help us in attaining Ever Lasting Bliss in the Lotus Feet of our Lord.

Lord Vishnu in His form of DAMODARA ( kindly refer shrimad Bhaagavatam to know more about these Divine Forms of Lord Vishnu, and how He manifests in His different Forms; generally you may  meditate on Four handed form of Lord Vishnu) should be venerated on this Holy Day. A ghee lamp, incense, and tulsi buds should be offered respectfully along with prayers to Lord DamOdharaa on this most auspicious of days.

Legend of Mokshadaa ekaadashi

There is a legend explained in the Brahma vaivarta Puranaa extolling the glory of Mokshadaa ekaadashi as narrated by Lord Krishna to Yudhishtra. Listening to this legend is said to confer the merit equivalent to that obtained by AswamEdha yagna (Horse Sacrifice!). Lord Krishna further adds that the glory of this ekaadasi can give heavenly bliss to the souls of all deceased relatives of the person who observes this fast religiously.

There was a saintly King of yore by name Vaikhaanasa (it is not clear whether it is the same person who gave genesis to the Hallowed Vaikhaanasa aagama - one of the major aagamaas for Vaishnavites) who ruled over a kingdom called Champakanagaram. His kingdom was glorious in every way blessed as it was with a saintly and able king who treated his subjects as his own children, and also with knowledgeable and pious priestly class who were well learnt in all vedic sacrifices and rituals. One night, the king had a terrible dream in which he saw his father suffering torments in hellish regions. When he enquired about this to the Brahmins of his court, they directed him to Parvata Maharishi - a great tapasvi. When the king approached Parvata Maharishi, after formal exchange of pleasantaries, the king broached the topic of a recent torment that he has experiened. The sage, by His Divine Vision, understood the reason for the king's anxiety and also the cause for the torment of his father's soul in hell - the king's father, in his earlier life, had enjoyed his wife forcibly against her wishes during her monthly periods. That grievous sin against a righteous woman had given him the present hellish sufferings.

The king wanted a remedy to absolve the sins of his father and to get him liberated to Higher Planes. The Sage Parvata recommended performance of this Mokshadaa ekaadasi and to donate the merit acquired by this performance to his father's soul upon which the soul will get liberated from Hell. The king did accordingly along with his wife and all relatives, and by the power of this performance, the king's father was liberated from Hell and was taken by messengers of demi-gods to Celestial Planes.

On a different note, it was on this day that Bhagavat Gitaa was initiated to Shri Arjuna by Lord Krishna at Kurukshetra. So, this day is also observed as Gitaa Jayanthi. It is auspicious to gift copy of Bhagavat Gitaa to aspirants of vedantaa or do what you can to propogate the Shrimad Bhagavat Gita on this day. Recite at least one chapter, or at least one slokha from Shrimad Bhagavat Gita today understanding its meaning and applicability even in today's life. Those who can, may even perform the Bhagavat Gitaa Homam if it is feasible for them. The merits of this performance cannot be elaborated by normal human beings like me since Bhagavat Gitaa is the Essence of all the Upanishads (Vedanta), initiated to Paarthaa - the Disciple-Supreme by none other than Lord Krishna - Godhead Supreme in the Punya Bhoomi of Kurukshetra where a Dharma Yuddha was scheduled!

May our readers observe this ekaadashi with devotion and be recipients of God's Grace that will liberate them from endless cycles of transmigration of soul.

Blessed be.
Astrological and Remedial consultant

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