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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Shat-tila ekaadasi - Jan 30/ Jan 31, 2019

Dear Members:

Shat-Tila ekaadashi falls on January 30/ January 31, 2019 this year.

Schedule of the fast for different regions of the world:

1) Shat-Tila Ekaadashi per smaartha traditions for those living in countries of North and South American continents (USA, Canada, and other countries) - Jan 30, 2019.

2) Vaishnava Ekaadasi for people living in these countries - Jan 31, 2019.

3) Sarva Ekaadasi (common to both Smaartha and Vaishnava traditions) for those living in rest of the world - including India - Jan 31, 2019.

Shat-Tila literally means "six sesame seeds." The fast is understaken on this day after consuming a glass of water in which six sesame seeds have been soaked. You have to mix six sesame seeds in water and then take a bath with it first. Then drink a glass of water in which 6 sesame seeds have been soaked, offer oblations to pitrus (deceased ancestors/ rishis of the past) with water mixed with sesame, and then fast on this day. Observing this will help you in winning the six major internal enemies for the soul (Raagha, DwEsha, LObham, Moham, Madam, Maacharyam), and thus ensure your spiritual progress.

Observance of this fast will ensure removal of all sins and help to keep your karmic balance sheet healthy, allowing you to progress through spiritual levels with least of obstacles.

May our members observe this holy fast and enjoy Divine Grace. [Please note that those who are forbidden to fast due to medical indications may observe this fast on a token-basis instead of undertaking a full fast; like - you may consume only fruits, or avoid only rice items, etc. But, please try to observe the fast in some form consistent with your physical condition and environmental conveniences as this is one of the more strongly recommended ekaadashi fasts].

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Monday, January 21, 2019

Thai Poosam 2019

Dear all:

Thai Poosam is celebrated today - January 21, 2019. It is a festival dedicated in Honour of Lord Skanda - the Son of Lord Shiva. It is believed that Lord Skanda put an end to the atrocities of the demon Taarakaasura on this day with the Blessings of His Divine Parents - Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti.

Float-festival is observed in Madurai Meenaakshi -SundarEshwarar temple on this day; all major Muruga temples celebrate this festival in a grand manner.

Recital of mantras like Kanda Shashti kavacham, Kandar Anubhooti, Kandar Kali Vennbaa, Tirumurugaarruppadai, etc. will be very auspicious on this day. Even if you do not know any of these (these are all powerful Tamil Hymns and obviously persons who don't have Tamil as Mother Tongue may not be comfortable with these), you can recite "Om Skanda GuravE namah" "Om kumaaraaya namah" "Om DhandapaanayE namah" "Om satrusamhaaraaya namah" "Om shakti hastaaya namah" etc. that are His powerful names.

If you have inimical activity in your life and are feeling anxious and insecure, you may try worshipping Lord Skanda (lord Muruga) today. Even Saatwik persons may pray for overcoming enemies.....afterall, our greatest enemies are within ourselves - Fear, Pride, Arrogance, Lust, Illusion, etc.

May our members utilize these spiritually significant days for Divine Contemplation and become recipients of Divine Grace which is our Real Wealth and which will NEVER suffer recessionary trends!

Blessed be.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Lunar eclipse on January 20, 2019

Super Blood Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse January 2019 Date and Time: The only total lunar eclipse for 2019 will take place on the night January 20 to January 21.
The eclipse is also being called as a ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’, and will start at 7.34 pm Pacific Standard Time on January 20, which converts to 9:00 am IST (January 21). However, India will not be able to witness this lunar eclipse.

Where will the total lunar eclipse of January 2019 be visible?

According to NASA, if the skies are clear the eclipse will be visible across North America, South America, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, France and Spain. The rest of Europe and Africa will also get a glimpse of the Super Blood Wolf Moon.
For those living in Western parts of Asia and middle-east (Qatar, Doha, UAE, Saudia, etc.), the beginning of this eclipse can be seen, but not the end of the eclipse since moon set happens before the eclipse ends. Find the exact duration of the eclipse for your specific city using NASA's website or other astronomical sites that discuss this.

Those living in regions of visibility of the eclipse and born under the following stars: Pushya, Uttarabhadra (Uttarattaadhi), Anuradha (Anusham), Punarvasu, and Aslesha are advised to undergo simple remedial measures to counteract the impact of the eclipse.
You can have it done by good priests at your place.
Though we don't have eclipse visible in India, at the time of eclipse I am planning to do austerities for the well-being of my clients/ disciples living in the regions of visibility of the eclipse.
The suggested offering is Rs.375 (rupees three hundred and seventy five only) per person of the family afflicted by the eclipse (i.e. for each person whose star is impacted by this eclipse you may offer Rs.375).  Our clients who have availed service through us earlier can make the remittance directly to our bank account you have in your records; please indicate the purpose of remittance as "for grahanam remedy", and after making the remittance, send me an email giving details of your name, gothra, and birthstar for inclusion in the sankalpam.

Those who don't have personal spiritual mentors or knowledgeable vedic pandits to help them in the performance may do this remedy:  Donate 1/10th of your body-weight of good quality rice (like if you are 50kg. in weight, donate 5 kg. of good qualitiy rice) AND 1/100th of your body-weight ghee (like if you are 50kg in weight, donate half kg. of ghee) to any charitable organization or temple on July 28th (i.e. the next day after the eclipse has ended).

Even those stars are not directly impacted by the eclipse can gain by performing austerities during the duration of the eclipse; per mantra shastra principles, any mantra recited during the duration of the eclipse becomes "siddh" and gives intense positive results.  My personal experience is that I have mastered most of the rare works that are in my command in spiritual realm only during major eclipses, and can vouch for the fact that learning activities are very productive during eclipse periods.

PRECAUTIONS DURING THE ECLIPSE (not applicable to those living in regions where the eclipse is not visible).

a) Try to finish off your last meal before the eclipse about 6 hours prior to the onset of the partial phase; for those in India, ideally finish off your supper by 6 p.m. IST and don't have any solid food after that time (infants, nursing mothers, pregnant ladies, and very old persons may be exempt this; but it is generally preferable to avoid having heavy food in our system when the eclipse is on).  Limit even liquids/ water after 8 p.m. IST.

b) Those who wish to perform austerities or indulge in occult/ metaphysical/ spiritual experiments must take bath once during the onset of the partial-phase (11:54 a.m. IST on July 27th) and again another bath after the eclipse ends (3:49 a.m.IST on July 28th).

c) Pregnant ladies must avoid venturing out during the duration of the eclipse (this is per traditions - the same traditions that have given us wisdom regarding many occult/ spiritual things that are left untouched and unexplainable by current levels of scientific knowledge - so there must be something in this!; I am not even getting into the argument of what will happen if they venture out! Each one to their own wisdom/ discretion - and my guideline is for those who wish to benefit by traditional views on this matter where it is said that avoiding exposure to the outer atmosphere or the eclipsed Moon's rays is recommended for the welfare of the child in the womb).

d) Avoid negative thoughts or unnecessary brooding during the eclipse.  You may indulge in healthy introspection even if you don't wish to chant mantras or perform intense austerities.....BUT, don't cultivate guilt feelings/ unnecessary a neutral observer and evaluator of events in your life to make the best of this period.  Of course, those who wish to chant mantras or strengthen protective shields in occult matters will benefit most during this period.  Countless are the persons who have got siddhi of their mantras during eclipses; so for spiritual persons or those inclined to occult experiments, this is a "must not miss" period.

e) Those who have lost parents may offer tarpanam in Honour of ancestors during this period.  Shastras say that the merits of offering tarpanam to parents during eclipse are infinite.

May our members derive the best benefits of this celestial phenomenon.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Putradaa ekaadasi - January 16/ January 17, 2019

Dear members:

The auspicious Putradaa ekaadashi of Pushya month falls on January 17, 2019 this year.  It is to be observed on the same date throughout the world EXCEPT those living in USA, Canada, and other countries of the American continent who must observe this on January 16, 2019 itself.

Besides the general effect of karmic merit and removal of sins that is common to all ekaadashis, observance of the fast on this day (Putradaa Ekaadasi) can bless those who seek the boon of progenic bliss with birth of a good child in the family.  Even elders or other relatives of the couple can observe this fast and pray for birth of child to such childless couples.

Performance of Santaana Gopaala homam, recital of Gopaala Taapini upanishad, chapters from Bhagavatam or Naaraayaneeyam that deal with birth of Shri Krishna, etc. are auspicious recitals on this day.

Best regards,

Blessed be.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Makara Sankranthi/ Pongal - 2019

Dear Members:

The auspicious Makara Sankranthi (celebrated as Pongal festival in Tamil Nadu) falls on January 14/ January 15, 2019 this year.  Those living in Europe, Africa, and countries of North and South American continents must observe this on January 14, 2019 itself.  Those living in middle-East, India, and all countries to the east of India must observe this on January 15, 2019.

We extend our best wishes to all readers of our blog on this occasion.

This is an auspicious day to propitiate Lord Surya (Sun God) - expressing our thanks for His Benevolence upon us in the previous year. Recital of Aditya Hrudayam, Surya Atharvaseersha upanishad, Suryaashtakam, etc. will help you to gain the Grace of the Supreme Almighty whose Radiance shines through Sun and various other stars in our galaxy(Though there are even brighter stars than Sun - it is the Sun whose rays benefit us on earth; and hence we offer our respects to Sun God; remember that we are offering our respects not merely to the visible Sun, BUT, to the sarvaantaryaami Paramaatma whose Infinite Radiance and Life-Sustaining/ Nurturing qualities are represented better by Sun's brilliance than any other thing that is immediately observable to human eyes on a daily basis). Worshipping Sun can ensure good health - shastras say "Aroghyam pradaatu Dinakarah:" Besides health, recital of Aaditya Hrudayam helps in improving professional prospects and winning over obstacles in life. Anyone who is facing seemingly daunting tasks in life can benefit by reciting Aaditya Hrudayam 9 times at a stretch as an emergency prayer. Similarly those suffering from skin ailments can benefit by reciting Surya Ashtakam (which benefitted Saambha - the Son of Lord Krishna).

Special prayers will be done as usual at our place for Universal Welfare on this occasion.

May our members enjoy good health and dazzling tejas by the Grace of the Sun God.

Blessed be.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Bhanu Saptami today - 13th Jan 2019

Dear All:

The auspicious Bhaanu Saptami is observed today; this is an auspicious day for propitiating Lord Surya to gain health and prosperity.

Recital of Aditya Hrudayam, or Surya Ashtottara sata naama sthothram (famously known as Akshaya paatra sthothram since Yudhishtra got Akshaya Paatra by doing intense upaasana of this) will be auspicious today.

Blessed be.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Hanumath Jayanthi - January 5, 2019

Dear Members:

Hanuman Jayanthi falls on January 5, 2019 this year per Tamil traditions. (Amavasya of Margazhi  month - Dhanur month, when Moola nakshatram also operates simultaneously). 

There are other various versions for this observance also - some follow it on Chaitra Pournami (this is followed in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and some parts of North India. In North Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, Hanumat Jayanthi is celebrated on Vaisakh Krishna dasami thithi. According to Tamil traditions, Hanumat Jayanthi is celebrated on the Amavasya thithi of the Tamil Month Maargazhi when Moola constellation rules. (for those of you who are from Siddha lineage of Sage Agasthya - there is another version which is not so popular as the other jayanthis! Agasthya Samhita gives Lord Hanuman's Birth details as Mesha lagna, Krishna chaturdasi thithi, Swaathi nakshatra, in the solar month of Karthigai)

The differences may pertain to different incarnations of Lord Hanumaan in different kalpas (the same Divine Events have occured in different kalpas with slight modifications and that is why you will find slight differences in version of some Divine Legends in various Puranas as they may refer to the events in different kalpas!). So, probably they are all correct in that they refer to His Jayanthi in different kalpas.

Another reason for the difference could be that each "Jayanthi" could refer to some significant "life-changing or rebirth sort of event" in Lord Hanuman's the first conception through Lord Vaayu's agency as a Rudraavataraa, His being revived by Divine Boons as a child (after He was struck by Vajraayudha when He tried to gobble the sun! thus it was a sort of second life for Him), His realizing His Divine Powers after Jaambhavaan alerts Him of the powers that He had forgotten due to the curse of rishis, His Incarnating as Panchamukha Hanumaan to tackle the challenges of Demons of the Netherworld, etc.

Generally for a devotee every day is of spiritual significance and so, these "special days" are just convenient Divine Excuses for showering additional devotion and for Divine Celebration with extra fervour! So, maybe, you can follow all those Jayanthis of the most Humble but Mighty Messenger of Lord Raam and celebrate His Incarnation thrice/ Four times a year!

In that spirit, even our brethen from North India, and other southern states may offer special worship to Lord Hanumaan on this day when their brother devotees from Tamil Nadu will be offering their respects and veneration to the Glorious Son of Vaayu.

Recital of Shri Hanumaan Chaalisaa, Sundara Kaandam chapters, AanjanEya sahasranaamam (reputed to be composed by Lord Raama Himself!), etc. are considered to be auspicious on this day.

I am not inviting any offering for this performance, preferring to do it with my own resources this time for Universal Welfare from the excess of funds from earlier homam performances and from the resources gathered by my astrological services which I am saving as corpus fund for funding austerities like this from time to time.  I have included "everyone" in these prayers and by God's Grace since I am able to manage it, I am not requesting any sponsorships for this homam this time.

May God's Grace be with us all. May the spirit of Service and Selfless Love and devotion to God embodied by Lord Hanuman pervade our psyches too!

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

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