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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Padmini ekaadasi 2015

Dear Members:

Padmini Ekaadasi is the shukla paksha ekaadashi of adhika month. 

It is to be observed on June 28, 2015 throughout the world except those living in American continents; those living in North and South America and countries to the West of Atlantic ocean must observe this on June 27, 2015 itself.

The glory of the Padmini Ekaadasi can be read in the following link:

If skipping a few meals and one night's sleep in Honour of our Lord can be helpful in reducing our karmic burden, the fortunate ones who are blessed with the Wisdom by God's Grace will surely do so.....and I am sure that there are many such fortunate ones among my blog readers:) 

May our members observe this auspicious fast and become recipients of God's Grace.

Blessed be.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Yogini ekaadasi 2015

Dear members:

Yogini Ekaadasi falls on June 12/ June 13, 2015 this year.

It is to be observed throughout the world on June 12, 2015 throughout the world except those living in New Zealand and Fiji; people living in New Zealand and Fiji must observe this on June 13, 2015.

Note: Yogini Ekaadasi is the krishna paksha ekaadashi falling in the lunar month of Aashaada (Pournimaadhi lunar month and not the amaavasyaadhi month pattern) . I am using the term Aashaada krishna ekaadashi based on the Pournimaadhi month reckoning because that is the system that has been used in the Brahma Vaivarta Puraana legend that I am going to give to explain the significance of this ekaadashi.

Significance of the Yogini Ekaadashi

Yogini Ekaadashi has the potential to nullify the effects of sinful karmas of the previous incarnations that might be manifesting as diseases or curses in our present incarnation.

In Brahma Vaivarta Puraana, there is the legend of a yaksha Hemamaali that was narrated by Lord Krishna to the King Yudhishtra to explain the glory of Yogini Ekaadashi. (I am giving a liberal translation of the original legend from the purana just to bring out the significance of the yoginii ekaadashi; those who are interested may refer the original text in Brahma Vaivarta Puraana).

Hemamaali was an attendant of the Yaksha-Raaja Kubera who failed to bring flowers to Shiva Pooja of the king at the right moment and instead was frolicking with his beautiful wife. Due to the curse of the Yaksha King Kuberaa for this sin, Hemamaali took birth as a human being and was afflicted with leprosy and suffered innumerable difficulties. But, he was constantly meditating or chanting Lord Shiva's names and due to that effect, he got memories of his previous birth and the sin he had committed then.

Once, he came across the ashram of Sage Maarkandeya in the course of his wanderings. On seeing the radiant and Meritorious sage, Hemamaali prostrated to him from a distance. The sage enquired kindly about his condition; Hemamaali explained the reason for his disease without hiding anything. Sage Maarkandeya appreciated the frankness of Hemamaali and suggested this wonderful fast. Hemamaali observed this fast with all devotion and got relief from his leprosy and also was reinstated back in to the Yaksha world. He went on to live happily as before with his beautiful wife again!

Apart from the above benefit,strict observance of Yogini Ekaadasi (I think strict observance must mean that the fast should be in the nirjalaa form - without drinking even water) will give merit that is equivalent to that accruing out of feeding eighty-eight thousand pious Brahmins!!!! -( end of the version from Brahma vaivarta puraanaa).

It must be noted that Ekaadashi can be even observed as Kaamya vrattam (fast with the aim of getting some punya or achievement) though it is a mandatory vrattam. So, those who wish to have the punya equivalent of feeding 88,000 brahmins can fast fully in the Nirjalaa form. Those who are observing it only as a pure religious duty in Honour of Our Lord have the option of fasting in a relaxed manner (it is another matter that most devotees observe all ekaadashis in the nirjalaa form). Those opting for the relaxed form of the fast can take milk, and fruits. Avoid grains and beans alone apart from the other prohibited food like onions, garlic, etc.

Observance of the Yogini Ekaadasi(even in its relaxed forms) can be a powerful remedy for overcoming all karmic ailments (if astrologers had suggested that your ailments are karmic in nature and if physicians have been unable to cure your ailments, observance of this ekaadasi fast religiously can help).

As always, please let me reiterate that this fast is not mandatory for those who are ailing and cannot fast due to medical complications, lactating mothers, pregnant women, and those in the ages below 7 or above 70 years. So, those falling in these categories, please avoid straining your physical body - which is the Temple of God who resides in his amsa as your own soul - unnecessarily.  The real meaning of "Upa Vaasa" is to "live near God" - which is an allegorical way of saying "be in remembrance of God."  So, if your physical situation does not permit you to fast on ekaadasi day, just spend the day in Lord Hari's Remembrance and the Ocean of Mercy will credit you with punya phala due for an upavaasaa.

Blessed be.

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