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Friday, October 31, 2014

Sani Peyarchi - Saturn transit into Vrischika rashi on November 2, 2014

Saturn transit effects – November 2, 2014 to Jan 26, 2017.
Saturn transits into sidereal Scorpio sign (Vrischika rashi) on November 2, 2014 and stays there until January 26, 2017. Let us see the effects of this transit on people born under different sidereal Moon signs (rashis also called “Chandra Lagnas” – please note that as per majority astrological classic view, transit effects are to be seen primarily from Chandra lagna.  Though the transiting planets triggering crucial houses from natal lagna can also have significant effects –but those are to be studied on individual chart and is unique to each individual , and the general effects given here are for the rashis / Chandra lagnas and these influences are likely to dominate the general theme of events in lives)…
By general principles of transit, this is likely to be auspicious for those born with sidereal Moon in Virgo (Kanya rashi), sidereal Moon in Capricorn (Makara Rashi), and sidereal Moon in Gemini (Mithuna Rashi).
The transit could be tough for those born under Mesha Rashi (sidereal Moon in Aries), Simha Rashi (sidereal Moon in Leo), Tula Rashi (sidereal Moon in Libra), Vrischika rashi (sidereal Moon in Scorpio), and Dhanus rashi (sidereal Moon in Sagittarius).
For rest of the signs, the transit effects will be mixed.
However, due to special factors like elemental status that Saturn attains for each Moon sign during the transit and other factors like rulership of Saturn over certain houses with respect to Moon sign, the above general effects can be modified.
I have taken special efforts to recommend remedies taking into account various influences that moderate the effects of this transit, and have suggested the remedies after a Deva Prashna erected in this regard.  Hope this write-up will be of help to everyone. 

Mesha Rashi – Aries Moon sign (Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika 1st Padam).
Saturn transits the 8th house from your natal Moon sign which is generally supposed to be a tough transit influence.  There is real risk of encountering obstacles and difficult situations for no fault of yours, and patience will be the only shield against bad luck during this period.  Though there is scope for windfall gains for some natives who may be under auspicious directional influences (even those gains could be due to sudden developments or even through legacies after loss of significant relatives), majority of Mesha rashi natives must be careful regarding financial matters to keep financial health healthy.  Risky speculative activities are to be strictly avoided.  In career matters, you must take extra-precautions to avoid becoming scape-goat in office politics, and even if things don’t seem to move per your expectations, have the patience to stick on with things.  Drastic decisions like change of job seeking better fortune/ positions are to be avoided, and if change is necessitated, it is best to work closely with your confidential family astrologer to assess the situation before you accept new roles/ jobs. Health of self and family members must be carefully tended to.
The beneficial glance from exalted Jupiter will help in keeping things manageable till July 14, 2015, and many of you may even gain professional recognition/ progress in the period till July 14, 2015.  But, avoid voluntary change of job roles/ work place in the period between July 14, 2015 and Jan 26, 2017.
After July 14, 2015, Jupiter’s transit becomes auspicious for your rashi and that triggers your 5th house….so, there could be reasonable happiness arising out of activities of children, and good luck will seep into your life through the agency of your kids.  Also, the period between July 2015 and August 2016 can be good for acquiring positive karma by indulging in religious prayers or by undertaking austerities that will improve your overall good luck in life.
You must be careful in all activities in the period between August 2016 and January 26, 2017 as it could be a very tricky period for you.
As Saturn during this transit has attained Golden Elemental status (Swarna Moorthy lakshana), the negative indications will be toned down to a great extent, and the positive modifiers explained above will have greater likelihood of manifestation. So, on the whole, as long as you are careful in your activities, conscientious in your outlook, and hardworking, this transit of Saturn won’t be too bothersome for many of you.  Yes…there could be some karmic events – including loss of some close relatives, BUT, the general trend will be positive, and even when some tough situations arise, they could rather be “educative” rather than “punitive” for you.
REMEDIES:  Recite the mantra “PraanaklEsha naashanaaya Mahaa DEvaaya namah” if any close relative is suffering from ill-health and is hospitalized to improve chances of their recovery, and in case of very old relatives who may need to pass over to other planes from our plane also, this mantra will ensure that the passage is smooth and fear-free.
Recite the mantra “Krishnam vandE Jagat Gurum sadaa smaraamii” whenever you encounter situations that seem to be double-blinds and there is no sane option that seems apparent. This will help you to do your work with a “karma yogic” detachment that will help you to ultimately manage the situation without losing motivation.
Rishabha Rashi – Moon in sidereal Taurus (Krittika – 2, 3, 4 padams, Rohini, Mrigasira 1, 2 padams)
Saturn transits the 7th house from your natal Moon sign which is supposed to be one of the tougher transits.  You have been under a good transit of Saturn so far, and so this shift of Saturn could come as a jolt for many of you marking the end of a smooth ride and the onset of a bumpy ride that is to be negotiated with caution.  Relationship with spouse/ close business partners can become strained due to arguments, or ill-health/ minor set-backs to spouse could cause you anxiety.  Journeys could be cumbersome with travel plans going haywire, and you also need to take care of your belongings carefully during journeys.
As there is joint trigger on the 7th house from your rashi and 9th house from your rashi in the period between 2nd November 2014 and 14th July 2015, single natives of this sign looking for matrimonial alliances might get good offers till July 2015.  Similarly, for those looking for  opportunities abroad, or for admission to higher education courses, the period till 14th July 2015, and again between 11th August 2016 and January 26, 2017 can be good.
Women of this sign might have minor gynaecological issues, and urinary tract infections could bother natives of both genders.
Students of this sign can enjoy good progress if they shake off lethargy and work hard.  Partnership matters should be handled with abundant care – especially between July 2015 and August 2016.  When you sign business deals during this Saturn transit period, ensure that the agreements are unambiguous and there is no room for disagreement or subjective interpretation of the clauses.
As Saturn attains Copper Elemental Status (Thaamra Moorthy Lakshana) during this transit, you must be careful in all activities, and exercise patience – but the effects are overall mixed which – by itself – must be a consolation (since the transit is basically negative, the indication that the results will be mixed is a moderation of the tough transit influences).
REMEDIES:  Recital of Shri Vishnu Sahasranaamam and offering deepam (with sesame oil) in your pooja place on Saturday will help in reducing the adverse impact of this transit to a great extent.
For ensuring domestic harmony and for maintaining peaceful vibes with everyone, consider organizing recital of Sundara Kaandam during Vasantha Navarathri periods (around Shri Raama Navami – March-April period) or in the month of Maargazhi (Margasira month – December- January period).
As a secular remedy, you may consider donating drinking water (sanitised drinking water) to underprivileged sections of the society or to mutts/ ashrams to overcome the tough transit influences of Saturn for your sign.
Mithuna Rashi – Moon in sidereal Gemini (Mrigasira 3, 4 padams, Arudra, Punarvasu 1, 2, 3 padams)
Saturn transits into the 6th sign from your rashi which is a highly auspicious transit influence.  This auspiciousness is further enhanced by the fact that Saturn attains Rajata Moorthy status (Silver Elemental status) during this transit.
 Competitive situations will bring out the best from you, you will be able to clear old debts, and also recover dues that others owe you, and cures can be identified for ailments that might have been troubling you in the past. The period between November 2014 and July 14, 2015 could be the best due to the fact that Jupiter’s transit is simultaneously auspicious during that phase of Saturn’s transit.
Since both Jupiter and Saturn jointly aspect the 8th sign from your natal Moon sign in the period until July 14, 2015 and again between 11th August 2016 and 26th January 2017, there could be sudden gains from legacies, good returns on LIC or such other Insurance instruments, and possibility of windfall gains in general.  Old debts can be successfully paid back, and money due to you can be recovered without major hassles.
Career matters which might have been uphill for some of you will begin to ease.  Obstacles will no longer deter you – but will rather motivate you to up the ante and invest more efforts which will propel you towards success.  Those in public life will garner public attention and will be able to cultivate sustainable goodwill if they act with altruistic motives and with a service-oriented mindset.
Those natives who are under auspicious directional influences will hear wedding bells ring. It won’t be out of place to observe that you may be somewhat inclined to behave in a dominating manner towards everyone during this phase of Saturn transit ; while this might work in your favour in your dealings with competitors/ rivals, you should take care that your loved ones and family members are not alienated by those displays of brashness now.  Try to be consciously soft and accommodative while dealing with family members – especially your siblings to avoid unnecessary domestic issues.
Students of this sign can do well in competitive examinations/ entrance tests. As this transit is generally positive, things will be well in control in all sectors of your life.
Remedies:  As this transit is generally positive for you – there is no real need for remedies for your sign.  However, you may be a source of goodluck to your family members and friends by praying for them when you find any of them under stress.
Those appearing for competitive examinations could enhance their good luck and prospects of success by reciting the mantra “Shree Raama naama smaranam sarvatra  vijayam dadhati” 108 times on the days of those exams/ interviews.
A visit to Rameshwaram and offering special prayers can be a general purpose austerity that can enhance your good luck regarding all matters in life.
Kataka rashi – Moon in sidereal Cancer (Punarvasu 4th padam, Pushya, Aslesha)
Saturn is transiting the 5th house from your Moon sign which can be challenging for romantic matters, matters related to children, and for speculative activities.  Since Saturn attains the status of Iron – Loha Moorthy the negative effects might be pronounced and hence require you to be very cautious in all your activities. However, since there is joint trigger of Jupiter and Saturn on your 5th house from Moon sign between 2nd November 2014 and 14th July 2015, there could be luck in speculative activities during this phase, and also good luck could seep into your life through the agency of your kids (their good luck – especially if they have auspicious transits will rub on you).  Major investements should be preferably restricted to the period before July 14, 2015. The same periods are good for matters related to children also.   In the period between 14th July 2015 and 11th August 2016, Jupiter's transit is auspicious for you, and that can help in boosting your financial prospects. The other periods are likely to be somewhat stressful for you in many ways.
Health of children must be taken care of. Women in the family way must take adequate rest and nutrition to ensure birth of healthy child.  Those having teen-aged children in the family must be very diplomatic in their handling of such children, taking care to groom them carefully without coming across as being overly restrictive/ dominating.
Single natives of this sign may find moderate good luck in matrimonial matters, and alliances can progress into matrimony only if you tone down your expectations and are willing to be realistic.  Due to the fact that there is joint trigger on your 7th house from both Jupiter and Saturn between 2nd November 2014 and 14th July 2015, and again between 11th August 2016 and 26th Jan 2017,  and also Jupiter’s transit by itself is auspicious between 14th July 2015 and 11th August 2016, matrimonial matters are not obstructed in spite of the general pattern of things being tough for your sign.
Remedies:  Women in the family way and those aspiring to conceive can benefit by recital of the following mantra: “Om Raam Raamaaya Kousalyaa Aananda vardanaaya namah” 41 times daily. Dried grapes/ dates can be offered after the recital, and this can be shared with everyone in the family.
Those having children who must appear for major examinations in the near future can benefit by reciting: “Om Aham VEdmi Mahaatmaanam Raamam Sathya Paraayanam” – whenever time permits, throughout the day.
Simha Rashi – Moon in sidereal Leo (Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1st padam)
Saturn transits the 4th sign from your natal Moon sign – called Ardhashtama sani. This is also a Kantaka sani transit – which can be highly sensitive to general prospects. There could be unnecessary issues related to domestic life, career matters, and general social interactions mainly due to misinterpretation of your motives by others, and partly due to your own losing temper at inopportune times due to all these stresses.  Since Saturn attains the status of elemental status of Copper (Thaamra Moorthy), the results are expected to be average (at least it is not wholly bad!)
Health of elderly relatives – especially mother and maternal relatives could cause concern. Those who have recently lost mother might suffer due to that sudden loss of support/ anchoring influence in life and feel desolate.  Vehicles could give lot of problems like developing sudden snags etc., and property related transactions should be carried out carefully. Jupiter’s transit in the 2nd house from your rashi  from August 11, 2016 can be a slight relief in the general pattern of challenging situations for your sign. Career matters do look challenging – including possible loss of job at worst, or transfer to distant places/ placed in projects that are highly strenuous and less rewarding at best, or just a general lack of satisfaction at work where things don’t seem to progress much in tune with your efforts.
Students should shun distractive influences and concentrate harder to get good grades.  If you are planning to take a temporary break from education and gain work experience in the interim, after completion of the basic education, it could well be a good idea for most of you during this transit influence.
Women of this sign may be prone to respiratory ailments, allergies, and general feeling of depressiveness that could hamper conjugal happiness.  Generally, natives of this sign should avoid argumentativeness consciously to maintain domestic peace and harmony. Financial luck is mediocre.
Remedies:  Offering a Tulsi garland to Lord Hanumaan on Tuesdays and reciting “Om AanjanEyaaya Anjana devi soonavE namah” 32 times can be a good remedy to improve relationship with mother/ maternal relatives and for ensuring good health to elderly relatives in the family (especially mother).
Before taking out vehicles or before embarking on long journeys, recite the following mantra:
“Om Pavana Nandanaaya AanjanEyaaya sarva sankata naashayaanaya namah” thrice meditating upon Lord Hanumaan, for safety and hassle-free journey.
Kanya rashi – Moon in sidereal Virgo (Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4 padams, Hasta, Chitra 1, 2 padams)
Saturn moves into the auspicious 3rd house from your natal Moon sign – ending your sade-sathi period of trials and challenges.  And when Saturn has relieved you off Sade-sathi, it is doing it with style – by attaining Swarna Moorthy status for your sign (Elemental status of Gold) which is highly auspicious.
It is accepted astrological wisdom that when sade-sathi ends, it could be a period of rewards as compensation for all challenges and difficulties faced during the sade-sathi period.  Jupiter’s transit is also concurrently favourable till 14th July 2015.  Success, favourable circumstances regarding most matters, relief from restrictive influences in life, enhanced courage and confidence, and clear thinking will come your way as boons from this transit.
In the period between 2nd November 2014 and 14th July 2015 Jupiter and Saturn will jointly trigger the 3rd and 5th houses from your rashi, and again between 11th August 2016 and January 26, 2017 Saturn and Jupiter will jointly trigger the 5th house from your rashi.  During these periods there could be marked good-luck when you appear in competitive exams, in romantic matters, and for progenic bliss.
You will be able to regain much of whatever you lost in the recent past – including peace of mind, domestic peace and harmony, and those who had been searching for suitable life mates in vain in the recent past will experience good luck in that sector too.  Misunderstanding with siblings will be resolved amicably much to the relief of all family members.
It must be easier for you to get better assignments or even better jobs in some cases.  Those trying for onsite opportunities will find planets smiling on their lives favourably.  Students will do well in academics and will be able to shake-off the depressive influences of the past, and secure coveted admissions in prestigious institutions of higher learning. Those in show-biz will enjoy good appraisals for their works.
Just one word of caution – the transit of Rahu/ Ketu is tough for you till end of 2016….Rahu transiting your natal Moon sign might cause
Remedies: This is an auspicious and favourable transit for you – so, there is no need for remedies as such for you.
Tula Rashi – Moon in sidereal Libra (Chitra 3, 4 padam, Swati, Vishaka 1, 2, 3 padams)
You are still in the last leg of Sade-sathi period – technically called “paada sani.” Saturn is attaining Silver Elemental status (Rajata Moorthy) which moderates the challenging influences to a great extent.  Family trouble and financial worries might eat into your peace of mind.  Since Saturn transits your house of speech, you must be guarded in your speech to stay out of trouble.  Loose talk or abusive speech in anger might land you in unnecessary problems. Expenses might outweigh the inflows – especially medical expenditure on unforeseen fronts could cause financial stress at times. Journeys might be tiresome and not exactly productive to the desired levels.
However, since the 2nd house from your rashi is jointly triggered by Jupiter and Saturn between 2nd November 2014 and 14th July 2015, there is scope for resolution of family issues and also scope for improving your finances during this period.  Again your 4th house will be under joint trigger of Jupiter and Saturn between 2nd November 2014 and 14th July 2015, and again between 11th August 2016 and 26th January 2017 which augurs well if you have any domestic improvement plans in mind, or are planning to make real-estate investments.  Just don’t forget that the general trend of transits is tough for you and hence you must be careful to make the best of opportunities coming your way.
Career front could be somewhat challenging for most natives of this sign.  Expected promotions/ increments might be delayed, and there could be increased work-loads straining your health to some extent.  Transfer to projects that are not to your liking, or incurring the displeasure of superiors who may appraise you harshly in an unjustified manner are some of the possible situations that you might encounter at work.
Those in business might suffer hassles due to official agencies or difference of opinion with business partners. Those in politics must avoid loose-talk and wild allegations against opponents because such activity will only undermine their stature in the eyes of the public..
Students of this sign can get decent grades only if they work hard and avoid distractive influences.  Those appearing in competitive examinations will enjoy only moderate luck, and hence have to compensate for that by working harder than what might be expected normally of candidates for such exams.
Remedies:  Recital of Raama Naama regularly is the best possible remedy for you.
Those appearing for competitive exams can improve their luck by visiting a temple near their house bare-footed on Saturdays and offering garland of betel leaves/ Tulsi Leaves to the idol of Hanumaan there.
Behaviour-wise, follow the policy of “talk less and work more” to avoid unnecessary issues – both at work and at home.
Avoid cursing or bad-mouthing anyone as that can attract too much of bad luck your way during this transit influence.
Vrischika rashi – Moon in sidereal Scorpio (Vishaka 4th padam, Anuradha, Jyeshta)
You will be under Janma sani influence (the second phase of sade-sathi period).  This phase is known to give medicinal allergies, mental anxiety, generalized pains/ feeling of not being fully fit, and facing new situations that are potentially stressful. As Saturn attains Iron Elemental status (Loha Moorthy status), this could be a particularly stressful influence.
Since Jupiter and Saturn will conjointly aspect your 3rd house till July 14, 2015 and again between August 11, 2016 and January 26, 2017 there could be some positive developments in the lives of younger siblings.  In your own life, some courageous decision taken by you will prove to be highly auspicious for your long-term prospects during these periods.
You should be most careful regarding litigations as there is danger of judgments going against you due to Janma sani influence; it is better to work on negotiations/ mutual compromise while handling legal issues.  The period between November 2nd 2014 and July 14, 2015 is ideal for such efforts to diffuse legal issues which can help protect your interests.
Businessmen should plan their ventures very carefully and avoid impulsive moves based on improper assessment of ground realities.  Risky speculative activities are to be avoided by everyone.
Students should avoid distractions and devote themselves to their lessons – because last-minute preparations can go out-of-gear due to unexpected developments around examinations.  So, it is best to prepare for exams well in advance so that nothing can detract your progress. Procrastination of projects/ lessons should never be done if you wish to get decent grades in exams, or wish to ace in competitive examinations.
Remedies:  Try to attend Pradosham poojas in temples near your place and offer simple abhishekam items for the pooja (ideally sesame oil, Rose water, and milk should be offered to Lord Shiva on Pradosham days whenever feasible).
Undertaking a pada – yatra once a year to any hill temple could shield you against the ill-effects of Janma sani….it could either be trekking up the Tirumala Hills, or a Giri-Pradakshina of any hill-temple near your place. Try doing it on sani-pradosham days – whenever possible; such observance of sani-pradosham can actually make this transit auspicious for you, and ensure fulfillment of your desires.
Dhanus rashi – Moon in sidereal Sagittarius (Moola, Poorvaashaada, Uttarashada 1st padam)
You are entering the first phase of Sade-sathi period.  Saturn’s transit which was auspicious till now is turning challenging.  Saturn during this transit has attained Copper Elemental status for your sign (Thaamra moorthy lakshana).  This is supposed to give average results, and we must at least be thankful that things are not worse!
You have to be on guard in all your activities under this sensitive transit.  Lot of activities will encounter obstacles for no apparent reason, or delays in business matters could frustrate you.  Health of life-partner and children might need to be taken care of with alacrity.  Inexplicable lethargy in activities, or sudden hesitation could lead to missed opportunities in life.  Jupiter’s auspicious transit between 14th July 2015 to 11th August 2016 can offset some of these challenges to an extent – but the remaining periods are likely to be generally tough.  So, if you wish to begin new ventures, or take crucial long-term decisions, it is best to time those in the period between July  2015 and August 2016.
If you maintain financial discipline and avoid over-extending your resources, you can enjoy decent prospects as Jupiter and Saturn jointly trigger the 2nd house from your rashi between November 2014 and July 2015, and again between August 11, 2016 and January 26, 2017.  Health could, however, be below par between August 11, 2016 and January 26, 2017 due to joint trigger of Jupiter and Saturn on your 6th house.
In business matters, you should focus on success of smaller ventures first before embarking on major projects.  It is best to avoid risky ventures that have dubious success possibilities during this period.  Journeys could be tiresome and only moderately productive except in the phase between July 14, 2015 and August 11, 2016.  In the phase between July 2015 and August 2016, the auspicious transit of Jupiter can make journeys productive and enjoyable, and during this phase, some of you may visit kshetras in the company of loved ones. Career matters need to be handled with care, and you should avoid impulsive change of jobs as sometimes it could be a case of jumping from frying pan to the blazing fire.  If you get new offers, analyze whether there is security in the new position before leaving the current roles.
Matters related to overseas projects or relocation to distant lands can be positive in the phase between July 2015 and August 2016.
Students should concentrate harder if they wish to maintain decent academic progress.  Saturn transiting the 12th house from Moon sign can impel you towards pleasurable pursuits like partying, hanging out with friends, keeping yourself awake to watch entertainment programs, etc….all of which can be counterproductive to healthy academic preparation.  You must be responsible with your time and focus yourself harder to achieve your academic goals – which are the foundation for your brighter future.
Remedies:  Meditate on Lord Hanumaan just before going to sleep and recite the following mantra 32 times before falling asleep:
“Om Namo Hanumantaaya maarga darshanam kuru kuru swaaha”
This will help you to reorganize issues at a subconscious level and help you to take right decisions in life.
Donate medicines to orphanages/ old-age homes on your birthstar day to reduce the adverse impact that this transit can have on your health.
Makara Rashi – Moon in sidereal Capricorn (Uttarashada 2, 3, 4 padams, Sravana, Dhanishta 1, 2 padams)
Saturn is transiting your 11th house from Moon sign which is considered very auspicious.  Saturn has attained Elemental Status of Silver (Rajata Moorthy Lakshana) which is productive of good results, and hence the positive impact of this transit is augmented.
Long pending projects will get cleared; auspicious events will happen in the family.  New friends can be added to your social circle.  There will be surplus of gains from many sources. Time is ripe for making major investments – including investment on houses/ landed property.  Those who have been trying to start a family may find stars smiling at them favourably now.  Old debts can be recovered, and funds for power up new projects will be easily raised.  Prospects of children will improve.
 Speculative activities will give good gains if you calculate your odds carefully.  Many natives of this sign will have opportunity to make fruitful journeys either on business or for pleasure/ religious purposes.  Career matters look optimistic.
Students of this sign stand a good chance to do well in competitive examinations and have a dream start to their careers.  Both curricular and extra-curricular activities will prove ample scope for you to display your capabilities.

In the period between 2nd November 2014 and 14th July 2015, Jupiter and Saturn will jointly trigger your 11th house from Moon and rashi making this an auspicious period for realization of heart-felt desires.  Single natives of this sign will get the good luck to marry suitable persons, and married natives will find great improvement in the dynamics of relationship.

In the period between 11th August 2016 and 26th Jan 2017, the 5th house from your natal Moon sign, and your Moon sign will be activated jointly by Jupiter and Saturn again making it an auspicious period for progenic matters, romance, speculative luck, and also for gaining spiritual merit by performing special prayers/ austerities to boost general good luck throughout life.
Except in the phase between 14th July 2015 and 11th August 2016 when transit of Jupiter is tough, you may expect a generally favourable run of things due to this transit of Saturn.
Remedies:  As the transit of Saturn is generally positive for you, there is no major remedial activity needed for your sign.
Kumbha rashi – Moon in sidereal Aquarius (Dhanishta 3, 4 padams, Satabisha, Poorvabhadra 1, 2, 3)
Saturn is transiting the 10th sign from your natal Moon sign which is considered somewhat inauspicious (though not as inauspicious as sade-sathi or kantaka sani).  Luckily since Saturn attains status of Swarna Moorthy (Elemental status of Gold), the transit won’t be all that inauspicious actually.
Financial worries can bother many natives of this sign as unexpected medical expenditure might sap your resources.  Those who are under good directional influences will be able to purchase a house or new vehicle in the period between 11th August 2016 and 26th January 2017, but it is best to avoid major investments on land/ houses during rest of the period of this Saturn’s transit. Even during the period between 11th August 2016 and 26th January 2017, the dealings must be done with care – as Ashtama Guru influence will be on during that phase.
Jupiter and Saturn jointly trigger your 12th house between 2nd November 2014 and 14th July 2015, and again between 11th August 2016 and 26th January 2017. During these periods expenses can mount, but maybe mostly on self-improvement activities, dharmic channels, and for auspicious events.  Natives of this sign who are aspiring for travels abroad or resettlement in foreign shores may find planetary energies in their favour during these periods.
 You need to be open about your preferences and concerns to avoid misunderstandings in relationships.  Those in job might be transferred to distant locations that might necessitate temporary separation from loved ones.  Work-related protocols should be adhered to strictly to avoid penalization from superiors.  Word load will increase without accompanying compensation for some natives.  Those in business should be careful in their dealings to avoid brushing of shoulders with enforcement or IT authorities. 
In the initial phase of Saturn’s transit till 14th July 2015, your 10th house is under joint trigger of Saturn and Jupiter – making that an auspicious phase for your career matters.  Rest of the period of Saturn’s transit is mediocre for your sign regarding career matters.
Students of this sign should work hard to maintain good academic tempo. Though planetary triggers do seem to support foreign travel, admission processes to foreign universities might be hassle-prone for most natives of this sign.
Remedies:  Recital of Raama Pattabhisheka sarga from Vaalmiiki Raamaayana will be a good remedy for ensuring good luck in professional matters.
Recital of the mantra “Om Maryaada purushaaya  Dharma maarga pravarthakaaya Shri Raama ParamaatmanE namah” 108 times will help in invoking Divine Grace whie trying salvage your reputation during critical periods (like if your superiors unnecessarily cast aspersions on your honesty at work and initiate disciplinary proceedings).
Meena Rashi – Moon in sidereal Pisces (Poorvabhadra 4th padam, Uttarabhadra, Revati)
Saturn transits into the 9th sign from your natal Moon sign which is considered to cause danger to father/ paternal relatives, experiencing many obstacles, possible loss of money, and anxiety-inducing situations.  Saturn is attaining Iron Elemental status during this transit (Loha Moorthy Lakshana) which further adds to the challenging aspects of this transit.  Still this transit can be considered as a “toning down” of saturnine influences on your life – because you are becoming free off the Ashtama Sani influences due to this transit.  So, though issues might persist, they are likely to be of lesser intensity than they were in the past.
Since Saturn and Jupiter conjointly trigger your 9th and 11th houses till 14th July 2015, you will have no lack of self-confidence or energy to face your issues during this period.  Honours and recognition may come your way as a cumulative effect of your previous efforts over long years.  The period between November 2, 2014 and July 14, 2015 can be the best period during this transit course for you in many ways.
Some natives of this sign may have to take crucial decisions against the wishes of elders in the family causing some amount of heart-burn in close relationships.  As long as everyone handles the situation in a matured manner, things will be well in control.  Matters pertaining to children will progress well, and those who have been denied progenic bliss in the recent past might be blessed with a child under the impact of this transit. Matrimonial luck will be average – neither bad nor too good for major part of this part, and significant good luck regarding matrimonial matters could be experienced after 11th August 2016.
Since Saturn and Jupiter will jointly trigger the 11th house from your Moon sign till July 2015, and again between 11th August 2016 and 26th January 2017, many of you will enjoy timely assistance from friends/ elder siblings while handling crucial life issues.  Those in business will thrive well generally.  Those in employment will find honours and recognition coming their way – after initial experience of hardships/ obstacles/ rivalry at work.
Students of this sign will enjoy moderate good luck.  Those appearing for competitive examinations can make the grade if they burn the midnight oil conscientiously.  Your success will be directly proportional to your planning ability and willingness to work hard.
Remedies:  Recital of the mantra “Om Raghukula Thilakaaya DaasarathE Pitru Vaakya paripaalakaaya Shree Raamachandra para BrahmanE namah” 108 times daily will help to ensure smooth relationship with parents, and ensure well-being of paternal relatives.  If possible, try to visit Rameshwaram along with parents/ other elders in the family for overall family welfare.
Recital of Vishnu Sahasranaamam on Saturdays/ recital of Rudra japam on  Pradosham vratam days every fortnight will improve your general good luck during this transit. 


I am planning to perform the austerities on that day out of own resources for Universal Welfare as a gesture of my thanks to the Universe for the Blessing I have got this year recently in the form of a healthy and sweet girl child. So, every one of our readers will be automatically included as beneficiaries in that Universal Prayer.  Any offering that any of our regular readers/ my disciples reading this may make voluntarily will be used for dharmic purposes – but I am not requesting any offering at all for this prayer on Sani peyarchi (Saturn transit) day.
May Divine Grace bless us all.

Blessed be.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Skanda Shashti 2014

(picture above: courtesy -
Skanda Shashti vrattam - soora samhaaram day is an auspicious day to propitiate Lord Skanda (also known as Subramanya, Murugan, Velavan, etc.). This year it falls on October 29, 2014.

This day marks the annihilation of demonaic forces of Soorapadman by Our Gracious Lord who incarnated from the sparks of the Third Eye of Lord Shiva. Allegorically, the three main demons (Soorapadman and his brothers) signify the three mental devils "Aanavam(pride), evil vibes due to kanmam (negative karma), and Maayai (Illusion/ delusion)". Lord Subramanya denotes Wisdom and Divine Consciousness within each one of us. Thus celebrating this festival is to signify the necessity of overcoming the three main enemies of our Spiritual existence with the power of Wisdom and Divine Grace.

It is traditional for ardent devotees to fast on this day (the more ardent devotees actually fast for six days right from prathama thithi - the day after Deepavali amaavasya and break it only after completing the rituals associated with this day!) and recite various hymns in honour of Lord Skanda, the notable and most powerful among them being:

1) Kanda Shashti kavacham (In tamil composed by Swami BaalaDevaraayar some centuries back) - This is a highly efficacious work that possess immense mantrik power. It can bless you by removing all negativites in life and also grant you all mundane and spiritual bliss. Reciting the Holy Kanda Shashti Kavacham for 36 times keeping Holy Ash in a brass/ copper plate before you is very auspicious. Such an ash has the potency to be a powerful shield against all evils in life. There is no need for seeking costly mantraic remedies/ havans to nullify black-magic if you regularly recite the Kanda shashti Kavacham as a family prayer on Tuesdays and Fridays. The Mighty Spear of Lord Skanda - which has the Potency of Goddess Shakti in Itself will annihilate the envious enemies of such a family automatically.

2) Subramanya Bhujangam (in Honour of Skanda as the Deity ofTiruchendur) - Reciting this gives manifold benefits that are beyond words to explain. Its glory has to be experienced by reciting it! In fact, the recital of this helped Aadi Shankaraacharya (the original composer of this wonderful sthothra) to get rid of aabhichaara-induced ailments that His Holiness was suffering at that time.

There are also other works like Shanmukha kavacham, Vel Maaral (this is a mantrik composition that eugolizes the Shakti weapon that Skanda has in His hands), and Chatrusamhaara Vel patikam (for annihilation of enemies).

Those who can, may fast (full fast, fasting only with water, fasting with liquid diet, or avoiding rice/ heavy carbohydrates, or whatever as per convenience), and chant any of the above hymns if possible.

Another powerful recital is the recital of chapter pertaining to "Kumara Utpatti" from Shrimad Vaalmiiki Raamaayana (it is in Baala kaandam). This is especially auspicious for those praying for the boon of birth of a child.

Those who are not in a position to recite any of these may simply remember Lord Skanda - the Beautiful and Handsome one, the Epitome of Courage and Piety, by simply calling his name "Om Saravana bhava."

Those who seek progenic bliss may worship Him with the mantra "Om kum kumaaraaya namah"

Those who wish to win cases, remove black-magic, etc. can recite classical works such as "chatru samhaara vEl pathigam", "VEl Maaral", and the verse "Murugan tani vEl muni nam guru enru..." from kandar anubhooti.

Those who wish for Wisdom may worship Him as "Om Skanda Guravenamah" (meditating on the scene where He explains the significance of Om to Lord Shiva Himself! - the unique scene where the Son becomes the Preceptor of the Father!) . This Form of Skanda is celebrated in the tiny hillock where this Event is believed to have occured - Swami Malai - near the Thingalur navagraha kshetra for Moon.

Those who seek to exorcise negativities from their lives might meditate on Lord Skanda with six-faces seated on Peacock bird holding a Flag Staff and Shakti weapon (called "vel" in tamil - thespear-shaped weapon). The mantra is "Om Shanmukhaaya namah." The six faces denote mastery over 5 senses and the faculty of reasoning, and also the six basic chakras that reside within our human body that are the repositories of immense power.

Those who can, might visit Tiruchendur - where the Soora samhaaram Festival is celebrated in all its splendour - as it was the last battlement camp from where Shri Skanda launched His attack on the demonaic forces and ultimately prevailed over them. The highlight of the soorasamhaaram is that Lord Skanda - after defeating Soorapadman, accepted that demon - who tearfully begged pardon to our Lord - as His Permanent vehicle (Peacock), and also as His Flag Insignia (Cock). Thus, the Soorasamhaaram festival enactment clearly shows that our Lord Chastises only to reform, and His Kindness is extendable to all living beings - even those considered to be hopelessly sinful; which better Form than this wonderful Divine Chivalrous Child God can we find to forgive all our shortcomings and to bring Grace in to our lives! Let us meditate on His Divine Adventures, sing His Glory, and rejoice in His victory over the demonaic forces (and thereby invoke the Divinity in us to defeat our own negativities that are worse than any manifest demons!).

May the Divine Power who incarnated as Skanda Bless everyone with His Immense Grace.

Blessed be.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Rama Ekaadasi 2014

Dear Members:

The  auspicious Ramaa Ekaadasi  is to  be observed on October 19, 2014 this year throughout the world - except that those living in Hawaaii time zone of U.S. must observe this on October 18, 2014 itself.

The importance of this ekaadasi can be read by following this link:

May our members observe this ekaadasi as far as feasible and get the spiritual/ mundane benefits associated with this fast.

Note: I have written many times in the past that Ekaadasi is the only vratam that can be observed even when there is ritual impurity due to birth/ death in the family, and by women in menses periods.  The rule is to just meditate on Lord Vishnu internally (mental worship) and observe the fast without reciting mantras or doing poojas outwardly.  I will be observing this Ekaadasi vratam this time with such a mental worship as I have been blessed with a baby girl on October 14th, and observing the 10-day vruddhi period (ritual impurity on account of birth).  I am writing this here in this blog just so that this can be an example for other pious saadhakas who may be in a dilemma as to whether ekaadasi fast can be observed during such periods.  Dharma shastra pramaana is there for such observance and for sishtaachaaram (living example of other spiritual adherents), my example is there:)

On this note, I request all the readers of this blog to wish my infant daughter well and pray that she must also be blessed with immense will-power and physical health to observe shastraic injunctions well, Love towards God, and unconditional Faith in Divine Providence as that, I believe, is the best aishwaryam for a human birth.

Harihi Om

Om Namah shivaya.

Blessed be


Friday, October 3, 2014

Paasaankusa Ekaadasi - October 4/ October 5, 2014

Paashaankusha ekaadasi falls on October 4/ October 5, 2014

Schedule of observance of this austerity:

1) Those living in U.S.A., Canada, and other nations of the American continents (South and North America), U.K. and other nations of Europe, countries in African continent, and Gulf Countries must observe this on October 4, 2014

2)Those living in India and observing smaartha traditions must observe the Ekaadasi vratam on October 4, 2014.

3) Those living in India and observing vaishnava traditions must observe the Ekaadasi vratam on October 5, 2014

4) Those living in rest of the world - to the east of India -  Australia, Russian Federation of States, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, New Zeland, Fiji, and Japan must observe this on October 5, 2014

Form of Shri Vishnu to be worshipped on this day - Lord Ananta Padmanaabha (see the picture above of Trivandrum Ananta Padmanabha swamy).

Importance of Paashaankusha ekaadasi

Paashaankusha ekaadasi will help in removing all sins just like any other ekaadasi. Apart from that, one who observes Paashaankusha ekaadasi will be able to realize all his/ her heart-felt dreams, and enjoy other benefits like freedom from vices (addictive behaviours of any kind that are detrimental to our well-being - both physical and spiritual), freedom from chronic karmic diseases, and finally moksha (liberation from cycle of births at the end of this incarnation). So, irrespective of what your goal in life is - whether it is dharma (great goals that have tinge of duty-consciousness in them!), artha (money), kaama (mundane desires like progenic bliss, good family life, etc.) or Moksha (Final Liberation from cycle of births), this ekaadasi will aid you in realization of that goal.

Brahma Vaivarta Puraanaic accounts attribute the merits of this Paashaankusa ekaadasi observance as equal to that acquired by performing numerous yagnas! Performing social service of some kind, or helping other souls in distress on this day is believed to help in realization of one's own true spiritual self.

Maybe, as a part of Swachcha Bharat mission, you may clean the street in which you live, and gain merit out of it (you can make sweeping the street as a spiritual activity by inwardly visualizing as if you are clearing your mental impurities also while outwardly you are cleaning the impurities on the street; pray to God that just as you are cleaning the street outside with the broom, the merit acquired by this social service should give you the will power to sweep your subconscious off sinful thoughts/ impure vaasanaas of the mind)....Just one idea of what sort of service you can do on this holy day!

May our members observe this ekaadasi and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Blessed be.

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