ekaadasi falls on October 14/ October 15, 2013.
Schedule of observance of this austerity:
1) Those living in U.S.A., Canada, and other nations of the American continents (South and North America) must observe this on October 14, 2013.
2) Those living in U.K. and Western European nations (till GMT +2 time zones) and observing Vaishna traditions must observe this fast on October 15, 2013; those living in the same time zone and observing smaartha traditions must observe this fast on October 14, 2013.
3) Those living in rest of the world - including Gulf Countries, India, Australia, Russian Federation of States, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, New Zeland, Fiji, and Japan must observe this on October 15, 2013.
Form of Shri
Vishnu to be worshipped on this day - Lord Ananta Padmanaabha (see the
picture above of Trivandrum Ananta Padmanabha swamy).
Importance of Paashaankusha ekaadasi
ekaadasi will help in removing all sins just like any other ekaadasi.
Apart from that, one who observes Paashaankusha ekaadasi will be able to
realize all his/ her heart-felt dreams, and enjoy other benefits like
freedom from vices (addictive behaviours of any kind that are
detrimental to our well-being - both physical and spiritual), freedom
from chronic karmic diseases, and finally moksha (liberation from cycle
of births at the end of this incarnation). So, irrespective of what your
goal in life is - whether it is dharma (great goals that have tinge of
duty-consciousness in them!), artha (money), kaama (mundane desires like
progenic bliss, good family life, etc.) or Moksha (Final Liberation
from cycle of births), this ekaadasi will aid you in realization of that
Brahma Vaivarta Puraanaic accounts attribute the
merits of this Paashaankusa ekaadasi observance as equal to that
acquired by performing numerous yagnas! Performing social service of
some kind, or helping other souls in distress on this day is believed to
help in realization of one's own true spiritual self.
May our members observe this ekaadasi and become recipients of Divine Grace.
Blessed be.