Dear Members:
The auspicious Varuthini Ekaadashi (Chaitra Krishna ekaadashi) falls on April 28, 2011 this year and is to be observed on the same date around world except in New Zealand and Fiji where it is to be observed on April 29, 2011.
Glory of the Varuthini ekaadashi
The glory of the Varuthini Ekaadashi has been explained in the Bhavishya uttara puraaana in the form of a discourse between Yudhishtira Maharaaj and Lord Krishna.
On a specific request from Shri Yudhisthira, Lord Krishna explains that whosoever observes a complete fast on this sacred day has his sins completely removed, obtains happiness, and achieves all good fortune. Fasting on Varuthini Ekaadasi makes even an unfortunate woman fortunate (There are some horoscopic combinations in a female chart - like Visha Kanya yoga, vaidavya yoga, vandhya dosha, etc. that can spoil family happiness and bring much ill luck; Lord Krishna's saying that this fast will make even an unfortunate woman fortunate refers to such horoscopes. So, this ekaadasi fast on Varuthini ekaadashi can be suggested as remedy for such horoscopes). Lord Krishna further says that this ekaadashi has the potential of freeing a soul from the miseries of repeated rebirth.
Various kings like King Maandaatta, Dhundhumaaraa, etc. have been benefitted by this. King Mandaattaa obtained liberation; King Dhundhumaara - who suffered from leprosy as a result of curse from Lord Shiva was freed from it.
Whatever merit one obtains by performing austerities and penances for ten thousand years is achieved by a person who observes this Varuthini ekaadashi properly.
The method of observing this ekaadashi
The following things should be given up on the Dashami thithi (the day before the fast) - eating on bell-metal plates, eating any kind of urad-dhal, eating red-lentils, consuming honey, eating in other's houses, conjugal relationships.
On the day of ekaadashi, one should observe fast (complete fast is recommended), and listen to Shri Hari's stories from the mouth of spiritual persons, or engage oneself in Divine Contemplation quietly. One should avoid speaking ill of others (even sinners should not be spoken about badly on this day), keep oneself ritually clean, and spend the day in Divine Worship and contemplation. [My notes: Those who cannot fast completely should at least avoid eating beans and rice/ whole grains on this day, and should just consume fruit juices/ milk without honey].
On the Dwaadashi thithi, again one should avoid eating in bell-metal plates, eating urud-dhal (black-gram), hard exercises, eating more than once, having oil bath, shaving body, face, or head, and eating in other's home. [Eating in other's home refers to eating outside; home of parents, in-laws, daughter/ son, disciple's house/ Guru's house, close friend who is alike oneself in observance of spiritual duties are not considered other's houses as per shastras; so, one can consume food in these places as long as the food has been prepared as per ritual conditions of purity].
One who remains awake on this ekaadashi night and meditates upon/ worships Lord Janaardhana will nullify all sins of previous birth and will attain Supreme Abode of Lord Vishnu.
Lord Krishna says that listening to/ reading the glory of this Varuthini Ekaadashi with devotion is equivalent to the merit obtained by gifting 1000 cows!
May our members observe this holy fast and become more lucky, and also become blessed enough to attain Ultimate Salvation by the Grace of Shri Hari Vishnu.
Subham Bhavantu!
Blessed be.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Varuthini Ekaadasi, 2011
Varuthini ekaadashi
Saturday, April 16, 2011
chitra Pournami on April 17, 2011
Dear members:
The auspicious Chitra Pournami vrattam falls on April 17, 2011/ April 18, 2011 this year. (Many people and temples observe this on April 18, 2011 since Pournami thithi operates for some time on the morning of April 18, 2011 also; But those who perform regular Sathyanaarayana pooja/ pournami pooja should do those on April 17, 2011 only - because Pournami should be operating at Moon rise time for Pournami vrattam, and the Chitra Pouranami vratam might be done on April 18, 2011 by those in India. Those living in U.S., U.K., and middle east should observe Chitra Pournami vrattam on April 17, 2011 itself).
Austerities in connection with Chitrapournami/ chitragupta pooja:
It is customary to eat curd rice (preferably curd of buffalo!) without salt on that day and to fast without eating anything else. In any case, avoiding salt in food items throughout the day is recommended on that day, if possible.
Special worship is done in Honour of Lord ChitraGupta - the Divine Accountant - who keeps an account of our karmas, and appeals for forgiveness for our shortcomings are raised on this day. Those who can afford a visit, should pay a visit to Kanchipuram Chitra Gupta temple -an ancient one which is very ancient and powerful.
In Madurai Meenakshi amman temple, DevEndr Pooja is done on Chitra Pournami day (it is believed that it is on this day Indra came across a Golden Lotus in a pond with which He worshipped Lord Shiva of the temple; the temple tank of Madurai Meenaakshi amman temple is called Golden Lotus tank still). So, paying a visit to Shri Meenaakshi SundarEshwara temple today is also auspicious and can relieve one of the sins such as insult to Gurus (In fact, Indra did the pooja on Chitra Pournami to propitiate Lord Shiva and get remedied from burden of sins that He committed in the absence of His Guru Brihaspati, who was incognito for some period following an argument with Indra).
Chitra Gupta can be easily pleased by uttering the following names:
"Om Chitraaya namah"
"Om Chitraguptaaya namah"
"Om Karma saakshine namah"
"Om nirdoshaaya namah"
"Om Kaarunya roopine namah"
"Om Dharmaraaja parivaarakaaya namah"
While reciting these names, Chitra Gupta should be meditated upon as a short human form attired in traditional Indian attire with a turban, shining ear rings, and having a bunch of palm leaf scrolls and a pen for writing karmic accounts. His consort is Goddess Karnaambikai.
The auspicious Chitra Pournami vrattam falls on April 17, 2011/ April 18, 2011 this year. (Many people and temples observe this on April 18, 2011 since Pournami thithi operates for some time on the morning of April 18, 2011 also; But those who perform regular Sathyanaarayana pooja/ pournami pooja should do those on April 17, 2011 only - because Pournami should be operating at Moon rise time for Pournami vrattam, and the Chitra Pouranami vratam might be done on April 18, 2011 by those in India. Those living in U.S., U.K., and middle east should observe Chitra Pournami vrattam on April 17, 2011 itself).
Austerities in connection with Chitrapournami/ chitragupta pooja:
It is customary to eat curd rice (preferably curd of buffalo!) without salt on that day and to fast without eating anything else. In any case, avoiding salt in food items throughout the day is recommended on that day, if possible.
Special worship is done in Honour of Lord ChitraGupta - the Divine Accountant - who keeps an account of our karmas, and appeals for forgiveness for our shortcomings are raised on this day. Those who can afford a visit, should pay a visit to Kanchipuram Chitra Gupta temple -an ancient one which is very ancient and powerful.
In Madurai Meenakshi amman temple, DevEndr Pooja is done on Chitra Pournami day (it is believed that it is on this day Indra came across a Golden Lotus in a pond with which He worshipped Lord Shiva of the temple; the temple tank of Madurai Meenaakshi amman temple is called Golden Lotus tank still). So, paying a visit to Shri Meenaakshi SundarEshwara temple today is also auspicious and can relieve one of the sins such as insult to Gurus (In fact, Indra did the pooja on Chitra Pournami to propitiate Lord Shiva and get remedied from burden of sins that He committed in the absence of His Guru Brihaspati, who was incognito for some period following an argument with Indra).
Chitra Gupta can be easily pleased by uttering the following names:
"Om Chitraaya namah"
"Om Chitraguptaaya namah"
"Om Karma saakshine namah"
"Om nirdoshaaya namah"
"Om Kaarunya roopine namah"
"Om Dharmaraaja parivaarakaaya namah"
While reciting these names, Chitra Gupta should be meditated upon as a short human form attired in traditional Indian attire with a turban, shining ear rings, and having a bunch of palm leaf scrolls and a pen for writing karmic accounts. His consort is Goddess Karnaambikai.
Mantra for praising and saluting Shri Chitragupta
"Chitragupta namastubhyam lEkaaksharadaayakam
LEkanii katinii hasta chitragupta namOastutE"
The day should be spent by giving contributions to charities, doing meritorious deeds as per one's convenience, and spending the day in contemplation and introspection with the firm affirmation to reduce performance of sinful activities in the coming year.
Performance of this Chitra Pournami vrattam is a powerful remedy for afflictions of ketu in the horoscope. So, those under ketu dasa/ bhukti or those suffering from marital difficulties or delay in progeny caused by affliction of ketu in horoscopes can benefit much by this Chitra Pournami vratta and Chitragupta poojaa.
May our members celebrate this Holy Day and get relief from burden of sins.
Blessed be.
chitra Pournami April 17/ April 18
Monday, April 11, 2011
Kaamada Ekaadasi, Mesha Sankraanthi on April 14, 2011
Dear Members:
Kaamadaa Ekaadashi falls on April 14, 2011 this year. It is to be observed on the same day throughout the world.
Kaamada Ekaadashi is the ekaadashi that falls in the bright half of the month Chaitra (immediately after the Vasantha Navarathri). Kaamadaa - as the Sanskrit name implies is the fast that has the potential to grant us all our legitimate desires:)
Kaamada Ekaadashi is the ekaadashi that falls in the bright half of the month Chaitra (immediately after the Vasantha Navarathri). Kaamadaa - as the Sanskrit name implies is the fast that has the potential to grant us all our legitimate desires:)
The glory of this Ekaadashi was explained by Lord Krishna to King Yudhishtra.
Lord Krishna references a legend narrated by Sage Vasishta to King Dileepa (the great-grandfather of Shri Raama!) about the glory of this kaamadaa ekaadashi.
Once in a city-state called Ratnapura ruled by the Gandharva King Pundariika, there lived a court-musician couple - Lalit and Lalitha. They loved each other intimately and always had each other in thoughts.
Once it so happened that when Lalit had court duty his mind was dwelling upon his dear wife and so he made some mistakes in the tune of the melody he was singing with other Gandharvas for the king. A jealous naaga (entity of the snake clan) who was jealous of Lalit brought it to the notice of the king Pundariik who cursed him to become a canibalistic demon as he had been lustfully thinking of a woman instead of concentrating on his duty towards his king.
Due to the effect of the curse, Lalit - the beautiful Gandharva became a dreaded cannibalistic monster. His faithful wife - besotten by grief continued to follow him with a heavy heart wherever he went; poor Lalit had taken after the attitude of a man-eater and was no longer the gentle Gandharva that he once was!
Once during such wanderings Lalita came across a sage called Shringi. She requested the learned sage to suggest a remedy for redeeming her husband from his terrible form. The learned sage suggested that she should observe the Holy Kaamada Ekaadashi and willingly donate that merit to her husband, and by the efficacy of that fast, her husband will recover his Gandharva life. Lalita duly observed this kaamada Ekaadashi and donated it in honour of her husband, which restored his status as a Gandharva; they returned back to their realms in a Divine Chariot that manifested due to this merit.
Such is the glory of the kaamadaa Ekaadashi; it can bless one with realization of all desires, and effect removal of curses and sins that are as severe as having the potential to cause demonaic incarnations for the soul.
This year it is significant that this kaamadaa Ekaadasi falls on Mesha Sankranthi day itself; so the benefits of the fast will be manifold; but, consistent with dharma shastraic traditions, those who wish to fast on this day may try fasting by eating just once (instead of a full fast). Since consumption of certain delicacies - like a preparation from the flower of neem tree is mandatory in connection with Vishu celebrations, and also it is not traditional to remain hungry on a solar new year day, those who wish to fast on this day might try the via-media of fasting by skipping meals at night and morning, and consuming the traditional course of meal as per traditions for solar new year in the afternoon alone. Those who are of ascetic tendencies might, however, undertake the full fast; those in family life may fast in the modified form of fast suggested above.
May our members observe this holy fast and enjoy realization of all their legitimate desires in life.
Blessed be.
Kaamadaa Ekaadasi 2011
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