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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Aamalaki Ekaadasi - 2015

Dear Members:

The auspicious Aamalaki Ekaadasi is to be observed on March 1, 2015 in all parts of the world except countries in North and South American continents. People in these regions marked as exception to the observance must observe this fast on February 28, 2015 itself.

This fast is known to eradicate all great sins and bestow great destiny, and hence it is also observed as Paapanaasini Ekaadasi. Puranaas speak of how a hunter who witnessed the performance of this fast and night-long prayers under the Amla tree (Indian gooseberry tree) by a king and his retinue in the forest, was blessed to be born as a king named VasUratha in his next life. Such is the glory of this vrata - the mere witnessing of which confers great merit!

Once that person (the hunter born as King VasUratha in next birth) lost his way in the forest and being exhausted fell asleep under a tree. Tribesmen who were his enemies tried to kill him in that unconscious state; but none of their weapons could harm the sleeping king. Then, a beautiful maiden with Divine Powers manifested from the sleeping king's body and slayed all the tribesmen. On waking up, the King was wondering how this could have happened and who could have saved him thus from his sworn enemies. Then a voice from the sky said 'You ask who helped you. Well, who is that person who alone can help anyone is distress? He is none other than Sri Keshava, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He who saves all who take shelter of Him without any selfish motive.'

Such is the greatness of the Aamalaki Ekaadasi. This was narrated by Sage Vasishta to the Surya vamsa king Maandaatha.

On this day it is customary to worship the avatar Lord Parasuraama and Aamla tree (those who have such trees may perform the worship under the tree; others can just meditate on that tree and Lord Parasuraamaa).

picture of Lord Parasuraama courtesy:
(I am not aware of any copyright restrictions with regard to use of this image, but I guess using this for informative purposes and illustrative purposes must be alright).

Prayers to Lord Parashuraama:

'Oh Lord ParashurAma, Oh son of RenukA, Oh all-pleasing one, Oh liberator of the worlds, kindly come beneath this holy Amalakii tree and accept our humble obeisances.'

Prayer to Aamalakii tree: (Aamalakii tree is Indian Goosberry tree)

'Oh Amalakii, Oh offspring of Lord BrahmA, you can destroy all kinds of sinful reactions. Please accept our respectful obeisances and these humble gifts. O Amalakii, you are actually the form of Brahman, and you were once worshiped by Lord RAmachandra Himself. Whoever circumambulates you is therefore immediately freed of all his sins.'

May our members observe this fast and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Blessed be.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Maha Shivarathri Feb 17, 2015

(Picture courtesy:

Mahaa ShivaRaatri falls on February 17, 2015 this year. It is to be observed on the same day throughout the world except regions in American continent that observe HST, Pacific time, and MST.

This is a very glorious day for our Lord. This day is believed to be the day in which the Divine Union of Shakti and Shiva took place. It is said that one who keeps awake on this night and worships the Lord will never find himself/ herself in hell. Lord Shiva is Ashutosh (one who is easily pleased)....offering even plain water with devotion will please Him and the bounties that He will offer back can never be counted.Those who can chant Rudram/ chamakam, Shiva Sahasranaamam, Rudrasooktham, or other shaiva upanishads like Kata Rudra Upanishad,Rudra Hrudayham, Dakshinamoorthi Upanishad, etc. may do so to please the Lord. Even if you are unable to do so, you may simply chant "shiva shiva" throughout the day whenever possible and become recipients of His Grace.

Those who have Sakata yoga or such other destabilizing yogas in their charts may benefit by offering either a Rudrabhisheka or performance of Pasupata homam (Paasupata homam is done using the rarely known Pashupataastra mantra with the help of advanced Shiva upaasakas - normal shastris may not be aware of this rare mantra - only those who have studied Dhanurveda portions as part of their upavedic instructions - especially those of Baudhaayana sutra and Aghoris/ Pashupata sects of Shiva upaasakas are usually adept at this Pasupataastra mantra which is very powerful and helps in reducing the impact of lot of doshas. Rudra Abhishekam can be done by any priest as it is widely known and anyone who has had vedic instructions will be definitely thorough with this performance)

The Merit that will accrue out of a proper Shiva pooja done throughout the day and especially in all prahars of the night can never be described adequately. Puranas describe how even an unlettered and rough hunter got Salvation by unwitting observance of the Holy Shiva Rathri and by offering Bilva patra by accident to a Shiva Linga on that night. Do what simple pooja you can with heart-felt Love - to Him Who drank Poison so that the Universe will be saved from its effects and so that other demigods may consume Nectar.

He is the Medha Dakshinamoorthi who kindles our Intellect as JagatGuru....He is the Mrityunjaya who conqured Death.....He is the Neelakanta - with Poison in His Throat which He willingly consumed to save the Universe.......He is the Vaidyanaatha who can Heal all our ailments.....He is the Three-Eyed One - the third Eye of whom is of Agni tatwa that burns all the sins of his devotees......

If He had gifted a thousand heads with 1000 intelligent brains and 1000 proficient tongues....even then they will not be sufficient to describe even a miniscule portion of His Glory.May His Grace Guide us all and may His Blessings Fill our life.

Sarvam shivaarpanamasthu. Shiva shiva shiva.

Blessed be.


Astrological and Remedial consultant

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Vijaya Ekadasi 2015

The auspicious Vijaya Ekaadashi falls on February 14/ February 15, 2015.

Those living in U.S.A., Canada, and other countries of the American continents must observe this on February 14th.

Those living in rest of the world - including India, must observe this on Feb 15, 2015.

This ekaadashi - as the name implies - gives success in all ventures. Puranas say that Lord Ramachandra observed this ekaadashi on the instructions of the sage Bagadalbhya, and gained the power to cross the ocean with his army of vanaras, and to defeat the mighty demon Raavana.

(My note: It is not as if Lord Vishnu manifest in Raama did not possess the Divine Powers to cross the ocean or to defeat Ravana; it is only that He was acting as a normal human being in that Incarnation and hence avoided manifesting His Divine Maaya and Yogic powers; moreover, He - The Maryaada Purusha - Ideal Being, observed the vrattam just as an example to all of us!)

The skanda purana details the manner in which Shri Ramachandra Murthi observed the Vijaya Ekaadashi fast along with His commanders on the specific instructions of Sage Bakadalbhya.....

A kalasha is to be made ready for worship on the day before the ekaadashi. A pot of clay, copper, silver, or gold is to be filled with water; the opening of the pot covered with mango leaves, and above that, in the concave portion, pomogrenate, barley crop, and coconut are to be placed; the kalash is to be placed on a mound of seven grains and decorated with sandalwood paste and garlands. Above this, a golden image of Lord Narayana is to be placed, and duly worshipped all night (on the night before ekaadashi fast). The next day morning, again special prayers are to be offered; night vigil is to be maintained near the kalash on the ekaadashi night also. At dawn-break on Dwaadashi day, the kalash is to be taken to a sea-shore or river bank, and it is to be donated to a vedic expert.

Now-a-days many of those rituals might be difficult for us to observe in modern life (especially maintaining two continuous nights without sleep, and finding a suitable vedic expert in river bank to donate the kalash with the golden idol!). But, nevertheless, observance of this fast with devotion in a manner that is convenient to us will definitely help us to gain victory life.

Lord Krishna says that observance of this ekaadashi can give merit that is equivalent to merit obtained by performance of Aswamedha sacrifice!

May our members observe this to the best of their abilities and become recipients of Divine Grace.

Blessed be.

Astrological and Remedial consultant

Monday, February 2, 2015

Thai Poosam 2015

Thai Poosam is celebrated on February 3, 2015. It is a festival dedicated in Honour of Lord Skanda - the Son of Lord Shiva. It is believed that Lord Skanda put an end to the atrocities of the demon Taarakaasura on this day with the Blessings of His Divine Parents - Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti.

Float-festival is observed in Madurai Meenaakshi -SundarEshwarar temple on this day; all major Muruga temples celebrate this festival in a grand manner.

Recital of mantras like Kanda Shashti kavacham, Kandar Anubhooti, Kandar Kali Vennbaa, Tirumurugaarruppadai, etc. will be very auspicious on this day. Even if you do not know any of these (these are all powerful Tamil Hymns and obviously persons who don't have Tamil as Mother Tongue may not be comfortable with these), you can recite "Om Skanda GuravE namah" "Om kumaaraaya namah" "Om DhandapaanayE namah" "Om satrusamhaaraaya namah" "Om shakti hastaaya namah" etc. that are His powerful names.

If you have inimical activity in your life and are feeling anxious and insecure, you may try worshipping Lord Skanda (lord Muruga) today. Even Saatwik persons may pray for overcoming enemies.....afterall, our greatest enemies are within ourselves - Fear, Pride, Arrogance, Lust, Illusion, etc.

May our members utilize these spiritually significant days for Divine Contemplation and become recipients of Divine Grace which is our Real Wealth and which will NEVER suffer recessionary trends!

Blessed be.

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